
I know that You're a dickhead.
I know you hate democrats.
I know you couldn't find Ukraine in a map.
I know you don't care about anyone but yourself.
I know you want Biden to fail in everything includingdefending U.S. interests pure to make him look bad.
You're a sad sorry pathetic arsehole.
But you know that.

Oh look, Colin is upset. Like I said, you don't know shyte
Lets cut to the chase.
There's plenty of Biden haters on here.
Do you think he should defend with the military or support NATO etc? Would you prefer Biden and NATO be beaten by the Russians for your pure political bias?
Should he even be there?

If the Russians attack, when do you think it could be?
Could he be posturing and sabre rattling?

What happens after he attacks and gets the upper hand, does USA hook in or still abstain?

If there is to be sanctions,
What would be appropriate?
What would be the repurcussions if NATO destroyed the pipelines to starve him of foreign money?

Johnson has said Europe will have to live without Russia's oil and gas. That is sure to skyrocket prices and biden can't be blamed for that.

In the meantime, China is quietly arming up to invade Taiwan. Could it happen at the same time as Ukraine to stretch USA defences?

If they did, which democracy should USA defend first if they do anything?

All quite legitimate questions I think. What do you think?
Biden invaded DC the same week Putin invaded Ukraine. That is not a coincidence. It is also not a coincidence that Biden colluded with Putin to give Putin the nod to invade Ukraine, just like he colluded with Putin to shut down The XL pipeline, and to stop anymore drilling leases from being granted while he also helped Nordstream2 get finished while opposing the Israel pipeline.

Putin and Xi are literally wagging the dog for Biden in order to help him stay in office and hold power like any good friends would.

Russian Collusion! It's not just for breakfast anymore!

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It was a great human victory of the people of the USA to decide it's better to lose a war! One of the greatest moments of history.
This is as much of a disgrace to the United States as surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban terrorists. Both times the left was the source of shame, and both times they turned the Americans themselves into pigs (hippies and so on).

Your leftist proterrorist stance is not accidental. You're trying to justify Pan-Germanism. If Austria-Hungary had the Bush Doctrine, the wave of Prussian Nazism and Hitler would not have swept Europe. In the same way, prevention would not hurt now.
Biden invaded DC the same week Putin invaded Ukraine. That is not a coincidence. It is also not a coincidence that Biden colluded with Putin to give Putin the nod to invade Ukraine, just like he colluded with Putin to shut down The XL pipeline, and to stop anymore drilling leases from being granted while he also helped Nordstream2 get finished while opposing the Israel pipeline.

Putin and Xi are literally wagging the dog for Biden in order to help him stay in office and hold power like any good friends would.

Russian Collusion! It's not just for breakfast anymore!

It's a great story about th e collusion between them but it's cancelled now they are at war.
Even the GOP are now behind Biden.

You're supporting the communists on this one purely because you hate Biden.
It's RINO Democrats, that's the way it should be. Like someone's wife's naked ass and LGBT support in the Family Values Protection Party.

What? Aren't the Democrats the leftist shit in the US?

Not any more.
You support putin on this one and you know it.
Admit it. I've wedged you lot of hate filled idiots.
The war on Iraq (under Sadam Husein) had been a war of agression. The wrong doctrine "preemptive strike" justifies no wars, the Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and WMDs were also not found. The war in Vietnam has a complex background in a situaion where more than 50% of the world had been under influence of an extremely brutal inhuman communisms (key words: Stalinism, Maoism) - and it will be forever unforgetable how the cituzen of the USA stopped this war on their own free will becasue it made no any sense to kill the people with modern weaöpins which they liked to set free. It was a great human victory of the people of the USA to decide it's better to lose a war! One of the greatest moments of history.

The war in Iraq had exclusivelly only to do with the inner situation of the USA - and nothing with the Iraq. It had been nothing else than a big lie or self-delusion. And "Vietnam" is very complex and a mix of both factors I would say. It was part of a war of theories about econcomy (while economy on its own is only a servant) and about ... ¿how to say this? ... ¿might?, ¿influence?, ¿missapprehensions?

Vietnam was because you ttried to stop the communists and failed miserably.
Iraq was to stop Saddam putting cheap oil onto the market after the U.S. put sanctions on him.

Don't give me that rubbish about freeing the people.
You weren't concerned about them when you controlled the oil supply now you bleat about how humanitarian you were while killing 250000 Iraqis.
Freedom my arse.
It was about oil you fool.
It's a great story about th e collusion between them but it's cancelled now they are at war.
Even the GOP are now behind Biden.

You're supporting the communists on this one purely because you hate Biden.
Biden is not at war with Putin. Biden told Putin to take Ukraine, and then Biden would just puff up his chest "Cornpop" style and pretend like it mattered. His sycophantic worshipers in the Fake News could talk about how tough Biden is, while Putin just does what he wants to help his ole pal Joey Asterisk get a few style points, and maybe not lose his ass in the midterms. Biden will do nothing same as Obama did nothing when Putin took Crimea, and then started arming so called "Ukrainian Sepratists" in Eastern Ukraine.

You people must think we are stupid.

How about you go back to selling use Russian Collusion? :abgg2q.jpg:
Biden is not at war with Putin. Biden told Putin to take Ukraine, and then Biden would just puff up his chest "Cornpop" style.
That is as lie. You gave no evidence of it and you could not possibly know that.
His sycophantic worshipers in the Fake News could talk about how tough Biden is, while Putin just does what he wants to help his ole pal Joey Asterisk get a few points, and maybe not lose his ass in the midterms.
I'm certain Biden would be at the centre of Putin's mind with the Mid terms soon. Grow up you idiot.
It doesn't matter if the repigs take both houses, Biden will still be the POTUS so suck eggs.
That is as lie. You gave no evidence of it and you could not possibly know that.

I'm certain Biden would be at the centre of Putin's mind with the Mid terms soon. Grow up you idiot.
It doesn't matter if the repigs take both houses, Biden will still be the POTUS so suck eggs.
It's all a scam. Putin and Russia have been conspirators with The Democrat Party for decades. There is no difference between a Russian Communist and a DemNazi Communist.

You are being played. But then you know that, and that is why you participate in the game, and propagate the lies.

Putin Scootin Boogie

Out in the country, past the city limits sign
Well, there's a honky tonk, near the Ukraine line
The joint starts jumpin' every night
When the sun goes down (I'm just bound to get a good ol' country dance)
They got whiskey, women
Music and smoke
It's where all the cowboy folk
Go to Putin scootin' boogie

I've got a good job, I work hard for my money
When it's quittin' time, I hit the door honey
I fire up my pickup truck
And let the horses run
I go flyin' down that highway
To that hide-a-way
Stuck out in the woods
To do the Putin scootin' boogie

Yeah, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go Putin scootin'
Oh, Cadillac, Blackjack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Oh, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie, get down

Bartender asks me, says, "Son what'll it be?"
I want a shot at that redhead yonder lookin' at me
The dance floor's hoppin'
And it's hotter than the fourth of July
I see outlaws, in laws
Crooks and straights
All out makin' it shake
Doin' the Putin scootin' boogie

Yeah, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go Putin scootin'
Oh, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

Oh, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go Putin scootin'
Yeah, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Yeah, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

Heel, toe, docie do
Cadillac, BlackJack
Get down, get down
Oh, check it baby
Get down, get down
Putin scootin' boogie

Heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go Putin scootin'
Oh, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Oh, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

Heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go boot scootin'
Oh Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

Oh, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go boot scootin'
Yeah, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Yeah, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

I said, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

Oh, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

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It's all a scam. Putin and Russia have been conspirators with The Democrat Party for decades. There is no different between a Russian Communist and a DemNazi Communist.

You are being played. But then you know that, and that is why you participate in the game, and propagate the lies.

Putin Scootin Boogie

Cadillac, BlackJack, get down
Putin scootin' boogie

Out in the country, past the city limits sign
Well, there's a honky tonk, near the Ukraine line
The joint starts jumpin' every night
When the sun goes down (I'm just bound to get a good ol' country dance)
They got whiskey, women
Music and smoke
It's where all the cowboy folk
Go to Putin scootin' boogie

I've got a good job, I work hard for my money
When it's quittin' time, I hit the door honey
I fire up my pickup truck
And let the horses run
I go flyin' down that highway
To that hide-a-way
Stuck out in the woods
To do the Putin scootin' boogie

Yeah, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go boot scootin'
Oh, Cadillac, Blackjack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Oh, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie, get down

Bartender asks me, says, "Son what'll it be?"
I want a shot at that redhead yonder lookin' at me
The dance floor's hoppin'
And it's hotter than the fourth of July
I see outlaws, in laws
Crooks and straights
All out makin' it shake
Doin' the Putin scootin' boogie

Yeah, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go Putin scootin'
Oh, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie
Oh, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go Putin scootin'
Yeah, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Yeah, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie
Heel, toe, docie do
Cadillac, BlackJack
Get down, get down
Oh, check it baby
Get down, get down
Putin scootin' boogie
Heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go boot scootin'
Oh, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Oh, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie
Heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go boot scootin'
Oh Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie
Oh, heel, toe, docie do, come on baby, let's go boot scootin'
Yeah, Cadillac, BlackJack, baby, meet me out back
We're gonna boogie
Yeah, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie
I said, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie
Oh, get down, turn around, go to town
Putin scootin' boogie

Conspirators with the democrats ay?
You are paranoid about them.
Conspirators with the democrats ay?
You are paranoid about them.
It's not every day you arrange to give Putin 20% of US Uranium for a wink and a nod over Crimea and a $145 Million to Clinton from Russia with Love as payment for the favor.

That's why it's called The Pootin Scootin Boogie.

It's an art, not a science. The Art of Betrayal, Treason, Graft and Corruption.

When a President tries to end that, The Deep State tries to end him. Chuck Schummer promised it would happen and it did, just like Fauci promised that Trump would be attacked with the very virus Fauci was in charge of making, right, comrade?

Now go back to selling some Russian Collusion Dirty Dossier Crack to your friends on the Street Corner, Cornpop.
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It's not every day you arrange to give Putin 20% of US Uranium for a wink and a nod over Crimea and a $145 Million to Clinton from Russia with Love as payment for the favor.

That's why it's called The Pootin Scootin Boogie.
It was not a gift and deals were done in exchange.

You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
It was not a gift and deals were done in exchange.

You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
And you are less intelligent than a row of cats, who do not care for Fake News and won't watch it.

So what ever you say, Cornpop. You keep smoking that Russian Collusion Crack you been selling to everyone you know as a lie for the past 5 years. It's Bramaged your Drain.

Say hello to Obama Bin Spying for me, Dotard.
And you are less intelligent than a row of cats, who do not care for Fake News and won't watch it.

So what ever you say, Cornpop. You keep smoking that Russian Collusion Crack you been selling to everyone you know as a lie for the past 5 years. It's Bramaged your Drain.

Say hello to Obama Bin Spying for me, Dotard.
Out of ammo son?
You must be with all the childish name calling if that's the best you've got.

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