Ukraine propaganda claims Zelensky's insurgents are winning the war.

For all practical intents and purposes---PUTIN is indeed a communist. (Mind you the way communists like to claim that they are for a classless society that encourage the rich getting richer is all bullshit as well.) Putin is old school Russian dictator----hell bent on returning russia to its glory communist years with he at the helm.
And Rubio and Nuland are the new model organisms created by the CIA, MI6 and others, a mix of marxist, communist and fascist DNA. These two are the new neo-nazis.
And Rubio and Nuland are the new model organisms created by the CIA, MI6 and others, a mix of marxist, communist and fascist DNA. These two are the new neo-nazis.
Konashenkov reports a secret document dating 22 Jan 2022 showing a plan to invade the Donbass.

2022 marta 25 Major-General Konashenkov
'Eto - sekretnyi prikaz komanduiushego natsional'noi gvardiei Ukrainy general-polkivnika Balana of 22 Jan 2022 goda.
This is a secret order of the Commander of the Ukrainian National Guard, Colonel-General Balan, dated 22 Jan 2022.

Dokument adresovan nachal'nikam severnogo kiesvskgo, iuzhnogo odesskogo i zapadnogo territorial'nykh upravlenii natsgvardii Ukrainy.
The document is addressed to the heads of the Northern Kiev, Southern Odessa, and Western Territorial Administrations of the Ukraine National Guard.

V prikaze podrobno raspisan plan podgotovki odnoi iz udarnykh gruppirovok dlia nastupatel'nykh deistvii v zone tak nazyvaemo "operatsii ob'edinennykh sil" na Donbass.
The order describes in detail the plan for preparing one of the shock groups for an offensive by the so-called "operation of combined forces" in the zone of the Donbass.'

War Crimes? The Invasion Of Ukraine vs. The Invasion Of Iraq​

Russia Is Losing The War?​

Russia Is Isolated?​

US Sanctions On Russian Oil Are Causing High Gas Prices And Putin Is To Blame?​

Food And Retail Inflation Are Caused By Russia?​

There Are No Nazis In Ukraine?​

There Are No US Funded Bio Labs In Ukraine?​

Start reading, and learn something.

And in a related story......
UFO's have land in Ukraine in an effort to to stop the fighting.

Don't laugh. A staged UFO invasion could easily eventually be another false flag global crisis paid for by globalists in order to facilitate the New World Order and justify marshal law. All you'd need is a combination of secret military technology mixed with Hollywood's best effects. I'm sure the show would be nothing less than spectacular.

War Crimes? The Invasion Of Ukraine vs. The Invasion Of Iraq​

Russia Is Losing The War?​

Russia Is Isolated?​

US Sanctions On Russian Oil Are Causing High Gas Prices And Putin Is To Blame?​

Food And Retail Inflation Are Caused By Russia?​

There Are No Nazis In Ukraine?​

There Are No US Funded Bio Labs In Ukraine?​

Start reading, and learn something.

I think moderate and left leaning folks would have been more likely to read this piece, had you linked it to the original source. This is NOT a partisan issue. Cutting through the lies of the STATE and the Corporate fog of war is essential in a free society.

The Biggest Lies (so Far) Surrounding Russia and Ukraine​

Don't laugh. A staged UFO invasion could easily eventually be another false flag global crisis paid for by globalists in order to facilitate the New World Order and justify marshal law. All you'd need is a combination of secret military technology mixed with Hollywood's best effects. I'm sure the show would be nothing less than spectacular.
Humpty Dumpty Had a Great FUBAR

This is a real crisis for the Glowblob. All it took was one strong man to stand up to them with lethal force. So far they had only succeeded through massive propaganda over the masses. They got soft, smug, silly, and weak. Their One-World Order is creaking, cracking, and crashing.

The multicultie transnationalists' whole totalitarian structure is collapsing. Their Warmalarmie lies forced Bi-Den to go to hostile Iran and Venezuela for oil. Affirmative Action has made their governments and businesses incompetent; their armies are riddled with girlymen. Sanctions have only let Putin sell his exports elsewhere, especially to hungry and rich China. The accelerating price of crude will make Russia richer, too.
The 1918 Spanish flu killed a staggering number of people both in America and the entire world.
What the Unabomber Cult Calls "Pollution" Is a Disinfectant

It's the only one in history that never came back. The 1919 level of auto emissions killed it forever and increased over the decades to prevent all pandemics from returning until the Liberals' Lethal Lockdown.

Confident Morning in Kiev. In the Afternoon, a Hurricane Will Arrive.

In Vietnam, I was in an operation where the two platoons in front of me got attacked and were pinned down so badly that my platoon was held back for eight hours because it would have been suicide for us to go into that trap.

Our Lieutenant Colonel's plan was to gradually surround the enemy force with his other company of Marines before using artillery and napalm on the Communist soldiers. He tricked them into thinking our communications were knocked out. If today's Diploma Dumbo jurinalists had been reporting the action, they would have said we were losing and our equipment was broken.

Thinking they could wipe us out, the enemy stayed put and died to the last man. In the Ukraine, Putin is waiting until everything is in place and then he will send in his matador weapons to finish off the foolish Yukees.

He did the same in Chechnya. 7,500 Russian dead; 96,000 Chechen dead. In my action, 28 Marines dead, 300 VC dead.
Humpty Dumpty Had a Great FUBAR

This is a real crisis for the Glowblob. All it took was one strong man to stand up to them with lethal force. So far they had only succeeded through massive propaganda over the masses. They got soft, smug, silly, and weak. Their One-World Order is creaking, cracking, and crashing.

The multicultie transnationalists' whole totalitarian structure is collapsing. Their Warmalarmie lies forced Bi-Den to go to hostile Iran and Venezuela for oil. Affirmative Action has made their governments and businesses incompetent; their armies are riddled with girlymen. Sanctions have only let Putin sell his exports elsewhere, especially to hungry and rich China. The accelerating price of crude will make Russia richer, too.

I agree that the NWO is cracking. They gave SO much of their agenda away by flipping their wigs trying to get rid of Trump before he exposed them. The idiots exposed themselves in the process!

There is truly something of a kamakaze nature about them emerging. That's the danger now. They are truly desperate to preserve the shadow empire that they've hidden for decades, pushing the world's buttons from their virtual control room. Their political moves are becoming more and more erratic as they are forced into the light. Unfortunately the economy has become dependent on this sick little system they've developed. Even if they end up committing political suicide they're going to take a lot of people and economies down with them.
Confident Morning in Kiev. In the Afternoon, a Hurricane Will Arrive.

In Vietnam, I was in an operation where the two platoons in front of me got attacked and were pinned down so badly that my platoon was held back for eight hours because it would have been suicide for us to go into that trap.

Our Lieutenant Colonel's plan was to gradually surround the enemy force with his other company of Marines before using artillery and napalm on the Communist soldiers. He tricked them into thinking our communications were knocked out. If today's Diploma Dumbo jurinalists had been reporting the action, they would have said we were losing and our equipment was broken.

Thinking they could wipe us out, the enemy stayed put and died to the last man. In the Ukraine, Putin is waiting until everything is in place and then he will send in his matador weapons to finish off the foolish Yukees.

He did the same in Chechnya. 7,500 Russian dead; 96,000 Chechen dead. In my action, 28 Marines dead, 300 VC dead.
Mind, it is important to note the date on this video. I watched it when it first dropped and Ritter was commenting on up to date intel that he was getting. . .

This video was several weeks old.

"Streamed live on Mar 7, 2022"

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