Ukraine in NATO?!

Gone.... and with the proximity to China and Iran you know they would join in...
That is simply moronic.
1. Iran has no delivery systems, so that was just stupid.
2. Why would China risk being the last man standing? Another stupid post.
3. Correct that Russia's cities would be gone. So why risk it?
I don't think he cares about his people... despots usually don't... kind of like Biden....
I wasn't referring to "his people", I was referring to his extended family.
Putin must know that no one stays in power forever, he should cut a deal and bail out gracefully.
That is simply moronic.
1. Iran has no delivery systems, so that was just stupid.
2. Why would China risk being the last man standing? Another stupid post.
3. Correct that Russia's cities would be gone. So why risk it?
China would love for the USA and Russia to tangle are you kidding?... and you have no idea what Iran has... they have planes for cryin out loud... Putin would survive just like Biden would... we would all die... and the libs would get their wish of global depopulation....
I wasn't referring to "his people", I was referring to his extended family.
Putin must know that no one stays in power forever, he should cut a deal and bail out gracefully.
Putin and his family would survive...
China would love for the USA and Russia to tangle are you kidding?... and you have no idea what Iran has... they have planes for cryin out loud... Putin would survive just like Biden would... we would all die... and the libs would get their wish of global depopulation....
1. Global depopulation, but with an uninhabitable planet due to a "nuclear winter" and nuclear fallout, it's a lose-lose.
2. You said that China would launch against the US with Russia:
(... and with the proximity to China and Iran you know they would join in...)
3. We know what Iran has.
4. No one would survive an all out nuclear war. That is what MAD guarantees.
1. Global depopulation, but with an uninhabitable planet due to a "nuclear winter" and nuclear fallout, it's a lose-lose.
2. You said that China would launch against the US with Russia:
(... and with the proximity to China and Iran you know they would join in...)
3. We know what Iran has.
4. No one would survive an all out nuclear war. That is what MAD guarantees.
The theory that everyone would perish in a nuclear war has been debunked over the years... the idea that its unwinnable is also wrong... we could lose then what?... if China locked arms with Putin and Iran's mullahs we would have a fight on our hands... the war that should scare you even more is technical warfare and bio warfare....
1. So what is the right answer? Give Putin Ukraine so he has even more revenue to develop weapons with.
Which country would be next?

2. A nuclear war has no winners. Putin should be smart enough to know that. If he isn't his generals are. Its really not a threat, MAD has worked because it works.
MAD doesn't work when only one side believes in it...
Which side? That makes no sense. If nukes are launched by either side only the cockroaches win.
So you believe. So... I guess that answers your question...
Can we at last acknowledge that having Ukraine join NATO was a bad idea? (Strategically, this is on par with Russia placing missiles in Cuba.) If we really thought Russia was so weak as to not oppose this idea, why didn't NATO just move into Ukraine and take over its defense? One explanation for pushing Ukraine to join NATO is that hatred towards Russia was ginned up in response to Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 US Presidential election. Do you have another explanation for why we wanted Ukraine to join NATO?
Yes!! Make it happen!! lol
The theory that everyone would perish in a nuclear war has been debunked over the years... the idea that its unwinnable is also wrong... we could lose then what?... if China locked arms with Putin and Iran's mullahs we would have a fight on our hands... the war that should scare you even more is technical warfare and bio warfare....
There are many scary war scenarios to consider. Not the least of which is AI.
I'll take that bet. Russia will run out of troops long before next winter hits. Their men are fleeing the country.
Another being fed utterly Fake news and swallowing it .

Russia can have up to 750 000 available if they choose .
However , as matters stand there is nothing whatsoever to prevent Russian choices in the west of Ukraine if they decide to cross the Dneiper quickly .
They seem certain to want to take all of the south coast which obviously includes Odessa .
NATO will throw the kitchen sink at them to try and prevent this as losing this key port would seem utter humiliation again for the US .
With this fine city a nest of Nazi concentration, there are many present and historical incentives for Moscow to carry the war there and they have been obliterating the infrastructure piece by piece for some time .

Good luck with your imaginary scenario . It is hopelessly silly .
There are many scary war scenarios to consider. Not the least of which is AI.
Even a quantum computer could be used as a weapon?... one could crack our codes and turn our own weapons on us...
1. Putin will not use nuclear weapons. There is no way to win with that chess move. Putin can't technically "lose", the worst he can get is a "draw" if Ukraine keeps the stalemate, aka "zungzwang". All Putin is doing is burning cash and soldiers.

2. Biden is no president.Senators are "orators", aka bullshit artists. Like Jeff Sessions was way over his head trying to run the DOJ. Senators have no real management experience. Biden is a disaster.

3. True there are Russian speaking areas of Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea, they could be what Ukraine gives for peace, the Russian speaking regions, and in return Ukraine is admitted to NATO to protect their sovereignty legally, instead of the bullshit promises made with the Budapest Memorandum.

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I can't see Zelensky giving up anything his troops still control.


But I don't see this really as relevant. Putin is not going to end his war. If he does, he's finished. He promised a return to a Russian Empire that encompasses Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltics and ... Poland. But the Poles will end it for him.
Putin doesn't care... if he loses his life is over so he will not just roll over.... don't allow anyone to convince you otherwise....
This isn't a movie its real and a lot of people will die as well as huge areas of Europe that would be unlivable for years...
Can't the same be said of Biden?
Another being fed utterly Fake news and swallowing it . Russia can have up to 750 000 available if they choose .
However, as matters stand there is nothing whatsoever to prevent Russian choices in the west of Ukraine if they decide to cross the Dnieper.
They seem certain to want to take all of the south coast which obviously includes Odessa .
NATO will throw the kitchen sink at them to try and prevent this as losing this key port would seem utter humiliation again for the US .
With this fine city a nest of Nazi concentration, there are many present and historical incentives for Moscow to carry the war there and they have been obliterating the infrastructure piece by piece for some time . Good luck with your imaginary scenario . It is hopelessly silly .
My imaginary/silly scenario? What Russian ships would survive trying to enter Odessa? Russia lost 1/3 of its Black Sea fleet already.
This is year-3 of a war that was supposed to last 3-days. The longer the fighting takes, the less the valuable the prize gets. The war zone is a moonscape becoming uninhabitable. There are no Nazis in Ukraine, just Russian invaders.
Putin needs to realize that he is not going to win in Ukraine any time soon, he's in "zungzwang", and the sooner he cuts a deal to exit, the sooner he stops bleeding cash.
I can't see Zelensky giving up anything his troops still control.


But I don't see this really as relevant. Putin is not going to end his war. If he does, he's finished. He promised a return to a Russian Empire that encompasses Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltics and ... Poland. But the Poles will end it for him.
True, Zelensky won't give up territory unless he has to. But to stop the war there needs to be a deal along the lines of "land for NATO membership" or something like that. Putin gets Crimea (which was Russia before 1950) and some of east Ukraine with Russian speakers, and Zelensky gets NATO membership and secure borders.


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Can we at last acknowledge that having Ukraine join NATO was a bad idea? (Strategically, this is on par with Russia placing missiles in Cuba.) If we really thought Russia was so weak as to not oppose this idea, why didn't NATO just move into Ukraine and take over its defense? One explanation for pushing Ukraine to join NATO is that hatred towards Russia was ginned up in response to Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 US Presidential election. Do you have another explanation for why we wanted Ukraine to join NATO?

Ukraine applied for membership in NATO. NATO rejected their application. Russia had no reason to think that Ukraine would be admitted to NATO.
True, Zelensky won't give up territory unless he has to. But to stop the war there needs to be a deal along the lines of "land for NATO membership" or something like that. Putin gets Crimea (which was Russia before 1950) and some of east Ukraine with Russian speakers, and Zelensky gets NATO membership and secure borders.
I agree that it makes perfect sense, but Putin's appetite is insatiable. Hopefully this war will be over, and he'll be dead, before the children he kidnapped from Ukraine are old enough to be human mine detectors and attacking their parents.
I can't see Zelensky giving up anything his troops still control.


But I don't see this really as relevant. Putin is not going to end his war. If he does, he's finished. He promised a return to a Russian Empire that encompasses Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltics and ... Poland. But the Poles will end it for him.
Russia doesn't want large NATO forces on its border, especially near Moscow. Why is that so hard to understand?
My imaginary/silly scenario? What Russian ships would survive trying to enter Odessa? Russia lost 1/3 of its Black Sea fleet already.
This is year-3 of a war that was supposed to last 3-days. The longer the fighting takes, the less the valuable the prize gets. The war zone is a moonscape becoming uninhabitable. There are no Nazis in Ukraine, just Russian invaders.
Putin needs to realize that he is not going to win in Ukraine any time soon, he's in "zungzwang", and the sooner he cuts a deal to exit, the sooner he stops bleeding cash.
Look at you! Another tin soldier, potato-head or a justice seeker from the dump. Democracy is at peril at your southern border while you're wasting time bullshitting about matters you got no clue of. Hohloland is coming to an end and Odessa and Transnistria are going to return to the Motherland no matter what morons like you and our famous shit eater ( Litwin, that is) babble here about.
Well, he can't really babble, he's got no mental capacity to do that. He copies and pastes. That's where he's a pro.
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