Umm, do USMB Republicans understand that the Keystone pipeline will only create 35 permanent jobs?

CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact

Contrary To GOP Promises Keystone XL Pipeline Will Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs

Republicans and conservative Democrats have continuously pushed for this pipeline’s approval is due to the huge windfall it will create for oil companies, specifically the Koch Bros. A report completed last year shows that the Kochs stand to make $100 billion from the passage of the Keystone extension. That’s billion, not million.

Republicans can’t just go to the people and say that we need to make sure insanely rich billionaires need to be given an opportunity to become even more insanely wealthy, environmental impacts be damned. Of course not. Therefore, they need to go out and claim that the project will create tons of jobs, help the country’s economy and fulfill its energy needs. Or, in other words, lie. Lie through their teeth.

Fox News host Keystone pipeline would create tens of thousands of jobs PunditFact

Fox News host: Keystone pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of jobs'

As far as new jobs go, the State Department estimates the operation of the pipeline will only create 35 permanent, full-time jobs and 15 temporary contractors. The full-time workers would be "required for annual operations, including routine inspections, maintenance and repair." Some would work in a Nebraska field office.

The lack of many full-time positions makes sense, given that the project is to build a pipeline so that tar sands can travel without the need of rail cars or ships.


Well, there you have it. Maybe we are "misunderestimating" Republicans. Maybe they mean 35 permanent jobs and tens of thousands of jobs cleaning up the fucking mess.

Another huge GOP disaster looms on the horizon. Will this country never learn?

No it is 44.

I read it at USMB.
heres more from my politifact reference above:

Importantly, as Raddatz said, these jobs would only be supported during the construction phase, which is expected to take one to two years. After construction, the pipeline would employ about 50 people, primarily for maintenance.

And so fucking what? It takes hundreds of men and women to build a highway and how many permanent jobs result from the construction of that highway?

Does that negate the economic benefit to those construction workers on the highway?
Listen up "Dum Dum". Once that highway is built, it can be used for commerce. What a dipshit.

The "Keystone" plan is to mine the oil in Canada, transport it through the US. Then sell it overseas. It won't lower the price of oil or gas in this country. It won't be used in this country. It will only create thousands of jobs when it leaks and it has to be cleaned up. But don't worry. Republicans will protect those foreign oil companies they same way the blocked the BP oil spill from being investigated.

The tards won and now they are cheering. They refuse to believe what they won and when the mess needs to be cleaned up, the tards with blame the Democrats. Just like they always do when they fail, which, of course, is always.

The "Keystone" plan is to mine the oil in Canada, transport it through the US. Then sell it overseas.

Why would the Canadians pay extra to ship it further, when they can sell it to us?

They aren't the ones paying for the shipping. Besides, piping through America's breadbasket is the cheapest way to go. Unless there is a spill. But don't worry. Republicans kept BP from being investigated. They will protect TransCanada.
35 permanent jobs and higher gas prices. Hilarious.

Canadian oil is refined in our refineries before it's shipped overseas creating competition between American and foreign oil. Of course, that will cause gas prices to rise. Republicans don't seem to understand that Canadian oil is foreign oil. Who owns the refineries? The Koch Bros. It's estimated they could make a hundred billion dollars. Not "million". "BILLION".

So the GOP plan is 35 jobs, higher gas prices and billions to billionaires. And America has bought into it. Hilarious! Truly Hilarious!
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?
Yeah, think of what we could do if we only got 5% out of the 47% that pay no federal personal income tax.
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

You seriously have to catch up...

The jobs argument has been thrown out ages ago... Look at all the Rail and Truck jobs lost...

The jobs figures published have been rubbished.

Saying that I would give the pipeline for Coal restrictions...
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?
How about we do both,one is paid for by private money,the roads and bridges the tax payers cover,will that work for you?
Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

More coal, oil, and natural costs less....

Less oil, coal, and natural gas...and more useless wind and costs more, and more people die in the cold...

Look at the number Coal kills a year

The Breakthrough Institute - Coal Kills 4 000 Times More People Per Unit of Energy than Nuclear

Thats 13,200 a year, Dies from Coal... Not to mention the massive strain it puts on Health Services, but you could put it down to job creator.
They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Jobs and cheap energy prices with an energy source that actually works when you need it to...

Jobs? How many rail jobs are going to be lost.

Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

Saying that I would give the Pipeline extension if there more legislation to restrict coal.

Canada is your number one supplier. Keystone is just a transport mechanism to get the crude to your various refineries. XL is to the Gulf but Keystone I and II were to Oklahoma and to Illinois.

It's coming by rain, truck and/ or pipeline. You need it.

Your State Department put the reasons of why you want and need the Keystone Pipelines quite eloquently. This was 2008. Before energy needs became a political football.

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project.

The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest.

When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity.

The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market. In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States.

In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

More at the State Department link:

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit
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How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?
Where does that money come from? Oh the tax payers, the lefts favorite form of income, free with no work. Socialist pigs you are.

So in the interests of conservative ideals, we should be the only nation in the industrialized world with shitty roads and bridges?

You learn something new about conservatives every day.
35 permanent jobs and higher gas prices. Hilarious.

Canadian oil is refined in our refineries before it's shipped overseas creating competition between American and foreign oil. Of course, that will cause gas prices to rise. Republicans don't seem to understand that Canadian oil is foreign oil. Who owns the refineries? The Koch Bros. It's estimated they could make a hundred billion dollars. Not "million". "BILLION".

So the GOP plan is 35 jobs, higher gas prices and billions to billionaires. And America has bought into it. Hilarious! Truly Hilarious!
All oil is traded on the open world market
Your rationals are all wet ,but keep at it your doing so well.
35 jobs bwhwhahahahaha!!
They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Jobs and cheap energy prices with an energy source that actually works when you need it to...

Jobs? How many rail jobs are going to be lost.

Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

Saying that I would give the Pipeline extension if there more legislation to restrict coal.

Canada is your number one supplier. Keystone is just a transport mechanism to get the crude to your various refineries. XL is to the Gulf but Keystone I and II were to Oklahoma and to Illinois.

It's coming by rain, truck and or pipeline. You need it.

Your State Department put the reasons of why you want and need the Keystone Pipelines quite eloquently. This was 2008. Before energy needs became a political football.

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project.

The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest.

When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity.

The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market. In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States.

In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

More at the State Department link:

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

Fine. Then end Keystone in Texas/Louisiana and mandate that only crude destined for American refineries can be pumped through it.
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?
Where does that money come from? Oh the tax payers, the lefts favorite form of income, free with no work. Socialist pigs you are.

So in the interests of conservative ideals, we should be the only nation in the industrialized world with shitty roads and bridges?

You learn something new about conservatives every day.
No what we learn is people like yourself,like to hear themselves talk,and try and put words into others mouths as their own.

Raod and bridges have nothing to do with a pipeline job,try again.
They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Jobs and cheap energy prices with an energy source that actually works when you need it to...

Jobs? How many rail jobs are going to be lost.

Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

Saying that I would give the Pipeline extension if there more legislation to restrict coal.

Canada is your number one supplier. Keystone is just a transport mechanism to get the crude to your various refineries. XL is to the Gulf but Keystone I and II were to Oklahoma and to Illinois.

It's coming by rain, truck and or pipeline. You need it.

Your State Department put the reasons of why you want and need the Keystone Pipelines quite eloquently. This was 2008. Before energy needs became a political football.

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project.

The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest.

When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity.

The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market. In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States.

In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

More at the State Department link:

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

Fine. Then end Keystone in Texas/Louisiana and mandate that only crude destined for American refineries can be pumped through it.

They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Jobs and cheap energy prices with an energy source that actually works when you need it to...

Jobs? How many rail jobs are going to be lost.

Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

Saying that I would give the Pipeline extension if there more legislation to restrict coal.

Canada is your number one supplier. Keystone is just a transport mechanism to get the crude to your various refineries. XL is to the Gulf but Keystone I and II were to Oklahoma and to Illinois.

It's coming by rain, truck and/ or pipeline. You need it.

Your State Department put the reasons of why you want and need the Keystone Pipelines quite eloquently. This was 2008. Before energy needs became a political football.

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project.

The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest.

When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity.

The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market. In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States.

In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

More at the State Department link:

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

And willing to give it, if the Coal Subsidies of Healthcare are being negotiated...

I just want Coal to pay their fair share.
What is coal 8217 s true cost Grist

That is $74 billion, what tax to coal are you agreeing to off set the cost...
They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Jobs and cheap energy prices with an energy source that actually works when you need it to...

Jobs? How many rail jobs are going to be lost.

Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

Saying that I would give the Pipeline extension if there more legislation to restrict coal.

Canada is your number one supplier. Keystone is just a transport mechanism to get the crude to your various refineries. XL is to the Gulf but Keystone I and II were to Oklahoma and to Illinois.

It's coming by rain, truck and or pipeline. You need it.

Your State Department put the reasons of why you want and need the Keystone Pipelines quite eloquently. This was 2008. Before energy needs became a political football.

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project.

The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest.

When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity.

The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market. In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States.

In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

More at the State Department link:

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit

Fine. Then end Keystone in Texas/Louisiana and mandate that only crude destined for American refineries can be pumped through it.


Because of this claim by the poster I quoted.

Keystone is just a transport mechanism to get the crude to your various refineries.
Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
We won , you lost, get over it.

Seriously though, tarsands are a smoldering powderkeg that should not even be extracted
35 permanent jobs and higher gas prices. Hilarious.

Canadian oil is refined in our refineries before it's shipped overseas creating competition between American and foreign oil. Of course, that will cause gas prices to rise. Republicans don't seem to understand that Canadian oil is foreign oil. Who owns the refineries? The Koch Bros. It's estimated they could make a hundred billion dollars. Not "million". "BILLION".

So the GOP plan is 35 jobs, higher gas prices and billions to billionaires. And America has bought into it. Hilarious! Truly Hilarious!
thanks for spending millions in taxpayer $$$ to hold vote after vote after vote to secure 35 net jobs Repubs :bye1:
Come on people. Be serious. Since they want to use existing pipelines that need to be "fixed up", it's estimated it will only take 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete. Then everyone will be laid off except the 35 people it takes to maintain the pipeline. Wanna bet they used migrant workers to build it? How many truck drivers will be laid off? What if one of those pipes explodes right in the middle of America's bread basket? After all, they are heated and under pressure to move that shit.

You know the oil is only going to be refined here at Koch Industries. And then it will be shipped overseas. Such a large amount of refining means it will compete with American oil which means higher gas prices.

Republicans refused to hear the truth about Iraq. And look at what happened.

Republicans ignored the warning about Bin Laden. And look at what happened.

Republicans were warned about the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. And look at what happened.

The question here is when everything turns to shit, how will Republicans blame it on the Democrats? Again!
You a dimwit complaining about using migrant workers? I get it, immigrants are good for only one thing with you, votes. Idiot.
We won , you lost, get over it.

Seriously though, tarsands are a smoldering powderkeg that should not even be extracted
35 permanent jobs and higher gas prices. Hilarious.

Canadian oil is refined in our refineries before it's shipped overseas creating competition between American and foreign oil. Of course, that will cause gas prices to rise. Republicans don't seem to understand that Canadian oil is foreign oil. Who owns the refineries? The Koch Bros. It's estimated they could make a hundred billion dollars. Not "million". "BILLION".

So the GOP plan is 35 jobs, higher gas prices and billions to billionaires. And America has bought into it. Hilarious! Truly Hilarious!
thanks for spending millions in taxpayer $$$ to secure 35 jobs Repubs :bye1:

America doesn't spend a dime. Not one thin dime. Not a penny of taxpayers dollars is going into Keystone XL.

We won , you lost, get over it.

Seriously though, tarsands are a smoldering powderkeg that should not even be extracted
35 permanent jobs and higher gas prices. Hilarious.

Canadian oil is refined in our refineries before it's shipped overseas creating competition between American and foreign oil. Of course, that will cause gas prices to rise. Republicans don't seem to understand that Canadian oil is foreign oil. Who owns the refineries? The Koch Bros. It's estimated they could make a hundred billion dollars. Not "million". "BILLION".

So the GOP plan is 35 jobs, higher gas prices and billions to billionaires. And America has bought into it. Hilarious! Truly Hilarious!
thanks for spending millions in taxpayer $$$ to secure 35 jobs Repubs :bye1:

America doesn't spend a dime. Not one thin dime. Not a penny of taxpayers dollars is going into Keystone XL.

Au contraire my cute little injun princess-

Repubs are spending MILLIONS in US Taxpayer dollars $$$ holding vote after vote after vote on the same things just like they did to repeal obamneycare. Costs money to have staff, electricity, security, etc.. to keep the capitol functioning. More than you realize.

Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly 50 Million CBS Report :thup:
CBS' Nancy Cordes reported Wednesday that Republicans' many fruitless attempts at repealing the Affordable Care Act have taken up at least 80 hours of time on the House floor since 2010, amounting to two full work weeks. As the House, according to the Congressional Research Service, costs taxpayers $24 million a week to operate, those two weeks amounted to a total cost of approximately $48 million.

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