UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures

n what way did he do an "awesome" job? By passing the ACA? That was one of the most poorly....

I'm not going to waste time on this... you wingnuts claimed that an ACA like plan was what you wanted until the Black Guy did it.

Personally, I'd like Single Payer.

Sorry to break this to you, Penny but nobody is buying the progressive claim that Trump is bad for the working class! They've got more money in their pockets because of the tax cuts Trump passed and they feel secure about their jobs for a change.

Not really. They are getting a few more bucks in their paychecks and paying more for consumer goods due to his tarriffs.

They have a paycheck! Under Barry they probably didn't! While Obama was working to get the ACA passed...millions of Americans in the Private Sector had lost their jobs and were burning through their savings while they waited to find another. Now there are more jobs than there are people to fill them.
...likely for unlivable wages.
You can repeat that same statement until the cows come home,

And it will still be true.

Bush gave Obama the worst economy in 80 years.

He turned it around and gave us the strong economy we have now...

And you Branch Davidians try to pretend that the stock market is about your boy... until it crashes, in which case you'll all whine he wasn't a "Real Conservative" after all. Which is what you all did with all your other failures, come to think of it... Both Bushes, Nixon, Ford...

And what did Barry do with that economy? Bush set him up with TARP. That saved the financial system. So what did Obama do besides continue TARP? Let's recap...shall we? At a time when millions of Americans were out of work and burning through their life's savings, Barry, Harry and Nancy decided that what we REALLY needed was some health care legislation that would make it more expensive to run a business here in the US! So instead of concentrating on things that would grow the economy and create jobs...Barry and his little helpers gave us the ACA! Then to REALLY screw the pooch...those idiots proposed Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased energy costs for Americans!

I could care less about the stock market. I do however care about jobs and more money in the pockets of American workers. So does Trump and he's pushed an agenda that's lowered unemployment to unheard of levels and let workers keep more of their paychecks.

So tell me why anyone would want to vote some more "progressives" into office when it's OBVIOUS they don't have a clue about the economy or job creation!
n what way did he do an "awesome" job? By passing the ACA? That was one of the most poorly....

I'm not going to waste time on this... you wingnuts claimed that an ACA like plan was what you wanted until the Black Guy did it.

Personally, I'd like Single Payer.

Sorry to break this to you, Penny but nobody is buying the progressive claim that Trump is bad for the working class! They've got more money in their pockets because of the tax cuts Trump passed and they feel secure about their jobs for a change.

Not really. They are getting a few more bucks in their paychecks and paying more for consumer goods due to his tarriffs.

They have a paycheck! Under Barry they probably didn't! While Obama was working to get the ACA passed...millions of Americans in the Private Sector had lost their jobs and were burning through their savings while they waited to find another. Now there are more jobs than there are people to fill them.
...likely for unlivable wages.

Wages are up under Trump after pretty much being flat lined for the entire two terms of Barack Obama! One more thing that he's doing that you liberals failed at miserably!
n what way did he do an "awesome" job? By passing the ACA? That was one of the most poorly....

I'm not going to waste time on this... you wingnuts claimed that an ACA like plan was what you wanted until the Black Guy did it.

Personally, I'd like Single Payer.

Sorry to break this to you, Penny but nobody is buying the progressive claim that Trump is bad for the working class! They've got more money in their pockets because of the tax cuts Trump passed and they feel secure about their jobs for a change.

Not really. They are getting a few more bucks in their paychecks and paying more for consumer goods due to his tarriffs.

They have a paycheck! Under Barry they probably didn't! While Obama was working to get the ACA passed...millions of Americans in the Private Sector had lost their jobs and were burning through their savings while they waited to find another. Now there are more jobs than there are people to fill them.
...likely for unlivable wages.

Wages are up under Trump after pretty much being flat lined for the entire two terms of Barack Obama! One more thing that he's doing that you liberals failed at miserably!
Put your money where your mouth is and show me what those available jobs pay on average.
n what way did he do an "awesome" job? By passing the ACA? That was one of the most poorly....

I'm not going to waste time on this... you wingnuts claimed that an ACA like plan was what you wanted until the Black Guy did it.

Personally, I'd like Single Payer.

Sorry to break this to you, Penny but nobody is buying the progressive claim that Trump is bad for the working class! They've got more money in their pockets because of the tax cuts Trump passed and they feel secure about their jobs for a change.

Not really. They are getting a few more bucks in their paychecks and paying more for consumer goods due to his tarriffs.

They have a paycheck! Under Barry they probably didn't! While Obama was working to get the ACA passed...millions of Americans in the Private Sector had lost their jobs and were burning through their savings while they waited to find another. Now there are more jobs than there are people to fill them.
...likely for unlivable wages.

Wages are up under Trump after pretty much being flat lined for the entire two terms of Barack Obama! One more thing that he's doing that you liberals failed at miserably!
Put your money where your mouth is and show me what those available jobs pay on average.

Do you really not know that we've reached a point where there are more jobs than people to fill them? Let me guess...you never took an economics or business class so you don't know what a situation like that does to wages? What did you study in school? Political Science?
I'm not going to waste time on this... you wingnuts claimed that an ACA like plan was what you wanted until the Black Guy did it.

Personally, I'd like Single Payer.

Not really. They are getting a few more bucks in their paychecks and paying more for consumer goods due to his tarriffs.

They have a paycheck! Under Barry they probably didn't! While Obama was working to get the ACA passed...millions of Americans in the Private Sector had lost their jobs and were burning through their savings while they waited to find another. Now there are more jobs than there are people to fill them.
...likely for unlivable wages.

Wages are up under Trump after pretty much being flat lined for the entire two terms of Barack Obama! One more thing that he's doing that you liberals failed at miserably!
Put your money where your mouth is and show me what those available jobs pay on average.

Do you really not know that we've reached a point where there are more jobs than people to fill them? Let me guess...you never took an economics or business class so you don't know what a situation like that does to wages? What did you study in school? Political Science?
So can you answer the question or not?
They have a paycheck! Under Barry they probably didn't! While Obama was working to get the ACA passed...millions of Americans in the Private Sector had lost their jobs and were burning through their savings while they waited to find another. Now there are more jobs than there are people to fill them.
...likely for unlivable wages.

Wages are up under Trump after pretty much being flat lined for the entire two terms of Barack Obama! One more thing that he's doing that you liberals failed at miserably!
Put your money where your mouth is and show me what those available jobs pay on average.

Do you really not know that we've reached a point where there are more jobs than people to fill them? Let me guess...you never took an economics or business class so you don't know what a situation like that does to wages? What did you study in school? Political Science?
So can you answer the question or not?

I just did, Sparky! Was it too complicated for you?
...likely for unlivable wages.

Wages are up under Trump after pretty much being flat lined for the entire two terms of Barack Obama! One more thing that he's doing that you liberals failed at miserably!
Put your money where your mouth is and show me what those available jobs pay on average.

Do you really not know that we've reached a point where there are more jobs than people to fill them? Let me guess...you never took an economics or business class so you don't know what a situation like that does to wages? What did you study in school? Political Science?
So can you answer the question or not?

I just did, Sparky! Was it too complicated for you?
I asked you to show me what those available jobs pay on average. You didn't do that.
Wages are up under Trump after pretty much being flat lined for the entire two terms of Barack Obama! One more thing that he's doing that you liberals failed at miserably!
Put your money where your mouth is and show me what those available jobs pay on average.

Do you really not know that we've reached a point where there are more jobs than people to fill them? Let me guess...you never took an economics or business class so you don't know what a situation like that does to wages? What did you study in school? Political Science?
So can you answer the question or not?

I just did, Sparky! Was it too complicated for you?
I asked you to show me what those available jobs pay on average. You didn't do that.

What I "showed you" is that wages are up across the board. You don't seem to want to understand that. Why is that, little buddy? Because it means you'd have to admit that Trump is doing some really good things with the economy?
Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

If you can't grasp that...I'll try to find something that a third grader would understand!
I want some statistics that proof your point, you retard.

The statistics in that article DON'T prove my point? You're becoming more pathetic by the post, Bgrouse!
So what statistics in that article prove your point? Go ahead, quote them.
Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

If you can't grasp that...I'll try to find something that a third grader would understand!
I want some statistics that proof your point, you retard.

The statistics in that article DON'T prove my point? You're becoming more pathetic by the post, Bgrouse!
So what statistics in that article prove your point? Go ahead, quote them.

You really do need the explanation fit for a 3rd Grader...don't you? I was just kidding but not so much anymore!
Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

If you can't grasp that...I'll try to find something that a third grader would understand!
I want some statistics that proof your point, you retard.

The statistics in that article DON'T prove my point? You're becoming more pathetic by the post, Bgrouse!
So what statistics in that article prove your point? Go ahead, quote them.

You really do need the explanation fit for a 3rd Grader...don't you? I was just kidding but not so much anymore!
I need you to not be full of shit.
Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

If you can't grasp that...I'll try to find something that a third grader would understand!
I want some statistics that proof your point, you retard.

The statistics in that article DON'T prove my point? You're becoming more pathetic by the post, Bgrouse!
So what statistics in that article prove your point? Go ahead, quote them.

You really do need the explanation fit for a 3rd Grader...don't you? I was just kidding but not so much anymore!
I need you to not be full of shit.

You know what, Bgrouse? We've got some elections coming up in which the voters will decide whether they want the progressive wing of the Democratic Party running the country or the moderates in the GOP. As James Carville once pointed out so astutely..."It's the economy, stupid!". You not being able to grasp some basic economic principles is indicative of so many of your fellow liberals. I hate to break this to you but I think you're going to be shocked by how many Americans think Trump is doing a great job for them with the economy and could care less about all of the other "stuff"!
As for your own ignorance about the subject of economics? I would suggest several books for you to read...starting with Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy".

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