
What territories is he seizing more and more? NATO has been closing in, that's what clearly shows, and Putin has been politely warning you that's enough, time to go home. What do you motherfuckers want NATO for? There's been no USSR for thirty years now. Sleepy Joe, orange man or whoever the fuck your deep state has as a front can't cope with their inner turmoil and feed you imbeciles the democracy in peril bullshit. Does it not bother you that your 12 year-old son is tired of being a boy and about to cut his wiener? That Spanish is more spoken than English sometimes, that BLM is rampaging and you can't do anything to stop it, that half the US hates the other half because of Covid, Biden, 2nd amendment or a load of other stuff you're at each others throats here at this forum day and night?
Long story short: fuck you!!!
Putin holds no authority over NATO. He can pound sand. It’s a defensive alliance and Putin , the multiple offender, shows time and again why it’s existence is necessary.
Don't you worry. Everything is cool. :04:

If we send American ground troops to defend Ukraine, they will.

If NATO decides to defend Ukraine with troops, the vast majority of those troops will be American.
It’s not going to happen. It’s been stated explicitly so on multiple occasions.
What is it you think you know? You don't know shyte kid.
I know that You're a dickhead.
I know you hate democrats.
I know you couldn't find Ukraine in a map.
I know you don't care about anyone but yourself.
I know you want Biden to fail in everything includingdefending U.S. interests pure to make him look bad.
You're a sad sorry pathetic arsehole.
But you know that.
If we send American ground troops to defend Ukraine, they will.

If NATO decides to defend Ukraine with troops, the vast majority of those troops will be American.

Leave the NATO then you will not have the problem to have to defend allies who you hate.
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If we send American ground troops to defend Ukraine, they will.

If NATO decides to defend Ukraine with troops, the vast majority of those troops will be American.
The Ukraine is not a member of the NATO.
Lets cut to the chase.
There's plenty of Biden haters on here.
Do you think he should defend with the military or support NATO etc? Would you prefer Biden and NATO be beaten by the Russians for your pure political bias?
Should he even be there?

If the Russians attack, when do you think it could be?
Could he be posturing and sabre rattling?

What happens after he attacks and gets the upper hand, does USA hook in or still abstain?

If there is to be sanctions,
What would be appropriate?
What would be the repurcussions if NATO destroyed the pipelines to starve him of foreign money?

Johnson has said Europe will have to live without Russia's oil and gas. That is sure to skyrocket prices and biden can't be blamed for that.

In the meantime, China is quietly arming up to invade Taiwan. Could it happen at the same time as Ukraine to stretch USA defences?

If they did, which democracy should USA defend first if they do anything?

All quite legitimate questions I think. What do you think?
The USA and NATO, and the EU, should help Ukraine and win.

Sadly, the best way for that to happen is allow the USA not take the lead because Xiden is an idiot
The USA and NATO, and the EU, should help Ukraine and win.

And what means "to win" in this context?

Sadly, the best way for that to happen is allow the USA not take the lead because Xiden is an idiot

The problem in the Ukraine have nothing to do with inner US-American problems. But anyway the problems wich currently (and in the next decades) will have to be solved are problems whick made the presidents before him. If you see an inner problem of the USA then I would say the Donald gave the wrong signals to Russia, China, Europe, Persia, North-Korea and about other 190 nations with thousands of potential autocrats in a world where your soldiers are in 164 countries, how I read here anywhere.

But again: What do you think means "to win" in the Belarus and Ukraine conflicts? What exactly is this now?
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In case anyone was wondering, this is the reason. Blame it all on this terrible crisis in the Ukraine, and if Biden can squeeze some kind of war out of it, all the better.
And what means "to win" in this context?

The problem in the Ukraine have nothing to do with inner US-American problems. But anyway the problems wich currently (and in the next decades) will have to be solved are problems whick made the presidents before him. If you see an inner problem of the USA then I would say the Donald gave the wrong signals to Russia, China, Europe, Persia, North-Korea and about other 190 nations with thousands of potential autocrats in a world where your soldiers are in 164 countries, how I read here anywhere.

But again: What do you think means "to win" in the Belarus and Ukraine conflicts? What exactly is this now?
1) beating Russia, and keeping them from taking over Ukraine
2) I didn’t say it had anything to do with domestic issues…it’s foreign policy…and has nothing to do with trump

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