Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

The jails are full of believers. All I was trying to point out is that without the reality of death a religion wouldn't be possible. They all peddle the same thing - believe my bullshit and you don't really have to die.

First, there's a difference between believing in God and following God. Most of the world's population believe in God or a higher power. As for actually obeying God, that's a much smaller number. Obviously criminals are not following Jesus. (Since prison ministry is a thing, some prisoners actually DO come to Christ while in prison, but that's after they did whatever got them there.)

Secondly, you claimed (or at least implied) that sin was not an actual thing. That's what I was replying to, but now you're talking about religion overall. My point was that sin is not just a figment of our imagination, and I think all sane people understand that there is such a thing as right and wrong. So even most atheists would agree, they just don't define it as a transgression against God's law.
First, there's a difference between believing in God and following God. Most of the world's population believe in God or a higher power. As for actually obeying God, that's a much smaller number. Obviously criminals are not following Jesus. (Since prison ministry is a thing, some prisoners actually DO come to Christ while in prison, but that's after they did whatever got them there.)

Secondly, you claimed (or at least implied) that sin was not an actual thing. That's what I was replying to, but now you're talking about religion overall. My point was that sin is not just a figment of our imagination, and I think all sane people understand that there is such a thing as right and wrong. So even most atheists would agree, they just don't define it as a transgression against God's law.
Not all sins are equal. Considering that homosexuality didn't even make the top ten list, Christians are sure hung up on that particular sin
Why not the God of the Muslims, or the God/s of the Hindus, or a plethora of other deities?
Because none of their false gods stand the scrutiny of the real one true God.

But you are welcomed to make the case for any of them. I could use a good laugh.
Hell is separation from God. Hell is a choice. If someone wants nothing to do with God and/or the Ways of God, one can choose complete separation/hell.
Perhaps they just don't want anything to do with your speculative opinions about GOD. Your views on God are what disbelievers don't want, not being separated from the actual God. This idea that you have about God keeping people conscious in a state of eternal torment because they didn't "believe in him" is absurd. Nonsense. Why should an intelligent, rational human being, believe in your ridiculous caricature of God? You have nothing but conjecture.

Do words have any meaning at all? Love, compassion, infinite, almighty, omnipotent, wise, mature. Read the dictionary definitions of those words. How is that compatible with your silly, infantile version of GOD? Can't your loving, infinite God, figure out a more constructive way of developing and reforming his human creation? Human beings have to figure it all out in one lifetime. Why? Where is God? Where is he? What evidence do you have of the existence of God? No one is rejecting God, they are rejecting your silly, nonsensical, irrational views about God. Your mythology, religious dogma, and arbitrary assertions about God. Your bronze-age BS is what they're rejecting, not God. No one knows whether God exists or not.
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Not all sins are equal. Considering that homosexuality didn't even make the top ten list, Christians are sure hung up on that particular sin

Don't you think that the fact that faggots and related perverts are so aggressively forcing this particular category of sin on society as a whole, demanding that we embrace it, and even going after children with it, might have a bit to do with how much pushback they're getting?

If they would just keep their fucked-up perversions to themselves, away from those of us who want no part of it, and especially away from children, most of us would barely take notice of them.

Perverts are exercising a twisted version of the old cliché about the wheel that squeaks the loudest getting the grease, making so much noise and chaos that those of us who would prefer to ignore them are given no choice but to react.

You wave this disgusting shit right in our faces, and then call us “hung up” when we recoil from it.
Don't you think that the fact that faggots and related perverts are so aggressively forcing this particular category of sin on society as a whole, demanding that we embrace it, and even going after children with it, might have a bit to do with how much pushback they're getting?

If they would just keep their fucked-up perversions to themselves, away from those of us who want no part of it, and especially away from children, most of us would barely take notice of them.

Perverts are exercising a twisted version of the old cliché about the wheel that squeaks the loudest getting the grease, making so much noise and chaos that those of us who would prefer to ignore them are given no choice but to react.

You wave this disgusting shit right in our faces, and then call us “hung up” when we recoil from it.
I think you should figure out if you belong to a church or a political action committee. Cause when we talk about "we the people" that means fucking all of em.
Stay in your lane or pay taxes if you want a seat at the table, freeloaders.
You are not gonna impose second class citizenship on a group of people based on religious doctrine in a secular country as ours. You might as well just blow that one right outa your ass.

Women are not going back into the kitchen. Gays are not going back into the closet and blacks are not going back to the rear of the bus. And that's all there is to it.
I think you should figure out if you belong to a church or a political action committee. Cause when we talk about "we the people" that means fucking all of em.
Stay in your lane or pay taxes if you want a seat at the table, freeloaders.
You are not gonna impose second class citizenship on a group of people based on religious doctrine in a secular country as ours. You might as well just blow that one right outa your ass.

Women are not going back into the kitchen. Gays are not going back into the closet and blacks are not going back to the rear of the bus. And that's all there is to it.

You'll be shocked! Hitler married a lover who was divorcing Hitler's fox because Socrates had wished to forget while anger was rampant. Next, friendliness prevailed. Poor Socrates! Geniuses are like that. A foolish lover often falls prey to a correct hater. I'm afraid of angry maggots.

If there isn't a reason then I can see why a loving Romeo would sit rather than face stay in your lane or pay taxes if you want a seat at the table, even though Hitler claimed that I am gonna impose second class citizenship on a group of people based on religious doctrine in a secular country as ours.

Cause when we talk about "we the people" that means fucking all of em.

Most people don't want you to fuck them, not any of them.
Perhaps they just don't want anything to do with your speculative opinions about GOD. Your views on God are what disbelievers don't want, not being separated from the actual God. This idea that you have about God keeping people conscious in a state of eternal torment because they didn't "believe in him" is absurd. Nonsense. Why should an intelligent, rational human being, believe in your ridiculous caricature of God? You have nothing but conjecture.

Do words have any meaning at all? Love, compassion, infinite, almighty, omnipotent, wise, mature. Read the dictionary definitions of those words. How is that compatible with your silly, infantile version of GOD? Can't your loving, infinite God, figure out a more constructive way of developing and reforming his human creation? Human beings have to figure it all out in one lifetime. Why? Where is God? Where is he? What evidence do you have of the existence of God? No one is rejecting God, they are rejecting your silly, nonsensical, irrational views about God. Your mythology, religious dogma, and arbitrary assertions about God. Your bronze-age BS is what they're rejecting, not God.
God is who He is. Jesus cam to reveal a little more about His character that He didn't show ancient Israel. He came to show what He expects from you in this life.

What others think about the nature of God, you will not be able to use as an excuse when you stand before the Judge on Judgement Day.

He gave you a clear set of instructions. You will be judged by that. "The woman, you gave me, caused me to sin" will not hold up on Judgement Day.

You hav your instructions. Obey or rebel. That's how you will be judged
First, there's a difference between believing in God and following God. Most of the world's population believe in God or a higher power. As for actually obeying God, that's a much smaller number. Obviously criminals are not following Jesus. (Since prison ministry is a thing, some prisoners actually DO come to Christ while in prison, but that's after they did whatever got them there.)

Secondly, you claimed (or at least implied) that sin was not an actual thing. That's what I was replying to, but now you're talking about religion overall. My point was that sin is not just a figment of our imagination, and I think all sane people understand that there is such a thing as right and wrong. So even most atheists would agree, they just don't define it as a transgression against God's law.

Where is God's law? Where can we find it? I can find the laws of the USA, the laws of the state of NY, and the laws and ordinances of NYC, but where are the laws of God? Where are they written?
In all your studies, have you ever tackled theodicy?
Not to any extent, no. Basically it asks if God is good, why evil. In scripture, in my own life it can be seen that God brings good out of evil. I kind of compare it to, Why do beautiful flowers grow in dirt? Just as we can bring flowers out of dirt, God can bring good out of evil.

I understand another question often asked, if God is love why deformities in body and brains? Working with special ed students, I find that one easier. God's love does not need perfection in order to love someone. Ask any special ed teacher and they will agree that special ed students have something outstanding about them.
Where is God's law? Where can we find it? I can find the laws of the USA, the laws of the state of NY, and the laws and ordinances of NYC, but where are the laws of God? Where are they written?
Ignorance of the law will be no excuse.
Not all sins are equal. Considering that homosexuality didn't even make the top ten list, Christians are sure hung up on that particular sin
Could it be that people don't quite so readily flaunt other sins, but are eager to show off when it comes to sexuality?
Not all sins are equal. Considering that homosexuality didn't even make the top ten list, Christians are sure hung up on that particular sin
Yeah it did. It is the Seventh (as the non Catholic world lists the he Commandments)
This idea that you have about God keeping people conscious in a state of eternal torment because they didn't "believe in him" is absurd. Nonsense. Why should an intelligent, rational human being, believe in your ridiculous caricature of God? You have nothing but conjecture.
Ah, but I didn't say anything about anyone being in a constant state of torment. What would be torment is if they were forced to love and serve God and walk in His ways when they want nothing to do with any of that. How can "torment" be seen when there is a choice of what is basically "God's Way or My Way?"
I am awful at gymnastics of any kind so I can relate to that. Still shudder remembering my cartwheels and vaulting in high school gym. However, the one odd thing I have always loved is research. While a forward roll might be beyond my abilities, research and writing essays were a breeze.

Scripture study and research means researching languages, cultures, ancient histories of nations still known but also those long forgotten. This takes decades, more than one lifetime, and frankly there are other hobbies and interests that eat into time spent on research. You are not too lazy! You simply have other great interests and talents. But I would counsel remembering God is a being of pure love. Even imperfect man with imperfect accounts can't keep that great love of God from peeping through.
The pandemic disproves your God
God is who He is. Jesus cam to reveal a little more about His character that He didn't show ancient Israel. He came to show what He expects from you in this life.

What others think about the nature of God, you will not be able to use as an excuse when you stand before the Judge on Judgement Day.

He gave you a clear set of instructions. You will be judged by that. "The woman, you gave me, caused me to sin" will not hold up on Judgement Day.

You hav your instructions. Obey or rebel. That's how you will be judged

God is who He is. Jesus cam to reveal a little more about His character that He didn't show ancient Israel. He came to show what He expects from you in this life.

That's just your Christian opinion about this entity you call "GOD". Within the religious, dogmatic framework of Christianity, God really hasn't clearly defined his terms. There are thousands of denominations, and not all agree on what God wants. However, just because there's an earthly book written by men, that claims to convey what God wants, that doesn't prove that God exists or that God wants what is being stated in your book. Why should anyone believe what is written in your bible and not in the Quran or the Book of Mormon?

What others think about the nature of God, you will not be able to use as an excuse when you stand before the Judge on Judgement Day. He gave you a clear set of instructions.


Your version of God didn't give me a "clear set of instructions", we got thousands of religions and denominations. Many holy books and opinions about God and what and who he supposedly is. Not to speak of all of the scumbags that claim to represent him. So we didn't get much in the way of clear guidance and instructions.

You will be judged by that. "The woman, you gave me, caused me to sin" will not hold up on Judgement Day.

You hav your instructions. Obey or rebel. That's how you will be judged

No one is rejecting God or rebelling against him, they just don't know if he exists and reject your opinions about God. It's not God who is being rejected (assuming he exists), but rather your religious claptrap about God.
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