Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

We have unproven theories at best

A god is one of those theories
The big bang is another theory
I suppose so. You just have to choose what to believe.

Either God is real or not.

If I am wrong, then nothing happens when I die.

If you are wrong, you spend quite a while in hellfire, only to experience a second death permanently.
So how can God “prove” his existence to you? He has already given you his Word. If you do not hear it, then you will not know Him.
What "Word" are you referring to?
  1. Qur'an: The central religious text of Islam.
  2. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
  3. Doctrine and Covenants: Revelations given to Joseph Smith and his successors.
  4. Pearl of Great Price: A selection of religious texts unique to the LDS Church.
  5. Bhagavad Gita: A 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata.
  6. Vedas: The oldest and most authoritative scriptures of Hinduism.
  7. Guru Granth Sahib: The central religious scripture of Sikhism.
  8. Dhammapada: A collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form.
  9. Tripitaka (or Pali Canon): The traditional term for the Buddhist scriptures.
  10. Avesta: The primary collection of sacred texts of Zoroastrianism.
  11. Tao Te Ching: The fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism.
  12. Kitáb-i-Aqdas: The Most Holy Book of the Baha'is.
  13. Kitáb-i-Íqán: The Book of Certitude.
  14. Ginza Rba: The Great Treasure, the central sacred text of the Mandaeans.
  15. Kitêba Cilwe: The Book of Revelation.
  16. Mishefa Reş: The Black Book.
  17. Bible: Comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  18. Tanakh: The canonical collection of Jewish texts.
  19. Talmud: The central text of Rabbinic Judaism.
  20. Agamas: The canonical scriptures of Jainism.
  21. Analects: A collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius.
  22. Kojiki: The Record of Ancient Matters.
  23. Nihon Shoki: Chronicles of Japan.
  24. Holy Piby: One of the central texts of Rastafarianism.
  25. Book of the Dead: A collection of funerary texts.
  26. Enuma Elish: The Babylonian creation myth.
  27. Theogony: A poem by Hesiod describing the origins and genealogies of the Greek gods.
  28. Eddas: The two main sources of Norse mythology and Skaldic poetry.
  29. Book of Ballymote: Contains various Druidic laws and teachings.
  30. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health: By L. Ron Hubbard, the foundational text of Scientology.
  31. Zhuan Falun: The main book of Falun Gong teachings by Li Hongzhi.
  32. Nag Hammadi Library: A collection of Gnostic texts discovered in Egypt in 1945.
  33. Black Elk Speaks: A book by John Neihardt detailing the visions of the Oglala Lakota medicine man Black Elk.
  34. Sar Bachan: Spiritual discourses of Shri Shiv Dayal Singh, the founder of the Radha Soami tradition.
  35. The Book of the Law: The central sacred text of Thelema, dictated to Aleister Crowley in 1904.
  36. Odu Ifa: Sacred scriptures of the Yoruba people, central to the Ifa divination system.
  37. Shabuhragan: Written by Mani, the founder of Manichaeism, for Shapur I of Persia.
  38. Principia Discordia: The primary text of the Discordian religion, which worships Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos.

You need to come to terms with reality. Time to grow up.
Would you rather a book written by aliens?
Why "a book" at all? But if it's a book, then at least a book delivered by an angel, from heaven, that glows in the dark and gives an accurate account of history, and science, provides non-contradictory information, and doesn't tell people to burn their daughters alive if they have premarital sex. There are so many things that are wrong with your "bible" that I don't even know where to start.
I suppose so. You just have to choose what to believe.

Either God is real or not.

If I am wrong, then nothing happens when I die.

If you are wrong, you spend quite a while in hellfire, only to experience a second death permanently.

Really? Your god would want you to see him as a mere insurance plan? You had the balls, to be honest with yourself and others and admit that you don't know if there is or isn't a GAWD, so this divine entity tortures you in hell for all eternity? What type of GAWD is this? A heavenly Adolf Hitler? You're going to worship a heavenly psycho, out of fear, sheer terror? It's like a man holding a knife to a woman's throat and whispering in her ear "Love me, or I will slit your throat". Really? You need to grow up and come to terms with reality. You and I are mortal human beings, evolved from apes.


We presently don't know what the cause of the universe was nor how life sprung from non-living matter. We don't know if consciousness survives the death of our bodies. WE DON'T KNOW. We should live our lives, as if this is all we have and strive to make this world as good as we possibly can.

You're my fellow human being, and we're going through this shit, together. We're on this tiny rock floating in the dark vacuum of an unfathomably immense universe, with trillions of galaxies and countless stars and planets. Let's be good to each other, let's learn about this universe, and how it functions, so that we can eventually, defeat chaos/disease/death, through science (knowledge, gnosis) and its technology (instruments and tools), with love and civility. That way no one has to go through what we're going through in this present nightmare called "MORTAL LIFE". We might die and perish forever, into oblivion, but perhaps our great great grandchildren, don't have to. We can save them.

Let's toughen up, and get to work, to make this world better. We'll create paradise here, not in some other dimension. Right here. If we don't see it, our children will. This is an act of true love, for ourselves and for our children. Life is here, not in some other dimension. Here.
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I suppose so. You just have to choose what to believe.

Either God is real or not.

If I am wrong, then nothing happens when I die.

If you are wrong, you spend quite a while in hellfire, only to experience a second death permanently.

How do you know that? If God exists, he might spit in your face for being a coward and believing out of fear of being tortured in hell for all eternity. You didn't love GOD, you were just shitting in your fruit of the looms, terrified of being tortured by a heavenly psycho. God might take that personally and say:


An atheist or agnostic-atheist refuses to believe such nonsense because words have meaning. If you say God is loving and just while asserting that he demands worship from humans under threat of being tortured in hell forever. You're contradicting yourself. The real God might actually honor and appreciate an ethical atheist, more than someone like you who only worships him out of sheer terror. A person that does that is an immoral coward, unable to come to terms with reality. Out of fear, you're fooling yourself, and that somehow is honorable and worthy of God's favor? You're smarter and better than that.

Live this life as if this is all you have. Love life, live it, and when you die you won't have any regrets. See your fellow human beings as your partners in life, your comrades. As cliche, as this might sound, it's nonetheless true. All we have is each other and perhaps our chihuahua, Taco. Let's be a bit more compassionate towards each other, and work together to make this world a better place, for everybody.
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How do you know that? If God exists, he might spit in your face for being a coward and believing out of fear of being tortured in hell for all eternity. You didn't love GOD, you were just shitting in your fruit of the looms, terrified of being tortured by a heavenly psycho. God might take that personally and say:


An atheist or agnostic-atheist refuses to believe such nonsense because words have meaning. If you say God is loving and just while asserting that he demands worship from humans under threat of being tortured in hell forever. You're contradicting yourself. The real God might actually honor and appreciate an ethical atheist, more than someone like you who only worships him out of sheer terror. A person that does that is an immoral coward, unable to come to terms with reality. Out of fear, you're fooling yourself, and that somehow is honorable and worthy of God's favor? You're smarter and better than that.

Live this life as if this is all you have. Love life, live it, and when you die you won't have any regrets. See your fellow human beings as your partners in life, your comrades. As cliche, as this might sound, it's nonetheless true. All we have is each other and perhaps our chihuahua, Taco. Let's be a bit more compassionate towards each other, and work together to make this world a better place, for everybody.

Wrong, I was giving a hypothetical about who is right and wrong. The choice is yours. You keep asking for some scientific proof, or for God to “prove” his existence, yet you fail to say how he should prove it.
The only thing that “The Pandemic” provide is how stupid and gullible too many people are, and how willing they are to allow corrupt politicians to use such absurd lies to seize and abuse illegitimate powers over them.

Many of you not only allowed, but literally begged government to shut down your businesses, strip you of essential freedoms, ruin you financially, and make you take dangerous experimental drugs. All because you believed their lies about an exaggerated cold/flu outbreak.

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A "cold flu" that killed over a million people in two years? I had a person in my family die of the pandemic, and a friend, not to speak of all of the people that I know who also had people die from covid who were close to them. This wasn't a mere cold, you're just a miscreant, if not a sociopath. We elect our government leaders to govern and lead us. In the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic, they have the authority to take measures to decrease or eliminate the spread of the disease.

The mortality rate of covid in the United States, if the person has access to medical treatment is on average around 2.5%. It might be lower today due to better treatments and access to healthcare. However, in the middle of the pandemic, when hospitals were being overwhelmed with patients, the mortality rate was a bit higher, and that's with almost everyone being treated, and not being sent back home due to lack of beds.

If we would've followed your line of reasoning, leaving everything open and living our lives as if covid was just another mere cold flu. Practically the whole country would've been infected in a few months, leading to a public health catastrophe. About 18% of infections need medical treatment. So let's do the math.

300 Million Americans get infected with Covid. Out of those 300 million, 18% develop a serious infection, requiring them to go to the ER and perhaps get admitted to the hospital. That amounts to 54,000,000 Americans seeking medical attention in a few months. Our hospitals would've been overwhelmed, and most of those millions of Americans would've been sent home to deal with the serious infection on their own. Rather than now having a million dead from covid, we would now have 25+ million dead. The policy of leaving everything open and pretending covid didn't exist, would've led to everything closing anyways. Commerce can't function if the whole country is infected with a deadly disease.

So what our government did was necessary, despite the Republicans refusing to wear masks in public venues or recognize the severity of the pandemic. You people are sociopaths. No one has the right to become a public health hazard. This is what occurs when people talk to each other without a mask:

The government, and our elected leaders, have every right to establish safety measures in the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic. If you decide to tell our government to F-OFF, you're not just saying that to the government but to your community. To your family, your friends, and neighbors. You get infected and then infect your elderly parents or someone you care about who has an underlying health issue and you essentially kill them with covid, because you behaved irresponsibly and flippantly dismissed the community's safety measures. You're evil, if you do that. Worthy of a good ass-kicking. A bunch of conspiracy theorists, flat-earth, anti-vax retards.
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Wrong, I was giving a hypothetical about who is right and wrong. The choice is yours. You keep asking for some scientific proof, or for God to “prove” his existence, yet you fail to say how he should prove it.
I don't have to know exactly how he would prove it. He's the one who created this world the way it is, not me or you, right? Isn't that what you believe? If he wants us to believe or recognize he exists as a personal entity, he in his almighty power, knows how to do it and will, assuming he's actually LOVE. My lack of belief or belief in him is irrelevant.

No one asked me permission to put me on this planet, and no one will ask me permission when I die. I didn't create a universe with trillions of galaxies and countless stars and planets. He did, right? He can't figure out a way to make all human beings believe in him, assuming that's what he wants?

The universe is now estimated to be 13.8 billion years old, and some scientists are now saying it's much older. There might be life forms in the universe that are millions, even billions of years more advanced than we are technologically and otherwise. Their technology might seem "supernatural" and godlike to us, due to how advanced they are.

Why do we even need to believe in an infinite, personal God? Does he need us to blindly believe in him and grovel at his feet under the threat of being tortured in hell for all eternity? How petty and cruel is your god? He gives us a bunch of contradictory religions, full of man-made mythology, and then expects us to know what he wants from us and how to worship him. You religious people are self-deluded. You love your religious delusionions.
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A "cold flu" that killed over a million people in two years

Only if you're stupid enough to believe the lies and exaggerations, and blind enough not to have seen the obvious games that they were playing to massively inflate the claimed deaths from this hoax.

We allowed much, much, much more harm to be done to us, as individuals, and as a society, by way of all the abuses that we allowed our corrupts government to get away with, under the premise of this hoax, than the disease itself ever could have causes.

And stupid, gullible, compliant, cowardly sheep such as yourself are the biggest part of the problem.

Many of you were stupid enough even to let them talk you into talking dangerous experimental drugs, fraudulently promoted as “vaccines”, that will likely continue to harm those stupid enough to take them for decades to come, long after the disease itself would otherwise have been forgotten.
Only if you're stupid enough to believe the lies and exaggerations, and blind enough not to have seen the obvious games that they were playing to massively inflate the claimed deaths from this hoax.

We allowed much, much, much more harm to be done to us, as individuals, and as a society, by way of all the abuses that we allowed our corrupts government to get away with, under the premise of this hoax, than the disease itself ever could have causes.

And stupid, gullible, compliant, cowardly sheep such as yourself are the biggest part of the problem.

Many of you were stupid enough even to let them talk you into talking dangerous experimental drugs, fraudulently promoted as “vaccines”, that will likely continue to harm those stupid enough to take them for decades to come, long after the disease itself would otherwise have been forgotten.

only if you're stupid enough to believe the lies and exaggerations, and blind enough not to have seen the obvious games that they were playing to massively inflate the claimed deaths from this hoax.

Only if you're weakminded enough to believe that all of our institutions and experts are wrong and a few anti-vax flat-earthers and disgruntled crackpots are correct, will you believe it was all a hoax.

We allowed much, much, much more harm to be done to us, as individuals, and as a society, by way of all the abuses that we allowed our corrupts government to get away with, under the premise of this hoax, than the disease itself ever could have causes.

That's a moronic, nitwit opinion held by tinfoil hat-wearing sociopathic nincompoops (with an emphasis on the word SOCIOPATH).

And stupid, gullible, compliant, cowardly sheep such as yourself are the biggest part of the problem.

Being an irresponsible, reckless moron doesn't make you courageous or a patriot. You're just a pathetic, sociopathic punk, worthy of a good ass-kicking. Walking around in public crowded venues without a mask in the middle of a nationwide, deadly pandemic. You're a worthless piece of excrement, especially if you think you're a disciple of Jesus Christ. You're a mindless tool of evil, driving people away from Jesus. You "Christians" demanding to worship in church buildings, during the height of the pandemic, without wearing a mask, becoming a public health hazard (when the world persecutes "Christians" like you, don't whine, because you deserve it).

You "Christians" didn't give a rats-ass about yourselves or the public that supposedly you want to win for Christ. You're disgusting pieces of garbage.

Many of you were stupid enough even to let them talk you into talking dangerous experimental drugs, fraudulently promoted as “vaccines”, that will likely continue to harm those stupid enough to take them for decades to come, long after the disease itself would otherwise have been forgotten.



I'll go with the experts and you can go with the flat-earth, anti-vax retards.
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Nah, I've seen the numbers.

UUUUuuu "the numbers" spewed out of capitalist news media and its polemicists. You have ZERO evidence. The so-called "black book" of communism has been thoroughly debunked and discredited, even by non-communist academia.

When one considers all of the deaths caused by European colonialism and capitalist imperialism, the death toll is at least twice the numbers given by the "Black Book" for communism. The "Black Book of Communism" written by pro-capitalist polemicists, even counted Nazi deaths and future generations that wouldn't be born due to supposed communist economic failures. If we were to apply the same metrics against Christian Europe and America, the death toll would be close to a billion dead. These Evangelicals often remind everyone that doesn't agree with them religiously, that Europe and the USA are "CHRISTIAN LANDS". Until you point out how many people have died in their wars, then they backtrack and say "Well, no no no, that wasn't Christian at all".

Make up your minds, is Europe and America two Christian lands or not?​

If it wasn't for the Soviet Union, Americans would be speaking German today and saluting a flag with a Swastika.

Former CIA Officers admit to fabricating stories about communists, to demonize them in the Western media:

What does any of the above have to do with the topic of this thread? Nothing. He's resorting to red herrings, to deflect from the weakness of his theological arguments. He has zero evidence for his Christian theology and so resorts to a bunch of disingenuous BS arguments against atheists. He's an overgrown infant that can't accept reality on its own terms.
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What is contradictory about it?
If your brain is dead, then why should anyone engage in a dialogue with you? Are all religions in concordance with each other? Even within the Abraham traditions, there is plenty of disagreement on what God wants from us. So you don't really know what God's word is, all you have is conjecture. Speculation.
You want people to ask their parents for permission to be born?

Wow that’s a new one. 😂
No, you missed the point. God, according to you, put us here, sick. Human nature according to Christianity, is corrupt due to "original sin". Yet your God expects all of us to act righteously, without even being clear as to what he wants from us. Who asks for this? No one. Your God doesn't factor in the fact that we were thrown into existence, through a natural process and now we have to deal with the corruption that he allowed us to be born into, by placing a poisonous tree in the Garden of Eden. Allowing a talking snake to tempt Eve. All of this is nothing more than ancient Middle Eastern, bronze age mythology.

In reality, people who claim their morality comes from God, are lying to themselves and everyone else. When they go to a church that doesn't teach what they determine is "God's word" or "God's standard of morality", they leave and find a church that is compatible with their beliefs. They determine what is God's standard and will, not God. They determine what is right and wrong, good and evil, God's word and not God's word. And of course, they also determine how to interpret God's word.
If your brain is dead, then why should anyone engage in a dialogue with you? Are all religions in concordance with each other? Even within the Abraham traditions, there is plenty of disagreement on what God wants from us. So you don't really know what God's word is, all you have is conjecture. Speculation.
Well I am only talking about the Abraham religion. Ancient Judaism to modern Catholic or Orthodoxy. All others are not from God.
They determine what is God's standard and will, not God.
Well yes, that is called idolatry. That is something all humans must strive to not do.

We will always be flawed, until we are remade. God gave us a plan to be redeemed. You can either accept it, or whine like a child and demand He comes up with a new plan just for you.

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