Ukraine's counter-offensive I Regular updates I The 🇷🇺 Rats are on the Run I Why Moscow SUCKS AT WAR ?

I'm sure you'll peg it down as propaganda again but here's a story from a Hohol, that's said to be viral on the web these days:
Yes, I have to call bullshit on that one. There are only two confirmed Leo losses, and several reports of them taking multiple hits without any effect. There was one that lost a track on a mine, I can post a video of it being recovered if you like.

The 2A6 that was destroyed was first disabled by a mine on June 9, the crew evacuated, and it was hit by an artillery shell and eventually burned out 2 days later. The 2A4 was hit by artillery near Novopokrovka on June 9, I don't know if the crew was still inside or not.

Note those dates are when the video was posted- the actual battles were a few days earlier.

In a Leo or Abrams, if the ammunition is hit, it just blows the doors off the ammo compartment- the crew compartment is separate from the ammunition, and they will usually walk away. They are not indestructible, but they are designed to take multiple hits and keep going.

The AFU doesn't even operate T-62's, so anyone who says an AFU soldier would prefer riding in a T-62 is just talking out of his ass. I would also mention that the Ukrainians didn't put green crews in the Leo's- they picked experienced crews to train on them because they are intended to be the pointy end of the spear.

So I think the "guy who knows a guy" is full of shit.

Wrt the castrations- I do not know the number, if it is "hundreds" or what. But I know it is not zero, because Wagner posted a video of them castrating a prisoner before executing him. There is also a report from a mental health professional in Ukraine who said two of her patients were castrated in captivity. One of them attempted suicide after he was returned in a prisoner exchange, and in both cases it took a couple months of counseling before they even opened up and told her the story.

There are numerous intercepts of Russian soldiers describing their various war crimes including torture, rape, and executions of civilians, and I've seen several videos of them executing prisoners.

The Russian forces are not well trained or well led, and when soldiers like that get frustrated, they tend to direct their anger on the civilian population and prisoners. It's not that surprising to see it happening in Ukraine.

There are also credible accounts of Ukrainian soldiers executing prisoners- it is not only happening on one side- but the crimes by committed by the Russian side are much more commonplace.

The UN recently released a report on torture of both civilians and prisoners, and they say it is widespread and likely state-sanctioned.

This is how Russians treat their adversaries. He is being given a medical assistance and is promised an eventual return home, testicles intact, mind you.
Yes, I have to call bullshit on that one. There are only two confirmed Leo losses, and several reports of them taking multiple hits without any effect. There was one that lost a track on a mine, I can post a video of it being recovered if you like.

The 2A6 that was destroyed was first disabled by a mine on June 9, the crew evacuated, and it was hit by an artillery shell and eventually burned out 2 days later. The 2A4 was hit by artillery near Novopokrovka on June 9, I don't know if the crew was still inside or not.

Note those dates are when the video was posted- the actual battles were a few days earlier.

In a Leo or Abrams, if the ammunition is hit, it just blows the doors off the ammo compartment- the crew compartment is separate from the ammunition, and they will usually walk away. They are not indestructible, but they are designed to take multiple hits and keep going.

The AFU doesn't even operate T-62's, so anyone who says an AFU soldier would prefer riding in a T-62 is just talking out of his ass. I would also mention that the Ukrainians didn't put green crews in the Leo's- they picked experienced crews to train on them because they are intended to be the pointy end of the spear.

So I think the "guy who knows a guy" is full of shit.

Wrt the castrations- I do not know the number, if it is "hundreds" or what. But I know it is not zero, because Wagner posted a video of them castrating a prisoner before executing him. There is also a report from a mental health professional in Ukraine who said two of her patients were castrated in captivity. One of them attempted suicide after he was returned in a prisoner exchange, and in both cases it took a couple months of counseling before they even opened up and told her the story.

There are numerous intercepts of Russian soldiers describing their various war crimes including torture, rape, and executions of civilians, and I've seen several videos of them executing prisoners.

The Russian forces are not well trained or well led, and when soldiers like that get frustrated, they tend to direct their anger on the civilian population and prisoners. It's not that surprising to see it happening in Ukraine.

There are also credible accounts of Ukrainian soldiers executing prisoners- it is not only happening on one side- but the crimes by committed by the Russian side are much more commonplace.

The UN recently released a report on torture of both civilians and prisoners, and they say it is widespread and likely state-sanctioned.

Okay then, keep living in a dream-bubble. Call me up when it blows.
This is how Russians treat their adversaries. He is being given a medical assistance and is promised an eventual return home, testicles intact, mind you.

BY THE WAY, ON WHICH FRONT Soloviev´s son fight ?

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Okay then, keep living in a dream-bubble. Call me up when it blows.
There will be more losses- many more. It's the nature of this kind of war. But the bulk of the new Bde's (10+) have not been committed to the offensive yet. We have only seen video of one or two companies with western tanks actually being engaged in the offensive. Not even a full battalion's worth.

I have seen several false claims of Leo's destroyed on Russian social media. They include IDF Merkava's in Lebanon, Combines and Sprayers working the fields in Ukraine, old training videos from Germany, a claim from the Kherson area with no pictures, and where no Leo's were ever present, etc.

At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Putin said they had destroyed 5 Patriot systems. That is quite an accomplishment, since only 2 were delivered! And Germany just sent 64 additional patriot missiles to Ukraine for replenishment, so obviously not all the Patriot batteries have been knocked out.

Just yesterday TASS published a story about how engineers destroyed a Bradley and earned a reward for it, but it wasn't even a Bradley- it was a Dutch YPR-765.

Every claim has to be looked at with a critical eye.
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There will be more losses- many more. It's the nature of this kind of war. But the bulk of the new Bde's (10+) have not been committed to the offensive yet. We have only seen video of one or two companies with western tanks actually being engaged in the offensive. Not even a full battalion's worth.

I have seen several false claims of Leo's destroyed on Russian social media. They include IDF Merkava's in Lebanon, Combines and Sprayers working the fields in Ukraine, old training videos from Germany, a claim from the Kherson area with no pictures, and where no Leo's were ever present, etc.

At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Putin said they had destroyed 5 Patriot systems. That is quite an accomplishment, since only 2 were delivered! And Germany just sent 64 additional patriot missiles to Ukraine for replenishment, so obviously not all the Patriot batteries have been knocked out.

Just yesterday TASS published a story about how engineers destroyed a Bradley and earned a reward for it, but it wasn't even a Bradley- it was a Dutch YPR-765.

Every claim has to be looked at with a critical eye.
The only thing that one has to bear in mind is that you can't win a war with Russia. Period. There was once a worthy opponent, you can't take it from them, the Nazi Germany and the whole fucking Europe working for them, (except Yugoslavia, that's maybe why Serbs still like Russians and Russians do the same in return) but you know how that war ended, I hope. Now, what would you expect from the united faggots of the world, which is the NATO's army, if Germans couldn't do it? Well, Ukies are not altogether faggots yet, because they are basically Russians but gone slightly mad, but the way they are being ground down they'll die out soon.
The only thing that one has to bear in mind is that you can't win a war with Russia. Period.
I'm not advocating for a war with Russia.

What you should be asking yourself is, "What does a "win" in Putin's war in Ukraine look like for Russia?"

Back in the 90's, I used to correspond with a Russian Colonel who was a Su-33 driver on the Kuznetsov. We lost touch, but for a time we played a little game- he would try to get me to talk "out of school" about the B-1B, and I would try to get him do the same about the Flanker.

He was a pretty decent guy- he was sending his son to the US for commercial flight training. We were on "opposite sides", but I considered him to be both rational and realistic.

I'm not seeing a lot of that from Russians these days...

Maybe you think like Kadryov- you are saving your country from "gay parades" or some inane shit like that. I thought you were more of a thinker, maybe I gave you too much credit. Do you like the idea of severing all ties with western countries and being a client state of China? After spending 30 years building them?

Just saying, maybe you would be better off "losing" in Ukraine, and maintaining Russia's status as a superpower. That's what other superpowers do when they find themselves in an unpopular quagmire...
JUNE 18 Complete disaster forUS-Ukey Nazi force continues WHAT A SHAMBLES
Yes, I have to call bullshit on that one. There are only two confirmed Leo losses, and several reports of them taking multiple hits without any effect. There was one that lost a track on a mine, I can post a video of it being recovered if you like.

The 2A6 that was destroyed was first disabled by a mine on June 9, the crew evacuated, and it was hit by an artillery shell and eventually burned out 2 days later. The 2A4 was hit by artillery near Novopokrovka on June 9, I don't know if the crew was still inside or not.

Note those dates are when the video was posted- the actual battles were a few days earlier.

In a Leo or Abrams, if the ammunition is hit, it just blows the doors off the ammo compartment- the crew compartment is separate from the ammunition, and they will usually walk away. They are not indestructible, but they are designed to take multiple hits and keep going.

The AFU doesn't even operate T-62's, so anyone who says an AFU soldier would prefer riding in a T-62 is just talking out of his ass. I would also mention that the Ukrainians didn't put green crews in the Leo's- they picked experienced crews to train on them because they are intended to be the pointy end of the spear.

So I think the "guy who knows a guy" is full of shit.

Wrt the castrations- I do not know the number, if it is "hundreds" or what. But I know it is not zero, because Wagner posted a video of them castrating a prisoner before executing him. There is also a report from a mental health professional in Ukraine who said two of her patients were castrated in captivity. One of them attempted suicide after he was returned in a prisoner exchange, and in both cases it took a couple months of counseling before they even opened up and told her the story.

There are numerous intercepts of Russian soldiers describing their various war crimes including torture, rape, and executions of civilians, and I've seen several videos of them executing prisoners.

The Russian forces are not well trained or well led, and when soldiers like that get frustrated, they tend to direct their anger on the civilian population and prisoners. It's not that surprising to see it happening in Ukraine.

There are also credible accounts of Ukrainian soldiers executing prisoners- it is not only happening on one side- but the crimes by committed by the Russian side are much more commonplace.

The UN recently released a report on torture of both civilians and prisoners, and they say it is widespread and likely state-sanctioned.

I'm not advocating for a war with Russia.

What you should be asking yourself is, "What does a "win" in Putin's war in Ukraine look like for Russia?"

Back in the 90's, I used to correspond with a Russian Colonel who was a Su-33 driver on the Kuznetsov. We lost touch, but for a time we played a little game- he would try to get me to talk "out of school" about the B-1B, and I would try to get him do the same about the Flanker.

He was a pretty decent guy- he was sending his son to the US for commercial flight training. We were on "opposite sides", but I considered him to be both rational and realistic.

I'm not seeing a lot of that from Russians these days...

Maybe you think like Kadryov- you are saving your country from "gay parades" or some inane shit like that. I thought you were more of a thinker, maybe I gave you too much credit. Do you like the idea of severing all ties with western countries and being a client state of China? After spending 30 years building them?

Just saying, maybe you would be better off "losing" in Ukraine, and maintaining Russia's status as a superpower. That's what other superpowers do when they find themselves in an unpopular quagmire...
So, you are a thinker if "gay parades" shit is inane to you? Isn't that the same shit that makes you go down the drain the last dozen years? I don't need the world where a man can't define with one word what a woman is. I'm with Kadyrov here, all the seven days of the week.
It's our war, not Putin's, as you are made to believe by your "unbiased" media and to me the win would be Kharkiv, Odessa up to and Transnistria included, pro Russian government in Kiev, all the Banderites hanged by the neck and fuck the western Ukraine. Let the Poles deal with it. Let it be their problem. With so much love between them they'll be at each other's throats in no time.

This is confirmed by both sides. The commander and an entire "Storm-Z" battalion wiped out.

I've been seeing more suicides among Russian soldiers. This was almost a mass suicide- they could have easily retreated, there was no way they were going to hold the village. But they just stayed and died, makes no sense militarily.
Do you like the idea of severing all ties with western countries and being a client state of China? After spending 30 years building them?

Just saying, maybe you would be better off "losing" in Ukraine, and maintaining Russia's status as a superpower. That's what other superpowers do when they find themselves in an unpopular quagmire...
Again it's the Russians who are severing ties. You've been hating Putin your entire life it seems but have you ever heard him say anything about breaking ties? It's the US that broke them and I'm not even mentioning Europe that has no sovereignty.
So, you are a thinker if "gay parades" shit is inane to you? Isn't that the same shit that makes you go down the drain the last dozen years? I don't need the world where a man can't define with one word what a woman is. I'm with Kadyrov here, all the seven days of the week.
It's our war, not Putin's, as you are made to believe by your "unbiased" media and to me the win would be Kharkiv, Odessa up to and Transnistria included, pro Russian government in Kiev, all the Banderites hanged by the neck and fuck the western Ukraine. Let the Poles deal with it. Let it be their problem. With so much love between them they'll be at each other's throats in no time.
Okay, I'm getting where you're at.

There have been "gay parades" in the US for decades, I've never been to one, not my cup of tea. And gay bars, and drag clubs, and whatever. They don't make me question my manhood, and those people don't threaten me in any way. I just don't pay any attention to them. I have actual important things to concern myself with.

As an excuse for war, it's just about as stupid as it gets.

Your "win" is a return to cold war relations, but without the mass and might of the USSR. Best learn to speak Mandarin, it will come in handy.

neeson-putin dance.jpg
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