Uncalled For: In Obama’s Military God Is Not Allowed But Homosexuals Are Welcome

Well lets' start here:

  • Joan Crawford and Marilyn Monroe had a one-night-stand?
  • Leonardo da Vinci was imprisoned twice for same-sex affairs?
  • Sir Francis Bacon's mother complained about him sleeping with the male servants?
  • Leonard Bernstein had an affair with an Israeli soldier?
  • A US President and his male roommate were so close they were called "Siamese Twins"?
  • Grandpa Walton had an affair with one of the founders of the gay rights movement?
  • A welterweight champion boxer killed his opponent in the ring after being taunted by him for being gay?
  • The lesbian wife of a gay actor accused Howard Hughes of having an affair with her husband shortly before his mysterious murder?
  • The founder of Shinto Buddhism also founded a tradition of male-male love in Japan?
  • Angelina Jolie wanted to marry her "Firefox" co-star Jenny Shimizu?
  • Two ancient Egyptian men shared a tomb as husband and wife?
  • A well-known actress went temporarily deaf after her famous husband informed her he was gay?
  • Abraham Lincoln slept with his bodyguard in the White House when Mrs. Lincoln was away?
  • Lawrence of Arabia dedicated his life's work to a young male lover?
  • A much-decorated admiral in the British navy during WW2 was nicknamed "Lord Mountbottom"?
  • Sir Isaac Newton suffered a nervous breakdown after breaking up with his male roommate?
  • An Egyptian pharaoh was reported to his council for a secret affair with a general?
  • Two famous actresses had an affair while on a USO tour to entertain troops during WW2?
  • The wife of one US president moved her girlfriend into the White House, and another US President shared his White House bed with the male chief of his security detail?
  • An heroic soldier in the US Revolution was actually a woman in disguise, who "married" another woman after her service in the Continental Army? More about Deborah Sampson.
  • A great composer may have been forced to commit suicide to avoid a homosexual scandal?
  • One of the greatest male American athletes of all time was arrested twice for same-sex indiscretions?
  • In 1886, when US officials asked an Indian tribe to send "their best woman" to visit Washington, DC, the tribe chose to send a man in a dress?
  • The toughest athlete playing the world's toughest sport, Gareth Thomas came out in 2009.
  • Samuel Butler was a shepherd before he wrote his groundbreaking novel, Erewhon.
Read the whole story in Queers In History

"Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, James Buchanan And Other Famous Figures Rumored To Be Gay" Huffpo

Of course, you could just google "Every notable person in history was a homosexual" and get the same 50,600,000 hits that I got in .47 seconds.

Does that help?

That's every notable person in history?

That's a pretty short list. Even for a strawman. Keep knocking around that stuffing!

How the hell did this post get attributed to me?
Well lets' start here:

  • Joan Crawford and Marilyn Monroe had a one-night-stand?
  • Leonardo da Vinci was imprisoned twice for same-sex affairs?
  • Sir Francis Bacon's mother complained about him sleeping with the male servants?
  • Leonard Bernstein had an affair with an Israeli soldier?
  • A US President and his male roommate were so close they were called "Siamese Twins"?
  • Grandpa Walton had an affair with one of the founders of the gay rights movement?
  • A welterweight champion boxer killed his opponent in the ring after being taunted by him for being gay?
  • The lesbian wife of a gay actor accused Howard Hughes of having an affair with her husband shortly before his mysterious murder?
  • The founder of Shinto Buddhism also founded a tradition of male-male love in Japan?
  • Angelina Jolie wanted to marry her "Firefox" co-star Jenny Shimizu?
  • Two ancient Egyptian men shared a tomb as husband and wife?
  • A well-known actress went temporarily deaf after her famous husband informed her he was gay?
  • Abraham Lincoln slept with his bodyguard in the White House when Mrs. Lincoln was away?
  • Lawrence of Arabia dedicated his life's work to a young male lover?
  • A much-decorated admiral in the British navy during WW2 was nicknamed "Lord Mountbottom"?
  • Sir Isaac Newton suffered a nervous breakdown after breaking up with his male roommate?
  • An Egyptian pharaoh was reported to his council for a secret affair with a general?
  • Two famous actresses had an affair while on a USO tour to entertain troops during WW2?
  • The wife of one US president moved her girlfriend into the White House, and another US President shared his White House bed with the male chief of his security detail?
  • An heroic soldier in the US Revolution was actually a woman in disguise, who "married" another woman after her service in the Continental Army? More about Deborah Sampson.
  • A great composer may have been forced to commit suicide to avoid a homosexual scandal?
  • One of the greatest male American athletes of all time was arrested twice for same-sex indiscretions?
  • In 1886, when US officials asked an Indian tribe to send "their best woman" to visit Washington, DC, the tribe chose to send a man in a dress?
  • The toughest athlete playing the world's toughest sport, Gareth Thomas came out in 2009.
  • Samuel Butler was a shepherd before he wrote his groundbreaking novel, Erewhon.
Read the whole story in Queers In History

"Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, James Buchanan And Other Famous Figures Rumored To Be Gay" Huffpo

Of course, you could just google "Every notable person in history was a homosexual" and get the same 50,600,000 hits that I got in .47 seconds.

Does that help?

That's every notable person in history?

That's a pretty short list. Even for a strawman. Keep knocking around that stuffing!

How the hell did this post get attributed to me?

I blame sunspots. I'll battle against the rage of the sun immediately and fix that for you.
Not to worry... January 20, 2017, should fix all that...
You said similar about January 20, 2013

A lot of people said that.

And while the '12 election brought a landslide defeat to the Left in 95% of the elections around the country, the election fraud for the Presidency was sufficient to bring the Brown clown back to AF1, despite that election being one that his could not win.

obama happens...

But he will not be President in '17... and no Democrat will. As the blue print calls for a Republican to be in the White House when the time bomb planted by the Left goes off... so that the GOP can take the blame.

Now how old are you? Were you not cognizant in 2001, or are ya just an imbecile?
Not to worry... January 20, 2017, should fix all that...
You said similar about January 20, 2013
No I didn't.

Hell, I voted for Obumble twice.

Not because I had the slightest iota of faith in him.

But because I had less than an iota, for either McSame or Mittens, and held my nose, while in the voting booth, in both 2008 and 2012.

Doesn't mean that I like the guy, or hardly anything that he's done.

Merely that the other guys seemed to suck even worse, as choices.
Well lets' start here:

  • Joan Crawford and Marilyn Monroe had a one-night-stand?
  • Leonardo da Vinci was imprisoned twice for same-sex affairs?
  • Sir Francis Bacon's mother complained about him sleeping with the male servants?
  • Leonard Bernstein had an affair with an Israeli soldier?
  • A US President and his male roommate were so close they were called "Siamese Twins"?
  • Grandpa Walton had an affair with one of the founders of the gay rights movement?
  • A welterweight champion boxer killed his opponent in the ring after being taunted by him for being gay?
  • The lesbian wife of a gay actor accused Howard Hughes of having an affair with her husband shortly before his mysterious murder?
  • The founder of Shinto Buddhism also founded a tradition of male-male love in Japan?
  • Angelina Jolie wanted to marry her "Firefox" co-star Jenny Shimizu?
  • Two ancient Egyptian men shared a tomb as husband and wife?
  • A well-known actress went temporarily deaf after her famous husband informed her he was gay?
  • Abraham Lincoln slept with his bodyguard in the White House when Mrs. Lincoln was away?
  • Lawrence of Arabia dedicated his life's work to a young male lover?
  • A much-decorated admiral in the British navy during WW2 was nicknamed "Lord Mountbottom"?
  • Sir Isaac Newton suffered a nervous breakdown after breaking up with his male roommate?
  • An Egyptian pharaoh was reported to his council for a secret affair with a general?
  • Two famous actresses had an affair while on a USO tour to entertain troops during WW2?
  • The wife of one US president moved her girlfriend into the White House, and another US President shared his White House bed with the male chief of his security detail?
  • An heroic soldier in the US Revolution was actually a woman in disguise, who "married" another woman after her service in the Continental Army? More about Deborah Sampson.
  • A great composer may have been forced to commit suicide to avoid a homosexual scandal?
  • One of the greatest male American athletes of all time was arrested twice for same-sex indiscretions?
  • In 1886, when US officials asked an Indian tribe to send "their best woman" to visit Washington, DC, the tribe chose to send a man in a dress?
  • The toughest athlete playing the world's toughest sport, Gareth Thomas came out in 2009.
  • Samuel Butler was a shepherd before he wrote his groundbreaking novel, Erewhon.
Read the whole story in Queers In History

"Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, James Buchanan And Other Famous Figures Rumored To Be Gay" Huffpo

Of course, you could just google "Every notable person in history was a homosexual" and get the same 50,600,000 hits that I got in .47 seconds.

Does that help?

That's every notable person in history?

That's a pretty short list. Even for a strawman. Keep knocking around that stuffing!

How the hell did this post get attributed to me?

She does the best she can... Try to understand that she's suffers from the mental disorder that presents Sexual Deviancy.




She has good days and bad and this is a particularly good day.
Not to worry... January 20, 2017, should fix all that...
You said similar about January 20, 2013

A lot of people said that.

And while the '12 election brought a landslide defeat to the Left in 95% of the elections around the country, the election fraud for the Presidency was sufficient to bring the Brown clown back to AF1, despite that election being one that his could not win.

obama happens...

But he will not be President in '17... and no Democrat will. As the blue print calls for a Republican to be in the White House when the time bomb planted by the Left goes off... so that the GOP can take the blame.

Now how old are you? Were you not cognizant in 2001, or are ya just an imbecile?
Maybe I'll bookmark this ridiculous post of yours, and use it to rub it in your face next year on November 9th if we're both still posting here.
Not to worry... January 20, 2017, should fix all that...
You said similar about January 20, 2013

A lot of people said that.

And while the '12 election brought a landslide defeat to the Left in 95% of the elections around the country, the election fraud for the Presidency was sufficient to bring the Brown clown back to AF1, despite that election being one that his could not win.

You do realize that you pulled that 95% stat straight out of your ass, right? You're kinda raising relativism to an art form.

And of course, you can't back that 'election fraud' conspiracy either. But why let either shortcoming get in the way of a good rant.


But he will not be President in '17... and no Democrat will. As the blue print calls for a Republican to be in the White House when the time bomb planted by the Left goes off... so that the GOP can take the blame.

And if a democrat wins.....you'll invent a brand new conspiracy! Ah, the alleviation of cognitive dissonance. Where any outcome affirms their conspiracy.

Are you starting to see why your predictions really don't amount to much?
Maybe I'll bookmark this ridiculous post of yours, and use it to rub it in your face next year on November 9th if we're both still posting here.

Works for me... message me your address so we can discuss it in person. You'll get a real kick out of it.
Not to worry... January 20, 2017, should fix all that...
You said similar about January 20, 2013

A lot of people said that.

And while the '12 election brought a landslide defeat to the Left in 95% of the elections around the country, the election fraud for the Presidency was sufficient to bring the Brown clown back to AF1, despite that election being one that his could not win.

obama happens...

But he will not be President in '17... and no Democrat will. As the blue print calls for a Republican to be in the White House when the time bomb planted by the Left goes off... so that the GOP can take the blame.

Now how old are you? Were you not cognizant in 2001, or are ya just an imbecile?
Maybe I'll bookmark this ridiculous post of yours, and use it to rub it in your face next year on November 9th if we're both still posting here.

Don't bother. There's no electoral outcome that won't be folded into Key's blithering batshit. If a democrat loses, he predicted it. If a democrat wins, its another 'electoral fraud' conspiracy. You're not dealing with folks let reality get in the way of their conspiracy.

They just fold in false predictions. Read Leon Festinger's 'When Prophecy Fails' if you want a wonderful overview on it.
Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail?

No wonder the kids believe that 'everyone' is homosexual.

Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Now, Alexander... a student of Aristotle was an admirer of Diogenes... take some time to learn who that was... and try to figure out what that means about Alexander.

The Ark was built with wooden nails.

Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail?

No wonder the kids believe that 'everyone' is homosexual.

Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Now, Alexander... a student of Aristotle was an admirer of Diogenes... take some time to learn who that was... and try to figure out what that means about Alexander.

The Ark was built with wooden nails.



Sweet mother... those weren't nails Gilligan, they're called dowels, ya fuckin' dumbass.
Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail?

No wonder the kids believe that 'everyone' is homosexual.

Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Now, Alexander... a student of Aristotle was an admirer of Diogenes... take some time to learn who that was... and try to figure out what that means about Alexander.

The Ark was built with wooden nails.



Sweet mother... those weren't nails gilligan, they're called dowels, ya fuckin' dumbass.

No fuckwit they're called tree nails.
Maybe I'll bookmark this ridiculous post of yours, and use it to rub it in your face next year on November 9th if we're both still posting here.

Works for me... message me your address so we can discuss it in person. You'll get a real kick out of it.
You know..............the military DOES have regulations about showing up in support of certain causes and events. The person to check with to see if a military person can participate in said events is the Public Affairs Officer, and they are the ones who know the regs concerning participation.

No. Obama has NOT kicked God out of the military.

As far as gays being able to finally serve openly? About time. I've known of gays in the military since I joined in '82, and still knew of some when I retired in 2002, and I always thought that it was unfair that straight people could take advantage of Red Cross and Ombudsman programs if they were married or engaged (and in some cases girlfriends even used it), but gays aren't afforded the same benefits.

Besides.................I also worked in Personnel, and that meant that I calculated the advancement worksheets every 6 months for the Navy Advancement Exam, which included points for evaluations, personal awards, time in service, service in paygrade, etc. I also had a pretty good idea of who was gay in the command.

Know what I found? Gays almost always scored higher in evals and awards than their straight counterparts.

Nice to know they can stay in, because most of them were excellent members of the command.
Maybe I'll bookmark this ridiculous post of yours, and use it to rub it in your face next year on November 9th if we're both still posting here.

Works for me... message me your address so we can discuss it in person. You'll get a real kick out of it.

Wow~ that's some serious phobia you're sufferin' Sigmund.

Best check your history, there's some deep seated anxiety creepin' around back in there somewhere.
No. Obama has NOT kicked God out of the military.

Absolute nonsense... The list of attacks by the Military upon Christian troops is endless.

It's not even a debatable point.

Attacks by the military on Christian troops? Care to provide a link to prove your bullshit?

I served in the United States Navy from July 1982 until Aug 2002, and retired. Never in my 20 years did I see a Christian come under attack by the military for ANYTHING.

BTW..................How many years were YOU in the military?
Maybe I'll bookmark this ridiculous post of yours, and use it to rub it in your face next year on November 9th if we're both still posting here.

Works for me... message me your address so we can discuss it in person. You'll get a real kick out of it.

Wow~ that's some serious phobia you're sufferin' Sigmund.

Best check your history, there's some deep seated anxiety creepin' around back in there somewhere.
You're fuckin weird
No. Obama has NOT kicked God out of the military.

Absolute nonsense... The list of attacks by the Military upon Christian troops is endless.

It's not even a debatable point.

Attacks by the military on Christian troops? Care to provide a link to prove your bullshit?...

Sure... happy to do so.

  1. Pentagon Grilled About Christians in Military | Todd Starnes
    radio.foxnews.com › Home › Top Stories
    Fox News Radio
    Apr 12, 2013 - “We are getting a lot of calls from soldiers saying 'we're afraid of going to ... So why is there a concerted attack on Christians within the military?
  2. US Soldier: Removing Cross is Attack on Christianity - FOX ...
    radio.foxnews.com › Home › Top Stories
    Fox News Radio
    Nov 24, 2011 - U.S. soldiers assigned to Camp Marmal in northern Afghanistan said ... one soldier called it a “direct attack against Christianity and Judaism.”.
  3. U.S. military 'hostile' to Christians under Obama; morale ...
    The Washington Times
    Apr 15, 2015 - Christians are leaving the U.S. military or are discouraged from joining in ... letter of concern after a soldier complained that he advocated Christianity .... Dallas police headquarters attacked by gunmen; 1 suspect blamed cops ...
  4. Is the U.S. Military Really Planning to Court-Martial Christian ...
    Is the U.S. headed back to war in Iraq TheBlaze.commilitary-really-planning-to-cou...
    May 8, 2013 - Conservative media have claimed that the Military Religious Freedom ... claim that the Pentagon will court-martial Christian soldiers “mostly false”), .... of their fighter attack squadron from “Werewolves” to “Crusaders,” with a ...
  5. Christians Face Culture of Fear, Intimidation in U.S. Military ...
    Cybercast News Service
    Nov 11, 2013 - “Soldiers give up a lot of privileges or rights to be soldiers and ... have witnessed our servicemen and women being attacked for holding to the ...
  6. Kenya troops storm university campus held by al-Shabab ...
    Al Jazeera
    Apr 2, 2015 - Kenya troops storm university campus held by al-Shabab ... said their gunmen were holding Christian hostages inside the complex in revenge ... "You cannot fight these isolated attacks with conventional military tactics, which ...
  7. Is the U.S. Military Really Planning to Court-Martial Christian ...
    Yahoo! News
    May 8, 2013 - Conservative media have claimed that the Military Religious Freedom ... claim that the Pentagon will court-martial Christian soldiers "mostly false"), .... of their fighter attack squadron from "Werewolves" to "Crusaders," with a ...
  8. The Forty Years that Created America: The Story of the ...
    isbn 1442236604 - Google Search
    Edward M. Lamont - 2014 - ‎History
    At night the Hungarian soldiers set out a long line of over two thousand ... The Christian army then attacked, slaughtering many Turkish soldiers, and they retook ...
  9. Attack on military post in Sinai kills 30 Egyptian troops ...
    The Christian Science Monitor
    Oct 24, 2014 - An attack on an army checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula killed 30 Egyptian troops on Friday, making it the deadliest single attack in decades on military. ... out a wave of attacks targeting security forces, Christians and Western ...
  10. The Army Caves: Forces Troops to Scrape Bible Verse Off of ...
    Considering that American troops have been at war with Islamic fighters since 2003, in order to protect American from attacks on its constitutional democracy, that ... The U.S. Army has once again bowed to anti-Christian pressure and ordered ...
  1. Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine says religious freedom ...
    The Oklahoman
    Jul 10, 2013 - Jim Bridenstine, joining a coalition of groups that say religious liberty in the military is under attack, said Tuesday that Christian soldiers should ...
  2. Political Reform in Indonesia After Soeharto
    isbn 9812309209 - Google Search
    Harold A. Crouch - 2010 - ‎Political Science
    Muslim troops were often deployed to protect Muslim villages and Christian troops ... Sometimes soldiers or police would even participate in revenge attacks on ...
  3. Christian Soldier - Free Military Illustrations
    Christian soldiers on earth can call for heavenly support in times of need. ..... When attacked, it would be senseless for soldiers to have a fortress yet choose to ...
  4. Kansas Religion Bill Urges Military To Defend 'Judeo ...
    The Huffington Post
    May 29, 2013 - "They are singling out Christianity with our troops. ... of 20 instances of what he described as military attacks on Christianity, including a ban on ...
  5. Christian Ministry Attacks Obama and Lies About Bibles For ...
    The Huffington Post
    Jun 13, 2008 - While plenty of Bibles seem to be available to troops who want them, ... Senior Research Director, Military Religious Freedom Foundation; ...
  6. ISIS Releases 2 Christian Women, Kills 17 Iraqi Troops in ...
    ISIS Releases 2 Christian Women Kills 17 Iraqi Troops in Suicide Attacks The Streamchristian-women-kills-17-iraqi-troops-in...
    May 27, 2015 - ISIS still holds 210 Assyrian Christians hostage. ... of suicide attackstargeting the Iraqi army in western Anbar province, killing at least 17 troops ...
  7. Peaceful Islamist Mobilization in the Muslim World: What ...
    isbn 113701623X - Google Search
    Julie Chernov Hwang, ‎Julie Chernov-Hwang, ‎Palgrave Connect (Online service) - 2012 - ‎Political Science
    It was not unusual that when clashes took place that soldiers sided with the villagers ... Muslim villages against Christian attacks and Christian soldiers defended ...
  8. ISIS Suicide Attacks in Iraq's Anbar Kill 17 Troops | Military ...
    May 27, 2015 - ISIS Suicide Attacks in Iraq's Anbar Kill 17 Troops ... At the time, they kidnapped more than 220 Assyrian Christians after overrunning several ...
  9. America's Most Biblically-Hostile US President - WallBuilders
    WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - America s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President
    Jul 8, 2014 - So since he has attacked Catholics and Protestants, one is tempted to say ... in the Obama-led military; (3) a listing of his open attacks on Biblical values; .... When they offered to freely do Mass for soldiers, without regard to ...
I hope that helps ya through this...

FYI: That's the first two pages of 25,500,000 hits... "Attacks by the US Military on Christian Troops"

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