Ukraine propaganda claims Zelensky's insurgents are winning the war.

Pick your own source thathas put up the various videos from different angles of the other Russian ships trying to beat feet away from the destroyed one.
There wasn't any pictures of a ship being sunk.
Just some far distant smoke coming up past the horizon.
The lying America media has news story after story backing up psycho Zelensky's boasts that his rag-tag collection of insurgents are defeating the Russian army.
But new pictures daily of bombed out buildings and entire blocks of cities reduced to rubble paint a far different story.

Hun-----we know putin is losing because PUtin doesn't control any major cities in Ukraine.
There wasn't any pictures of a ship being sunk.
Just some far distant smoke coming up past the horizon.
Rod watched several of them this morning that clearly showed one ship going down and others trying to get away from it as quickly as possible. I am sure you can find those if your are seriously wanting to see it go down.
Rod watched several of them this morning that clearly showed one ship going down and others trying to get away from it as quickly as possible. I am sure you can find those if your are seriously wanting to see it go down.
If you don't mind, show me one, because they must be hiding the video's from me. ... :rolleyes:
Please show any evidence that a Russian ship was sunk?
Ya know, like a video or something.
Thank you in advance..... :cool:

Here you go. The ship was the ORSK. Two other ships were damaged in the blast.
. . . and I have heard only 1000 Ukrainian dead.

wow. Them Uks are super soldiers! They kill 10 Russians for ever loss of their own!

Being on defense, in land you know inside out, is a huuuuge advantage. Couple that with low morale on the Russian side and that leads to pretty horrific casualty totals.
I really wish the psycho Zelensky would immediately surrender.
It could save countless Ukrainian lives. ... :thup: wouldn't. Putin is going to punish all those that opposed him. Zelensky and his family are already on the capture to kill and torture list------If Putin gets in charge of Ukraine---just like with every other communist take over---BLOOD of those taken over will flow everywhere.
I really wish the psycho Zelensky would immediately surrender.
It could save countless Ukrainian lives. ... :thup:

It would save a hell of a lot more russian ones. And why should he surrender, he is losing buildings, pootey is losing everything else.
Sorry, but I don't see a ship sinking, just a fire possibly at a dock. ... :cool:

If you look at the good one you can clearly see the bow of a ship, the rest is under water. Go on, a little honesty will not hurt you....
If you don't mind, show me one, because they must be hiding the video's from me. ... :rolleyes:
He and I use different computers and he isn't around for he can send me those links. I will ask him about them later if I can remember to do that (a lot of other things going on I am busy with this week so just catching info as he's watching those things)
All of the media talking head show's have various experts claiming the Russian army is short of munitions, the soldiers deserting, whole units surrendering, vehicles out of fuel, troops out of food and starving, etc.
While at the same time continuing to show the latest video footage of the devastation the Russian army has unleashed on Ukrainian cities.
Talk about a mixed message!! ... :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:
Effeminate Western media is a janus-faced maniac without balls.

2022 marta 22
'Po dannym narodnoi militsii, s nachala spetsial'noi voennoi operatsii dobrovol'no pereshil na storonu DNR bolee 330 predstavitelei ukrainskikh voisk....
According to the People's Militia, since the beginning of the special military operation, more than 330 Ukrainian troops went over to the side of the DNR.'
Please show any evidence that a Russian ship was sunk?
Ya know, like a video or something.
Thank you in advance..... :cool:

Hun-----we know putin is losing because PUtin doesn't control any major cities in Ukraine.
Bears Aren't Sprinters

Your Masters have just lost a war they wasted twenty years on. Ignorance of military strategy is why American media paperboys have jumped the gun and prematurely categorized what is going on. This slow but steady progress is normal; the Taliban's victory within a few days was very unusual.

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