UN Socialists Deplatforms US, Australia, So Africa From Exposing Climate Fraud in NY....

Same Shit Different Day indeed.

There is no debate, get over it.

You lose. It's all bullshit.

No more climate change bullshit.

Thank you for shutting the fuck up.


The AGW liars need to shut up... If they think the debate is over, they are liars who do not have empirical evidence to support their lies..So they should shut up..
dude, one has to ask them, if the debate is over, why are they responding? it's a really simple question.
IF the debate is over, why are they not dealing with the ones who are polluting the atmosphere? China, India, and many others? Why are they focused on destroying the US economy?
Because American CO2 is far more powerful than that from other countries.

Right, Creepitus?
Because American CO2 is far more powerful than that from other countries.

Why would you think that? That's just bizarre. It's not the most retarded thing you've ever said, but it's up there.

Oh, those who aren't drooling cult imbeciles also understand that someone has to lead. If the US won't join in, why should anyone else? It's not a difficult concept to grasp, for those possessing a sense of morality, which means it's a totally alien concept to deniers.
Nope. They have been bumped because no-one has time or patience to deal with debunked denier bullshit anymore.

The time for debate has past. The time for action is here.

Flat earthers also cry about being persecuted. That's SOP for brainwashed cult losers.
Because American CO2 is far more powerful than that from other countries.

Why would you think that? That's just bizarre. It's not the most retarded thing you've ever said, but it's up there.

Oh, those who aren't drooling cult imbeciles also understand that someone has to lead. If the US won't join in, why should anyone else? It's not a difficult concept to grasp, for those possessing a sense of morality, which means it's a totally alien concept to deniers.
Yes, The U.S. Leads All Countries In Reducing Carbon Emissions

I believe you were saying something stupid about leadership?
Bad cultist. No world socialism for you!

If you could talk about he science, you would. But you can't. You're kind of dim. If your cult didn't spoon feed it to you, you don't know it. That's why you can only deflect with bitter political rants.

It's really for the best that you don't even try any more. Just keep having those meltdowns about the phantom socialists that your cult has told you to soil yourself over. It's what you're good at, and you should stick with what you're good at.
Because American CO2 is far more powerful than that from other countries.

Why would you think that? That's just bizarre. It's not the most retarded thing you've ever said, but it's up there.


You are a humorless bitter little creature...aren't you? Is it because your cult is in its death throes? Is it because even with all the money in the world, and poor abused children spreading your faith, you still can't get anything of substance done about your armageddon prophesies?

Or is it just a liberal thing?
I believe you were saying something stupid about leadership?
And China is following, putting record investment into renewables.

See? Leadership works.

I'll let you know when I need something else proven.

It doesn't take much to set a record...and they are putting more into oil and coal fired generators....
Nope. They have been bumped because no-one has time or pstipati to deal with debunked denier bullshit anymore.

The time for debate has past. The time for action is here.
Fucking fascist.
He is doing what the fascist UN is doing.. Running from science and their own lies..
Parroting your denier buddies doesn't make you look smart.

I can prove my assertions and have made you look like the fool you are many times.. But please continue your parroting of left wing religious dogma.. its amusing...
No, you can't.

No, you haven't.

All.you do is parrot idiot denier sites and pretend that means something.

It doesn't.
Your feeble mind has been brainwashed by a doomsday cult, dupe.

Do you really think the leaders of your doomsday cult are going to give you anything that they promised you?
You are a humorless bitter little creature...aren't you?

Says the old perv who literally spends his whole life cursing at people on a message board. Everyone would pity you, if you weren't such a disgusting human being.

So why do you think American CO2 is the most powerful CO2? Don't you understand how stupid it makes you look when you say such things?

But then, everyone already thinks you're a cult imbecile. It's not possible for them to have a lower opinion of you, so you've got nothing to lose. When you're at the bottom, every direction is up.

Is it because your cult is in its death throes?

Stealing my lines is lame, little perv. Make up your own material. Oh, that's right, cut-and-paste is all you're capable of.

It's SOP for fringe cult losers to declare that the rest of the world is the real cult. Other than the buzzwords that you use, you're indistinguishable from a flat-earther.
Bad cultist. No world socialism for you!

If you could talk about he science, you would. But you can't. You're kind of dim. If your cult didn't spoon feed it to you, you don't know it. That's why you can only deflect with bitter political rants.

It's really for the best that you don't even try any more. Just keep having those meltdowns about the phantom socialists that your cult has told you to soil yourself over. It's what you're good at, and you should stick with what you're good at.
I have talked about the science. You refuse to admit it's crappy science. There's no point in having a rational debate with you, because you're not interested.

Climate change is a political issue. There's no science involved -- well, no real science. There's all kinds of bastardized science, data alterations, faulty models, predetermined conclusions, etc. It fools you suckers, but not rational people.

Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Stop pretending your ignorance-based opinion carries any weight at all.
You are a humorless bitter little creature...aren't you?

Says the old perv who literally spends his whole life cursing at people on a message board. Everyone would pity you, if you weren't such a disgusting human being.

So why do you think American CO2 is the most powerful CO2? Don't you understand how stupid it makes you look when you say such things?

But then, everyone already thinks you're a cult imbecile. It's not possible for them to have a lower opinion of you, so you've got nothing to lose. When you're at the bottom, every direction is up.

Is it because your cult is in its death throes?

Stealing my lines is lame, little perv. Make up your own material. Oh, that's right, cut-and-paste is all you're capable of.

It's SOP for fringe cult losers to declare that the rest of the world is the real cult. Other than the buzzwords that you use, you're indistinguishable from a flat-earther.
You claim to speak for everyone.

That is utterly false.

And you project a lot, too.
Has anyone noticed how all those climate change protests occurs in western countries.

Nobody is protesting in China, probably because China is already a communist country.
Has anyone noticed how all those climate change protests occurs in western countries.

Nobody is protesting in China, probably because China is already a communist country.
I guess you missed the large and Widely covered MONTH+ of ongoing Protests in Hong Kong.
Partisan Blindness/No Real info is a Low Info Trumper thing.

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