Ukrainian forces ‘closing in’ on strategic city of Kreminna


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
Glory to the heroes of Ukraine happy New year will come
the horde is finished ...

:auiqs.jpg:..... Yea Ya Hoo!... we are moving on one of our own cities... let us know when they fight Russia inside of Russia.... until then Ukraine is losing the war....
ACCORDING pootler´s "constitution " Ukrainians do fight Muscovy inside of Muscovy.

ADMIT it, Schmuck, after nearly a year fighting Russia with all the world carrying the bag for the Nazi Zelensky, You got NOTHING. Ukraine is now 50% DESTROYED and Russia is doing just fine and getting ready to just kick it up another notch! And Ukraine's "pals" are getting sick of going broke for him.
ADMIT it, Schmuck, after nearly a year fighting Russia with all the world carrying the bag for the Nazi Zelensky, You got NOTHING. Ukraine is now 50% DESTROYED and Russia is doing just fine and getting ready to just kick it up another notch! And Ukraine's "pals" are getting sick of going broke for him.

ADMIT it. The "second most powerful army in the world" is getting their asses kicked by a rag tag group of guys running around with shoulder fired missiles against some of the most sophisticated tanks on the battlefield. Putin said he could be in Kiev in 2 weeks. He couldn't get to Kiev in a fucking year and he's NOWHERE CLOSE. All Putin can do is bomb civilians, which are war crimes. He can't win military to military, against fucking Ukraine. He's an embarrassment to the world and he knows it.
ADMIT it. The "second most powerful army in the world" is getting their asses kicked by a rag tag group of guys running around with shoulder fired missiles against some of the most sophisticated tanks on the battlefield. Putin said he could be in Kiev in 2 weeks. He couldn't get to Kiev in a fucking year and he's NOWHERE CLOSE.
Eastern Europe, the Baltics, the Nordics and the Anglosphere became the new , most powerful in the world alliance.

Admit what? That this war would have been over last Spring had the west stayed out of it with Russia taking part of Ukraine, leaving the country and it's people intact? Instead, all you've accomplished is to drag on the violence for a year killing 40,000 and causing millions of others to flee, destroyed much of Ukraine, and all accomplished only with billions and billions and BILLIONS in weapons, supplies, food and aid piped in from around the world to keep Ukraine from falling swiftly to the inevitable.

Russia will never fall, the Russians will never give up, and the minute the West has no more billions to keep feeding that Nazi asshole, either the USA will have to get directly involved putting american boots on the ground and risk nuclear war or pull out, leaving Ukraine to implode with a BOOM.

See the source image
Admit what? That this war would have been over last Spring had the west stayed out of it with Russia taking part of Ukraine, leaving the country and it's people intact? Instead, all you've accomplished is to drag on the violence for a year killing 40,000 and causing millions of others to flee, destroyed much of Ukraine, and all accomplished only with billions and billions and BILLIONS in weapons, supplies, food and aid piped in from around the world to keep Ukraine from falling swiftly to the inevitable.

Russia will never fall, the Russians will never give up, and the minute the West has no more billions to keep feeding that Nazi asshole, either the USA will have to get directly involved putting american boots on the ground and risk nuclear war or pull out, leaving Ukraine to implode with a BOOM.

See the source image

Russias GDP is smaller than that of Texas.

Putin will run out of money long before we will.
Russias GDP is smaller than that of Texas. Putin will run out of money long before we will.

Really? Putin is 100% committed to winning this war and has a lot of friends. We have 100 million other things we need to pay for along with this.

We have ALREADY run out of money, moron---- ---- every dime we have sent to Ukraine has been BORROWED WITH INTEREST FROM THE CHINESE.
Really? Putin is 100% committed to winning this war and has a lot of friends. We have 100 million other things we need to pay for along with this.

We have ALREADY run out of money, moron---- ---- every dime we have sent to Ukraine has been BORROWED WITH INTEREST FROM THE CHINESE.

Putin's biggest friend is China who hasn't given him a single thing. Russia is down to using T-72's, old cold war relic tanks. They are running out of everything.

Quit making shit up. ANYONE knows that if they provide weapons to Russia they will escalate this war and escalation between 2 nuclear powers could end life on this planet. Even China knows they won't go there. China met with Putin and said they are great friends, but failed to provide a single bullet for Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine. I wonder why.
slave , as said before keep blow off your muslims´lovers , you coward know nothing about glory...
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
Putin's biggest friend is China who hasn't given him a single thing. Russia is down to using T-72's, old cold war relic tanks. They are running out of everything.
That is when Russia gets dangerous. They haven't run out of nukes.

Even China knows they won't go there. China met with Putin and said they are great friends, but failed to provide a single bullet for Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine. I wonder why.
They are too busy focused on getting ready to take Taiwan while the Weak Man Of The West Biden is still in office.

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