Umm, do USMB Republicans understand that the Keystone pipeline will only create 35 permanent jobs?

Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I like the idea of thousands or millions of jobs. 35 just aren't enough.

I bet it creates more jobs than Solyndra


man did those leftists leave that place a hazardous waste mess

Solyndra Not Dealing With Toxic Waste At Milpitas Facility CBS San Francisco

what a bunch of hypocrite losers the leftists are

not a word about these solyndra turds

but worry worry worry about a pipeline
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

The vote was a trail run for January. Then it will pass and Obama can veto a bi-partisan bill


either way we picked up one more seat

leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Make work I see...

The American people want the pipeline and they don't want Obamacare. The left only justifies the 'will of the voter' when it suits their needs. So, if the voters are wrong about ACA and the pipeline, then must of been wrong to elect Obama.

Stupid voters huh?

leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

we tried that

in fact the prezbo promised us that

it was one of his first acts

when it did not happen

he laughed it off

as shovel ready jobs being not so shovel ready

are you so brain dead you can not remember that

I thought Democrats were in favor of shovel ready jobs? Incidentally, how many permanent jobs came from those receiving all those Fedetal Unemployment Extensions? To think liberals, like rdeam, would rather our government invest it's taxpayer revenue towards those sitting on the couch, than find opportunities for them to get out and work.
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I thought Democrats were in favor of shovel ready jobs? Incidentally, how many permant jobs came from those receiving all those Fedetal Unemployment Extensions? To think liberals, like rdeam, would rather our government invest it's taxpayer revenue towards those sitting on the couch, than find opportunities for them to get out and work.

The morons who oppose and think the jobs are meaningless. Good thing they didn't complain when the aqeduct was built in the west


leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

we tried that

in fact the prezbo promised us that

it was one of his first acts

when it did not happen

he laughed it off

as shovel ready jobs being not so shovel ready

are you so brain dead you can not remember that

Do you even know what year it is?
CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact

Contrary To GOP Promises Keystone XL Pipeline Will Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs

Republicans and conservative Democrats have continuously pushed for this pipeline’s approval is due to the huge windfall it will create for oil companies, specifically the Koch Bros. A report completed last year shows that the Kochs stand to make $100 billion from the passage of the Keystone extension. That’s billion, not million.

Republicans can’t just go to the people and say that we need to make sure insanely rich billionaires need to be given an opportunity to become even more insanely wealthy, environmental impacts be damned. Of course not. Therefore, they need to go out and claim that the project will create tons of jobs, help the country’s economy and fulfill its energy needs. Or, in other words, lie. Lie through their teeth.

Fox News host Keystone pipeline would create tens of thousands of jobs PunditFact

Fox News host: Keystone pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of jobs'

As far as new jobs go, the State Department estimates the operation of the pipeline will only create 35 permanent, full-time jobs and 15 temporary contractors. The full-time workers would be "required for annual operations, including routine inspections, maintenance and repair." Some would work in a Nebraska field office.

The lack of many full-time positions makes sense, given that the project is to build a pipeline so that tar sands can travel without the need of rail cars or ships.


Well, there you have it. Maybe we are "misunderestimating" Republicans. Maybe they mean 35 permanent jobs and tens of thousands of jobs cleaning up the fucking mess.

Another huge GOP disaster looms on the horizon. Will this country never learn?

Do Keystone Pipeline supporters understand that a foreign oil company is using the US Government to force Americans out of their Land?

leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Bridges and roads don't create permanent jobs either.

Pipelines are something of value. That's why they are built.
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Bridges and roads don't create permanent jobs either.

Pipelines are something of value. That's why they are built.

In contrast to good roads and bridges that are of no value?

lol, you people....
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Bridges and roads don't create permanent jobs either.

Pipelines are something of value. That's why they are built.

In contrast to good roads and bridges that are of no value?

lol, you people....

Now you want to talk about value?
Not permanent jobs? LOL!
Liberals are silly.
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Bridges and roads don't create permanent jobs either.

Pipelines are something of value. That's why they are built.

In contrast to good roads and bridges that are of no value?

lol, you people....

Now you want to talk about value?
Not permanent jobs? LOL!
Liberals are silly.

I brought up value in the original post you responded to, and you dodged it.
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Bridges and roads don't create permanent jobs either.

Pipelines are something of value. That's why they are built.

In contrast to good roads and bridges that are of no value?

lol, you people....

Now you want to talk about value?
Not permanent jobs? LOL!
Liberals are silly.

I brought up value in the original post you responded to, and you dodged it.

So we agree. Pipelines, roads and bridges all create jobs during construction and all create value.
Let me know what your Senators say when you let them know you support Keystone.
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Bridges and roads don't create permanent jobs either.

Pipelines are something of value. That's why they are built.

In contrast to good roads and bridges that are of no value?

lol, you people....

Now you want to talk about value?
Not permanent jobs? LOL!
Liberals are silly.


you got that right

leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

we tried that

in fact the prezbo promised us that

it was one of his first acts

when it did not happen

he laughed it off

as shovel ready jobs being not so shovel ready

are you so brain dead you can not remember that

Do you even know what year it is?

of course i do leftist

we spent almost a trillion dollars

on shovel ready jobs that

turned out to be not so shovel ready

and you dodge the subject with

do you even know what year it is

It will create 5000 long term jobs and 50 permanent ones. So what's your point? There are a lot of jobs that are like that. Construction for one.

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