Unbiased analysis of VP debate

Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.

Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.

I too think Biden did a very good job; however, he could have done himself a big favor by losing the stupid shit eating grin he had on his face every time Ryan spoke. That being said, Biden's rebuttals were concise and I think he scored points on Medicare and taxes, especially Romney's crazy tax plan. Where he failed was on the Libya issue. He did state that Republicans cut funding for embassy security, but it wasn't very convincing. The other thing he failed to mention is that it wasn't an embassy in Benghazi, it was a consulate. There is a difference and he failed to make this clear.

Overall, I think Ryan held his own but didn't score any points. I think Biden won but initial reaction will be negative from some due to his stupid smile. We'll see what happens in the long run. My guess is that this stops the bleeding for Obama and leaves the door open for Obama to come back with a better performance in the next debate.

I have to agree with you here. The smiling and sarcasm was a little much but I really liked Biden being more aggressive. The sedate smile on Ryan's face made him seem mildly retarded.
You do not like jews...
Listen, you don't tell me what I like (or dislike), I tell you. When it gets to that point, this ain't no conversation, it's a fuckin' monologue; I talk and you listen! And we both know you play the anti-semitism card because you don't have the balls or the maturity to take responsibility for your own actions.

you keep talking about them controlling everything...
Post where I've said that. Even if I did, that doesn't prove jew-hate. That just proves I don't like governments of foreign nations interfering in our election process. This is our election, not theirs.

prove that!!!
You made the claim, you prove it!

So you again, you think they arent... what are they after it for?
And again, you don't tell me what I think, I tell you. And you need to prove they are going after it, we're not going to discuss it, until you do.

Still doesnt make IRAN a better country
Doesn't make them a bad one either.

.....so now we have Syria, Iran and Iraq on the same team, is that what you're saying
No, that's what you're saying and it makes no sense whatsoever. WTF are you talking about? How old are you?

When Iran gets a bomb, you're not worried they will use it or make it easier for a crazy to get a nuke?
I'm not going to answer that until you provide the smoking gun that they're trying to get one. Otherwise, this is just a repeat of the bullshit lies you told 10 years ago leading up to the Iraq war. Provide the proof, or shut your fuckin' mouth! I'm really getting sick of you lunatics trying to bring your Alex in Wonderland bullshit into American politics.
Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.

Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.

Willie Geist from MSNBC said this morning that Joe Biden spoke longer then Ryan.
So you are wrong again.:badgrin:
I'm sure this fall to the bottom of the board since the crazy wingers here won't agree, but anyway. I'm not going to nitpick everything that was said. These debates are much more about style than substance. Prospective undecided voters have a few key issues that are important to them and they want to get a feel for the candidates and their convictions more so than they want a laundry list of exact details about every little thing.

I think if anyone won the debate, it was Biden. To get one thing out of the way, he had a little bit of help from the moderator. She spent a lot of time on foreign policy which is her and Biden's wheelhouse. She didn't step in and halt Biden's constant interruptions of Ryan and she was more critical of Ryan with follow-up questions. But, it was nothing that gave Biden an overwhelming advantage at all.

Biden hurt himself by constantly interrupting Ryan and smirking, chuckling and shaking his head when Ryan talked. You disagree with him? Think he's full of shit? That's fine. Give him his time and then respond. It's what Romney did to Obama and one reason he came away with a convincing victory.

Biden doing that crap undermined his otherwise thoughtful and forceful responses. He spoke with conviction and aggression. He didn't let Ryan's assertions go unquestioned. And even though he was condescending in his tone with plenty of responses, i think that helped him a lot more than hurt him. Romney vs. Obama: they're both about the same age with experiences in different areas. One talking down to the other as if "well, once you get some experience, you'll know" doesn't work all the time. With Biden being so much older and so much more experienced in debates, with foreign policy, etc, he can credibly come across like that... like a father smacking his son down for saying stupid stuff. "No no.. *laugh* ..let me tell you how it really is." It worked, i thought. He did a bit of Romney did in the first debate too, ticking items off a list. "First... second.." Made him sound very organized and informed in his responses.

Biden came in with higher expectations and he lived up to them, for the most part. Again, without the constant interruptions and chuckling while Ryan speaks, Biden wins pretty handily.

I thought Ryan lived up to expectations. I don't think anyone expected him to fall on his face as he's an experienced politician despite his youth and he's very clear when he speaks. He did a nice job of lightly dodging some questions when needed, sounded like he knew what he was talking about regarding foreign policy for the most part despite not having a strong/long reputation there. He was able to speak with conviction. He was respectful and sounded pretty sincere. Didn't make any gaffes. Towed the campaign line and stuck to the things that the campaign has been harping on. Nothing overwhelming, nothing spectacular at all. His plan seemed to be to go in, show well, don't get your ass kicked, look and sound presidential and he accomplished that.

Considering the fairly even showing and the fact that these guys are only VPs, i'm guessing this is almost nothing for either side. If anything, it did more for the Dem side because of the major Obama let down. It gets the base a bit more fired up and maybe sets the tone for Obama going into the next debate.

Any other thoughts other than "ROMNEY/OBAMA SUXXXORZ!" ???

No, I think you mostly nailed it.
First we know you hate jews....

Second you think Iran with a bomb is ok? So then Iraq, afganistan, Jordan, Syria...ect get them too? You dont see the danger of Iran having a bomb? let alone all these countries?

Uh you apparently are naive

I think it's no big deal if Iran gets the bomb.

Pakistan (an Islamic state whose behavior is far worse than Iran's) has had nukes for 20 years or so.

No big deal, and it's not like Jordan or Syria is rushing off to get one. (Those countries are too poor to engage in a nuclear program, anyway.)
Biden only laughed when Ryan was lying...

Did you see Ryan laughing when Biden was giving his "we only knew what we knew at the time" thing about Libya? Nope. Politicians lie, all of them, even democrats (but i know you don't believe that) and part of common courtesy during a debate is letting the opponent have his time to speak then respond accordingly. You want to call the guy a liar? Wait your turn.

absolutely.....the sad part of that is.....you never see Lakotta QUESTION anything said or done by these people.....he just goes with their flow.....and it would be surprising to even see him RESPOND to what i just said about him....
Biden not only embarrassed himself, he embarrassed us all as Americans. Never have I seen a man which holds such a powerful office behave so poorly in a professional appearance. Internationally the people that viewed tonight's debate had to be shocked by Biden's demeanor and childish conduct. Not only did he make us all look bad as Americans he made his boss look like a fool on the world stage.

Are you a teenager and have a limited frame of reference? Newt Gingrich embarrassed this country at least once a week when he was speaker.

But Ryan came across better than Biden.
Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.

Then you're a fucking moron. He lied through his teeth on key issues. He was disrespectful. He was condescending toward the audience by not allowing his opponent to respond.

Biden was just trying to throw Ryan off by acting like a child. it worked too. The CHILDREN of the country gave Biden an A.

Good analysis, Somguy. Though, as an educated on the issues viewer, I felt they both were dishonest, with Ryan being less so than Biden. You couple that with the disrespect and I think Ryan did better on mature debate and staying closer to the facts.

Biden on the Libya security question bold faced lie was terrible. Only a completely unimformed viewer could have accepted that answer. And the moderator should have called him out, like Ryan did.
Both sides have had slight edges here and there but the portion about our foreign policy and the future in Afghanistan, I think Biden absolutely destroyed Ryan and the Republican philosophy in.

I agree. Biden pushed self-sufficiency. His message basically was "If we continue to prop them up, they'll never take responsibility for themselves." Makes me wonder why that same "philosophy" isn't applied by the democrats in America.

It is.

You have just bought into Republican lies.

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.
so you buy into the Democrats lies....how does that make you any different?....why do we never see Chris questioning what the Democrats say or do?.....as an INDEPENDENT Chris you should have lots of things to say about those people....but you defend everything said about them......dont be like that other guy who claims he is an Independent but he isnt.....come clean Chris....tell us the truth.....are you an Independent like you claimed in that poll.....or are you a Far Leftist like you show every time you post?.....:eusa_eh:
I personally found it hilarious how he blatantly was laughing in the face of the Republican rhetoric.

This supports my initial analysis and that of plenty of others, particularly CNN (cause i watched it there). They had noted that Biden's actions would fire up the base but turn off independent voters. I flipped over the Fox News for a little bit and Frank Luntz was doing his focus group thing with undecided voters. One woman said that Biden's snickering, laughing and interrupting really put her off and that it would stick with her the most regarding the debate.

your wrong Guy.....Chris and Dudley are Independents.....do you think they are turned off?....
I disagree. Biden's Condescension hurt him alot. In fact, it cost him the debate. You can disagree with someone respectful without the arrogance. And he was dodging questions right off the bat. Didn't address the Libya question at all.

You've already proven yourself to be as partisan as they come so in all honesty your opinion is completely worthless.
Of course the left thinks Biden's behavior was good. That's how they all act. Smug, classless and condescending. They think they are so much smarter than everyone else, while those that have manners are embarrassed for them.
Romney did it with style and grace, very professionally. Biden was foolish and crude. His approach may end up being a negative domestically. Internationally I believe it is already disastrous. The man made us all as Americans look bad and his boss looks like a fool.

Explain to us how it was disastrous when Biden laughed at the bullshit coming out of Ryan's mouth? To me this is an utterly ridiculous over-exaggeration and paranoia. I mean this debate was virtually the same as the first debate only with the roles reversed in terms of style. Biden came out and did what he needed to do which was show the holes in the Republican game, come across as more intelligent, and most importantly show some balls.

Biden acted like an unprofessional jerk way below his station. He may have been OK in a college debate but as VP of the most powerful nation on earth he preformed like an undisciplined amateur. Very bad form that hurt us all as Americans. It may or may not hurt him and his party but I think there is a chance that his unruly and unprofessional behavior in tonight's debate may come with a negative cost for his boss. Maybe not, it remains to be seen but he sure embarrassed me as an American. I have been trained to and have behaved much more professionally when I was representing our nation. Someone should have yanked him off of the stage and told him to act with the dignity that his station affords.

I respectfully disagree. I saw Biden as the picture of an informed, seasoned, experienced professional. The fact is, that Biden has been a high-level elected official all of his life. In recent decades, he has personally participated in just about everything that was the subject of the debate last night. No one can fault his credentials or his experience.

Someone else said it on this thread several times - he only laughed when Ryan was lying. I will give you that laughing while your opponent is trying to make a point is generally unprofessional when done in certain contexts. It is not tolerated in the courtroom. I would question its impropriety in a national debate of this nature. And even when he was laughing, he did it with good taste and still managed to maintain his professionalism.

I saw Biden as a glowing credit to our country, since you want to put it in those terms.

If all the Right has here is chipping away at Biden for laughing when Ryan was lying, I submit that clinches the win for Biden. I am not hearing much discussion on this thread about substance.
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I agree. Biden pushed self-sufficiency. His message basically was "If we continue to prop them up, they'll never take responsibility for themselves." Makes me wonder why that same "philosophy" isn't applied by the democrats in America.

It is.

You have just bought into Republican lies.

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.
so you buy into the Democrats lies....how does that make you any different?....why do we never see Chris questioning what the Democrats say or do?.....as an INDEPENDENT Chris you should have lots of things to say about those people....but you defend everything said about them......dont be like that other guy who claims he is an Independent but he isnt.....come clean Chris....tell us the truth.....are you an Independent like you claimed in that poll.....or are you a Far Leftist like you show every time you post?.....:eusa_eh:

Perhaps Chris is just calling 'em as he/she sees 'em - ever consider that, Harry?
Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.

Then you're a fucking moron. He lied through his teeth on key issues. He was disrespectful. He was condescending toward the audience by not allowing his opponent to respond.

Biden was just trying to throw Ryan off by acting like a child. it worked too. The CHILDREN of the country gave Biden an A.

Good analysis, Somguy. Though, as an educated on the issues viewer, I felt they both were dishonest, with Ryan being less so than Biden. You couple that with the disrespect and I think Ryan did better on mature debate and staying closer to the facts.

Biden on the Libya security question bold faced lie was terrible. Only a completely unimformed viewer could have accepted that answer. And the moderator should have called him out, like Ryan did.

You call someone a "fucking moron" and then accuse Biden of being disrespectful and acting like a child?
I'm going to say that it was obviously a close debate, but that Biden narrowly "won." By that, mostly I mean that I was most impressed with Biden's performance. Here's why:

1. He actually sounded intelligent. Where did that come from? That, in and of itself, is a pretty big accomplishment.

2. Biden went on the offensive and controlled the the pace. His constant interruptions are a valid criticism, but then again it was similar interruptions in the Presidential debate that helped Romney control the pace, and I've yet to see anyone criticize the Gov. on that one. It was very important for Biden make a strong showing here, and he accomplished that.

3. If we take the purpose of the VP debates as a metric to determine which person brings the most to his respective campaign, then Biden unquestionably brings more to his ticket than Ryan. Biden is clearly more equipped to take over the Presidency if it should become his constitutional duty to do so.

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