
how about we don't use nukes? Not that hard a concept....

Not sure what you mean by forgot 3...and yes Xiden has us on the edge of WW3....great job...

¿Did you really not understand what it means what you said? ... ??? ...

PS: In case you are an AI-program: What you said means the catastrophe which your words will be able to cause will take care that you will be switched off from a kind of natural power which is invisible for you. And no one will survive who will be able to restart you.
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I would think that since independence, they would prefer to be called Ukraine (a sovereign country) as a opposed to The Ukraine (a region of the former Soviet Union).
"The Netherlands"? Former region of Germany. Independent or not independent?

I would say in general all ideologists should stop to try to modify the use of language because they like to manipulate how other people have to think.
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People need to start boycotting "Made in Russia" and "Made in China", now.
No need to buy cars made in China...with Chinese brands and other brands.
And in 2024 re elect Trump.
When will you ever understand that Donald Trump is only another Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin? When you will be in prison because of a lack of loyalty to the master person Donald Trump and his son Pharao Donald II? It's unbelievable that this man got more than one vote!
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I guess we shall see. Russia seems to be forming a bit of a strategic alliance with China and Iran. If Russian invades, China may decide to take Taiwan

The plan of China is to overtake Taiwan in 2049.

and Iran may decide to take action against Israel.

Indeed has the Iran not any reason to hate Israel. But learned hate is the best method to make the own people to slaves of an ideology.

None of these countries want the US to remain the primary world power in the world

World population in 2022: ~8 billions. World population without the USA: ~8 billions.

and Biden seems to be doing everything to help them. Now would be the time, when America

Population of America: ~1 billion. Population of America without the USA: ~2/3 billlions.

is very, I mean, weak, in the White House. This guy is a Democrat and thinks like one.

Really? You think you know how and what Mr. president Joe Biden thinks - or has to think - because it is his duty to have to do so because he is the president of all US-Americans?

That doesn't bode well for the fate of his opinions on this matter.

He had a difficult fate, but kept a cheerful attitude - hopefully. For sure I will pray for him. The current situation in the world worries everyone who is able to think. Fortunatelly most US-Americans have since generations not the difficult fate to have to learn to think.
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Simple answer if if you believe the U.S. should commit Troops, weapons and money to defend the Ukraine border while not strengthening our border and getting Russia, China and Iran influence out of our part of the World then you have your priorities all mixed up.

You want to fight Russia at the wrong border and maybe you should focus more on fixing Mexico, Central and South America than trying to save a country ( Ukraine ) that has no treaty with NATO…
The United States has been being invaded for over a half century now. The new realities have not even begun to work itself out yet and we see massive swings of political and physical destruction to our nation. For what is coming in unlike the past is not being blended in as much as having the same cultural living ways from where they come from which caused them to come here in the first place.
The old testament has something to say about borders and border stones. Funny you would mention cultural differences. We've supported illegal immigration in other countries.
Simple answer if if you believe the U.S. should commit Troops, weapons and money to defend the Ukraine border while not strengthening our border and getting Russia, China and Iran influence out of our part of the World then you have your priorities all mixed up.

You want to fight Russia at the wrong border and maybe you should focus more on fixing Mexico, Central and South America than trying to save a country ( Ukraine ) that has no treaty with NATO…
Shit doesnt make sense, thanks for your observation, I hope my people stay safe
I notice the media isn't reporting on how the UKRANIAN PEOPLE view the Russian military entering Ukraine. Happy ? Unhappy ? Attacked ? Liberated ? Harm ? Benefit ?

Has anybody bothered to ask THEM ?

The last what I heard was about three days ago. The people in Kiew were relativelly relaxed. They were not able to believe that Russia will really attack them because they had been in history always allies.
Shit doesnt make sense, thanks for your observation, I hope my people stay safe
It is not the U.S. nor NATO job to defend the Ukraine seeing the Ukraine is not part of NATO or any other treaty that requires the U.S. to commit Troops, money or weapons.

If your people need defense or protection then request U.N. Peacekeepers to be deployed but as for NATO or the U.S., well it is not their job or duty.

Also if you can not understand Russia, China and Iran have been meddling in Mexico, Central and South America affairs causing strife and death for decades then you are clueless!

It is time for the U.S. to clean up the mess South of the border and not worry about the Ukraine…
Putin's moves are pretty smart so far, for a murderous authoritarian.

He's cozied up with China, and he's made an incremental geopolitical move that was tough to see coming.

As we've seen elsewhere, authoritarians operate outside the norms and play by a different set of rules. Like criminals, they're willing to impose their will over any rules or standards, while everyone else can only watch and try to figure out how to address them within the rules.

Coincidentally, America is dealing with that internally, right now.
Putin's moves are pretty smart so far, for a murderous authoritarian.

He's cozied up with China, and he's made an incremental geopolitical move that was tough to see coming.

As we've seen elsewhere, authoritarians play by a different set of rules. Like criminals, they're willing to impose their will over any rules or standards, while everyone else can only watch and try to figure out how to address them within the rules.

Coincidentally, America is dealing with that internally, right now.
If you didn’t see what Putin and China have been doing the last two decades then you have been clueless, but then again you are clueless as hell!
Well….Isn’t that the German way….I spent nearly 4 years in Germany…And from what I saw, they just love the Americans when they are there spending money, but talk under their breath how they hate the soldiers defending their country….

Are you a Russian who has to speak nonsense now on reason "truth is always the first victim of war"? Or do you have any special personal reason why you hate and defame us Germans?

Whatever - you show the typical problem of all new US-Americans after 9/11 - specially of all Trumpericans - so it is really better all US-American soldiers leave Germany. It would be a pitty to have to send them home scalped when they attack Germany because of their extremely bad insight into human nature.

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So, the world is about conquering.

No. The world is about loveful wisdom - conservation and construction. It is not about death and destruction.

How many Americans who promote Prog agendas are giving up all the economic booty gained for themselves?

No idea. I'm a German.

I would believe you

Me? Why should you believe in anything what I say? If you believe something what I say and what should be unfortunatelly wrong - sorry! - then this is your own fault.

if tens of millions of Prog adherents doing well

What is "Prog"?

and those known would take a personal poverty agenda and live by what they push.

No idea what you say with this sentence.
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Simple answer if if you believe the U.S. should commit Troops, weapons and money to defend the Ukraine border while not strengthening our border and getting Russia, China and Iran influence out of our part of the World then you have your priorities all mixed up.

You want to fight Russia at the wrong border and maybe you should focus more on fixing Mexico, Central and South America than trying to save a country ( Ukraine ) that has no treaty with NATO…
You left out Illinoiz, Wiscon-sin and Misserri
The latest silly ass crap to come out of the Potatohead administration is the US won't do any business with any part of the Ukraine that the Russians annex.

Does that mean that Hunter Biden has to give back the portion of that salary he got from Ukraine that came from that part of the country?
Lets cut to the chase.
There's plenty of Biden haters on here.
Do you think he should defend with the military or support NATO etc? Would you prefer Biden and NATO be beaten by the Russians for your pure political bias?
Should he even be there?

If the Russians attack, when do you think it could be?
Could he be posturing and sabre rattling?

What happens after he attacks and gets the upper hand, does USA hook in or still abstain?

If there is to be sanctions,
What would be appropriate?
What would be the repurcussions if NATO destroyed the pipelines to starve him of foreign money?

Johnson has said Europe will have to live without Russia's oil and gas. That is sure to skyrocket prices and biden can't be blamed for that.

In the meantime, China is quietly arming up to invade Taiwan. Could it happen at the same time as Ukraine to stretch USA defences?

If they did, which democracy should USA defend first if they do anything?

All quite legitimate questions I think. What do you think?

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