Ukraine war

Xenophobia is definitely one of our values, Google Trump and our border if you need to. Hopefully the Estonians are a bit more civilized than the Russians and won't send people to gulags, something the world would not support. Deporting undesirable, non-citizens is very different and something we do here in the US.
Yes. Previous time they managed to kill almost all their Jews in few days between retreat of the Soviet Army and Kraut's entering. Trump is pretty tolerate person, comparing with Baltics. At least, he does not demand that all those who arrived in the country after 1939 (and their descendants) be stripped of their citizenship and deported.
Yes, Estonians have right to abuse, discriminate and even genocide local Russians. The problem is that the local Russians have right to fight against that discriminative and abusive government, too, and Russians from Russian Federation will definitely help them, NATO or not NATO. And that is where we are getting into troubles. So, we also have right not to defend those freaks, who don't try to live in peace with their compatriots and neighbors.
Yes. Previous time they managed to kill almost all their Jews in few days between retreat of the Soviet Army and Kraut's entering. Trump is pretty tolerate person, comparing with Baltics. At least, he does not demand that all those who arrived in the country after 1939 (and their descendants) be stripped of their citizenship and deported.
Yes, Estonians have right to abuse, discriminate and even genocide local Russians. The problem is that the local Russians have right to fight against that discriminative and abusive government, too, and Russians from Russian Federation will definitely help them, NATO or not NATO. And that is where we are getting into troubles. So, we also have right not to defend those freaks, who don't try to live in peace with their compatriots and neighbors.
I wonder which came first, the discrimination or the fighting? I believe Russia has instigated such fighting before discrimination in the past and will again.
I wonder which came first, the discrimination or the fighting? I believe Russia has instigated such fighting before discrimination in the past and will again.
The story of the complicated Slavic-Baltic relationships is about 3 thousand years long. But there is the difference. The Baltic people (as individuals) are not discriminated in the Russian Federation. Russians are discriminated in Baltic States. The governments of the Russian Federation and United States don't have anybody, who would defend them in the case of another inner conflict (like Chechen war or BLM riots). That's why they are careful and try to respect all their people. We simply can't afford to be Nazies. Baltic regimes, in turn, can be xenophobic and reckless. They feel themselves pretty safe, but their illusion of safety is mostly payed by endangering of American citizens.
Navalny's family would agree. As would all the families of critics of Putin that died young.
Navalny never considered Russian government as basically evil. And even in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict he was on the side of Russia.
Navalny never considered Russian government as basically evil. And even in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict he was on the side of Russia.
He certainly considered Putin and the gov't as corrupt. I look at what Putin's Russia has done and I consider it evil and worthy of confronting. Russia is certainly no friend of the US.
He certainly considered Putin and the gov't as corrupt. I look at what Putin's Russia has done and I consider it evil and worthy of confronting. Russia is certainly no friend of the US.
Mama Russia may be a bit corrupted, but she is definitely not "evil". Anyway, it's not a question of "friendship" at all. But Russia can be a very useful ally and a very dangerous enemy. And if we want to have the Russians on our side, we should respect their vital interest and, for starters, do not support regimes dicriminating and abusing them.
Russia is certainly no friend of the US.
Russia is certainly no friend of the US.
Now i wonder why? :abgg2q.jpg:and what Putin did to Russia was save it from the basket case it was and the one you would like it to be again.
Mama Russia may be a bit corrupted, but she is definitely not "evil". Anyway, it's not a question of "friendship" at all. But Russia can be a very useful ally and a very dangerous enemy. And if we want to have the Russians on our side, we should respect their vital interest and, for starters, do not support regimes dicriminating and abusing them.
The gov't of Putin qualifies as 'evil' in my book. It has long record of assassinating critics, dissidents, journalists, and others it sees as a threat.
Russia is certainly no friend of the US.
Now i wonder why?
It might go back to the end of WWII when Russia kept control of the countries it took from the Nazis and created the Iron Curtain.
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It might go back to the end of WWII when Russia kept control of the countries it took from the Nazis and created the Iron Curtain.
Well if they had not the situation with Nato would probably happened much sooner, as it not crossed your mind they just don't want to be invaded again from the West? twice was enough, and three times if you count the western intervention in 1918, and Countries like the Baltics and Hungary deserved it, they sided with Hitler attacking the Soviet Union, also the Soviets could have occupied Finland at the wars end another Hitler ally but they didn't on the understanding Finland would have good relations with the Soviets and be neutral, which they were for almost 80 years until some fascists decided to become an enemy by joining Nato.
Well if they had not the situation with Nato would probably happened much sooner, as it not crossed your mind they just don't want to be invaded again from the West? twice was enough, and three times if you count the western intervention in 1918, and Countries like the Baltics and Hungary deserved it, they sided with Hitler attacking the Soviet Union, also the Soviets could have occupied Finland at the wars end another Hitler ally but they didn't on the understanding Finland would have good relations with the Soviets and be neutral, which they were for almost 80 years until some fascists decided to become an enemy by joining Nato.
Maybe it was Finland that got tired of being invaded by Russia? When they saw Russia invade a neighbor they suffered deja vu and looked for insurance.
This story might be relevant to the topic?

Nuland - Putin defeated America's Plans for Russia.

According to Nuland, the plan was to replace Putin with a more US compliant leader of Russia.

So there it it! Regime change and nothing to do with saving the Ukraine.

It's a safe admission of the truth coming from the Pentagon and it only requires that Americans forget the lies.

It may not be compatible with the Ukraine and Zelensky's talking points ?
Maybe it was Finland that got tired of being invaded by Russia? When they saw Russia invade a neighbor they suffered deja vu and looked for insurance.
There were no problems between Finland and Ukraine, then they went insane,was there a referendum on joining Nato to see what the people wanted?
This story might be relevant to the topic?

Nuland - Putin defeated America's Plans for Russia.

According to Nuland, the plan was to replace Putin with a more US compliant leader of Russia.

So there it it! Regime change and nothing to do with saving the Ukraine.

It's a safe admission of the truth coming from the Pentagon and it only requires that Americans forget the lies.

It may not be compatible with the Ukraine and Zelensky's talking points ?
Well they had one called Yeltsin and they thought job done, Putin had other plans and they can't forgive him, why the hell don't they look after their own Country.

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