Ukrainian Ship Close to Russian Waters Refusing to Change Course.

You're an example of being informed and aware of the possibilities. Much better than the ignorant deadbeat schlunks who fear RT.

Who said I didn't fear them? lol. Well, fear isn't the right word, but I am weary of most sources of media. It's up to the viewer to try and decipher the truth from the propaganda. I am not at all ignorant to state media and state funded influencers and the like on youtube and such.

My opinion is that everyone engages in these efforts, so you had better be most credible and effective at it.
Exactly right.

Like you say: NATO sans the US. :thup:
Never gonna happen. The US/Nato alliance holds together because it's totally in the US's interests. Same as the UN of course! Don't tell anybody, it's supposed to be the US protecting Nato countries against some unnamed boogeyman.
The US should stay OUT of there.

If Biden wants to control borders, let him control the border to the South of the US.

It's not brain surgery. ;)
I couldn't care less what you agree or disagree on.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was the most successful withdrawal of a defeated army in the history of the world.

The Taliban, a victorious army, permitted over a hundred thousand enemy troops and traitors to escape unmolested.

It could have become a slaughter of everything that moved within the confines of the airport, with cargo aircraft falling from the skies like dizzy moths!

And the icing on the cake is that the Taliban is still allowing the evacuation to continue!

Ya just can't make this shit up kids!

Oh, and the arms and munitions left behind were all the property of the puppet government, sold to them by the US.
Just too bad the Taliban got the birthday present!

I really can’t beleive you actually posted…

The Afghanistan withdrawal was the most successful withdrawal of a defeated army in the history of the world.

I would hate to see what you consider a failure.

It seems too soon for the US/Nato/Ukraine provocation that I've been predicting.
America/Biden is moving ahead with direct threats to Russia in ways that Trump never did and didn't dare.
The reason why Russia/Putin has favoured Trump over Biden.

Although in truth it's much less to do with any president making these kind of big decisions on brinkmanship. It's above the pay grade of both of the idiots.
He's not going to do anything, just like Obama sat back and watched Crimea get infiltrated. Meanwhile China who Trump did do something about has surrounded American pacific areas. Dumb def and blind.
He's not going to do anything, just like Obama sat back and watched Crimea get infiltrated. Meanwhile China who Trump did do something about has surrounded American pacific areas. Dumb def and blind.
America made a big mistake in trying to take the Crimea away from Russia. There's no possible way that Russia could ever let that happen.

So a situation that satisfied all sides on the issue became a US/Nato/Ukraine loss.

And lucky for Putin the people of the Crimea sided with Russia.

The end result could be considered payback to Russia for what the US stole in the Balkans.
I really can’t beleive you actually posted…

The Afghanistan withdrawal was the most successful withdrawal of a defeated army in the history of the world.

I would hate to see what you consider a failure.
Why don't we start with you telling me what withdrawal by a defeated enemy could be said to be more successful for the vanquished?

Did the Taliban keep Isis back from turning into a slaughter for those trying to get their asses out? I think so and there's a lot more the Taliban did for America to gain favour again as the government!
Yeah...97% in favor with 83% turnout, allegedly.

Andif you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
Probably true if you have any knowledge of that situation.
You don't and you've never demonstrated any understanding of US foreign policy or Russian foreign policy. You just continue to bloviate insults and spam.

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