
Now I'm saying that you're a double-faced piece of shit. Does it sit well with you?
"double-faced piece of shit" is a nice verbal abuse. Very fanciful. Nevertheless I did not and still don't know what you liked to say to me with this sentences.
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I think if Biden sends our troops over there to defend a foreign border. While doing everything in his power to keep ours wide open. He should be impeached. Take care of the people he swore to protect first, but really under his administration. We are last in his book.
You seem to have forgotten, Fritz, what happened to you the last time.
Your shit for brain chancellor surely have.
"double-faced piece of shit" is a nice verbal abuse. Very fanciful.

Wear it proudly, it suits you.
Anyone from these areas knows the suffering.

Russians always seem to "suffer". That's part of their mentality. Example: They don't buy what they need for babies before this babies are born. It could happen the baby dies before it is born.

And wants what everyone else has. I must also look at the men who have come back from all our wars that we have not won less than whole physically and/or mentally.

Hmm - Believe it or not but it is better not to win a war and also not to lose a war. You are terrible good in this discipline. Better is only not to do a war.

Our nation did not help things by treating Russia like a pariah after the fall of the Soviet Union. And I did not vote for Biden. It is clear if the United States goes back to having borders, language and culture the world will calm down a bit.

Not really. In former times you was better informed because you had many migrants from all over the world in your country. But you are not able "to go back". The relative number of people who know only the USA and nothing else in the world grows in your country. But this means also: If everyone speaks always only the same bullshit everyone believes this bullshit is true. You need contact to others.
You seem to have forgotten, Fritz, what happened to you the last time.

Someone called me "Fritz" although my avatar name is "zaangalewa"?

Your shit for brain chancellor surely have.
"double-faced piece of shit" is a nice verbal abuse. Very fanciful.

Wear it proudly, it suits you.

Oh - I am extremely good in finding fanciful abuses. It's a wonderful spontanous sports. But unfortunatelly not many have a good idea how to play this game. So I let it be. Btw: You forgot to say something.
Lets cut to the chase.
There's plenty of Biden haters on here.
Do you think he should defend with the military or support NATO etc? Would you prefer Biden and NATO be beaten by the Russians for your pure political bias?
Should he even be there?

If the Russians attack, when do you think it could be?
Could he be posturing and sabre rattling?

What happens after he attacks and gets the upper hand, does USA hook in or still abstain?

If there is to be sanctions,
What would be appropriate?
What would be the repurcussions if NATO destroyed the pipelines to starve him of foreign money?

Johnson has said Europe will have to live without Russia's oil and gas. That is sure to skyrocket prices and biden can't be blamed for that.

In the meantime, China is quietly arming up to invade Taiwan. Could it happen at the same time as Ukraine to stretch USA defences?

If they did, which democracy should USA defend first if they do anything?

All quite legitimate questions I think. What do you think?

I don't think it is in the interest of the US to defend Ukraine. However, in general terms it is not in our security interest to see Russia expand its empire by force.

It is a hoot and a half to watch Potatohead fuck it up. Remember how the dipshit fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan? He is such an incompetent weak piece of shit he is giving Putin the green light to do what Putin wants to do.
Again: The inner problems of the USA have nothing to do with the Ukraine.

Pay attention to current events. By following Xi's plan to suddenly Unconditionally Surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban, Brandon has alienated our oldest, most dependable Allies
Lets cut to the chase.
There's plenty of Biden haters on here.
Do you think he should defend with the military or support NATO etc? Would you prefer Biden and NATO be beaten by the Russians for your pure political bias?
Should he even be there?

If the Russians attack, when do you think it could be?
Could he be posturing and sabre rattling?

What happens after he attacks and gets the upper hand, does USA hook in or still abstain?

If there is to be sanctions,
What would be appropriate?
What would be the repurcussions if NATO destroyed the pipelines to starve him of foreign money?

Johnson has said Europe will have to live without Russia's oil and gas. That is sure to skyrocket prices and biden can't be blamed for that.

In the meantime, China is quietly arming up to invade Taiwan. Could it happen at the same time as Ukraine to stretch USA defences?

If they did, which democracy should USA defend first if they do anything?

All quite legitimate questions I think. What do you think?
Not only NATO but the U.N. should be involved. Biden is against using our military but I see it as inevitable if the war escalates. I hope Putin is just saber rattling to get something he really wants and maybe diplomacy may get it done where all sides are happy. If China decides to strike Taiwan It will cause things to spin out of control. And we will have WWW3 . I understand those who oppose the U.S.A. from getting involved in foreign wars. But the reality is for our country or any country to survive they need to understand that the days of being neutral and isolated are long past we now live in an age of involvement and alliances. Heres the latest I found on Ukraine .
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The only reason US Leaders care about the Ukraine
There are 44 countries in Europe. Let them defend the Ukraine.

Belarus and the Ukraine. In Belarus the illegal tyrant Lukashenko sold/sells/will sell his country to the Russians. Soldiers from Russia threaten the Ukraine also from the territory of Belarus.

It's in their backyard and they can police it on their own. Americans are tired of making sacrifices for other nations who then turn around and speak badly of us on the national stage.

The USA an lamenting martyr with nearly no victims in their wars where millions of others died ... Only because now no one - also not the USA - is able to defend Belarus and the Ukraine?
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Not only NATO but the U.N. should be involved. Biden is against using our military but I see it as inevitable if the war escalates. I hope Putin is just saber rattling to get something he really wants and maybe diplomacy may get it done where all sides are happy. If China decides to strike Taiwan It will cause things to spin out of control. And we will have WWW3 . I understand those who oppose the U.S.A. from getting involved in foreign wars. But the reality is for our country or any country to survive they need to understand that the days of being neutral and isolated are long past we now live in an age of involvement and alliances. Heres the latest I found on Ukraine .
Got news for you.... thankfully the Ukraine is NOT a member of NATO so NATO is under no obligation to defend the Ukraine
Pay attention to current events. By following Xi's plan to suddenly Unconditionally Surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban, Brandon has alienated our oldest, most dependable Allies

Because you say "AfghanIstan". France and Germany will also leave Mali - that's in Africa. Reason: It makes not any sense to fight against terrorism for the terrorists of a military junta.
Biden is wagging the dog in Ukraine. He desperately NEEDS, well, Biden is a vegetable, so it's the people pulling his strings that NEED a distraction from the inevitable midterm shellacking.

We know Ukraine has paid millions to the Bidens (10% for the Big Guy), so money plays a big part in this.
You know fuck all and have no evidence of anything.
You have vindicated my assumption of hatred.
If Biden is picking up in Ukraine where he left off in 2014 and he is successful in instigating an Ukrainian attack of Luhansk and/or Donbass, he will be responsible for all the political and economic fallout that follows:

"Feb. 19, 2022

"Shelling intensifies in Eastern Ukraine
"Over the past several days, artillery barrages continued to target areas in east Ukraine. Shelling targeted the region around the town of Svitlodarsk — an area that includes key infrastructure such as a drinking water supply network and one of Europe’s largest fertilizer factories."

Maps: Tracking the Conflict Between Ukraine and Russia
Your shit is weak, comrade trollsky.

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