
Something's cooking right now. Looks like the recognition of DNR and LNR is about to happen. Not sure about today but soon it seems. Putin is meeting the Security Council of Russia.
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I know that You're a dickhead.
I know you hate democrats.
I know you couldn't find Ukraine in a map.
I know you don't care about anyone but yourself.
I know you want Biden to fail in everything includingdefending U.S. interests pure to make him look bad.
You're a sad sorry pathetic arsehole.
But you know that.
Sounds very much like you, except for them being Republicans and Trump.
Зеленский ждёт Путина.jpg

Ukraine awaiting Putin's invasion.
This is just one guy's opinion, but it's a welcome relief from the pre-war (assuming it happens) doom and gloom.

His point is that Putin is actually dealing from a position of weakness, and that he may be biting off more than he can chew.

The usual clap-trap of a wannabe connoisseur of Putin's mind.
This is just one guy's opinion, but it's a welcome relief from the pre-war (assuming it happens) doom and gloom.

His point is that Putin is actually dealing from a position of weakness, and that he may be biting off more than he can chew.

Murphy's piano accompanied Cliff Notes left out that Putin's hybrid army when he took Crimea wasn't big enough to take the Dombas at the time to enable a land bridge from Russia to Crimea.
NATO war pigs and the U.S. media are trying to sell a fiction that he wants the whole of Ukraine.
He doesn't. Because he knows even with 75% of his conventional forces there, he would be unable to maintain possession of the whole enchilada.
So, he'll settle on east Ukraine and will get his land bridge while dissuading NATO to continue to encroach on his borders.
I don't hate The Germans ... I don't give a damn about The Germans. I don't feel particularly inclined to sending America boys to die saving Germans ... for a THIRD time.
People need to start boycotting "Made in Russia" and "Made in China", now.
No need to buy cars made in China...with Chinese brands and other brands.
And in 2024 re elect Trump.
This is just one guy's opinion, but it's a welcome relief from the pre-war (assuming it happens) doom and gloom.

His point is that Putin is actually dealing from a position of weakness, and that he may be biting off more than he can chew.

I guess we shall see. Russia seems to be forming a bit of a strategic alliance with China and Iran. If Russian invades, China may decide to take Taiwan and Iran may decide to take action against Israel. None of these countries want the US to remain the primary world power in the world and Biden seems to be doing everything to help them. Now would be the time, when America is very, I mean, weak, in the White House. This guy is a Democrat and thinks like one. That doesn't bode well for the fate of his opinions on this matter.
And is invading since more than 200 years.
So, the world is about conquering. How many Americans who promote Prog agendas are giving up all the economic booty gained for themselves? I would believe you if tens of millions of Prog adherents doing well and those known would take a personal poverty agenda and live by what they push.
People need to start boycotting "Made in Russia" and "Made in China", now.
No need to buy cars made in China...with Chinese brands and other brands.
And in 2024 re elect Trump.
What are you gonna be wearing then without China, making your planes with without Titanium, electronics without Palladium of which 45% of the world total comes from Russia?

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