Unarmed White Man and His Two Dogs Shot, Killed

Let's be honest...
The racists on this board are losers. They can blame it on Black people, Affirmative action, the collapse of Jim Crow, etc.

Even in a society dominated by Whites they are still on the lower rung of society and will remain so.
Their lack intellectual prowess,inability to initiate opportunities and lack of social mores do more to separate them from success than anything else.

Now that many artificial barriers that restricted the social mobility, education and opportunities of Black People are being dismantled and people of all races are losing or winning based on actual ability, these Whites who have always been losers are even further left behind.

Racist love percentages yet hate actual whole numbers because it would force them admit that Whites lead in the receivership of all govt hand outs and benefits.
It would force them into admitting that Whites numerically lead in the categories of most crime including violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes.

Racist pine of an upcoming race war because they have lost the intellectual debate and public opinion that their brand of codified denial of Constitutional Rights for numerous races of people is a direct denial of the principles of this Country.
When bullies and losers haven't any intellectual ammunition then firearms ammunition comes very cheap.

The same people who cite the pseudo-science of the Bell Curve and state that Whites would have no internal strife absent the presence of minority groups are either more ignorant than conceivable or simply lying to further a lost cause.

Skin heads hate neo-nazis, neo-nazis hate the Klan, Klan hates the Skin Heads, White Nationalists hate everybody, take your pick.

The history of Europe paints an even bleaker picture of the inability of many Whites to live in peace among others inhabiting the same continent.

Racists are losers because they aren't intelligent enough to compete.
When the majority of Americans are whites of course you will have more whites but when you have a high number of the minority on government assistance that to should also be pointed out.
You aren't being honest when you say others should be.

Feel free to highlight any statement that was dishonest...I doubt you can.
It's dishonest to leave out a high number of the minority on government assistance that to should also be pointed out. WHEN YOU HAVE 50 million blacks in America and 40 million are on government assistance wouldn't it be dishonest to say more whites get government assistance than blacks, when you have 225 million whites in America and 41 million get government assistance?
And the numbers is an example so don't get your panties in a wad.
Let's be honest...
The racists on this board are losers. They can blame it on Black people, Affirmative action, the collapse of Jim Crow, etc.

Even in a society dominated by Whites they are still on the lower rung of society and will remain so.
Their lack intellectual prowess,inability to initiate opportunities and lack of social mores do more to separate them from success than anything else.

Now that many artificial barriers that restricted the social mobility, education and opportunities of Black People are being dismantled and people of all races are losing or winning based on actual ability, these Whites who have always been losers are even further left behind.

Racist love percentages yet hate actual whole numbers because it would force them admit that Whites lead in the receivership of all govt hand outs and benefits.
It would force them into admitting that Whites numerically lead in the categories of most crime including violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes.

Racist pine of an upcoming race war because they have lost the intellectual debate and public opinion that their brand of codified denial of Constitutional Rights for numerous races of people is a direct denial of the principles of this Country.
When bullies and losers haven't any intellectual ammunition then firearms ammunition comes very cheap.

The same people who cite the pseudo-science of the Bell Curve and state that Whites would have no internal strife absent the presence of minority groups are either more ignorant than conceivable or simply lying to further a lost cause.

Skin heads hate neo-nazis, neo-nazis hate the Klan, Klan hates the Skin Heads, White Nationalists hate everybody, take your pick.

The history of Europe paints an even bleaker picture of the inability of many Whites to live in peace among others inhabiting the same continent.

Racists are losers because they aren't intelligent enough to compete.
When the majority of Americans are whites of course you will have more whites but when you have a high number of the minority on government assistance that to should also be pointed out.
You aren't being honest when you say others should be.

He knows that. It gets pointed out to him every couple of weeks...but he keeps circling back to it.

He knows those lies won't stand up to close examination and honest debate. That's why he barrages you with a blizzard of proclamations with random lies like that stuck in.

Yet you have also failed to point out anything dishonest. Is it due to your intellectual inability to do so, you can't deny the facts or both???
Let's be honest...
The racists on this board are losers. They can blame it on Black people, Affirmative action, the collapse of Jim Crow, etc.

Even in a society dominated by Whites they are still on the lower rung of society and will remain so.
Their lack intellectual prowess,inability to initiate opportunities and lack of social mores do more to separate them from success than anything else.

Now that many artificial barriers that restricted the social mobility, education and opportunities of Black People are being dismantled and people of all races are losing or winning based on actual ability, these Whites who have always been losers are even further left behind.

Racist love percentages yet hate actual whole numbers because it would force them admit that Whites lead in the receivership of all govt hand outs and benefits.
It would force them into admitting that Whites numerically lead in the categories of most crime including violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes.

Racist pine of an upcoming race war because they have lost the intellectual debate and public opinion that their brand of codified denial of Constitutional Rights for numerous races of people is a direct denial of the principles of this Country.
When bullies and losers haven't any intellectual ammunition then firearms ammunition comes very cheap.

The same people who cite the pseudo-science of the Bell Curve and state that Whites would have no internal strife absent the presence of minority groups are either more ignorant than conceivable or simply lying to further a lost cause.

Skin heads hate neo-nazis, neo-nazis hate the Klan, Klan hates the Skin Heads, White Nationalists hate everybody, take your pick.

The history of Europe paints an even bleaker picture of the inability of many Whites to live in peace among others inhabiting the same continent.

Racists are losers because they aren't intelligent enough to compete.
When the majority of Americans are whites of course you will have more whites but when you have a high number of the minority on government assistance that to should also be pointed out.
You aren't being honest when you say others should be.

He knows that. It gets pointed out to him every couple of weeks...but he keeps circling back to it.

He knows those lies won't stand up to close examination and honest debate. That's why he barrages you with a blizzard of proclamations with random lies like that stuck in.

Yet you have also failed to point out anything dishonest. Is it due to your intellectual inability to do so, you can't deny the facts or both???

Pick a topic and state your premise. Standard debate rules apply...
Any time.
It's dishonest to leave out a high number of the minority on government assistance that to should also be pointed out. WHEN YOU HAVE 50 million blacks in America and 40 million are on government assistance wouldn't it be dishonest to say more whites get government assistance than blacks, when you have 225 million whites in America and 41 million get government assistance?
And the numbers is an example so don't get your panties in a wad.

Let's use your own words to hang you...

wouldn't it be dishonest to say more whites get government assistance than blacks,

It should be demeaning to you that basic mathematics and whole numbers need to explained to you.

Who receives more govt assistance...whites or blacks????
Whites do. Now explain how that is dishonest???...or are you the dishonest one???

And the numbers is an example so don't get your panties in a wad.

More dishonesty on YOUR part. So you make up numbers. You suggest that 4 out of 5 Black people receive public assistance, which we both know is a lie.

Are you lying because you know that the actual numbers would support my statements and prove your statements as lies or are you simply a liar???
Let's be honest...
The racists on this board are losers. They can blame it on Black people, Affirmative action, the collapse of Jim Crow, etc.

Even in a society dominated by Whites they are still on the lower rung of society and will remain so.
Their lack intellectual prowess,inability to initiate opportunities and lack of social mores do more to separate them from success than anything else.

Now that many artificial barriers that restricted the social mobility, education and opportunities of Black People are being dismantled and people of all races are losing or winning based on actual ability, these Whites who have always been losers are even further left behind.

Racist love percentages yet hate actual whole numbers because it would force them admit that Whites lead in the receivership of all govt hand outs and benefits.
It would force them into admitting that Whites numerically lead in the categories of most crime including violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes.

Racist pine of an upcoming race war because they have lost the intellectual debate and public opinion that their brand of codified denial of Constitutional Rights for numerous races of people is a direct denial of the principles of this Country.
When bullies and losers haven't any intellectual ammunition then firearms ammunition comes very cheap.

The same people who cite the pseudo-science of the Bell Curve and state that Whites would have no internal strife absent the presence of minority groups are either more ignorant than conceivable or simply lying to further a lost cause.

Skin heads hate neo-nazis, neo-nazis hate the Klan, Klan hates the Skin Heads, White Nationalists hate everybody, take your pick.

The history of Europe paints an even bleaker picture of the inability of many Whites to live in peace among others inhabiting the same continent.

Racists are losers because they aren't intelligent enough to compete.
When the majority of Americans are whites of course you will have more whites but when you have a high number of the minority on government assistance that to should also be pointed out.
You aren't being honest when you say others should be.

He knows that. It gets pointed out to him every couple of weeks...but he keeps circling back to it.

He knows those lies won't stand up to close examination and honest debate. That's why he barrages you with a blizzard of proclamations with random lies like that stuck in.

Yet you have also failed to point out anything dishonest. Is it due to your intellectual inability to do so, you can't deny the facts or both???

Pick a topic and state your premise. Standard debate rules apply...
Any time.

Time is right anytime...
Point out any dishonesty or lie on my part.
You have failed numerous times before so please come up with something new...
Let's be honest...
The racists on this board are losers. They can blame it on Black people, Affirmative action, the collapse of Jim Crow, etc.

Even in a society dominated by Whites they are still on the lower rung of society and will remain so.
Their lack intellectual prowess,inability to initiate opportunities and lack of social mores do more to separate them from success than anything else.

Now that many artificial barriers that restricted the social mobility, education and opportunities of Black People are being dismantled and people of all races are losing or winning based on actual ability, these Whites who have always been losers are even further left behind.

Racist love percentages yet hate actual whole numbers because it would force them admit that Whites lead in the receivership of all govt hand outs and benefits.
It would force them into admitting that Whites numerically lead in the categories of most crime including violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes.

Racist pine of an upcoming race war because they have lost the intellectual debate and public opinion that their brand of codified denial of Constitutional Rights for numerous races of people is a direct denial of the principles of this Country.
When bullies and losers haven't any intellectual ammunition then firearms ammunition comes very cheap.

The same people who cite the pseudo-science of the Bell Curve and state that Whites would have no internal strife absent the presence of minority groups are either more ignorant than conceivable or simply lying to further a lost cause.

Skin heads hate neo-nazis, neo-nazis hate the Klan, Klan hates the Skin Heads, White Nationalists hate everybody, take your pick.

The history of Europe paints an even bleaker picture of the inability of many Whites to live in peace among others inhabiting the same continent.

Racists are losers because they aren't intelligent enough to compete.
When the majority of Americans are whites of course you will have more whites but when you have a high number of the minority on government assistance that to should also be pointed out.
You aren't being honest when you say others should be.

He knows that. It gets pointed out to him every couple of weeks...but he keeps circling back to it.

He knows those lies won't stand up to close examination and honest debate. That's why he barrages you with a blizzard of proclamations with random lies like that stuck in.

Yet you have also failed to point out anything dishonest. Is it due to your intellectual inability to do so, you can't deny the facts or both???

Pick a topic and state your premise. Standard debate rules apply...
Any time.

Time is right anytime...
Point out any dishonesty or lie on my part.
You have failed numerous times before so please come up with something new...

Pick a topic and state your premise.
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house
Majority of whites dont want a war either. The frightened ones that do want a war are too afraid to do anything and are waiting around for some huge advantage before peeping out of their bunkers.
You truly are an idiot.
Yes you truly are an idiot. 75% - 80% of whites want nothing to do with a race war. Thats already a given. The 20% - 25% of whites that are of the KKK ilk are too wimpy to do anything without the government making a move first. The only way those clowns would actually have the balls to do anything would be if the government were backing them up. Come on....everyone knows that.
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house
Majority of whites dont want a war either. The frightened ones that do want a war are too afraid to do anything and are waiting around for some huge advantage before peeping out of their bunkers.
You truly are an idiot.
Yes you truly are an idiot. 75% - 80% of whites want nothing to do with a race war. Thats already a given. The 20% - 25% of whites that are of the KKK ilk are to wimpy too do anything without the government making a move first. The only way those clowns would actually have the balls to do anything would be if the government were backing them up. Come on....everyone knows that.


So you're claiming that 25% of whites are in the KLAN?

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up.

On the evidence of this ONE post ALONE... the contributor that offered it should be prohibited from ever making another public profession of any kind and to never be allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

We truly have GOT to begin to recognize that the "RIGHT" to speak freely in public rests ENTIRELY upon the RESPONSIBILITY to speak within the scope of sound reason.

There simply is no RIGHT to utter such profound idiocy.
What a sad story. I hope this person is apprehended soon and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's a shame that some people are so driven by politics that they feel compelled to turn this tragic story into a partisan food fight. First we have those with a racial axe to grind to weigh in and I suspect the next to join in the fray will be the hoplophobes.
They are SO flummoxed when a white man kills a white man.
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house
Majority of whites dont want a war either. The frightened ones that do want a war are too afraid to do anything and are waiting around for some huge advantage before peeping out of their bunkers.
You truly are an idiot.
Yes you truly are an idiot. 75% - 80% of whites want nothing to do with a race war. Thats already a given. The 20% - 25% of whites that are of the KKK ilk are to wimpy too do anything without the government making a move first. The only way those clowns would actually have the balls to do anything would be if the government were backing them up. Come on....everyone knows that.


So you're claiming that 25% of whites are in the KLAN?

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up.

On the evidence of this ONE post ALONE... the contributor that offered it should be prohibited from ever making another public profession of any kind and to never be allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

We truly have GOT to begin to recognize that the "RIGHT" to speak freely in public rests ENTIRELY upon the RESPONSIBILITY to speak within the scope of sound reason.

There simply is no RIGHT to utter such profound idiocy.
Your nervous laughter is amusing. Where did I say they were in the Klan? Are you another retard that has problems with the definitions of words like ilk?

Actually your incredulity on the topic is typical. Deep down you know this is true otherwise you punks would have already done something on your own.
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house
Majority of whites dont want a war either. The frightened ones that do want a war are too afraid to do anything and are waiting around for some huge advantage before peeping out of their bunkers.
You truly are an idiot.
Yes you truly are an idiot. 75% - 80% of whites want nothing to do with a race war. Thats already a given. The 20% - 25% of whites that are of the KKK ilk are to wimpy too do anything without the government making a move first. The only way those clowns would actually have the balls to do anything would be if the government were backing them up. Come on....everyone knows that.


So you're claiming that 25% of whites are in the KLAN?

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up.

On the evidence of this ONE post ALONE... the contributor that offered it should be prohibited from ever making another public profession of any kind and to never be allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

We truly have GOT to begin to recognize that the "RIGHT" to speak freely in public rests ENTIRELY upon the RESPONSIBILITY to speak within the scope of sound reason.

There simply is no RIGHT to utter such profound idiocy.

He's not real bright when it comes to percentages and correlation... he gets schooled on that every couple of weeks.
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house
Majority of whites dont want a war either. The frightened ones that do want a war are too afraid to do anything and are waiting around for some huge advantage before peeping out of their bunkers.
You truly are an idiot.
Yes you truly are an idiot. 75% - 80% of whites want nothing to do with a race war. Thats already a given. The 20% - 25% of whites that are of the KKK ilk are too wimpy to do anything without the government making a move first. The only way those clowns would actually have the balls to do anything would be if the government were backing them up. Come on....everyone knows that.

UUHHMMMM.....one posted video of a Black Guy on a rant, I guess he speaks for us all...
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house
Majority of whites dont want a war either. The frightened ones that do want a war are too afraid to do anything and are waiting around for some huge advantage before peeping out of their bunkers.
You truly are an idiot.
Yes you truly are an idiot. 75% - 80% of whites want nothing to do with a race war. Thats already a given. The 20% - 25% of whites that are of the KKK ilk are too wimpy to do anything without the government making a move first. The only way those clowns would actually have the balls to do anything would be if the government were backing them up. Come on....everyone knows that.

UUHHMMMM.....one posted video of a Black Guy on a rant, I guess he speaks for us all...
Typical of low intelligence KKK types. It makes them a little brave.
Well didn't St. Louis blacks want a war? Didn't they say they would take it from Ferguson to St. Louis?
Majority of Blacks don't want a war, all they want is to lash out against some perceived unjustice pushed by the media and the white house
Majority of whites dont want a war either. The frightened ones that do want a war are too afraid to do anything and are waiting around for some huge advantage before peeping out of their bunkers.
You truly are an idiot.
Yes you truly are an idiot. 75% - 80% of whites want nothing to do with a race war. Thats already a given. The 20% - 25% of whites that are of the KKK ilk are too wimpy to do anything without the government making a move first. The only way those clowns would actually have the balls to do anything would be if the government were backing them up. Come on....everyone knows that.

UUHHMMMM.....one posted video of a Black Guy on a rant, I guess he speaks for us all...

You can interpret or misinterpret it however you like.

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