Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

So the fact that you and I don't know, prevents us from having a belief in gods. The lack of belief is atheism.

I neither believe nor disbelieve that is not atheism. I am perfectly comfortable just leaving it at I don't know
And what makes you think that all the secrets of the universe were revealed to some ancient goat keepers?

Come on - the creation story is ridiculous. Virgin birth, great flood.

If you take the Bible literal, I respect you as a person. But intellectually - no. I just don't
Just last century atheist Communists were responsible for the biggest tragedies and horrors

human beings have ever suffered.
What a silly argument. Theists have killed a lot more people than atheists, especially through colonialism and imperialism. Anyways, all of that is irrelevant to the fact that you don't have a shred of evidence for your irrational, infantile religious beliefs about God.
What a silly argument. Theists have killed a lot more people than atheists, especially through colonialism and imperialism. Anyways, all of that is irrelevant to the fact that you don't have a shred of evidence for your irrational, infantile religious beliefs about God.
Bullshit. Atheist communists are responsible for more suffering and death last century than was in the entire history of

mankind all put together.
Bullshit. Atheist communists are responsible for more suffering and death last century than in the entire history of mankind

all put together.
Only in your tiny birdbrain is that true and again, that's irrelevant to the issue of whether God exists or not. You're resorting to red herrings and cheap ad hominem attacks.
Only in your tiny birdbrain is that true and again, that's irrelevant to the issue of whether God exists or not. You're resorting to red herrings and cheap ad hominem attacks.
Nah, I've seen the numbers.

It's not "God's way or my way", it's rather " Meriweather and his/her ilk's nonsensical claptrap about God or my way". That would be a more accurate description.
Ah, yet another poster who knows what other posters "really" say.

People should seek and find God, and discover for themselves.

You seem to be telling me if I truly seek and truly find God, I will find communism. I say people who truly seek and truly find God will find....God.
It's more an attitude. An attitude that facts matter. This is supposedly all about truth. Well, it just so happens that fact and truth belong together. Facts establish truth. And the Bible is short on facts.
Study for themes instead of "facts". Philosophical and spiritual truths are more what the Bible is about.
Not all sins are equal. Considering that homosexuality didn't even make the top ten list, Christians are sure hung up on that particular sin
Could it be that people don't quite so readily flaunt other sins, but are eager to show off when it comes to sexuality?

We certainly do not see festivals and parades and grand events to celebrate “Pride” in stealing or murder or violence, or drug abuse, or adultery, or most other evils.
No it doesn't.

Not knowing the cause of anything is not proof of gods.

We simply don't know how something happened.

You position assumes that humans are actually capable of understanding 100% of the universe and everything in it. That may not be true at all.

Currently all human knowledge and all the great intellects that ever existed have only garnered an understanding of about 5% of what makes up our universe.

We do not understand the remaining 95% and we may very well be incapable of understanding that 95% so how can anyone say they know with 100% certainty how the universe came to be ?

They can't.
I never claimed or assumed humans can understand 100% of the universe.

We do not understand the full extent of God. God doesn’t ask us to understand him, just to trust him.
The pandemic disproves your God

The only thing that “The Pandemic” provide is how stupid and gullible too many people are, and how willing they are to allow corrupt politicians to use such absurd lies to seize and abuse illegitimate powers over them.

Many of you not only allowed, but literally begged government to shut down your businesses, strip you of essential freedoms, ruin you financially, and make you take dangerous experimental drugs. All because you believed their lies about an exaggerated cold/flu outbreak.

And what makes you think that all the secrets of the universe were revealed to some ancient goat keepers?

Come on - the creation story is ridiculous. Virgin birth, great flood.

If you take the Bible literal, I respect you as a person. But intellectually - no. I just don't
Even if you don’t take the early stories as literal, they are just as important to understand symbolically.

Like the account of Adam and Eve. Even if the story is a parable, it is still just as relevant to us. Jesus spoke in parables using hypothetical situations, this does not mean the consequences of the actions and inactions taken by the people in those stories don’t have real bearing on you.
I never claimed or assumed humans can understand 100% of the universe.

We do not understand the full extent of God. God doesn’t ask us to understand him, just to trust him.
You seem to think you do if you are telling me that a god did it.

We don't know what happened at the inception of the universe.

We have unproven theories at best

A god is one of those theories
The big bang is another theory

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