Ukrainian Whistleblower Blows Up Schiff’s Lies – Says Obama Admin Pressured Ukraine All of the Time!

Hey, Nathan Bedford Forrest had some half assed reasons too!
So did Benedict Arnold, and Like Adam Schiff, he thought he was doing The Colonies a favor by being a turn coat for The Red Coats.

The Colonies he thought would be much better off under the oppressive hand of The British Crown.

Adam Schiff thinks America would be better off being ruled by Socialist-Globalist Tyrants.....

Democracy Be Damned!
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Russia didn't produce the Dirty Dossier tape of alleged golden showers for Christopher Steele/GPS....? It was rumored out there months before Steele heard about it... even the Trump campaign, Hope Hicks knew about it months before Buzzfeed went to print on it, and Cohen testified that Hope was told about the alleged video the day after the Access Hollywood tape was released and went in to double emergency mode to find it and hide it if possible...snatch and kill... and asked Cohen and others, to see if they could track it down...

You're partially correct which is almost unbelievable coming from you. Most of the "dossier" was written by Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie at Fusion've heard of them, right? Mueller claimed he never had which tells you all you need to know about that old liar. The Russia matter was a cover for the FISA warrants to get inside the WH.....pretty useless since Trump left so many Obama spies in open sight, leaking their dirty little asses off. And that's about as much as you'll be able to take in since, like Kelly Bundy, you have to forget something to remember something. The Access Hollywood tape was an old seducer bragging to an eager kid....not a single gold digger has been produced that ever had her pussy grabbed by the President....another cheap "October surprise" by Cankles and her rodent pals.
Do you know the difference between what Joe did and what Trumpybear did?

Of course....but if I didn't you'd be the last person on the planet I'd ask to explain it. Biden sold us out to both the Ivans in Ukraine and the chi-coms.....If China thought there was a chance in hell Trump wouldn't be reelected, they'd never sign the trade deal they've agreed to. Common sense.....pity you burned out whatever you had in your wonder they call it "dope", eh?

Just can't help but deflect from Trumpybears criminal acts.
Do you know the difference between what Joe did and what Trumpybear did?

Of course....but if I didn't you'd be the last person on the planet I'd ask to explain it. Biden sold us out to both the Ivans in Ukraine and the chi-coms.....If China thought there was a chance in hell Trump wouldn't be reelected, they'd never sign the trade deal they've agreed to. Common sense.....pity you burned out whatever you had in your wonder they call it "dope", eh?

Just can't help but deflect from Trumpybears criminal acts.
Please list The Alleged and Fictitious Criminal Acts Committed using US CODE and REFERENCES to said Crimes Mueller Cited US Code Violations that The President Committed.

If you can't you are just a lame propagandist like every other Left Tard inflicted with impeachment insanity on here.
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Do you know the difference between what Joe did and what Trumpybear did?

Ol' Joe withheld aid until a prosecutor (who was after Biden's son for corruption) got fired. It's called bribery. Trump asked the new Ukranian President to investigate corruption that took place to try to overthrow a U.S. Presidential election. IOW Trump was doing the job a President is mandated to do.

Meanwhile, Ol' Joe was using American tax dollars and American foreign policy for purely personal reasons. On top of that, Ol' Joe's son (Hunter) received butt loads of $$$$ and a position in a company for which he had no experience in order for the Ukraine to garner political clout with the Obama administration. Quid Pro Quo on steroids!!!

Nope, Smooth Joe threaten to withhold aid unless they carried out our bipartisan foreign policy. If Biden was doing it for his son at least he had the common sense god gave grasshoppers to not mention his son.

Trumpybear proved he has no common sense. The ultimate demand was a public announcement of an investigation specifically into Dirty Don's main rivals. A public announcement.
Do you know the difference between what Joe did and what Trumpybear did?

Of course....but if I didn't you'd be the last person on the planet I'd ask to explain it. Biden sold us out to both the Ivans in Ukraine and the chi-coms.....If China thought there was a chance in hell Trump wouldn't be reelected, they'd never sign the trade deal they've agreed to. Common sense.....pity you burned out whatever you had in your wonder they call it "dope", eh?

Just can't help but deflect from Trumpybears criminal acts.
Please list The Alleged and Fictitious Criminal Acts Committed using US CODE and REFERENCES to said Crimes Mueller Cited US Code Violations that The President Committed.

If you can't you are just a lame propagandist like every other Left Tard inflicted with impeachment insanity on here.

How about the Constitution.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Of course they pressured Ukraine. Only a dumbass progressive WANTS to believe we give our money away without conditions.
America is being Propagandized by Foreign Countries who have no Love for The American Way of Life

They are also being Propagandized by Mega Corporations who want to control every dime you spend, and everything you hear and see.

10 iconic American companies owned by Chinese investors

Foreign Ownership in U.S. Media and Telecommunications Companies and Why the FCC Is Reluctant to Allow it to Happen

But they have been allowing it to happen for decades.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

George Orwell is alive and Well. Newspeak is Real. Every News Station gives you the identical stories and identical opinions. In short, they tell you what to think, what to buy, what to wear, what to eat and drink, what to drive, and what to say, and how to live.

Even when companies aren’t owned by them, many grovel to do China’s bidding. Those manufacturing companies that use that cheap Chinese slave labor is a good example.

Then there is Hollywood, they have to kiss China’s ass and cater to them by filming parts of movies in China or having a Chinese character in the film in order to get them to approve it for release in China.
Do you know the difference between what Joe did and what Trumpybear did?

Of course....but if I didn't you'd be the last person on the planet I'd ask to explain it. Biden sold us out to both the Ivans in Ukraine and the chi-coms.....If China thought there was a chance in hell Trump wouldn't be reelected, they'd never sign the trade deal they've agreed to. Common sense.....pity you burned out whatever you had in your wonder they call it "dope", eh?

Just can't help but deflect from Trumpybears criminal acts.
Please list The Alleged and Fictitious Criminal Acts Committed using US CODE and REFERENCES to said Crimes Mueller Cited US Code Violations that The President Committed.

If you can't you are just a lame propagandist like every other Left Tard inflicted with impeachment insanity on here.

How about the Constitution.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
You did not CITE US CODE or Provide Evidence of any US CODE VIOLATIONS. Mueller also was unable to do it due to "LACK OF EVIDENCE" per his own words.

In a Criminal Court that is an automatic verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Now don't you have some Putin Pudding to go make for your Daddy Al Baghdadi?
Do you know the difference between what Joe did and what Trumpybear did?

Of course....but if I didn't you'd be the last person on the planet I'd ask to explain it. Biden sold us out to both the Ivans in Ukraine and the chi-coms.....If China thought there was a chance in hell Trump wouldn't be reelected, they'd never sign the trade deal they've agreed to. Common sense.....pity you burned out whatever you had in your wonder they call it "dope", eh?

Just can't help but deflect from Trumpybears criminal acts.
Please list The Alleged and Fictitious Criminal Acts Committed using US CODE and REFERENCES to said Crimes Mueller Cited US Code Violations that The President Committed.

If you can't you are just a lame propagandist like every other Left Tard inflicted with impeachment insanity on here.

How about the Constitution.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
You did not CITE US CODE or Provide Evidence of any US CODE VIOLATIONS. Mueller also was unable to do it due to "LACK OF EVIDENCE" per his own words.

In a Criminal Court that is an automatic verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Now don't you have some Putin Pudding to go make for your Daddy Al Baghdadi?

Sorry Zippy, I'm not obligated to follow your orders. He's not being charged with a crime. He is being investigated for possible impeachable offenses. Bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as being impeachable.
Of course....but if I didn't you'd be the last person on the planet I'd ask to explain it. Biden sold us out to both the Ivans in Ukraine and the chi-coms.....If China thought there was a chance in hell Trump wouldn't be reelected, they'd never sign the trade deal they've agreed to. Common sense.....pity you burned out whatever you had in your wonder they call it "dope", eh?

Just can't help but deflect from Trumpybears criminal acts.
Please list The Alleged and Fictitious Criminal Acts Committed using US CODE and REFERENCES to said Crimes Mueller Cited US Code Violations that The President Committed.

If you can't you are just a lame propagandist like every other Left Tard inflicted with impeachment insanity on here.

How about the Constitution.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
You did not CITE US CODE or Provide Evidence of any US CODE VIOLATIONS. Mueller also was unable to do it due to "LACK OF EVIDENCE" per his own words.

In a Criminal Court that is an automatic verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Now don't you have some Putin Pudding to go make for your Daddy Al Baghdadi?

Sorry Zippy, I'm not obligated to follow your orders. He's not being charged with a crime. He is being investigated for possible impeachable offenses. Bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as being impeachable.
Actually he is not even being Investigated. The FBI or DOJ conducts criminal investigations. Congress does not have the power to conduct criminal investigations, so this is a political operation. They can only conduct inquiries or "hearings".

The President has not been charged with a crime. Mueller investigated The President despite not being able to cite a single crime he was actually investigating.

Mueller was unable to recommend a single violation of US Code to even make a single recommendation for indictment. Schiff and his cronies also cannot name a single violation of US code which The President Violated. If they had clear evidence of such a violation, they'd try to wheel Mueller out again or some equally dishonest hack they would try to market as "a man above reproach." They would name a Special Counsel and have Fake Investigation 2.0, but they know America is already on to they are going this route with behind the doors skulduggery, and inequitable and biased rules.

Without violations of US Code that point to the requirement of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors," The Nasty Pelosi, Adam Schitt Lead House cannot legitimately write Articles of Impeachment.

Without violations of US Code, you cannot write Articles of Impeachment.

Without Articles of Impeachment, you cannot even have a vote on Impeachment.

I thought you Foreigners knew more about American Law and our system of Government than that.
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You did not CITE US CODE or Provide Evidence of any US CODE VIOLATIONS. Mueller also was unable to do it due to "LACK OF EVIDENCE" per his own words.

In a Criminal Court that is an automatic verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Now don't you have some Putin Pudding to go make for your Daddy Al Baghdadi?

Sorry Zippy, I'm not obligated to follow your orders. He's not being charged with a crime. He is being investigated for possible impeachable offenses. Bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as being impeachable.[/QUOTE]
Actually he is not even being Investigated. The FBI or DOJ conducts criminal investigations. Congress does not have the power to conduct criminal investigations, so this is a political operation. They can only conduct inquiries or "hearings".

The President has not been charged with a crime. Mueller investigated The President despite not being able to cite a single crime he was actually investigating.

Mueller was unable to recommend a single violation of US Code to even make a single recommendation for indictment. Schiff and his cronies also cannot name a single violation of US code which The President Violated. If they had clear evidence of such a violation, they'd try to wheel Mueller our again or some equally dishonest hack they would try to market as a man above reproach.

Without violations of US Code that point to the requirement of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Nasty Pelosi, Adam Schitt Lead House cannot legitimately write Articles of Impeachment.

Without violations of US Code, you cannot write Articles of Impeachment.

Without Articles of Impeachment, you cannot even have a vote on Impeachment.

I thought you Foreigners knew more about American Law and our system of Government than that.

And Mueller's goons no doubt saw each and every tax return Trump has filed in his entire life. If there had been a single blip on that radar they'd have come down on the President like a ton of shit...they didn't. Case closed.
You did not CITE US CODE or Provide Evidence of any US CODE VIOLATIONS. Mueller also was unable to do it due to "LACK OF EVIDENCE" per his own words.

In a Criminal Court that is an automatic verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Now don't you have some Putin Pudding to go make for your Daddy Al Baghdadi?

Sorry Zippy, I'm not obligated to follow your orders. He's not being charged with a crime. He is being investigated for possible impeachable offenses. Bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as being impeachable.
Actually he is not even being Investigated. The FBI or DOJ conducts criminal investigations. Congress does not have the power to conduct criminal investigations, so this is a political operation. They can only conduct inquiries or "hearings".

The President has not been charged with a crime. Mueller investigated The President despite not being able to cite a single crime he was actually investigating.

Mueller was unable to recommend a single violation of US Code to even make a single recommendation for indictment. Schiff and his cronies also cannot name a single violation of US code which The President Violated. If they had clear evidence of such a violation, they'd try to wheel Mueller our again or some equally dishonest hack they would try to market as a man above reproach.

Without violations of US Code that point to the requirement of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Nasty Pelosi, Adam Schitt Lead House cannot legitimately write Articles of Impeachment.

Without violations of US Code, you cannot write Articles of Impeachment.

Without Articles of Impeachment, you cannot even have a vote on Impeachment.

I thought you Foreigners knew more about American Law and our system of Government than that.

And Mueller's goons no doubt saw each and every tax return Trump has filed in his entire life. If there had been a single blip on that radar they'd have come down on the President like a ton of shit...they didn't. Case closed.[/QUOTE]
Of course....but if I didn't you'd be the last person on the planet I'd ask to explain it. Biden sold us out to both the Ivans in Ukraine and the chi-coms.....If China thought there was a chance in hell Trump wouldn't be reelected, they'd never sign the trade deal they've agreed to. Common sense.....pity you burned out whatever you had in your wonder they call it "dope", eh?

Just can't help but deflect from Trumpybears criminal acts.
Please list The Alleged and Fictitious Criminal Acts Committed using US CODE and REFERENCES to said Crimes Mueller Cited US Code Violations that The President Committed.

If you can't you are just a lame propagandist like every other Left Tard inflicted with impeachment insanity on here.

How about the Constitution.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
You did not CITE US CODE or Provide Evidence of any US CODE VIOLATIONS. Mueller also was unable to do it due to "LACK OF EVIDENCE" per his own words.

In a Criminal Court that is an automatic verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Now don't you have some Putin Pudding to go make for your Daddy Al Baghdadi?

Sorry Zippy, I'm not obligated to follow your orders. He's not being charged with a crime. He is being investigated for possible impeachable offenses. Bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as being impeachable.

ILMAO....Again, only a leftist would believe we give away our money without conditions. If you do it's now called bribery.

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