Ukrainian Arrested In Moscow For Trying To Assassinate Tucker Carlson

Yeah, keep going with that. :springbed:

Ukraine is dirty as hell and you aren't willing to admit it. The Dems actually used Ukraine as an excuse to impeach Trump, so it's clear something is going on there.

I always wondered why so many celebrities and world leaders that visited Epstein's Island have shown up in Ukraine in the middle of what is a hot war.
Something isn't right about this.
You sound like a real conspiracy buff. But, seriously, the timeline on the "arrest" being what it is, I would not get a hard on, for the veracity of the facts, if I were you.
Wonder who paid him that $4000? Maybe 4000 people that each chipped in a buck?
You sound like a real conspiracy buff. But, seriously, the timeline on the "arrest" being what it is, I would not get a hard on, for the veracity of the facts, if I were you.
You sound like a real conspiracy buff. But, seriously, the timeline on the "arrest" being what it is, I would not get a hard on, for the veracity of the facts, if I were you.
I wouldn't believe a word our media says these days if I were you.
There have been a lot of people dying to cover up for these assholes.
People committing suicide with 2 bullets in the back of the head.

Wake the fuck up.
I wouldn't believe a word our media says these days if I were you.
There have been a lot of people dying to cover up for these assholes.
People committing suicide with 2 bullets in the back of the head.

Wake the fuck up.
Indeed people in Russia, not towing the Kremlin line are in jeopardy and have been having amzaingly poor luck with falls in the home, out of windows, poisoning, and indeed fire arms accidents, I'm sure.
Indeed people in Russia, not towing the Kremlin line are in jeopardy and have been having amzaingly poor luck with falls in the home, out of windows, poisoning, and indeed fire arms accidents, I'm sure.
Obama is trying to do exactly the same thing Putin pulled several years ago, by putting a puppet in charge of the government but instead Putin was always in charge.
That's what we have here in America because Biden is such a weak fuck.

We are only a couple of years from having a communist revolution.

The Ukes really got a hard on for American journalists. First Gonzalo Lira, now Tucker Carlson..?
Obama is trying to do exactly the same thing Putin pulled several years ago, by putting a puppet in charge of the government but instead Putin was always in charge.
That's what we have here in America because Biden is such a weak fuck.

We are only a couple of years from having a communist revolution.

Good Lord, man! You think you are looking at Obama's secret government. You are pretty well eaten up with conspiracy theory. I don't see how you sleep at night, if you do.
Good Lord, man! You think you are looking at Obama's secret government. You are pretty well eaten up with conspiracy theory. I don't see how you sleep at night, if you do.
Since I've seen the government for over 35 years from the inside I can call a spade a spade.
I could see Obama coming from a mile away.
He's a classic security risk, and a card carrying communist.
You have no idea how easy it is to trick people with low morals and a lack of principles into taking cash from foreign governments.
I cannot count how many times I was in training to help me spot motherfucking traitors and spies like Obama.

I don't know much about your background but it's clear you haven't a fucking clue what's going on.

You really need to hear about what it's like to live in a communist country and hear from someone who grew up living thru the tactics they pulled in China to get where they are today, and you just might be alarmed to know that we're going thru the same thing today.

Since I've seen the government for over 35 years from the inside I can call a spade a spade.
I could see Obama coming from a mile away.
He's a classic security risk, and a card carrying communist.
You have no idea how easy it is to trick people with low morals and a lack of principles into taking cash from foreign governments.
I cannot count how many times I was in training to help me spot motherfucking traitors and spies like Obama.

I don't know much about your background but it's clear you haven't a fucking clue what's going on.

You really need to hear about what it's like to live in a communist country and hear from someone who grew up living thru the tactics they pulled in China to get where they are today, and you just might be alarmed to know that we're going thru the same thing today.

Those who don't learn from history tend to repeat it.
I cannot count how many times I was in training to help me spot motherfucking traitors and spies like Obama.
Did all this “training” occur while you attended “John Birch Society” seminars? Donald Trump’s “University”? Did you study at ex-KGB Putin’s Moscow FSB school for disinformation and counter-espionage?
You really need to hear about what it's like to live in a communist country and hear from someone who grew up living thru the tactics they pulled in China to get where they are today, and you just might be alarmed to know that we're going thru the same thing today.
Really? Really?? Really???

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The article I read, did not say they arrested a Ukrainian, just a guy in Moscow. There is absolutely no telling, whether there is a shred of truth in this report. How many days ago, did it supposedly happen?
i am skeptical ."…..

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