UN Admits: Palestinians used UN schools to launch rockets and store weapons

Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.
Do you spend as much time and effort condemning Hamas for their actions as you spend on Israel?

Yes, if not more, since my focus is primarily on non-state actors such as Hamas rather than on state actors such as Israel.

Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.

You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.

You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. The fact that you may personally not care about the lives of civilians outside of Israel doesn't mean that it is legal to slaughter them wholesale (nor should it be considered to be legal) I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.
Do you spend as much time and effort condemning Hamas for their actions as you spend on Israel?

No obviously not. Barbaric behavior is expected and tolerated from Hamas and other Islamists, it's those like Israel who respond to them are put under the magnifying glass.
So Israel is supposed to not fight back, not defend itself, while Hamas commits all these war crimes unmolested?
Not at all. Israel is merely expected not to engage in war crimes and indiscriminate violence of its own.
How do you defeat an enemy who hides within civilians and refuses to fight you like a man without harming those civilians he is hiding within? It can't be done. Your answer makes it easier for such people to win battles. Those who are willing to do what must be done survive, those who don't die. Watch The Walking Dead Online Streaming Stream TV Free

The harming of civilians isn't in and of itself a war crime. The indiscriminate targeting of civilians and the failure of individual strikes to meet the proportionality requirements is. I also prefer not to get my morals from a fictional TV show.
It is proportional to use whatever force is necessary to KILL your enemy so they can't try to kill you any longer. To use less force than that would be stupid.

That's not what the term proportionality means. That is a common misconception. proportionality legally speaking is the strategic value of striking a target relative to the damage it is likely to do to civilians and their property. If the end result is that the strategic value of a strike can't be reconciled with the civilian cost associated with it then it fails the proportionality requirement.
Your statement is based on opinion of whoever is picked to judge what is proportional or not. Is it proportional for 2 civilians to die while killing one enemy combatant? I think it shouldn't matter as long as the enemy combatant dies. The civilians shouldn't of been there.

Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.

You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Israel did not mow down swaths of human shields intentionally, asshole.

Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.
Do you spend as much time and effort condemning Hamas for their actions as you spend on Israel?

No obviously not. Barbaric behavior is expected and tolerated from Hamas and other Islamists, it's those like Israel who respond to them are put under the magnifying glass.

Can you link to a single post of mine where I support or defend Hamas? Have I not agreed with all of your charges against the organization within this very thread? you're being intellectually dishonest for the sake of pushing an agenda where Israel shouldn't be held at fault for anything that it does. That's called blatant bias.
Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.

You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Israel did not mow down swaths of human shields intentionally, asshole.

That's what bombing a school full of civilians is.
Israel is responsible first and foremost for the security of its people.

I agree, but that doesn't justify war crimes. Such crimes are, by their nature, not worth the military gain from engaging in them. They represent a gross neglect of human rights and a clear violation of international laws that Israel is a party to and has agreed to abide by. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That's why we have created a common consensus concerning the rules of war and delineating what is and isn't acceptable. Israel has simply routinely engaged in military acts that are well within the realm of that which has been deemed unacceptable, barbaric, and inhumane.

Why don't you preach to yourself then? Like I said U.S. and forces from other nations routinely had to engage when fired upon from schools, mosques, and hospitals.

And that can be acceptable. This is where the international legal concept of proportionality (which I have already explained) comes into play. Not every attack against say, a mosque, school, or hospital is a war crime. It must meet certain conditions in order to be judged as such.

Rrrrright, and you want nations dealing with Islamist animals to make such detailed judgment calls, in the heat of an all out war? :cuckoo:

If you don't have military command structures that are capable of such things then you're army is pretty bad.

How about the animals who are using their own people as shields and in fact rejoice when innocents die, in order to use them as props for media consumption?

We label them as animals and terrorists. If you feel like Israel should relish that company then by all means support their violations of the laws of war.

War isn't a pretty thing. Mistakes do happen and innocents get killed. Remind us again how many have gotten killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan during U.S. Actions?

It's humorous how terrorist ass kissers always preach morality and ethics while being totally blind, deaf, and dumb to what is happening on the other side.
Not at all. Israel is merely expected not to engage in war crimes and indiscriminate violence of its own.
How do you defeat an enemy who hides within civilians and refuses to fight you like a man without harming those civilians he is hiding within? It can't be done. Your answer makes it easier for such people to win battles. Those who are willing to do what must be done survive, those who don't die. Watch The Walking Dead Online Streaming Stream TV Free

The harming of civilians isn't in and of itself a war crime. The indiscriminate targeting of civilians and the failure of individual strikes to meet the proportionality requirements is. I also prefer not to get my morals from a fictional TV show.
It is proportional to use whatever force is necessary to KILL your enemy so they can't try to kill you any longer. To use less force than that would be stupid.

That's not what the term proportionality means. That is a common misconception. proportionality legally speaking is the strategic value of striking a target relative to the damage it is likely to do to civilians and their property. If the end result is that the strategic value of a strike can't be reconciled with the civilian cost associated with it then it fails the proportionality requirement.
Your statement is based on opinion of whoever is picked to judge what is proportional or not. Is it proportional for 2 civilians to die while killing one enemy combatant? I think it shouldn't matter as long as the enemy combatant dies. The civilians shouldn't of been there.

Proportionality is based on well documented legal precedent of what constitutes adequate justification that we started to put together as an international community during WWII and after when we tried the Nazis for various war crimes. Israel is well aware of these boundaries and its military well versed in them; ignoring them is a deliberate act.
I agree, but that doesn't justify war crimes. Such crimes are, by their nature, not worth the military gain from engaging in them. They represent a gross neglect of human rights and a clear violation of international laws that Israel is a party to and has agreed to abide by. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That's why we have created a common consensus concerning the rules of war and delineating what is and isn't acceptable. Israel has simply routinely engaged in military acts that are well within the realm of that which has been deemed unacceptable, barbaric, and inhumane.

Why don't you preach to yourself then? Like I said U.S. and forces from other nations routinely had to engage when fired upon from schools, mosques, and hospitals.

And that can be acceptable. This is where the international legal concept of proportionality (which I have already explained) comes into play. Not every attack against say, a mosque, school, or hospital is a war crime. It must meet certain conditions in order to be judged as such.

Rrrrright, and you want nations dealing with Islamist animals to make such detailed judgment calls, in the heat of an all out war? :cuckoo:

If you don't have military command structures that are capable of such things then you're army is pretty bad.

How about the animals who are using their own people as shields and in fact rejoice when innocents die, in order to use them as props for media consumption?

We label them as animals and terrorists. If you feel like Israel should relish that company then by all means support their violations of the laws of war.

War isn't a pretty thing, moron. Mistakes do happen and innocents get killed. Remind us again how many have gotten killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan during U.S. Actions?

Once again attempting to point to other gross crimes in order to justify one that you happen to support is pretty barbaric. That's what terrorists do.
The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.

You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Israel did not mow down swaths of human shields intentionally, asshole.

That's what bombing a school full of civilians is.

No. That's what so storing and shooting rockets from a school by Hamas animals is.
So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.

You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Israel did not mow down swaths of human shields intentionally, asshole.

That's what bombing a school full of civilians is.

No. That's what so storing and shooting rockets from a school by Hamas animals is.

The two are not mutually exclusive. It was a war crime for Hamas to use the school to store weapons at and it was a war crime for Israel to mow down a group of innocent human shields in order for marginal/negligible strategic gain.
Aww. Can't adequately discuss the specific topic of the thread - attempt to deflect to a new topic through antagonism. No thanks.

The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.
Do you spend as much time and effort condemning Hamas for their actions as you spend on Israel?

No obviously not. Barbaric behavior is expected and tolerated from Hamas and other Islamists, it's those like Israel who respond to them are put under the magnifying glass.

Can you link to a single post of mine where I support or defend Hamas? Have I not agreed with all of your charges against the organization within this very thread? you're being intellectually dishonest for the sake of pushing an agenda where Israel shouldn't be held at fault for anything that it does. That's called blatant bias.
As long as Hamas continues using civilian people, and establishments as targets, shields, and bases nobody should say anything about how Israel fights back. Stop the cause before you stop the reply.
Why don't you preach to yourself then? Like I said U.S. and forces from other nations routinely had to engage when fired upon from schools, mosques, and hospitals.

And that can be acceptable. This is where the international legal concept of proportionality (which I have already explained) comes into play. Not every attack against say, a mosque, school, or hospital is a war crime. It must meet certain conditions in order to be judged as such.

Rrrrright, and you want nations dealing with Islamist animals to make such detailed judgment calls, in the heat of an all out war? :cuckoo:

If you don't have military command structures that are capable of such things then you're army is pretty bad.

How about the animals who are using their own people as shields and in fact rejoice when innocents die, in order to use them as props for media consumption?

We label them as animals and terrorists. If you feel like Israel should relish that company then by all means support their violations of the laws of war.

War isn't a pretty thing, moron. Mistakes do happen and innocents get killed. Remind us again how many have gotten killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan during U.S. Actions?

Once again attempting to point to other gross crimes in order to justify one that you happen to support is pretty barbaric. That's what terrorists do.

Israel hasn't been charged with gross crimes. Israel never kills innocents intentionally. Palestinian animals do. It's a Muslim thing.
The fact that Hamas not unlike other Islamist animals routinely uses its own population as shields, is the topic.

So what does it say about Israel when It acts like Hamas and other said animals? Anyone with pride in Israel should be adamantly opposed to it debasing itself through gross acts of criminal violence.
Do you spend as much time and effort condemning Hamas for their actions as you spend on Israel?

No obviously not. Barbaric behavior is expected and tolerated from Hamas and other Islamists, it's those like Israel who respond to them are put under the magnifying glass.

Can you link to a single post of mine where I support or defend Hamas? Have I not agreed with all of your charges against the organization within this very thread? you're being intellectually dishonest for the sake of pushing an agenda where Israel shouldn't be held at fault for anything that it does. That's called blatant bias.
As long as Hamas continues using civilian people, and establishments as shields and bases nobody should say anything about how Israel fights back. Stop the cause before you stop the reply.

That logic has literally been used (repeatedly) to justify genocide. No thanks.
And that can be acceptable. This is where the international legal concept of proportionality (which I have already explained) comes into play. Not every attack against say, a mosque, school, or hospital is a war crime. It must meet certain conditions in order to be judged as such.

Rrrrright, and you want nations dealing with Islamist animals to make such detailed judgment calls, in the heat of an all out war? :cuckoo:

If you don't have military command structures that are capable of such things then you're army is pretty bad.

How about the animals who are using their own people as shields and in fact rejoice when innocents die, in order to use them as props for media consumption?

We label them as animals and terrorists. If you feel like Israel should relish that company then by all means support their violations of the laws of war.

War isn't a pretty thing, moron. Mistakes do happen and innocents get killed. Remind us again how many have gotten killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan during U.S. Actions?

Once again attempting to point to other gross crimes in order to justify one that you happen to support is pretty barbaric. That's what terrorists do.

Israel hasn't been charged with gross crimes. Israel never kills innocents intentionally. Palestinian animals do. It's a Muslim thing.

and an Israeli thing apparently. Congrats on your new bed-fellows.
You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Israel did not mow down swaths of human shields intentionally, asshole.

That's what bombing a school full of civilians is.

No. That's what so storing and shooting rockets from a school by Hamas animals is.

The two are not mutually exclusive. It was a war crime for Hamas to use the school to store weapons at and it was a war crime for Israel to mow down a group of innocent human shields in order for marginal/negligible strategic gain.
So what is your alternative, name calling?
You obviously can't tell the difference between terrorists who use their own people as shields, and those who defend themselves from them.

By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Israel did not mow down swaths of human shields intentionally, asshole.

That's what bombing a school full of civilians is.

No. That's what so storing and shooting rockets from a school by Hamas animals is.

The two are not mutually exclusive. It was a war crime for Hamas to use the school to store weapons at and it was a war crime for Israel to mow down a group of innocent human shields in order for marginal/negligible strategic gain.

Yeah? And how are the constant war crimes by Hamas being addressed?
By mowing down swaths of human shields - a war crime worthy of any terrorist organization. I'd also invite you to examine the historical use of the neighbor policy within Israeli military practices.

Israel did not mow down swaths of human shields intentionally, asshole.

That's what bombing a school full of civilians is.

No. That's what so storing and shooting rockets from a school by Hamas animals is.

The two are not mutually exclusive. It was a war crime for Hamas to use the school to store weapons at and it was a war crime for Israel to mow down a group of innocent human shields in order for marginal/negligible strategic gain.

Yeah? And how are the constant war crimes by Hamas being addressed?

The same way Israel's are.

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