Ukraine in NATO?!

1. So what is the right answer? Give Putin Ukraine so he has even more revenue to develop weapons with.
Which country would be next?

2. A nuclear war has no winners. Putin should be smart enough to know that. If he isn't his generals are. Its really not a threat, MAD has worked because it works.
MAD doesn't work when only one side believes in it...
There has to be a deal made between the two nations... let me tell you something... Putin will not hesitate to use nukes if he thinks he is about to lose... he doesn't care...
Biden never even tried to talk to him... never sent a team over... he invited the war to start...
There are some areas in Ukraine where Russian people live... they do business with Russia... that signals to me a deal was possible at one time... lets hope and pray it still is...
1. Putin will not use nuclear weapons. There is no way to win with that chess move. Putin can't technically "lose", the worst he can get is a "draw" if Ukraine keeps the stalemate, aka "zungzwang". All Putin is doing is burning cash and soldiers.

2. Biden is no president.Senators are "orators", aka bullshit artists. Like Jeff Sessions was way over his head trying to run the DOJ. Senators have no real management experience. Biden is a disaster.

3. True there are Russian speaking areas of Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea, they could be what Ukraine gives for peace, the Russian speaking regions, and in return Ukraine is admitted to NATO to protect their sovereignty legally, instead of the bullshit promises made with the Budapest Memorandum.

I don't see Putin "settling" for that. He cannot really. He's promised russians a return to superpower status.
Bullshit. Russians are fleeing to avoid going into the army and getting slaughtered.
Like Putin is worried about "the people".

Taking Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk is a win. Take the win. Its better than pushing a very unpopular war.
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1. Putin will not use nuclear weapons. There is no way to win with that chess move. Putin can't technically "lose", the worst he can get is a "draw" if Ukraine keeps the stalemate, aka "zungzwang". All Putin is doing is burning cash and soldiers.

2. Biden is no president.Senators are "orators", aka bullshit artists. Like Jeff Sessions was way over his head trying to run the DOJ. Senators have no real management experience. Biden is a disaster.

3. True there are Russian speaking areas of Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea, they could be what Ukraine gives for peace, the Russian speaking regions, and in return Ukraine is admitted to NATO to protect their sovereignty legally, instead of the bullshit promises made with the Budapest Memorandum.

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Putin doesn't care... if he loses his life is over so he will not just roll over.... don't allow anyone to convince you otherwise....
This isn't a movie its real and a lot of people will die as well as huge areas of Europe that would be unlivable for years...
Biden was pretty cavalier, imo, even with US troops before Beau caught cancer after being near burn pits. So's Obama for that matter, but he did end combat in Iraq. The Shia won. The Sunni became Isis. And the US lost it's way and fortune.

But I agree with you that Biden simply used Ukraine to bleed Russia, and with luck we'll steal their money and give it to Ukraine. Putin wanted to carve out Moldova and move to try Nato's backbone on the baltics. I mean, Maga can't even debate that because Putin's stooge Medvedev repeated it yesterday, but they'll lie like Putin.
1. Putin doesn't have enough military to defeat Ukraine. he does not want to test NATO.
2. Explain your last sentence, it makes no sense, got a link?
It's like taking out life insurance while you are on life support. Let the old nazis deal with their own defense.
Putin doesn't care... if he loses his life is over so he will not just roll over.... don't allow anyone to convince you otherwise....
This isn't a movie its real and a lot of people will die as well as huge areas of Europe that would be unlivable for years...
Putin is one of the richest men in the world.
Have you seen his girlfriend?

Putin doesn't care... if he loses his life is over so he will not just roll over.... don't allow anyone to convince you otherwise....
This isn't a movie its real and a lot of people will die as well as huge areas of Europe that would be unlivable for years...
...and what would happen to Russia?
The latest war, between a bunch of morons who have been killing each other for the past 2,000 years...that's gonna be a NO!
So do you think he wants to kill them with nuclear fallout? Yes or no?

He can walk away and never need for anything, ever.
I don't think he cares about his people... despots usually don't... kind of like Biden....

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