Unbiased analysis of VP debate

Libs breathed a sign of relief that Biden didn't talk about how Obama burned the Middle Class
Which is 1 poll that you quoted twice. Which oversampled Republicans by +8, by CNN's own own admission. Adjust for that, you have Biden +4.

Let's check some others:

CBS poll, Biden up 50-31
Poll: Biden takes debate over Ryan, uncommitted voters say - CBS News

NBC independent focus group in Virginia. Some independents shift to Obama, none shift to Romney.
Biden makes strong showing in focus group - Video on NBCNews.com

Various online polls could be quoted, but I won't, since they're all crap and they're all over the map, depending on who was stacking the poll.

Now, one could declare that undecided voters are morons, and I'd largely agree. Doesn't matter. Point is, they'll vote, and they liked Biden better.

You're so cute when you're butthurt.

Let's assume for a moment that you are correct and Biden "won" the debate.

Remember Lloyd Bensten? He annihilated Dan Quayle in the 1988 VP debate. Did that change anything? Nope, Mondale still went on to lose 426 to 111....an absolute thrashing.

Bottom line = VP debates do not matter. Even if Biden "won" (which I do not think is true) , it did not and will not help Obama. Only Obama can help Obama now. And that is going to be very difficult due to Obama's ACTUAL RECORD. "Hope and Change", "Forward" and other catchy slogans won't save him. His RECORD is all that matters now........:lol:

So let's play that game. Mondale beat Reagan inthe first debate. Kerry beat Bush in the first debate.
Clearly the debates are more important for the top of the ticket than for the VP. VP debates never amount to jack-squat.

For the President - it's always about the economy. If the economy is in the shitter, like it is now, the incumbent loses. Obama could perform like a champ in the next 2 debates and still lose because of the economy. He has not shown any leadership on the economy. He has not effectively made the case that his economic policies have worked or are working. He's spent far too much money and has very little to show for it. He's never even passed a budget in 4 years!!! That's incompetence, writ large.

Of course, anything can happen over the next 26 days, but right now all the momentum is with Romney.....
Biden just came off like a grumpy old man

Lol, no I'm not.

I can find a dozen posts by conservatives on this site, complaining tha Biden interrupted too much, and was loud, abrasive and overbearing.

That's Biden dominating the debate. He had Ryan on the defensive, nearly the whole debate, and while some people are put off by Bidens attitude, he did what he set out to do, which was stop the Romney momentum.

You have an interesting definition of "dominating," one normally reserved for "making an ass of oneself."

No one hit a home run last night, but Biden came off as "creepy," and for that reason I give it to Ryan. On substance, we saw two very different visions for America. Biden did a better job than I expected articulating the Obama agenda. The polls show a close debate, oddly MSNBC gives it to Ryan, while CBS claims that Biden was on top.
You are pretty well alone in thinking the Raddatz-Biden team "dominated" the debate.

Lol, no I'm not.

I can find a dozen posts by conservatives on this site, complaining tha Biden interrupted too much, and was loud, abrasive and overbearing.

That's Biden dominating the debate. He had Ryan on the defensive, nearly the whole debate, and while some people are put off by Bidens attitude, he did what he set out to do, which was stop the Romney momentum.

Dominating ain't winning, sweetie. Perhaps if your messiah hadn't been stoned during the Romney/Obama debate, Biden wouldn't have had to go on and make a fucking prat of himself with his 'hard butt' stance. Even liberal friends of mine were embarrassed by him.

Who do you think youre addressing? I am neither your sweetie nor is Obama my "messiah".

I can post polls that declare Biden the winner, and I can post polls that declare Ryan the winner. Both men got in good hits, and I've already stated I think the debate was a tie.

Biden won, in that he did what he needed, which was to not lose, to not allow Ryan to steam over him like Romney did Obama. Biden needed to stem the bleeding from the last debate, and I think he did that.
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Lol, no I'm not.

I can find a dozen posts by conservatives on this site, complaining tha Biden interrupted too much, and was loud, abrasive and overbearing.

That's Biden dominating the debate. He had Ryan on the defensive, nearly the whole debate, and while some people are put off by Bidens attitude, he did what he set out to do, which was stop the Romney momentum.

Dominating ain't winning, sweetie. Perhaps if your messiah hadn't been stoned during the Romney/Obama debate, Biden wouldn't have had to go on and make a fucking prat of himself with his 'hard butt' stance. Even liberal friends of mine were embarrassed by him.

Who do you think youre addressing? I am neither your sweetie nor is Obama my "messiah".

I can post polls that declare Biden the winner, and I can post polls that declare Ryan the winner. Both men got in good hits, and I've already stated I think the debate was a tie.

Biden won, in that he did what he needed, which was to not lose, to not allow Ryan to steam over him like Romney did Obama. Biden needed to stem the bleeding from the last debate, and I think he did that.
If looking an acting like an idiot on national TV is winning Biden won hands down.
so you buy into the Democrats lies....how does that make you any different?....why do we never see Chris questioning what the Democrats say or do?.....as an INDEPENDENT Chris you should have lots of things to say about those people....but you defend everything said about them......dont be like that other guy who claims he is an Independent but he isnt.....come clean Chris....tell us the truth.....are you an Independent like you claimed in that poll.....or are you a Far Leftist like you show every time you post?.....:eusa_eh:

Perhaps Chris is just calling 'em as he/she sees 'em - ever consider that, Harry?

Are you kidding? How long have you been here?

thank you.....
I think Biden held his own, but there is the day after. he was caught in all the lies? win or lose the debate is not going to count for anything.
I think Biden held his own, but there is the day after. he was caught in all the lies? win or lose the debate is not going to count for anything.

It counts for showing what an idiot democrats support, and the one who asked to be his running mate.
Biden blew it. He needed a knock-out and instead he barely tied.....NEXT!!!

No, he did exactly what he was supposed to do.

He deflated Ryan's credibility (Ryan was done when Biden pointed out he sent two letters to the White House begging for Stimulus funds).

He got the base energized.

He also tested the limits on how hard teh Democrats can hit back at Romney/Ryan before Obama does just that on the second and third debates.
The only credibility that was deflated was Joe's..but since he didn't have any to begin with, it's a big MEH.
Biden blew it. He needed a knock-out and instead he barely tied.....NEXT!!!

No, he did exactly what he was supposed to do.

He deflated Ryan's credibility (Ryan was done when Biden pointed out he sent two letters to the White House begging for Stimulus funds).

He got the base energized.

He also tested the limits on how hard teh Democrats can hit back at Romney/Ryan before Obama does just that on the second and third debates.

How did biden deflate Ryans credibility with anyone other than liberals like you?
deep down the debate won,t make much as difference. vice presidential debates don,t often do. they just their to help base usually.

for example in 1988 in vp debate dan quaye got beaten up pretty badly by Lloyd Bentsen. Yet his ticket ended up winning election with ease in the end. so the debate made little difference.

biden did help the base here but then so did ryan. so both done their jobs in that sense
Biden blew it. He needed a knock-out and instead he barely tied.....NEXT!!!

No, he did exactly what he was supposed to do.

He deflated Ryan's credibility (Ryan was done when Biden pointed out he sent two letters to the White House begging for Stimulus funds).

He got the base energized.

He also tested the limits on how hard teh Democrats can hit back at Romney/Ryan before Obama does just that on the second and third debates.

I thought obama was the great debater how do you suggest the out come will be any different the next time?
well because he did ok in some debates in 2008. But look your right. if obama as bad as he was last time this election is over. i hope he does not peform as bad but we wait and see.
Biden not only embarrassed himself, he embarrassed us all as Americans. Never have I seen a man which holds such a powerful office behave so poorly in a professional appearance. Internationally the people that viewed tonight's debate had to be shocked by Biden's demeanor and childish conduct. Not only did he make us all look bad as Americans he made his boss look like a fool on the world stage.

One of the most obviously biased posts I have ever read on any message board anywhere. What debate were you watching? This debate was a lot closer than the Romney-Obama wipe out, but Biden clearly prevailed on a number of bases. First of all, he was fully informed and delivered his facts with crisp accuracy. Ryan did not have anywhere near as many facts and his presentation was at times petulant and deferential to Biden's obviously superior knowledge of the subject matter. Ryan was woefully weak on foreign policy - a specialty of Biden's, who wiped Ryan out in this area of the debate.

Biden came across as the experienced professional that he is - a man who has participated in everything that was being discussed. Ryan came across as exactly what he is - an inexperienced, young hopeful, desperately wanting to someday be able to do the kind of job that Biden has been doing for decades. I felt, at times, that Ryan was actually listening to Biden and learning from what he was hearing.

For you to say that Biden "made America look bad" speaks only to your obvious partisanship and total lack of ability to perceive.

Biden was informed?

Uh he talked about wars on a credit card....that BIDEN voted for

He said catholics are required by Obamacare to provide birth control.....uh.....so why are catholic charities suing over Obamacare?

He thought a video caused an attack on our videos....did he really belive that? how stupid do you have to be, to believe that? Then he lied and said the state department didnt ask for security....

Life begins at conception, yet it's ok to have abortion as birth control?

And what specfics did he give? a Tax raise for everyone over $1million dollars.....Obama came out and said he was wrong....it's $250k

and what other specifics?

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