Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

Ah, but I didn't say anything about anyone being in a constant state of torment. What would be torment is if they were forced to love and serve God and walk in His ways when they want nothing to do with any of that. How can "torment" be seen when there is a choice of what is basically "God's Way or My Way?"
It's not "God's way or my way", it's rather " Meriweather and his/her ilk's nonsensical claptrap about God or my way". That would be a more accurate description.
That's just your Christian opinion about this entity you call "GOD". Within the religious, dogmatic framework of Christianity, God really hasn't clearly defined his terms. There are thousands of denominations, and not all agree on what God wants. However, just because there's an earthly book written by men, that claims to convey what God wants, that doesn't prove that God exists or that God wants what is being stated in your book. Why should anyone believe what is written in your bible and not in the Quran or the Book of Mormon?

Your version of God didn't give me a "clear set of instructions", we got thousands of religions and denominations. Many holy books and opinions about God and what and who he supposedly is. Not to speak of all of the scumbags that claim to represent him. So we didn't get much in the way of clear guidance and instructions.

No one is rejecting God or rebelling against him, they just don't know if he exists and reject your opinions about God. It's not God who is being rejected (assuming he exists), but rather your religious claptrap about God.

None of your excuses will matter. YOU are responsible to know God in this life. Believ or not, it's all on you. Your excuses won't matter. Nobody's will
None of your excuses will matter. YOU are responsible to know God in this life. Believ or not, it's all on you. Your excuses won't matter. Nobody's will
That's just your opinion. What do you know about the existence of God? You're just blindly following whatever the Christian bible or your clergy is telling you. You've deluded yourself into thinking you know God.
You're an agnostic atheist as I am. You lack a belief in a god or GOD, but you are open to the possibility that one might exist because you're not omniscient or all-knowing. That is agnostic atheism.

Atheists deny the existence of gods. I do not deny the existence of gods I simply don't know if any exist or not. If I was shown what I consider irrefutable that gods exist I would have to believe they exist but that in no way means I would worship any gods

You may say this is semantics but I think definitions are important.
Atheists deny the existence of gods. I do not deny the existence of gods I simply don't know if any exist or not. If I was shown what I consider irrefutable that gods exist I would have to believe they exist but that in no way means I would worship any gods

You may say this is semantics but I think definitions are important.
Atheism is simply, a lack of belief in gods or a God. I'm open to the possibility that a God exists, but nonetheless, I currently don't believe in the existence of a personal God, hence I'm an agnostic atheist.
The existence of life is proof God exists.

No scientist can explain how life come from lifeless materials. No scientist can recreate it.

They also cannot explain why or how the Big Bang started. They can’t explain why the universe is ordered the way it is. Einstein‘s theories showed us the rules of the physical universe, yet at the same time revealed such obvious paradoxes. So much so that scientists had to come up with silly ideas like “dark matter”, and “dark energy”, and “inflation” to explain how the galaxies and universe are ordered the way they are, because it defies the laws of physics.
No it doesn't.

Not knowing the cause of anything is not proof of gods.

We simply don't know how something happened.

You position assumes that humans are actually capable of understanding 100% of the universe and everything in it. That may not be true at all.

Currently all human knowledge and all the great intellects that ever existed have only garnered an understanding of about 5% of what makes up our universe.

We do not understand the remaining 95% and we may very well be incapable of understanding that 95% so how can anyone say they know with 100% certainty how the universe came to be ?

They can't.
Atheism is simply, a lack of belief in gods or a God. I'm open to the possibility that a God exists, but nonetheless, I currently don't believe in the existence of a personal God, hence I'm an agnostic atheist.
It's more an attitude. An attitude that facts matter. This is supposedly all about truth. Well, it just so happens that fact and truth belong together. Facts establish truth. And the Bible is short on facts.
It's more an attitude. An attitude that facts matter. This is supposedly all about truth. Well, it just so happens that fact and truth belong together. Facts establish truth. And the Bible is short on facts.
Yeah, you know better than thousands of years' worth of human beings. :rolleyes-41: /sarcasm

What makes you think that, even?
Atheism is simply, a lack of belief in gods or a God. I'm open to the possibility that a God exists, but nonetheless, I currently don't believe in the existence of a personal God, hence I'm an agnostic atheist.
I neither believe nor disbelieve.

I simply don't know if gods exist or not.

There is a difference.
Yeah, you know better than thousands of years' worth of human beings. :rolleyes-41: /sarcasm

What makes you think that, even?
It wasn't that long ago that human beings believed the Earth was flat and germs didn't exist.
Yeah, you know better than thousands of years' worth of human beings. :rolleyes-41: /sarcasm

What makes you think that, even?

95% of people are followers and don't really think for themselves

I neither believe nor disbelieve.

I simply don't know if gods exist or not.

There is a difference.
So the fact that you and I don't know, prevents us from having a belief in gods. The lack of belief is atheism.
Yeah, you know better than thousands of years' worth of human beings. :rolleyes-41: /sarcasm

What makes you think that, even?

And what makes you think that all the secrets of the universe were revealed to some ancient goat keepers?

Come on - the creation story is ridiculous. Virgin birth, great flood.

If you take the Bible literal, I respect you as a person. But intellectually - no. I just don't

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