Unbelievable: Huge Islamic Mosque to be Built at "GROUND ZERO"

The op fails on several major points.

One , the building is not at ground zero. The building is already there not being built at all. And the most important aspect he got wrong? Freedom of Religion. SO long as the Zoning Laws in the location allow such a structure to exist with that purpose, it is every Americans duty to SUPPORT the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution and celebrate that that freedom allows such a structure to be run in such a location.

The only Unamerican action being pointed out in this thread is a call to Americans to violate the very concept of the 1st Amendment and rise up against freedom of religion simply because some people dislike that religion.
Not AT ground zero - two blocks north - the headlines are just trying to be inflmatory (just like OP) the text provides the more accurate location.
But hey, let's not get in the way of a good righteous indignation fest ......
Mr Duke

I'm glad you are on the side of us God loving Christian "REAL" Americans. I have seen this muslim infiltration in NYC for some time now. They have slowly taken over all the taxi cabs in New York. If you control the taxis, you control the city.

What is going to happen when all these Muslims start to drive us to the wrong destination? The financial market will go into panic and the Muslims will be there to take over for all those Jews who currently run the city

Look, more trolling. One would think that you could at least post something of factual nature, something showing the idiocy of the OP, instead you resort to childish little troll posts. Thanks for proving just how worthless you really are.


Thanks for standing up for David Duke. America needs people like you

Already owned your ass in the first post. Continuing to lie and troll won't help your position at all.
I just googled this and came up with tons of verified links

ISLAMIC MOSQUE BUILT AT 9/11 GROUND ZERO! | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Giant Muslim Mosque to be built feet from 911 Ground Zero! | EUTimes.net

Islamic mosque built at 9/11 Ground Zero | National Policy Institute

Islamic mosque built at 9/11 Ground Zero « Conservative Thoughts and Profundity

Bloomburg needs to figure out how to stop this "Muslim Cloverfield" bullshit or a lot of tourists will boycott NYC. Its supposed to be a mega muslim attraction to bring millions more into the US. More cover for terrorists.

SO you support violating the 1st Amendment as well? What other parts of the Constitution will you sell out at your convenience?

I'm not going to comment on this other than to say this...
The above picture is just one of the celebrations in the Muslim world celebrating the planes crashing into the WTC and the event. Even if someone feels that Islam has little to do with it, you would think that Islam would have a little sensitivity towards the issue. Take Timothy McVeigh he did not shout God is great celebrating his Christian God and had he done so in the name of all Christian people then the same thing would apply to them as it would to Islam in this case. While not condemning Islam it does seem that they would be a little more sensitive to this issue. However, one thing else to consider here not just Americans who were Christians died in the WTC as well, so the issue is not as bad as some would think.
My crystal ball says they won't only be praying at that "mega -attraction". Stay tuned folks...
Unbelievable: Huge Islamic Mosque to be Built at "GROUND ZERO"

Yep, it is unbelieveable, probably because it isn't true. A mosque two blocks away. Big deal. Go look for a hater somewhere else.

I'm not going to comment on this other than to say this...
The above picture is just one of the celebrations in the Muslim world celebrating the planes crashing into the WTC and the event. Even if someone feels that Islam has little to do with it, you would think that Islam would have a little sensitivity towards the issue. Take Timothy McVeigh he did not shout God is great celebrating his Christian God and had he done so in the name of all Christian people then the same thing would apply to them as it would to Islam in this case. While not condemning Islam it does seem that they would be a little more sensitive to this issue. However, one thing else to consider here not just Americans who were Christians died in the WTC as well, so the issue is not as bad as some would think.

I just cannot at this point in time forgive them for this blatant slap in the face. When the WTC was attacked by the cowards I was in Wafi Shopping Center in Dubai....the Arabs sitting in the coffee shops were ecstatic....happy...gladly wishing death to Americans out loud!!! This is something most people just don't hear about.
Mr Duke

I'm glad you are on the side of us God loving Christian "REAL" Americans. I have seen this muslim infiltration in NYC for some time now. They have slowly taken over all the taxi cabs in New York. If you control the taxis, you control the city.

What is going to happen when all these Muslims start to drive us to the wrong destination? The financial market will go into panic and the Muslims will be there to take over for all those Jews who currently run the city

That is why you, I and all Americans need to get together and defeat the Liberal Political Correctness that is ripping America apart at its foundation backed by Jewish funded extremist. It is tearing the nations traditions, morals, faith and family values from the core of Americans that has sustained this nation together since the founding fathers signed that living document called the Constitution. One strategy is to boycott all Muslim owned businesses like people briefly did after 9-11. It really hurt their pocketbooks.

I thought the deal was that the majority FAITH in the US of A was based on JUDEO-Christian values, MOSAIC (MOSES) Law, and following JESUS, a Jewish fella from Bethlehem...... (Kind of a brown-skinned fella, too...)

As for boycotting anything, first folks gotta know the difference between Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, and once they get that straight, work on the Shi'ia, Sunni, Sufi differences, as boycotting the wrong people wouldn't be so great....

Irrespective of all that, before you clean up the rest of the country, why aren't you fixing things in Louisiana first.... Don't you think the starting place ought to be "home ground?"
The fact that the Homeland Secretary a few months back said that there are sleeper cells across America is alarming at best. We can't take chances. Look at Hassan at Ft. Hood. These are dangerous times and the hurt is still with us like it happened yesterday. This is about respect to the victims and their families and American Pride.
Becoming haters and fearing anyone who looks different will not make America better. If you hang around Duke, your going to be seeing a great deal of me. Guaranteed.
The fact that the Homeland Secretary a few months back said that there are sleeper cells across America is alarming at best. We can't take chances. Look at Hassan at Ft. Hood. These are dangerous times and the hurt is still with us like it happened yesterday. This is about respect to the victims and their families and American Pride.

NO, you are DEMANDING we violate the 1st Amendment for no other reason then YOU do not like the Muslim religion.

I agree that the Government should be taking steps to investigate and watch those of the Muslim faith. I do not now nor ever agree we should violate the Constitution in the process.

You are the Un American one demanding that we violate the 1st Amendment cause you do not like something.
Mr Duke

I'm glad you are on the side of us God loving Christian "REAL" Americans. I have seen this muslim infiltration in NYC for some time now. They have slowly taken over all the taxi cabs in New York. If you control the taxis, you control the city.

What is going to happen when all these Muslims start to drive us to the wrong destination? The financial market will go into panic and the Muslims will be there to take over for all those Jews who currently run the city

That is why you, I and all Americans need to get together and defeat the Liberal Political Correctness that is ripping America apart at its foundation backed by Jewish funded extremist. It is tearing the nations traditions, morals, faith and family values from the core of Americans that has sustained this nation together since the founding fathers signed that living document called the Constitution. One strategy is to boycott all Muslim owned businesses like people briefly did after 9-11. It really hurt their pocketbooks.

I thought the deal was that the majority FAITH in the US of A was based on JUDEO-Christian values, MOSAIC (MOSES) Law, and following JESUS, a Jewish fella from Bethlehem...... (Kind of a brown-skinned fella, too...)

As for boycotting anything, first folks gotta know the difference between Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, and once they get that straight, work on the Shi'ia, Sunni, Sufi differences, as boycotting the wrong people wouldn't be so great....

Irrespective of all that, before you clean up the rest of the country, why aren't you fixing things in Louisiana first.... Don't you think the starting place ought to be "home ground?"
Louisiana is being fixed slowly one step at a time. It takes time after the disasters we have had in the last 4 years. Thanks for your concern.
The fact that the Homeland Secretary a few months back said that there are sleeper cells across America is alarming at best. We can't take chances. Look at Hassan at Ft. Hood. These are dangerous times and the hurt is still with us like it happened yesterday. This is about respect to the victims and their families and American Pride.

I agree that the Government should be taking steps to investigate and watch those of the Muslim faith.
Great. At least we agree that these people need to be profiled. Outstanding.
Not AT ground zero - two blocks north - the headlines are just trying to be inflmatory (just like OP) the text provides the more accurate location.
But hey, let's not get in the way of a good righteous indignation fest ......

The headlines are not inflamatory. It is all part of a secret Muslim plan to attack the new World Trade Center. Airline security has been increased since 9-11 so antother aircraft attack is out of the question.
What these Muslims are planning is to tunnel into the site from two blocks away and plant their explosives.

How can Obama allow this?
The fact that the Homeland Secretary a few months back said that there are sleeper cells across America is alarming at best. We can't take chances. Look at Hassan at Ft. Hood. These are dangerous times and the hurt is still with us like it happened yesterday. This is about respect to the victims and their families and American Pride.

I agree that the Government should be taking steps to investigate and watch those of the Muslim faith.
Great. At least we agree that these people need to be profiled. Outstanding.
We had a seminar at the Mosque a couple of weeks ago dealing with this exact issue of profiling.

It was given by a couple of attorneys who specialize in these sort of cases.

It was very informative and instructed people exactly what steps to take if you are being targeted or harrassed by any government agents :eusa_angel:
One quarter of the worlds population is Muslim. Here in the US, the Muslim community is well established, has high employment levels and a crime rate well below other ethnic groups including whites.
To target otherwise law-abiding citizens because a numerically small percentage of them are involved in anti-US activities is against our principles.
Believe it or not, gangs in the US are a much bigger threat to the average American than muslim terrorists yet we pay much more money to fight terrorism than we do to fight gangs
I just googled this and came up with tons of verified links

ISLAMIC MOSQUE BUILT AT 9/11 GROUND ZERO! | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Giant Muslim Mosque to be built feet from 911 Ground Zero! | EUTimes.net

Islamic mosque built at 9/11 Ground Zero | National Policy Institute

Islamic mosque built at 9/11 Ground Zero « Conservative Thoughts and Profundity

Bloomburg needs to figure out how to stop this "Muslim Cloverfield" bullshit or a lot of tourists will boycott NYC. Its supposed to be a mega muslim attraction to bring millions more into the US. More cover for terrorists.

SO you support violating the 1st Amendment as well? What other parts of the Constitution will you sell out at your convenience?

Just saying that my free speech rights will decide not to visit NYC and spend tourist dollars there if they disrespect the 9/11 victims by erecting mosques next to the WTC site. I remember muslims celebrating 9/11 over at Giant Stadium. See if you can find the domestic terror attacks that were thwarted. If you can't I'll get it for you. These guys are playing you for a CHUMP. Some of us call a spade a spade.
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