UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures

What DID you study in school, Bgrouse? I'll try and tailor my answers appropriately!
English. You can post the quotes in that language.
I want some statistics that proof your point, you retard.

The statistics in that article DON'T prove my point? You're becoming more pathetic by the post, Bgrouse!
So what statistics in that article prove your point? Go ahead, quote them.

You really do need the explanation fit for a 3rd Grader...don't you? I was just kidding but not so much anymore!
I need you to not be full of shit.

You know what, Bgrouse? We've got some elections coming up in which the voters will decide whether they want the progressive wing of the Democratic Party running the country or the moderates in the GOP. As James Carville once pointed out so astutely..."It's the economy, stupid!". You not being able to grasp some basic economic principles is indicative of so many of your fellow liberals. I hate to break this to you but I think you're going to be shocked by how many Americans think Trump is doing a great job for them with the economy and could care less about all of the other "stuff"!

As for your own ignorance about the subject of economics? I would suggest several books for you to read...starting with Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy".

What? No quotes?

Thanks for proving that you're full of shit.
Piniing our bubble economic system on the potus donkey is akin to blaming them for the weather. Each administration legislates economic time booms or busts that manifest down the road.

Reagan> Trickle down

Clinton>>>Galss Steagal & Nafta

And what did Barry do with that economy?

By that logic, you can't give Trump any credit for the economy, since he inherited from Obama.

Look, man, I know that you wet yourself at the thought of the scary black man in the White House, that it's still giving you nightmares two years later.
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.

The UN was the creation of Communists and those sympathetic to Communists, the UN from the beginning has been committed to a Borderless world, the elimination of Sovereign nations, the unlimited importation into Western First World nations of savages from Third World Shit Holes and they are committed to the redistribution of the West's wealth to Third World Shit Holes who have contributed zero to the advancement of Civilisation as we know it.

The UN is a Commie infested organisation and it's new Secretary-General António Guterres is a Neo-Marxist and from 1999-2005 was President of Socialist International.

António Guterres - Wikipedia

Time now to finish the UN, bring it down, defund it, destroy it and good riddance.
And what did Barry do with that economy?

By that logic, you can't give Trump any credit for the economy, since he inherited from Obama.

Look, man, I know that you wet yourself at the thought of the scary black man in the White House, that it's still giving you nightmares two years later.

Still trying to play the race card, Joey? That's your "go to" post whenever you don't have a viable response! What's giving YOU nightmares is how well the economy has been doing since Trump was elected! Obama wasn't "scary" because of his skin color...he was scary because he cared more about his liberal agenda than he did about the millions of Americans who were out of work and needed a President who was committed to creating jobs!
What DID you study in school, Bgrouse? I'll try and tailor my answers appropriately!
English. You can post the quotes in that language.
The statistics in that article DON'T prove my point? You're becoming more pathetic by the post, Bgrouse!
So what statistics in that article prove your point? Go ahead, quote them.

You really do need the explanation fit for a 3rd Grader...don't you? I was just kidding but not so much anymore!
I need you to not be full of shit.

You know what, Bgrouse? We've got some elections coming up in which the voters will decide whether they want the progressive wing of the Democratic Party running the country or the moderates in the GOP. As James Carville once pointed out so astutely..."It's the economy, stupid!". You not being able to grasp some basic economic principles is indicative of so many of your fellow liberals. I hate to break this to you but I think you're going to be shocked by how many Americans think Trump is doing a great job for them with the economy and could care less about all of the other "stuff"!

As for your own ignorance about the subject of economics? I would suggest several books for you to read...starting with Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy".

What? No quotes?

Thanks for proving that you're full of shit.

English major? That's what I figured...
What DID you study in school, Bgrouse? I'll try and tailor my answers appropriately!
English. You can post the quotes in that language.
So what statistics in that article prove your point? Go ahead, quote them.

You really do need the explanation fit for a 3rd Grader...don't you? I was just kidding but not so much anymore!
I need you to not be full of shit.

You know what, Bgrouse? We've got some elections coming up in which the voters will decide whether they want the progressive wing of the Democratic Party running the country or the moderates in the GOP. As James Carville once pointed out so astutely..."It's the economy, stupid!". You not being able to grasp some basic economic principles is indicative of so many of your fellow liberals. I hate to break this to you but I think you're going to be shocked by how many Americans think Trump is doing a great job for them with the economy and could care less about all of the other "stuff"!

As for your own ignorance about the subject of economics? I would suggest several books for you to read...starting with Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy".

What? No quotes?

Thanks for proving that you're full of shit.

English major?
That's what I figured...
And you're still a piece of shit liar.
What DID you study in school, Bgrouse? I'll try and tailor my answers appropriately!
English. You can post the quotes in that language.
You really do need the explanation fit for a 3rd Grader...don't you? I was just kidding but not so much anymore!
I need you to not be full of shit.

You know what, Bgrouse? We've got some elections coming up in which the voters will decide whether they want the progressive wing of the Democratic Party running the country or the moderates in the GOP. As James Carville once pointed out so astutely..."It's the economy, stupid!". You not being able to grasp some basic economic principles is indicative of so many of your fellow liberals. I hate to break this to you but I think you're going to be shocked by how many Americans think Trump is doing a great job for them with the economy and could care less about all of the other "stuff"!

As for your own ignorance about the subject of economics? I would suggest several books for you to read...starting with Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy".

What? No quotes?

Thanks for proving that you're full of shit.

English major?
That's what I figured...
And you're still a piece of shit liar.

English major and that's the best insult you can come up with? Sad...very sad!
What DID you study in school, Bgrouse? I'll try and tailor my answers appropriately!
English. You can post the quotes in that language.
I need you to not be full of shit.

You know what, Bgrouse? We've got some elections coming up in which the voters will decide whether they want the progressive wing of the Democratic Party running the country or the moderates in the GOP. As James Carville once pointed out so astutely..."It's the economy, stupid!". You not being able to grasp some basic economic principles is indicative of so many of your fellow liberals. I hate to break this to you but I think you're going to be shocked by how many Americans think Trump is doing a great job for them with the economy and could care less about all of the other "stuff"!

As for your own ignorance about the subject of economics? I would suggest several books for you to read...starting with Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy".

What? No quotes?

Thanks for proving that you're full of shit.

English major?
That's what I figured...
And you're still a piece of shit liar.

English major and that's the best insult you can come up with? Sad...very sad!
You keep talking about an English major, but nobody except you said anything about an English major.

I guess you're full of shit there just as you are when you make bold-faced lies like you did before.
What DID you study in school, Bgrouse? I'll try and tailor my answers appropriately!
English. You can post the quotes in that language.
You know what, Bgrouse? We've got some elections coming up in which the voters will decide whether they want the progressive wing of the Democratic Party running the country or the moderates in the GOP. As James Carville once pointed out so astutely..."It's the economy, stupid!". You not being able to grasp some basic economic principles is indicative of so many of your fellow liberals. I hate to break this to you but I think you're going to be shocked by how many Americans think Trump is doing a great job for them with the economy and could care less about all of the other "stuff"!

As for your own ignorance about the subject of economics? I would suggest several books for you to read...starting with Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy".

What? No quotes?

Thanks for proving that you're full of shit.

English major?
That's what I figured...
And you're still a piece of shit liar.

English major and that's the best insult you can come up with? Sad...very sad!
You keep talking about an English major, but nobody except you said anything about an English major.

I guess you're full of shit there just as you are when you make bold-faced lies like you did before.

When someone asks you what you studied in school...they are in fact asking you what your major was. If your answer to that is "English"...then you are telling them that you were an English major. Duh?
And what did Barry do with that economy?

By that logic, you can't give Trump any credit for the economy, since he inherited from Obama.

Look, man, I know that you wet yourself at the thought of the scary black man in the White House, that it's still giving you nightmares two years later.
Trump did away with Obama's legacy, and the economy started to boom. Imagine that?
And what did Barry do with that economy?

By that logic, you can't give Trump any credit for the economy, since he inherited from Obama.

Look, man, I know that you wet yourself at the thought of the scary black man in the White House, that it's still giving you nightmares two years later.
Trump did away with Obama's legacy, and the economy started to boom. Imagine that?

Progressives are telling themselves it was a "time delayed" boom! All Barry's doing! They can't tell you what part of his agenda stimulated the economy...but by gosh they KNOW it had to be Barack Obama's doing because he's the smartest President EVER!!! (eye roll)
Still trying to play the race card, Joey? That's your "go to" post whenever you don't have a viable response!

I have a viable respone.
Bush fucked it up.
Obama fixed it.
Trump will fuck it up again...

But at least we done got that negro out of the white house, Cleetus...

Seriously, the level you guys have taken your white wounded pride is comical to watch, if it wasn't so tragic.
Not like now. In my area anyway.

Like I said, I can't help if you aren't paying attention.. We've been in economic growth since 2010. GDP growth isn't any better under the Orange Shitgibbon than it was under the black guy.
Still trying to play the race card, Joey? That's your "go to" post whenever you don't have a viable response!

I have a viable respone.
Bush fucked it up.
Obama fixed it.
Trump will fuck it up again...

But at least we done got that negro out of the white house, Cleetus...

Seriously, the level you guys have taken your white wounded pride is comical to watch, if it wasn't so tragic.

Pigmentation has zero to do with this, Joey (other than in your mind!). Obama couldn't grow the economy or create jobs even with massive stimulus programs and a Fed who kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in US history!
Yeah...Barry's the only President in the history of the country to serve two terms and never have 3% growth in a single year that he was in office! Booming? Sure Joey...

Trump hasn't hit the 3% mark, either.

So by your own standard, Trump is a failure.

Pigmentation has zero to do with this, Joey (other than in your mind!). Obama couldn't grow the economy or create jobs even with massive stimulus programs and a Fed who kept interest rates at near zero for the longest period in US history!

Unemployment went from 10% to 4.9% in his term... so he did just fine.

Keep in mind, the Weird Mormon Robot you guys ran in 2012 would have thought he was doing really good if he got unemployment down to 6%.

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