Ukraine's counter-offensive I Regular updates I The 🇷🇺 Rats are on the Run I Why Moscow SUCKS AT WAR ?

That is Enerhodar where the ZNPP is located, and Nikopol on the other side.

When the water ran out it exposed large numbers of Russian mines along the banks.

There will be many new places to cross when things dry out.

Putin as much as admitted to blowing the dam when he said it stopped the offensive in Kherson, and Russia has alrfeady moved some of their forces from Kherson to the VN-Donetsk and Zap AO's.
Girkin :

Prigozhin comments on the offensive. Says the AFU is moving slowly and competently, and not enough is being done to stop them.

Behind of Prigozhin is Utkin and GRU . I dont think that Shaigu can easy take over Wagner

Behind of Prigozhin is Utkin and GRU . I dont think that Shaigu can easy take over Wagner
I don't know who it is, but Prigozhin has protection- you can't be in his position without it.

Rumor is Wagner is exempt from Shoigu's takeover of the PMC's, we'll see how that goes...
I don't know who it is, but Prigozhin has protection- you can't be in his position without it.

Rumor is Wagner is exempt from Shoigu's takeover of the PMC's, we'll see how that goes...

very interesting development !

“Yeah, he is fine”. Pirozghin said after answering Delimkhanov’s phone.

I don't know who it is, but Prigozhin has protection- you can't be in his position without it.

Rumor is Wagner is exempt from Shoigu's takeover of the PMC's, we'll see how that goes...
Solovev: "What was your rank, soldier?"
Average Wagner SS conscript: "I think the judge called it First Degree Murder, Armed Robbery and Sexual Assault"
Nearly all over Nazi Titty . Your Nazi brothers are surrendering after unimaginable first week losses of men and ordnance . Where will you next run to , Titty, as Sweden are deporting Nazis as fast as they can .
And what a disaster for theUS - Ukey Nazis . At the present rate they will be begging to be allowed to surrender in about a fortnight . No men , no supplies and no ordnance . A humiliating collapse of their third army .
Yeah sure, okay. Lukashenko told Skabeeva that the AFU has lost 150K last week, so you've destroyed those 12 new AFU Brigades 4 times over!

Congratulations, mission accomplished! :laughing0301:

You want me to post some videos of Russians that have been captured in the last week? There are a lot of them- it's no trouble at all...

Keep posting Lucy Banana, you make for good comic relief. My theory is you were put here to make the other Kremlin stooges look intelligent, but it's not working, lol.
very interesting development !

“Yeah, he is fine”. Pirozghin said after answering Delimkhanov’s phone.
Igor Sushko has translated Prigozhin's hour-long interview from June 5, with english subtitles. I have watched the first 5 installments, there is one more to go.

It's quite a rant, well worth the watch. The first link is part one, the second has parts 2-5.

He talks about about using nukes. Calls it psychopathic, but at least it's a position...
very interesting development !

“Yeah, he is fine”. Pirozghin said after answering Delimkhanov’s phone.

Venevitin is the commander of the Ru 72nd Bde who was captured and interrogated by Wagner. Prigozhin accused him of desertion, and mining the road that Wagner used to evacuate Bakhmut.

Venevitin also said some of his men were tortured by Wagner, and one of them committed suicide in captivity.

Prigozhin said he should be put in front of a firing squad, along with Shoigu and Gerasimov.

Such drama! 🤡

Actually, survived Ukrainian units are not really eager to commit suicidal frontal attacks against well prepared defence lines (especially without air supriority, without significant artillery support, with jammed communications, degraded logistic and low morale), so they've stopped even before reaching the first lines of fortification.

Venevitin is the commander of the Ru 72nd Bde who was captured and interrogated by Wagner. Prigozhin accused him of desertion, and mining the road that Wagner used to evacuate Bakhmut.

Venevitin also said some of his men were tortured by Wagner, and one of them committed suicide in captivity.

Prigozhin said he should be put in front of a firing squad, along with Shoigu and Gerasimov.

Such drama! 🤡
Did you really buy this story?
I watched the full interviews with both men. They said what they said.

I don't really care which terrorist is telling the truth and which is lying.

I say let them fight it out. :laugh:
Don't you think, that both ot them are lying and playing a drama scene for you?

Russian soldiers' corpses line road into liberated Ukrainian village​

STOROZHEVE, Ukraine, June 14 (Reuters) - The road into the newly liberated Ukrainian village of Storozheve is lined with the corpses of Russian soldiers and burnt-out armoured vehicles.

The grisly scenes bear witness to the ferocity of fighting as Ukrainian troops recaptured Storozheve and several other villages in the past few days as part of a counteroffensive in southern and eastern Ukraine.

Some of the dead Russian soldiers lay on the dusty ground beside the husks of their vehicles when Reuters journalists reached the village on Wednesday. Others were crumpled in the grass and fields nearby where they died.


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