UN warns of massacre if militants take Syrian town


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Everyone seems to be sitting on their thumbs....boots on the ground? I never thought I'd agree but I think we might have too. Or let the Kurds down yet again.

Large scale genocide is one of the few times I think we should be involved in a foreign war.

UN warns of massacre if militants take Syrian town

MURSITPINAR, Turkey (AP) -- At least 500 civilians who remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani are likely to be "massacred" if it falls to the Islamic State group, the U.N. envoy to Syria warned Friday, calling on the world to help avert a catastrophe as the extremists pushed deeper into the embattled town.

Staffan de Mistura raised the specter of some of the worst genocides of the 20th century during a news conference in Geneva, where he held up a map of the town along the Syria-Turkey border and said a U.N. analysis shows only a small corridor remains open for people to enter or flee Kobani.

The dramatic warning came as the Islamic State group pushed into Kobani from the south and east, taking over most of the so-called "Kurdish security quarter" - an area where Kurdish militiamen who are struggling to defend the town maintain security buildings and where the police station, the municipality and other local government offices are located.

The onslaught by the Islamic State group on Kobani, which began in mid-September, has forced more than 200,000 to flee across the border into Turkey. Activists say the fighting has already killed more than 500 people.

...In Geneva, de Mistura said that a U.N. analysis of the situation on the ground shows that only a small portion of the town remains open for people to enter or flee. He said there were 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there while 10,000 to 13,000 remain stuck in an area nearby, close to the border.

De Mistura invoked the genocides in Rwanda in 1994 and in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995 as he appealed to the world to prevent another catastrophe.

If the town falls to the Islamic State fighters, "we know what they are capable of doing," said the Italian-Swedish diplomat, who was appointed to the U.N. post in July.

The civilians of Kobani "will be most likely massacred," de Mistura said. "When there is an imminent threat to civilians, we cannot, we should not be silent."

"You remember Srebrenica? We do. We never forgot. And probably we never forgave ourselves for that," he said. In both Rwanda and Srebrenica, the U.N. had troops on the ground but they failed to save the lives of the civilians they were mandated to protect.
Everyone seems to be sitting on their thumbs....boots on the ground? I never thought I'd agree but I think we might have too. Or let the Kurds down yet again.

Large scale genocide is one of the few times I think we should be involved in a foreign war.

UN warns of massacre if militants take Syrian town

MURSITPINAR, Turkey (AP) -- At least 500 civilians who remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani are likely to be "massacred" if it falls to the Islamic State group, the U.N. envoy to Syria warned Friday, calling on the world to help avert a catastrophe as the extremists pushed deeper into the embattled town.

Staffan de Mistura raised the specter of some of the worst genocides of the 20th century during a news conference in Geneva, where he held up a map of the town along the Syria-Turkey border and said a U.N. analysis shows only a small corridor remains open for people to enter or flee Kobani.

The dramatic warning came as the Islamic State group pushed into Kobani from the south and east, taking over most of the so-called "Kurdish security quarter" - an area where Kurdish militiamen who are struggling to defend the town maintain security buildings and where the police station, the municipality and other local government offices are located.

The onslaught by the Islamic State group on Kobani, which began in mid-September, has forced more than 200,000 to flee across the border into Turkey. Activists say the fighting has already killed more than 500 people.

...In Geneva, de Mistura said that a U.N. analysis of the situation on the ground shows that only a small portion of the town remains open for people to enter or flee. He said there were 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there while 10,000 to 13,000 remain stuck in an area nearby, close to the border.

De Mistura invoked the genocides in Rwanda in 1994 and in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995 as he appealed to the world to prevent another catastrophe.

If the town falls to the Islamic State fighters, "we know what they are capable of doing," said the Italian-Swedish diplomat, who was appointed to the U.N. post in July.

The civilians of Kobani "will be most likely massacred," de Mistura said. "When there is an imminent threat to civilians, we cannot, we should not be silent."

"You remember Srebrenica? We do. We never forgot. And probably we never forgave ourselves for that," he said. In both Rwanda and Srebrenica, the U.N. had troops on the ground but they failed to save the lives of the civilians they were mandated to protect.
The Turks are waiting until ISIS routs the Kurds or massacres them and then Turkey will go after ISIS.
F Turkey.

What a mess.
Everyone seems to be sitting on their thumbs....boots on the ground? I never thought I'd agree but I think we might have too. Or let the Kurds down yet again.

Large scale genocide is one of the few times I think we should be involved in a foreign war.

UN warns of massacre if militants take Syrian town

MURSITPINAR, Turkey (AP) -- At least 500 civilians who remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani are likely to be "massacred" if it falls to the Islamic State group, the U.N. envoy to Syria warned Friday, calling on the world to help avert a catastrophe as the extremists pushed deeper into the embattled town.

Staffan de Mistura raised the specter of some of the worst genocides of the 20th century during a news conference in Geneva, where he held up a map of the town along the Syria-Turkey border and said a U.N. analysis shows only a small corridor remains open for people to enter or flee Kobani.

The dramatic warning came as the Islamic State group pushed into Kobani from the south and east, taking over most of the so-called "Kurdish security quarter" - an area where Kurdish militiamen who are struggling to defend the town maintain security buildings and where the police station, the municipality and other local government offices are located.

The onslaught by the Islamic State group on Kobani, which began in mid-September, has forced more than 200,000 to flee across the border into Turkey. Activists say the fighting has already killed more than 500 people.

...In Geneva, de Mistura said that a U.N. analysis of the situation on the ground shows that only a small portion of the town remains open for people to enter or flee. He said there were 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there while 10,000 to 13,000 remain stuck in an area nearby, close to the border.

De Mistura invoked the genocides in Rwanda in 1994 and in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995 as he appealed to the world to prevent another catastrophe.

If the town falls to the Islamic State fighters, "we know what they are capable of doing," said the Italian-Swedish diplomat, who was appointed to the U.N. post in July.

The civilians of Kobani "will be most likely massacred," de Mistura said. "When there is an imminent threat to civilians, we cannot, we should not be silent."

"You remember Srebrenica? We do. We never forgot. And probably we never forgave ourselves for that," he said. In both Rwanda and Srebrenica, the U.N. had troops on the ground but they failed to save the lives of the civilians they were mandated to protect.
We wouldn't need a large force on the ground, just spec ops laser targeting and calling in bombing targets would do wonders
Why do we care? Why do we care about any of these people in the ME? Let them slaughter each other and we'll see who remains standing at the end. If we don't like them then we nuke them back into the stone age.
Why do we care? Why do we care about any of these people in the ME? Let them slaughter each other and we'll see who remains standing at the end. If we don't like them then we nuke them back into the stone age.

Because they're human beings and most are just innocent civilians.
Turkey is letting ISIL take out the kurds for them, setting back and chilling out, the bastards. We should cut Turkey off from Weapons and all Millitary aid.
Everyone seems to be sitting on their thumbs....boots on the ground? I never thought I'd agree but I think we might have too. Or let the Kurds down yet again.

Large scale genocide is one of the few times I think we should be involved in a foreign war.

UN warns of massacre if militants take Syrian town

MURSITPINAR, Turkey (AP) -- At least 500 civilians who remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani are likely to be "massacred" if it falls to the Islamic State group, the U.N. envoy to Syria warned Friday, calling on the world to help avert a catastrophe as the extremists pushed deeper into the embattled town.

Staffan de Mistura raised the specter of some of the worst genocides of the 20th century during a news conference in Geneva, where he held up a map of the town along the Syria-Turkey border and said a U.N. analysis shows only a small corridor remains open for people to enter or flee Kobani.

The dramatic warning came as the Islamic State group pushed into Kobani from the south and east, taking over most of the so-called "Kurdish security quarter" - an area where Kurdish militiamen who are struggling to defend the town maintain security buildings and where the police station, the municipality and other local government offices are located.

The onslaught by the Islamic State group on Kobani, which began in mid-September, has forced more than 200,000 to flee across the border into Turkey. Activists say the fighting has already killed more than 500 people.

...In Geneva, de Mistura said that a U.N. analysis of the situation on the ground shows that only a small portion of the town remains open for people to enter or flee. He said there were 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there while 10,000 to 13,000 remain stuck in an area nearby, close to the border.

De Mistura invoked the genocides in Rwanda in 1994 and in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995 as he appealed to the world to prevent another catastrophe.

If the town falls to the Islamic State fighters, "we know what they are capable of doing," said the Italian-Swedish diplomat, who was appointed to the U.N. post in July.

The civilians of Kobani "will be most likely massacred," de Mistura said. "When there is an imminent threat to civilians, we cannot, we should not be silent."

"You remember Srebrenica? We do. We never forgot. And probably we never forgave ourselves for that," he said. In both Rwanda and Srebrenica, the U.N. had troops on the ground but they failed to save the lives of the civilians they were mandated to protect.

Then I guess the sorry ass UN should get off their asses and do something about it instead of flapping their gums.
Everyone seems to be sitting on their thumbs....boots on the ground? I never thought I'd agree but I think we might have too. Or let the Kurds down yet again.

Large scale genocide is one of the few times I think we should be involved in a foreign war.

UN warns of massacre if militants take Syrian town

MURSITPINAR, Turkey (AP) -- At least 500 civilians who remain trapped in the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani are likely to be "massacred" if it falls to the Islamic State group, the U.N. envoy to Syria warned Friday, calling on the world to help avert a catastrophe as the extremists pushed deeper into the embattled town.

Staffan de Mistura raised the specter of some of the worst genocides of the 20th century during a news conference in Geneva, where he held up a map of the town along the Syria-Turkey border and said a U.N. analysis shows only a small corridor remains open for people to enter or flee Kobani.

The dramatic warning came as the Islamic State group pushed into Kobani from the south and east, taking over most of the so-called "Kurdish security quarter" - an area where Kurdish militiamen who are struggling to defend the town maintain security buildings and where the police station, the municipality and other local government offices are located.

The onslaught by the Islamic State group on Kobani, which began in mid-September, has forced more than 200,000 to flee across the border into Turkey. Activists say the fighting has already killed more than 500 people.

...In Geneva, de Mistura said that a U.N. analysis of the situation on the ground shows that only a small portion of the town remains open for people to enter or flee. He said there were 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there while 10,000 to 13,000 remain stuck in an area nearby, close to the border.

De Mistura invoked the genocides in Rwanda in 1994 and in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995 as he appealed to the world to prevent another catastrophe.

If the town falls to the Islamic State fighters, "we know what they are capable of doing," said the Italian-Swedish diplomat, who was appointed to the U.N. post in July.

The civilians of Kobani "will be most likely massacred," de Mistura said. "When there is an imminent threat to civilians, we cannot, we should not be silent."

"You remember Srebrenica? We do. We never forgot. And probably we never forgave ourselves for that," he said. In both Rwanda and Srebrenica, the U.N. had troops on the ground but they failed to save the lives of the civilians they were mandated to protect.

Then I guess the sorry ass UN should get off their asses and do something about it instead of flapping their gums.
They won't. The UN exists only to supply aid to the PA. They've outlived their purpose.
I don't think the UN has outlived it's purpose...but it doesn't have a military force.

We need boots on the ground in this conflict. Something more than airstrikes.

It's not enough.
The UN SC is only there to defend Israel. They don't care about Muslims.

What's the matter? You feel you haven't blabbered enough about Israel today? Aren't you exhausted? While Muslims are droplping dead in the roads such as places like Somalia, the Palestinians have their very own UN relief organization. Could you get the UN to please divert some of this aid to the Somalis?
The UN SC is only there to defend Israel. They don't care about Muslims.

What's the matter? You feel you haven't blabbered enough about Israel today? Aren't you exhausted? While Muslims are droplping dead in the roads such as places like Somalia, the Palestinians have their very own UN relief organization. Could you get the UN to please divert some of this aid to the Somalis?

United Nations Political Office for Somalia
Somalia ReliefWeb
Somalia donors must act now to avoid famine catastrophe -U.N Reuters
The UN SC is only there to defend Israel. They don't care about Muslims.

That is a stupid comment. Last time there was a vote in the UN, Israel only received only one or two votes in its favor. So what kind of logic would dictate that Israel has control over entire UNSC?
The UN SC is only there to defend Israel. They don't care about Muslims.

That is a stupid comment. Last time there was a vote in the UN, Israel only received only one or two votes in its favor. So what kind of logic would dictate that Israel has control over entire UNSC?

I will help you understand, Vik. DA JOOOOS CONTROL DA WORLD........ jihad is futile------jooos have armies of
JINNIS ------in tanks, on magic carpets, even in bottles.....

metal canning of foods is a fraud------cans in the homes of
DA JOOOOS contain millions of NINJA JINNIES-------fighting jinnis--------read to FIGHT ISLAM (it is clear that
you missed the Khutbah Jumaat)
The Turks are waiting until ISIS routs the Kurds or massacres them and then Turkey will go after ISIS.

Turkey opened the border for the civilian Kobane Mexicans.
Kobane is now the battleground between 2 competing crime cartels (ISIS vs. PKK), and there's no reason to choose any sides in this after having proviuded care for the civilians.
Turkey has been fighting the Kurd terrorists for decades.......so I seriously doubt they have any sympathy for their plight. ..... :cool:

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