
I don't hate The Germans ...

Aha. So you are only an idiot who has not any idea what he says on whatever reson.

I don't give a damn about The Germans.

Why should you? Who asked you to do so?

I don't feel particularly inclined to sending America boys to die saving Germans ... for a THIRD time.

You are totally unreal. Not any US-American died because he saved Germans. Some few of your people died because they murdered Germans in masses.
Johnson has said Europe will have to live without Russia's oil and gas. That is sure to skyrocket prices and biden can't be blamed for that.
If Biden is picking up in Ukraine where he left off in 2014 and he is successful in instigating an Ukrainian attack of Luhansk and/or Donbass, he will be responsible for all the political and economic fallout that follows:

"Feb. 19, 2022

"Shelling intensifies in Eastern Ukraine
"Over the past several days, artillery barrages continued to target areas in east Ukraine. Shelling targeted the region around the town of Svitlodarsk — an area that includes key infrastructure such as a drinking water supply network and one of Europe’s largest fertilizer factories."

Maps: Tracking the Conflict Between Ukraine and Russia
Lets cut to the chase.
There's plenty of Biden haters on here.
Do you think he should defend with the military or support NATO etc? Would you prefer Biden and NATO be beaten by the Russians for your pure political bias?
Should he even be there?

If the Russians attack, when do you think it could be?
Could he be posturing and sabre rattling?

What happens after he attacks and gets the upper hand, does USA hook in or still abstain?

If there is to be sanctions,
What would be appropriate?
What would be the repurcussions if NATO destroyed the pipelines to starve him of foreign money?

Johnson has said Europe will have to live without Russia's oil and gas. That is sure to skyrocket prices and biden can't be blamed for that.

In the meantime, China is quietly arming up to invade Taiwan. Could it happen at the same time as Ukraine to stretch USA defences?

If they did, which democracy should USA defend first if they do anything?

All quite legitimate questions I think. What do you think?
Of course Joe should support NATO. If the Russian, cross the border, they have to decide what they will tolerate and get their sh#t together though. I have no problem with helping defend NATO if NATO decides to defend NATO. Right now we don't have many troops in Ukraine and I'm OK with that, also. This may blow over. We have seen Russian brinksmanship before. We will know where this goes soon enough.
I think Putin is a lot like Hitler in that he keeps seizing more and more territory without meeting any resistance and has come to believe he can keep getting away with it.

KGB Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire.

The Ukraine is Putin's Poland moment. The West has finally drawn a bold line.
This is not the Iron Curtain or WW 2. This is Russia's natural sphere of influence through history.
Well, in response to someone asking the Right what they think the US should do about Putin and the Ukraine a few weeks ago, I said we would not get an answer to that question until Biden decided what to do, and then they would be against it, whatever it was.
Very much like the left whenever the GOP holds the White House.
I think Putin is a lot like Hitler in that he keeps seizing more and more territory without meeting any resistance and has come to believe he can keep getting away with it.

KGB Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire.

The Ukraine is Putin's Poland moment. The West has finally drawn a bold line.
Lol. What territory has Putin seized?
I think Putin is a lot like Hitler in that he keeps seizing more and more territory without meeting any resistance and has come to believe he can keep getting away with it.

KGB Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire.

The Ukraine is Putin's Poland moment. The West has finally drawn a bold line.
What territories is he seizing more and more? NATO has been closing in, that's what clearly shows, and Putin has been politely warning you that's enough, time to go home. What do you motherfuckers want NATO for? There's been no USSR for thirty years now. Sleepy Joe, orange man or whoever the fuck your deep state has as a front can't cope with their inner turmoil and feed you imbeciles the democracy in peril bullshit. Does it not bother you that your 12 year-old son is tired of being a boy and about to cut his wiener? That Spanish is more spoken than English sometimes, that BLM is rampaging and you can't do anything to stop it, that half the US hates the other half because of Covid, Biden, 2nd amendment or a load of other stuff you're at each others throats here at this forum day and night?
Long story short: fuck you!!!
This is not the Iron Curtain or WW 2. This is Russia's natural sphere of influence through history.

Nevertheless has everyone to respect the independence of the Ukraine. The Ukraine did not threaten Russia - but Russia threatens the Ukraine.
Lol. What territory has Putin seized?

Except of the Krim (what is not a real problem!) the Russians support "freedom fighters" in the Ukraine - but this freedom fighters seem to be often only Russian soldiers from outside of the Ukraine. And it is in general an international crime to threaten another country with military power. On the other side has the Ukrainian government the duty to protect the Russian minorities in their own country.
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Except of the Krim (what is not a real problem!) the Russians support "freedom fighters" in the Ukraine - but this freedom fighters seem to be often only Russian soldiers from outside of the Ukraine. And it is in general an international crime to threaten another country with military power. On the other side has the Ukrainian government the duty to protect the Russian minorities in their own country.
And you love peace on earth of course, wish happiness to all the people of the world and kiss your daughter to sleep at night, don't you? But you dismiss the idea I'm sure that your beloved poor Ukrainians could kill these kids in Donetsk.

Did they do that to protect them? They have a duty after all.
And you love peace on earth of course, wish happiness to all the people of the world and kiss your daughter to sleep at night, don't you? But you dismiss the idea I'm sure that your beloved poor Ukrainians could kill these kids in Donetsk.
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Did they do that to protect them? They have a duty after all.

What for heavens sake do you like to say to me?

Imagine the Hispanics coming to your town, which had not a single one just yesterday, bringing later their kin to live meekly and obediently by and 10 years after having grown in numbers to half of the original English speaking population passing the law forbidding English. That's what happened in Ukraine. While most of it didn't have the guts to oppose the passionate Bandera followers the Eastern Ukraine (former Russian territory in fact) could and still do oppose and Russia helps them to survive doing that rather humbly I'd say. In view of what's brewing there right now the Russian patience is running out I guess and we may see some drastic developments that can lead to drastic changes.
Well, in response to someone asking the Right what they think the US should do about Putin and the Ukraine a few weeks ago, I said we would not get an answer to that question until Biden decided what to do, and then they would be against it, whatever it was.
Oh bullshit. But unfortunately, in political matters that is what you provide.
People on the right here have been vocal about. Ukraine for weeks. Before the Biden admin even reacted yet.
Nevertheless has everyone to respect the independence of the Ukraine. The Ukraine did not threaten Russia - but Russia threatens the Ukraine.
Anyone from these areas knows the suffering. And wants what everyone else has. I must also look at the men who have come back from all our wars that we have not won less than whole physically and/or mentally. Our nation did not help things by treating Russia like a pariah after the fall of the Soviet Union. And I did not vote for Biden. It is clear if the United States goes back to having borders, language and culture the world will calm down a bit.
Imagine the Hispanics coming to your town,

In Germany? How?

which had not a single one just yesterday, bringing later their kin to live meekly and obediently by and 10 years after having grown in numbers to half of the original English speaking population passing the law forbidding English. That's what happened in Ukraine.

The Russian and the Ukrainian language are nearly the same. Both are Slawic languages and 60% of the words are the same words. And from outside far aways it's difficult to see or to hear a difference between Russians and Ukrainians. But this should not be a problem which no one is able to solve and which needs a military intervention which is a problem for the security architecture of the whole planet.

While most of it didn't have the guts to oppose the passionate Bandera followers the Eastern Ukraine (former Russian territory in fact) could and still do oppose and Russia helps them to survive doing that rather humbly I'd say.

No problem to let Russians help Russians. But it is a big problem when the giant Russia is using military power to threaten the dwarf Ukraine.

In view of what's brewing there right now the Russian patience is running out

Partience? Running away? In Russia? Is Vodka rationed?

I guess and we may see some drastic developments that can lead to drastic changes.

Hmm ... not really. The Soviet Union failed. A new attempt to try to do the same again will fail again.

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