Ukraine Sinks New 500 Million Russian Warship Makarov

Then why is the title of this thread “Ukraine sinks new $500 million Russian ship”?

Whoever is running the Russian Navy is going to be in big trouble. They just lost a ship near snake Island a month ago. The message here is pretty clear.
NATO is on Snake Island...that simple.

No, you misinterpreted my meaning when I said that. I was speculating on the possibility that no country has the ability to defend it's ships from a missile or missiles strike. The question has yet to be answered.

I have none on that particular question.

I'll also speculate on the question of whether Russia as equal or greater capability on damage control and equal or greater capability with anti-ship missile technology.

Those questions in the interest of hearing somebody who is qualified to answer? Unfortunately, my opinion is that nobody is yet qualified to answer.

We'll just have to rely on the necessity of a military mindset that even suggests that MAD isn't inevitable. The same applies for missile technology of a perceived enemy.

Good possibility for a discussion that might bring in some others!
That is seems spectacular to the bench warmers here because it represents a big loss to Russia....they have chosen sides like the simpletons that they are. But you, as usual, are spot on with this message. Ships have become nearly obsolete in the face of improved missile technologies. No matter how big, well constructed or defended they are they have become little more than huge floating targets. If a real war broke out between US and China over Taiwan....the US navy would be Junk in a month.

Fail. The first pic is current- shows one Grigorovich class in Sevastopol. (Presumably the Essen)

The second pic (which is the Makarov), was taken on Navy day in St. Petersburg- 5 years ago.

It's heresay until you provide a citation yourself, Dipshit.

When Russia drops a nuke on them, will you still be cheering?
Things will get real when Russia nukes Ukraine.

Apparently Putin is not well and may have a serious illness and a limited time on this planet. He may decide to go out with a bang.

If things get too far out of line I might find that I glow in the night.
Things will get real when Russia nukes Ukraine.

Apparently Putin is not well and may have a serious illness and a limited time on this planet. He may decide to go out with a bang.

If things get too far out of line I might find that I glow in the night.

I think snake Island is going to get lit up....that's for sure

It's heresay until you provide a citation yourself, Dipshit.
I linked the reddit page. Look at the date. Look a the paint job, look at the building on the other side of the fantail, look at the parade pennants in the rigging. Old pic.

The other pic shows 1x Gorshkov FFG alongside the pier, and 1x Grigorovich FFG on the left with a little bit of smoke behind. That is taken Sevastopol bay.

One Grigorovich in Sevastopol- confirmed, that image was posted online a couple days ago.
One Grigorovich in the Med. confirmed. Links below.

Whereabouts of third Grigorovich- UNKNOWN (Pentagon: "we've been looking for it all day")

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snake island.jpg
Thats the famous fuck you Russia island. Seems Russia hated those buildings. Lol
Not a very big place....I wonder where NATO is hiding the anti ship missile launcher ... .maybe a sub just off shore?
Turkey blocks all foreign submarines from the Black Sea. The only way for a NATO sub would be if Romania was to acquire one.

It wouldn't make a lot of sense to put a sub there anyway, we could air launch a Harpoon from standoff range easy enough with much less risk.

We'd also have to expect Russia to recover the missile fragments from the sea bottom so they could attribute the attack to us.

We already know the US is helping Ukraine with target ID and vessel movements. What's odd to me is that people think Ukraine can't make a modern anti-shipping missile of the Harpoon/KH-35 class.

What's worse is that any modern CIWS shouldn't have any problem dealing with one. It's not a particularly challenging target.

Fatigue/attention span can come into play. It's just plain boring to sit and stare at a radar display and see nothing for days on end. Now imagine you're a conscript who doesn't really care to be there in the first place...
Thats the famous fuck you Russia island. Seems Russia hated those buildings. Lol
That was a pair of Ukrainian SU-27's that did that work.

April 3, attempt on the Essen, ship withdrawn to port
April 13, Moskva.
April 26, Strela-10 and command post on Snake Island
April 30, 3x Strela-10 plus ZU-23-2 plus Repellant-1 jamming system (does Russian ECM/EW ever work?)
May 2, 2x Raptor Patrol boat
May 6, Sterna Class landing craft (reportedly carrying Tor missile battery)
May 7, air strike on buildings.

They systematically dismantled the air defenses and are operating in the Black Sea with some confidence.
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It may be interesting to hear the opinions of others on this board as we wait for this to develop?
IF Putin orders a tactical nuke to be used and his military complies (not assured) then the question before the rest of the world is stark. If NATO does not answer in kind then Putin may well feel he can use more of them in the future at a time and place of HIS choosing.
If NATO DOES respond with a tactical nuke, where would they strike? Not Ukraine, surely? If they strike Russian territory, there is no way he refrains from getting into a tit-for-tat. IOW, once he breaks that barrier, NO good can come from it for anyone.

I think the only non-nuclear response should be something so dramatic that it totally isolates them for decades, or until they come to the table with a willingness to unilaterally disarm from their nukes. Their "words" can never be trusted again.

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