
I notice the media isn't reporting on how the UKRANIAN PEOPLE view the Russian military entering Ukraine. Happy ? Unhappy ? Attacked ? Liberated ? Harm ? Benefit ?

Has anybody bothered to ask THEM ?
Apparently you live in isolation. The media has been covering that for weeks.
I think Putin is a lot like Hitler in that he keeps seizing more and more territory without meeting any resistance and has come to believe he can keep getting away with it.

KGB Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire.

The Ukraine is Putin's Poland moment. The West has finally drawn a bold line.

Ukraine is the wests puppet regime. Putin has drawn a line. This is what happens when our cia overthrows a lawful govt next to a world power.
Ukraine is the wests puppet regime. Putin has drawn a line. This is what happens when our cia overthrows a lawful govt next to a world power.

And why exactly did do Putin this suicide to sell his own country to China and to let sell Belarus from the tyrant Lukashenko to Russia? And the economy in the Donbas or Donbass makes very big losses. Coal and steel is not a very good business. And Russia is gigantic and this region is very small. So why is he doing all this nonsense which costs and will cost him and Russia a lot?
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This and the hyper-expansion by NATO in eastern Europe in the 90's.

Which hyper-expansion and who threatened Russia? The SU broke down and caused a vacuum - vacuums trend to be filled on reason of stability, The NATO? The NATO is only a defense alliance. Russia - better to say the government of Russia - don't respects the will of the people in Belarus and the Ukraine and breaks international laws. And the Russians in Moscow seem also to be irritated and do not know what to do with this all. Many say Russia has other important problems. So what for heavens sake makes sense for whom in this totally stupid game?
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Which hyper-expansion and who threatened Russia? The SU broke down and caused a vacuum - vacuums trend to be filled on reason of stability, The NATO? The NATO is only a defense alliance. Russia - better to say the government of Russia - don't respects the will of the people in Belarus and the Ukraine and breaks international laws. And the Russians in Moscow seem also to be irritated and do not know what to do with this all. Many say Russia has other important problems. So what for heavens sake makes sense for whom in this totally stupid game?

I don't have the time and the energy to tutor you, son.
Are you a Russian who has to speak nonsense now on reason "truth is always the first victim of war"? Or do you have any special personal reason why you hate and defame us Germans?

Whatever - you show the typical problem of all new US-Americans after 9/11 - specially of all Trumpericans - so it is really better all US-American soldiers leave Germany. It would be a pitty to have to send them home scalped when they attack Germany because of their extremely bad insight into human nature.

I was there in the 80's son....and saw it first hand...Now with that said, there are some wonderful people in Germany, and some real assholes...Like anywhere I guess, but don't for a moment think that your forces could bring the feeling of safety that you take for granted now with American troops there...
Used the flag & God to boondoggle us into that 20 year mess that killed & maimed Americans. the cost to much in both blood & money. All efforts to avoid war are good efforts.
Used the flag & God to boondoggle us into that 20 year mess that killed & maimed Americans. the cost to much in both blood & money. All efforts to avoid war are good efforts.

Amerika seems rather war-weary, you think??
Especially when it comes to taking on a real nuclear power.
But, I digress.
You could have asked that same question about Iraq and Vietnam.

The war on Iraq (under Sadam Husein) had been a war of agression. The wrong doctrine "preemptive strike" justifies no wars, the Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and WMDs were also not found. The war in Vietnam has a complex background in a situaion where more than 50% of the world had been under influence of an extremely brutal inhuman communisms (key words: Stalinism, Maoism) - and it will be forever unforgetable how the cituzen of the USA stopped this war on their own free will becasue it made no any sense to kill the people with modern weaöpins which they liked to set free. It was a great human victory of the people of the USA to decide it's better to lose a war! One of the greatest moments of history.

The war in Iraq had exclusivelly only to do with the inner situation of the USA - and nothing with the Iraq. It had been nothing else than a big lie or self-delusion. And "Vietnam" is very complex and a mix of both factors I would say. It was part of a war of theories about econcomy (while economy on its own is only a servant) and about ... ¿how to say this? ... ¿might?, ¿influence?, ¿missapprehensions? ...
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Amerika seems rather war-weary, you think??
Especially when it comes to taking on a real nuclear power.
But, I digress.

If peeople are alone in a big empry room where onyl a big red button on a table and there 's a piece of paper where's written: "Dangerous! Do not press this button! Under no circumstances!" - what will happen?

I would say it is better to close this room with a key and to write on this key: "Dangerous! Do not open this door! Under no circumstances!".

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