Uncalled For: In Obama’s Military God Is Not Allowed But Homosexuals Are Welcome

I am all for homosexuals to be able to serve in the military and enjoy the same rights and protections as any other member of the Armed Forces. But, why does God need to be kicked out? The godless Liberal Intelligensia has never forgiven white Christian men for founding this Nation and basing its laws on Judeo-Christian ethics. IF the Founding Fathers made a mistake they should have explicitly made the US a Christian State and provided tolerance and protection for those who chose not to be Christian.

It took Christians to set up a Nation of tolerance and economic freedoms. No where else on the Globe is it as good as US. Why change that? An atheist can get US Federal funds to create art where the Virgin Mary is covered in elephant shit. That atheist is going to be protected. Counter that with any Christians or atheists intent on driving to Mecca and not heading the warnings to exit if you are not Muslim?

Don't ever take anyone seriously who wags their finger at US about tolerance. They are more full of shit than the tax-payer funded elephant shit Virgin Mary. (National Endowment for the Arts).
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

Yep... But in his defense, such is the nature of evil.
Dumb OP thinks gays have never served their country until President Obama was elected. Gays have always served and in every military in the world and in all of history.

Its the right who has done the most damage to our military, our vets and their families.

And then there was this very telling moment ... Its not just that the candidates were silent. Its that anti-America RW traitors like the OP actually support those candidates and consistently vote against our military.


Gay soldier booed at GOP debate; candidates stay mum

By Cameron Joseph



Some members of the GOP debate audience booed a gay soldier who asked via video whether the Republican candidates would reinstitute the recently repealed "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of banning openly gay soldiers.

After Stephen Hill, who is serving in the Army in Iraq, asked his question, a handful of members of the audience booed loudly. None of the Republican candidates responded to the audience's reaction.

So the first pastor at this Church, btw, went by the name of "Loveless Savage." Pretty fitting title for gay bashers like the OP.
Dumb OP thinks gays have never served their country until President Obama was elected. Gays have always served and in every military in the world and in all of history.

Its the right who has done the most damage to our military, our vets and their families.

And then there was this very telling moment ... Its not just that the candidates were silent. Its that anti-America RW traitors like the OP actually support those candidates and consistently vote against our military.


Gay soldier booed at GOP debate; candidates stay mum

By Cameron Joseph



Some members of the GOP debate audience booed a gay soldier who asked via video whether the Republican candidates would reinstitute the recently repealed "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of banning openly gay soldiers.

After Stephen Hill, who is serving in the Army in Iraq, asked his question, a handful of members of the audience booed loudly. None of the Republican candidates responded to the audience's reaction.

I love how Santorum spouted a bunch of shit without actually saying shit. What a fucking boob.
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

^^^This^^^ is what happens when you inbreed.
Dumb OP thinks gays have never served their country until President Obama was elected. Gays have always served and in every military in the world and in all of history.

Its the right who has done the most damage to our military, our vets and their families.

And then there was this very telling moment ... Its not just that the candidates were silent. Its that anti-America RW traitors like the OP actually support those candidates and consistently vote against our military.


Gay soldier booed at GOP debate; candidates stay mum

By Cameron Joseph



Some members of the GOP debate audience booed a gay soldier who asked via video whether the Republican candidates would reinstitute the recently repealed "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of banning openly gay soldiers.

After Stephen Hill, who is serving in the Army in Iraq, asked his question, a handful of members of the audience booed loudly. None of the Republican candidates responded to the audience's reaction.

Gays should always be called out and booed.
Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

WHo says that god's not allowed in the military? You do know that they have paid chaplains in the army, right?
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

WHo says that god's not allowed in the military? You do know that they have paid chaplains in the army, right?
Becaaauuuse......ummmm....uhhhhhh.......Obama hates God?!!
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

WHo says that god's not allowed in the military? You do know that they have paid chaplains in the army, right?
Shhh...don't ruin it for the OP.
So the first pastor at this Church, btw, went by the name of "Loveless Savage." Pretty fitting title for gay bashers like the OP.
They still have their religious pastors, but they can't indoctrinate people against their will or discriminate as they used to be able to against gays and minorities.

The military is becoming more tolerant to minority faiths and beliefs, to the annoyance of evangelicals. That's what the bitching is about, because the evangelicals want to force everyone to be the 'right kind of Christian' in the US military, and kick out the 'atheists', 'Muslims', and the 'wrong type of Christian' - and demand that their hate be state-sanctioned: Are U.S. troops being force-fed Christianity - CSMonitor.com
Several conservative Christian ministries publicly proclaim an evangelistic aim "to transform the nations of the world through the militaries of the world," and they are active at US military installations in many countries. (See www.militaryministry.org or militarymissionsnetwork.org.)

MRFF sees that as a harbinger of a volunteer military falling under the sway of increasing numbers of Christian soldiers. Others see a military leadership, with the exception of a few generals here or there, well aware of its constitutional responsibilities, but challenged by the demands of training on these issues in a military of millions. A group such as MRFF can provide a crucial service, they say, if it is willing to work with the military.
So the first pastor at this Church, btw, went by the name of "Loveless Savage." Pretty fitting title for gay bashers like the OP.
They still have their religious pastors, but they can't indoctrinate people against their will or discriminate as they used to be able to against gays and minorities.

The military is becoming more tolerant to minority faiths and beliefs, to the annoyance of evangelicals. That's what the bitching is about, because they want to force everyone to be the 'right kind of Christian' in the US military, and kick out the 'atheists', 'Muslims', and the 'wrong type of Christian' - and demand that their hate be state-sanctioned: Are U.S. troops being force-fed Christianity - CSMonitor.com
Several conservative Christian ministries publicly proclaim an evangelistic aim "to transform the nations of the world through the militaries of the world," and they are active at US military installations in many countries. (See www.militaryministry.org or militarymissionsnetwork.org.)

MRFF sees that as a harbinger of a volunteer military falling under the sway of increasing numbers of Christian soldiers. Others see a military leadership, with the exception of a few generals here or there, well aware of its constitutional responsibilities, but challenged by the demands of training on these issues in a military of millions. A group such as MRFF can provide a crucial service, they say, if it is willing to work with the military.

So unless Christians can FORCE people to attend Christian services then 'god is not allowed in the military'.

If that doesn't sum up the fringe right idea of religious freedom in a nutshell, I don't know what does.
So the first pastor at this Church, btw, went by the name of "Loveless Savage." Pretty fitting title for gay bashers like the OP.
They still have their religious pastors, but they can't indoctrinate people against their will or discriminate as they used to be able to against gays and minorities.

The military is becoming more tolerant to minority faiths and beliefs, to the annoyance of evangelicals. That's what the bitching is about, because they want to force everyone to be the 'right kind of Christian' in the US military, and kick out the 'atheists', 'Muslims', and the 'wrong type of Christian' - and demand that their hate be state-sanctioned: Are U.S. troops being force-fed Christianity - CSMonitor.com
Several conservative Christian ministries publicly proclaim an evangelistic aim "to transform the nations of the world through the militaries of the world," and they are active at US military installations in many countries. (See www.militaryministry.org or militarymissionsnetwork.org.)

MRFF sees that as a harbinger of a volunteer military falling under the sway of increasing numbers of Christian soldiers. Others see a military leadership, with the exception of a few generals here or there, well aware of its constitutional responsibilities, but challenged by the demands of training on these issues in a military of millions. A group such as MRFF can provide a crucial service, they say, if it is willing to work with the military.

So unless Christians can FORCE people to attend Christian services then 'god is not allowed in the military'.

If that doesn't sum up the fringe right idea of religious freedom in a nutshell, I don't know what does.
Yep that's it basically, though the big thing they like to do too is attack those 'towel-heads': Suspended U.S. Military Instructor Taught Officers To Wage Total War On Islam ThinkProgress
The U.S. military is taking concrete action against an instructor, Lt. Col. Matthew A. Dooley, who taught U.S. military officers at the Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) to wage “total war” on Islam.

The JFSC has been plagued by reports that course presentations delivered by visiting instructors as well as active duty U.S. military personnel cited numerous prominent American Islamophobes and promoted taking a war on Islam “to the civilian population wherever necessary.” Dooley’s suspension, as reported by Wired’s Danger Zone, marks a step forward in removing blatantly anti-Muslim teaching materials from the JFSC.
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

And we know that Obama is the only prez who never did a hitch in the military, right? He does understands though, the purpose of the military the last 40 of 50 years. The military exists now to make the world safe for corporations to do business in foreign countries that don't much like Americans. I think they should hire their own mercenaries to protect themselves, but uncle sugar does it for free, courtesy of the taxpayers. The military also exists as a user of weapons of war that our defense contractors make. Can't have them go out of business if the war drums stop beating. Don't forget the US Navy. Who would keep the shipping lanes safe for all those tankers transferring oil to the USA to be refined and then put on the world market for corporate profit? (Putting the oil on the world market keeps fuel prices high here in USA). Obama understands all this and condones it, so give him a break. He might do the liberal talk at election time, but he generally goes along with the program of all war, all the time.
Dumb OP thinks gays have never served their country until President Obama was elected. Gays have always served and in every military in the world and in all of history.

Its the right who has done the most damage to our military, our vets and their families.

And then there was this very telling moment ... Its not just that the candidates were silent. Its that anti-America RW traitors like the OP actually support those candidates and consistently vote against our military.


Gay soldier booed at GOP debate; candidates stay mum

By Cameron Joseph



Some members of the GOP debate audience booed a gay soldier who asked via video whether the Republican candidates would reinstitute the recently repealed "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of banning openly gay soldiers.

After Stephen Hill, who is serving in the Army in Iraq, asked his question, a handful of members of the audience booed loudly. None of the Republican candidates responded to the audience's reaction.

Gays should always be called out and booed.

An example of the ignorance and hate the Constitution safeguards against.
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

And we know that Obama is the only prez who never did a hitch in the military, right?

Nope. Neither of the Adams' did. Clinton never did. Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Taft, FDR, Cleveland, Van Buren....none did any military service.

And GW (George Walker, not George Washington), Madison and Jefferson were technically part of the military. But never did any actual fighting. Or came even remotely close to it. Jefferson's 'militia' commission was essentially ceremonial. GW's was a place that rich parents with political aspirations for their kids hid them during Vietnam. Though the training in GW's case was far more perilous than being named a 'militia commander' in name only.

Don't forget the US Navy. Who would keep the shipping lanes safe for all those tankers transferring oil to the USA to be refined and then put on the world market for corporate profit? (Putting the oil on the world market keeps gas prices high here).

Keeping shipping lanes open is a pretty legitimate use of the military. 'Trade is the lifeblood of nations' as Adam Smith said.

Obama understands all this and condones it, so give him a break. He might do the liberal talk at election time, but he generally goes along with the program of all war, all the time.

I think Obama recognizes his lack of relevant experience on this front. And defers to those who have it. Which may be a decent argument for military experience in a CiC. As they may be less likely to be rick rolled by the military.

He might do the liberal talk at election time, but he generally goes along with the program of all war, all the time.

I disagree. Obmaa has *really* scaled back our use of the military. Holding to a pull out of Iraq that Bush agreed to it and dramatically reducing our forces in Afghanstan.

And best of all, not starting any new land wars. Its definitely a concerted effort to scale down.
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