Ukraine in NATO?!

Russia doesn't want large NATO forces on its border, especially near Moscow. Why is that so hard to understand?
It is totally understandable, but since his invasion NATO has gotten larger with the addition of Sweden.
He knows that NATO is not aggressive but is a defensive alliance.
Putin has nothing to fear from NATO. That is what he needs to understand.
Look at you! Another tin soldier, potato-head or a justice seeker from the dump. Democracy is at peril at your southern border while you're wasting time bullshitting about matters you got no clue of. Hohloland is coming to an end and Odessa and Transnistria are going to return to the Motherland no matter what morons like you and our famous shit eater ( Litwin, that is) babble here about.
Well, he can't really babble, he's got no mental capacity to do that. He copies and pastes. That's where he's a pro.
So if the US and EU keep giving Ukraine weapons to defend itself, and weaken Russia in the process, you have a problem with that?
Odesa was never part of Russia, Transnistria is actually part of Moldova. Putin's operatives must be stirring shit there, no matter, no one recognizes it.

Transnistria or Pridnestrovie, officially known as the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic, is an internationally unrecognized state, considered to be a part of Moldova. Transnistria controls most of the narrow strip of land between the Dniester river and the Moldova–Ukraine border, as well as some land on the other side of the river's bank. Its capital and largest city is Tiraspol.

Litwin looks like a Swede who keeps tabs on Russia and Putin. He does a nice job of copying/pasting interesting stuff.
So if the US and EU keep giving Ukraine weapons to defend itself, and weaken Russia in the process, you have a problem with that?
It's your money going to waste, so I give nothing but a flying fuck about that. It may prolong Ukies' agony for a while and give Russians more time to get rid of more Banderites that they originally planned. Bad people those Banderites, you know.
It is totally understandable, but since his invasion NATO has gotten larger with the addition of Sweden.
He knows that NATO is not aggressive but is a defensive alliance.
Putin has nothing to fear from NATO. That is what he needs to understand.
Russians have long memories.
"Either the US or Ukraine can be in NATO. If Europe drags Ukraine into NATO, then the U.S. should withdraw from the alliance. Also, if NATO troops enter Ukraine's soil, the U.S. should withdraw from NATO."

U.S. Senator from Utah Mike Lee in an article for The American Conservative.
It wasn’t unprovoked. Most of the land area of what is now Ukraine was formerly a part of the Russian Empire.

Which has no bearing on the present day borders of an independent Ukraine

The existence of Ukraine is not a provocation.
Putin has made it clear that admitting Ukraine to NATO is a necessity

Just ask Sweden and Finland who were formerly neutral
Hardly, Putin made it clear Ukraine in NATO means nuclear war. Sweden and Finland are bit players in Russia's strategic defense. The same cannot be said of Ukraine.
Which has no bearing on the present day borders of an independent Ukraine

The existence of Ukraine is not a provocation.

Putin disagrees. The existence of an independent Ukraine clearly is a provocation. Knowing some factual history might make you better adept at understanding the situation.

Email Putin and tell him, “Don’t Don’t”.

That should settle the matter.
Can we at last acknowledge that having Ukraine join NATO was a bad idea? (Strategically, this is on par with Russia placing missiles in Cuba.) If we really thought Russia was so weak as to not oppose this idea, why didn't NATO just move into Ukraine and take over its defense? One explanation for pushing Ukraine to join NATO is that hatred towards Russia was ginned up in response to Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 US Presidential election. Do you have another explanation for why we wanted Ukraine to join NATO?

It damned brilliant idea. Pooty's wet dream is recreating the former Soviet Union Empire. Ukraine is fighting for it's freedom. The people of Ukraine remember being part of U.S.S.R. They do NOT want a return to the bad old days. I know you MAGA MAGGOTS worship the shit that comes out of Pooty's ass, but is now and always will a Communist.
Bullshit. Admitting Ukraine into NATO is the quickest and cheapest off-ramp I see.

Russia and Ukraine both want the war to stop, but there is no end unless NATO steps in.
That's not an off ramp, that would be blatant hypocrisy and completely diminish whatever it is NATO is supposed to stand for these days. To disregard the very rules NATO has set forth for membership to jump into a war defeats the whole purpose of a supposedly 'defensive' alliance. If we weren't willing to spill American blood on the first day, it was never worth anything to us.
It damned brilliant idea. Pooty's wet dream is recreating the former Soviet Union Empire. Ukraine is fighting for it's freedom. The people of Ukraine remember being part of U.S.S.R. They do NOT want a return to the bad old days. I know you MAGA MAGGOTS worship the shit that comes out of Pooty's ass, but is now and always will a Communist.

You MAGA MAGGOTS need to get a grip.
Putin disagrees. The existence of an independent Ukraine clearly is a provocation. Knowing some factual history might make you better adept at understanding the situation.

Email Putin and tell him, “Don’t Don’t”.

That should settle the matter.

Factual history is that Ukraine has existed since the breakup of the Soviet Union
That's not an off ramp, that would be blatant hypocrisy and completely diminish whatever it is NATO is supposed to stand for these days. To disregard the very rules NATO has set forth for membership to jump into a war defeats the whole purpose of a supposedly 'defensive' alliance. If we weren't willing to spill American blood on the first day, it was never worth anything to us.
Your post offers critique' but not a better solution.
We can't keep funding Ukraine's war with Russia.
My solution of admitting Ukraine into NATO is the fastest and cheapest off-ramp.

What hypocrisy? We and other NATO members GUARANTEED Ukraine's security when they gave up their nukes, its in the Budapest Memorandum. Does the US bail on treaties? Russia would be stupid to spill any NATO blood.
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Originally posted by kyzr
My solution of admitting Ukraine into NATO is the fastest and cheapest off-ramp.

If you want to see what will be left of Ukraine when the war is over, being bombarded for all eternity, go ahead with your plan.
Gaining what?


The infeasibility of Ukraine's accession to NATO:

Can a country at war join NATO?

No country has officially joined NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) while actively engaged in a war. NATO has a membership policy that requires prospective members to demonstrate stability, democratic governance, and a commitment to peaceful resolutions of conflicts. joined,to peaceful resolutions of conflicts.

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