Ukraine, the other side of the story


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Recently the State Department’s spokesperson Psaki told us that the Ukrainian army is fighting against separatists and terrorists. Do you want to know who are those “separatists and terrorists”? After the coup-de-taut in Ukraine in February the new self-declared government, technically speaking – junta, issued a law about eliminating the Russian language in Ukraine. Thousands of people in many cities of South-East Ukraine, which is a part of historical Russia and speaks mainly Russian, started demonstrating against it and demanding a referendum about having Russian as a second language and a republic style government in Ukraine. The new “democratic” government’s response to those demands was a heavy-handed suppression of all the protests. Burning people alive in Odessa on May 2nd is but one example.
After the people in SE Ukraine realized that their rights were being violated, two areas of SE Donetsk and Lugansk (Donbass) had referendums on May 11 and over 80% voted for separation from Ukraine. As soon as Donbass declared their decision about preparing for their referendums, the junta started an all-out war against them. The people had to stand up and protect their lands and families. On May,11 over 70% of Donbass people went out to vote for independence under constant gun fire from the Ukrainian army. Since then the Ukrainian army has fired heavy artillery including “Grad” at schools, kindergartens, churches, hospitals, and even ambulances! They also use military aircraft for bombing residential areas. Many towns and villages are already completely destroyed. In many areas the people are cutoff from electricity, gas and water. Ukrainians keep killing women, children, seniors and even journalists and destroying thousands of civilians’ houses. So, who should be called terrorists in this case?
Psaki obviously supports the junta and tells us about “restricted actions of Ukrainian Army”. Looks like she doesn’t know what she is talking about or is trying to hide the truth.
Meanwhile Scotland is preparing for its referendum about separating from Great Britain. They keep living their lives, nobody is killing or threatening them or calling them separatists. The USA proudly celebrates Independence Day since they separated from England. The question is: are the historical Russians in Ukraine second class people, who do not have same rights as the rest of the world? And why does almost all the world prefer to close their eyes to the real events in Ukraine?
My wife just got back from there and was a part of some of the demonstrations. She grew up there and knows many people. Some of the Russian press is reporting the same things , their press is about as reliable as the U S press which is not saying a lot.
Traitor Putin gives russian gas free to Ukraine rewritten as "Black is White"
Last Prophet's words from 16 Jun 2014 as these "news" break out:
"Russia CUTS OFF GAS SUPPLIES TO Ukraine" for dummies
All staged to have as next act the Kiev nazis openly tell that they will tap the pipelines supplying the EU for whatever quantity of free gas they need.
Reminder: Traitor impersonating murdered Putin "sells" gas and oil at productions costs to an EU now totally (more than 99%) dependent on imports.

16 Jun 2014 - Black is white

Jun 23 - UKRAINE PUMPING 20-34 MLN OF GAS INTO UNDERGROUND STORAGE EXCLUSIVELY FROM REVERSE FLOWS, DOMESTIC PRODUCTION - NAFTOGAZ CHIEF - hidden as newswire without any more infofurther details. - interfax news archived Jun 23, see wire from 15:21

Reminder from April:
Each time you click "news" about "NATO v Putin" you are in fact being mocked by the illuminati.
All in plain sight: - from Lavrov & Kerry daily handshake to fake Putin's call for ukrainian anti-fascist resisters to disarm.
Impostor Putin has the same role as fake Yanukovich had: pave the way for an openly pro-EU nazi successor.
Kiev regime blocks water supply to Crimea. Fake Putin retaliation: offering billions in free gas to nazis
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