Umm, do USMB Republicans understand that the Keystone pipeline will only create 35 permanent jobs?

leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

we tried that

in fact the prezbo promised us that

it was one of his first acts

when it did not happen

he laughed it off

as shovel ready jobs being not so shovel ready

are you so brain dead you can not remember that

Do you even know what year it is?

of course i do leftist

we spent almost a trillion dollars

on shovel ready jobs that

turned out to be not so shovel ready

and you dodge the subject with

do you even know what year it is


Prove we spent a trillion dollars on infrastructure jobs.
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

we tried that

in fact the prezbo promised us that

it was one of his first acts

when it did not happen

he laughed it off

as shovel ready jobs being not so shovel ready

are you so brain dead you can not remember that

Do you even know what year it is?

of course i do leftist

we spent almost a trillion dollars

on shovel ready jobs that

turned out to be not so shovel ready

and you dodge the subject with

do you even know what year it is


Prove we spent a trillion dollars on infrastructure jobs.

the administration blew the money asswipe
If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.
^ that
Why is the far left against jobs being created?
Why is the right so insanely simpleminded?
that & they're HIGHLY partisan. If the Democrats are FOR something then they are automatically AGAINST it.
If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.
^ that
Why is the far left against jobs being created?
Why is the right so insanely simpleminded?
that & they're HIGHLY partisan. If the Democrats are FOR something then they are automatically AGAINST it.

That's only because most of the shit Democrats are for is stupid and bad for America.
Cripes I just can't believe that liberals can be this freaking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!

Really? Well, after 47 years of watching liberals...and for some of that time voting as a democrat....I can easily believe that liberals are that stupid....

How many states will this pipeline go through....daily over sight of the pipeline, daily repairs....and only 35 long term jobs will be created.....and they want to be in charge of every aspect of our lives......
Construction jobs are by definition temporary.

Any idiot knows that but you people are idiots of a particular kind aren't you?

So maybe we should just put the kibosh on ALL construction jobs because none of them are permanent.

This sounds far more like one of those "green" windfarm projects that are supposed to create hundreds of jobs but then only create 10. What's wrong deanie, it's OK if it's a windmill that slaughters birds but not if it's a pipeline? You must have stock in Buffets company which is why you don't want the competition.

Man-made structure/technology
Associated bird deaths per year (U.S.)
Feral and domestic cats
Hundreds of millions [source: AWEA]
Power lines
130 million -- 174 million [source: AWEA]
Windows (residential and commercial)
100 million -- 1 billion [source: TreeHugger]
70 million [source: AWEA]
60 million -- 80 million [source: AWEA]
Lighted communication towers
40 million -- 50 million [source: AWEA]
Wind turbines
10,000 -- 40,000 [source: ABC]

Now don't we look stupid...
Why is the far left against jobs being created?

I like the idea of thousands or millions of jobs. 35 just aren't enough.

So because the (R)'s want to create jobs you are against it..

Typical far left the when jobs are being created..

Want more jobs then do not vote far left..

How many Rail Jobs are going to be lost because of the pipeline?

Since this is about Jobs?
leftists always lie or distort the the truth

anyway at any rate

who cares if it is in the end

their are "only" 35 long term jobs

that is always the way it is with construction jobs

in the meantime construction of the pipeline creates

thousands of jobs in the construction and in

the auxiliary jobs

that was the whole premise of the stimulus and "shovel ready jobs"

which the leftists ate up hook line and sinker

If it's jobs you really want, we could accomplish that by funding the repair/upgrade of a few hundred bridges and a few thousand miles of highway in this country,

and in the end actually have something of value to show for it.

Yes!! And the workers should use spoons and toothpicks as tools and only work 2 hours a week but get paid for 60, because that will stimulate the Progressive economy -- until it collpases
heres more from my politifact reference above:

Importantly, as Raddatz said, these jobs would only be supported during the construction phase, which is expected to take one to two years. After construction, the pipeline would employ about 50 people, primarily for maintenance.

And so fucking what? It takes hundreds of men and women to build a highway and how many permanent jobs result from the construction of that highway?

Does that negate the economic benefit to those construction workers on the highway?
Listen up "Dum Dum". Once that highway is built, it can be used for commerce. What a dipshit.

The "Keystone" plan is to mine the oil in Canada, transport it through the US. Then sell it overseas. It won't lower the price of oil or gas in this country. It won't be used in this country. It will only create thousands of jobs when it leaks and it has to be cleaned up. But don't worry. Republicans will protect those foreign oil companies they same way the blocked the BP oil spill from being investigated.

The tards won and now they are cheering. They refuse to believe what they won and when the mess needs to be cleaned up, the tards with blame the Democrats. Just like they always do when they fail, which, of course, is always.

Your companies purchase the oil. Don't you get that? Keystone is just a pipeline.

And it's getting to the Gulf refineries one way or another. Whether it is rail or truck or pipeline. Those Gulf refineries are going to get their oil.

We're your number one supplier. All that gets shipped is crude from Canada but your own producers are going to be using the pipeline as well. The Bakken fields.

Keystone has no say over what your companies do with their finished product.

So there is going to be huge rail jobs layed off...

Jobs killer then
rdean is another left wing idiot who doesn't understand that the very nature of construction work is temporary.

And this pipeline will create thousands of jobs. Welders in Oklahoma for example have made out like bandits on that part of the pipeline. They averaged $134,000. for their "temporary construction job".

Cripes I just can't believe that liberals can be this freaking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!
they arent. They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.
They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Jobs and cheap energy prices with an energy source that actually works when you need it to...
They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Jobs and cheap energy prices with an energy source that actually works when you need it to...

Jobs? How many rail jobs are going to be lost.

Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

Saying that I would give the Pipeline extension if there more legislation to restrict coal.
Cheap Energy? So Canada is just giving this stuff away.

More coal, oil, and natural costs less....

Less oil, coal, and natural gas...and more useless wind and costs more, and more people die in the cold...
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?
CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact

Contrary To GOP Promises Keystone XL Pipeline Will Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs

Republicans and conservative Democrats have continuously pushed for this pipeline’s approval is due to the huge windfall it will create for oil companies, specifically the Koch Bros. A report completed last year shows that the Kochs stand to make $100 billion from the passage of the Keystone extension. That’s billion, not million.

Republicans can’t just go to the people and say that we need to make sure insanely rich billionaires need to be given an opportunity to become even more insanely wealthy, environmental impacts be damned. Of course not. Therefore, they need to go out and claim that the project will create tons of jobs, help the country’s economy and fulfill its energy needs. Or, in other words, lie. Lie through their teeth.

Fox News host Keystone pipeline would create tens of thousands of jobs PunditFact

Fox News host: Keystone pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of jobs'

As far as new jobs go, the State Department estimates the operation of the pipeline will only create 35 permanent, full-time jobs and 15 temporary contractors. The full-time workers would be "required for annual operations, including routine inspections, maintenance and repair." Some would work in a Nebraska field office.

The lack of many full-time positions makes sense, given that the project is to build a pipeline so that tar sands can travel without the need of rail cars or ships.


Well, there you have it. Maybe we are "misunderestimating" Republicans. Maybe they mean 35 permanent jobs and tens of thousands of jobs cleaning up the fucking mess.

Another huge GOP disaster looms on the horizon. Will this country never learn?
So you take the word of van jones the idiot socialist working for obamaturds news agency?
How about the thousands of multi-year jobs that the XL Pipeline would create? They would not be permanent jobs, but they would last for several years. In addition, millions of dollars would be pumped into the local economies where the pipeline would be constructed.

And if you're worried about the environment, the pipeline would be far more enviro friendly than how the oil is currently being transported to our southern ports. Right now that oil is being transported by trucks and some rail. Sending it through a pipeline would produce almost no emissions into the atmosphere.

Why not do the smart thing, the thing that would create thousands of jobs for several years and would pump millions of dollars into our economy?

How about we rebuild America's roads and bridges and create thousands of jobs that way?
Where does that money come from? Oh the tax payers, the lefts favorite form of income, free with no work. Socialist pigs you are.
rdean is another left wing idiot who doesn't understand that the very nature of construction work is temporary.

And this pipeline will create thousands of jobs. Welders in Oklahoma for example have made out like bandits on that part of the pipeline. They averaged $134,000. for their "temporary construction job".

Cripes I just can't believe that liberals can be this freaking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!
they arent. They are not buying your bullshit about this being important about jobs.

Tell that to the Okies who just made $134,000. for working on the pipeline.

Tell them that it wasn't important to their families to have that income.

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