Ukraine propaganda claims Zelensky's insurgents are winning the war.

He and I use different computers and he isn't around for he can send me those links. I will ask him about them later if I can remember to do that (a lot of other things going on I am busy with this week so just catching info as he's watching those things)
The Exception Proves the Rule

Why all this fuss about one insignificant ship? You react as if the entire Black Sea coast is Pearl Harbor.
Putin isn't a communist.

Oh hell no. He is a communist, a fascist, a satanist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a war criminal, a dictator, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a rapist, a a a oh right, he's racist, a bigot. he's a homophobic dirt bag , he's a a a a . . .

if you hate democrats, he's a democrat, if you hate republicans, he is a republican, he doesn't recycle, he uh, uh. . ..uh. . .

kicks pet dogs and cats, and spits on babies, and uh. . .

Oh, he's an anti-vaxxer and a conspiracy theorist. . . he is the founder of Q-anon. . . and uh. . .

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All of the media talking head show's have various experts claiming the Russian army is short of munitions, the soldiers deserting, whole units surrendering, vehicles out of fuel, troops out of food and starving, etc.
While at the same time continuing to show the latest video footage of the devastation the Russian army has unleashed on Ukrainian cities.
Talk about a mixed message!! ... :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:
I don't have a TEE VEE and haven't been following this crap or watching the propaganda, but this is pretty much what we were told to expect. It shouldn't surprise anyone intelligent.


Oh hell no. He is a communist, a fascist, a satanist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a war criminal, a dictator, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a rapist, a a a oh right, he's racist, a bigot. he's a homophobic dirt bag , he's a a a a . . .

if you hate democrats, he's a democrat, if you hate republicans, he is a republican, he doesn't recycle, he uh, uh. . ..uh. . .

kicks pet dogs and cats, and spits on babies, and uh. . .

Oh, he's an anti-vaxxer and a conspiracy theorist. . . he is the founder of Q-anon. . . and uh. . .

He is a lot of those things but you are taking away credit for all those things that are many times credited to our mighty world dominating CIA by some folks.

I followed what he and his devastating crew did to the poor people of Syria and all the hype they pushed that it was American troops doing that shit over there. Putin could have been a great peace maker but that was not what he chose to be.
The lying America media has news story after story backing up psycho Zelensky's boasts that his rag-tag collection of insurgents are defeating the Russian army.
But new pictures daily of bombed out buildings and entire blocks of cities reduced to rubble paint a far different story.

That shows the Ukrainians are winning. Putin is being forced to destroy cities that we wanted to peacefully occupy. Now instead of being productive additions to a Russia, they will be an economic hardship as Russia will have to pay to rebuild them before getting any economic benefit at all.
Boy, there are going to be a lot of taken aback people when Ukraine falls.....or at least enough of it that Putin gets the ports and NATO buffer he wants.

That said I'll admit that he did go in too light.
Putin may, may, be able to conquer Ukraine at a price far higher than he wanted to pay. But he won’t be able to hold it against a NATO funded and equipped insurgency that will make it impossible for Russian troops to move outside fortified camps except in major strength.
All of the media talking head show's have various experts claiming the Russian army is short of munitions, the soldiers deserting, whole units surrendering, vehicles out of fuel, troops out of food and starving, etc.
While at the same time continuing to show the latest video footage of the devastation the Russian army has unleashed on Ukrainian cities.
Talk about a mixed message!! ... :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:
The Germans were able to destroy the Warsaw Ghetto while the Red Army was kicking their collective asses. They were able to destroy the ports of Benghazi, Antwerp Cherborg and many others while the WAllies were kicking their butts as well. Destroying something is an admission that you can’t take or hold it, not an assertion of strength.
In other words, you are a moron but would like to share your opinion? Ok, thanks for letting us know. :itsok:
Damn boy, you are really thick. Low IQ much? Ya hate it when a member points out that reality doesn't match the propaganda that is shoveled down your throat day after day?

NO, that is NOT what I said, read again and again till it sinks in.

I am not a partisan, just a political scientist and anthropologist, and observer of human behavior.

What I wrote is what I meant. When Nazi Germany told its citizens they were the superior race, but Jessie Owens came in, and kicked their asses? DOUBLE THINK.

When president Trump passed more laws to help the African American Community than any president since JFK, but the press repeatedly sold the public the line that he was "racist," and a lot of fools bought that shit?


When the press made COVID out to be some hugely dangerous disease, that would wipe out millions, necessitating extraordinary government seizures of civil rights and civil liberties, when, in actuality, it was not a whole lot more dangerous (statistically,) than the flu pandemic of 1967?

Putin isn't a communist.
For all practical intents and purposes---PUTIN is indeed a communist. (Mind you the way communists like to claim that they are for a classless society that encourage the rich getting richer is all bullshit as well.) Putin is old school Russian dictator----hell bent on returning russia to its glory communist years with he at the helm.

What are we talking about? I am not a military expert, but it seems to me that the cities of a country that wins should look different.

Russian missiles regularly fly over Ukraine, shooting through Ukraine to the full length, to the border with Poland.

Large warehouses, tank repair and aircraft repair plants, and fuel depots are on fire. Equipment and ammunition. Destroyed troops in their barracks (each blow = hundreds of dead).

But these morons show stupid photos of how they captured a tank or destroyed an armored jeep against this background.

Another fuel depot was destroyed.

Putin spoke about "demilitarization". I think it's her. Not?

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