Uncalled For: In Obama’s Military God Is Not Allowed But Homosexuals Are Welcome

Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail?

No wonder the kids believe that 'everyone' is homosexual.

Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Now, Alexander... a student of Aristotle was an admirer of Diogenes... take some time to learn who that was... and try to figure out what that means about Alexander.
Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail?

Wow. That's quite the strawman. And there's stuffing everywhere!

Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Says you pretending to be both 5 years old and gay.

Which doesn't amount to much.
Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail

No wonder the kids believe that 'everyone' is homosexual.

Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Now, Alexander... a student of Aristotle was an admirer of Diogenes... take some time to learn who that was... and try to figure out what that means about Alexander.
Who said that? Besides you?
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

WHo says that god's not allowed in the military? You do know that they have paid chaplains in the army, right?
Becaaauuuse......ummmm....uhhhhhh.......Obama hates God?!!

Of course he does... but in his defense, he worships a pedophile psychopath. And such is after all, the nature of evil.
Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail?

Wow. That's quite the strawman. And there's stuffing everywhere!
If the straw fits....rock it!
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

WHo says that god's not allowed in the military? You do know that they have paid chaplains in the army, right?
Becaaauuuse......ummmm....uhhhhhh.......Obama hates God?!!

Of course he does... but in his defense, he worships a pedophile psychopath. And such is after all, the nature of evil.

Utter bullshit of course. But your assertion does kick the shit out of your idea that one's conception of god has no relevance to the accuracy of the conclusions you draw about god's nature.

Apparently the wrong conception can produce all sorts of evil. According to you anyway.
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

WHo says that god's not allowed in the military? You do know that they have paid chaplains in the army, right?
Becaaauuuse......ummmm....uhhhhhh.......Obama hates God?!!

Of course he does... but in his defense, he worships a pedophile psychopath. And such is after all, the nature of evil.
I may regret asking...but exactly who is a psychopathic pedophile?
Alexander the Great was gay, and so were many of his senior officers. Back then they didn't have any hang ups about being Bi.

Barry Goldwater once said "you don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, saved Washington's ass at Valley Forge, and the outcome of that situation would have been catastrophic to the revolution without von Steuben.

Hating gays in the military is a contemporary manifestation of intolerant religious views about gays that began gaining steam along with Catholicism's rise.

The amount of discomfort anyone has with gays, is directly proprotianate to the amount of abuse they've suffered in thier lives. So the more you dissapprove of gays, the more abuse you've taken.

Pretty bad when whimps are the biggest gay haters


Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail

No wonder the kids believe that 'everyone' is homosexual.

Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Now, Alexander... a student of Aristotle was an admirer of Diogenes... take some time to learn who that was... and try to figure out what that means about Alexander.
Who said that? Besides you?

B.....you may think there is some sort of causal relationship between what he cites and his responses. But there really isn't. For most of the nonsense that Keys spouts, we don't even need to be here.
What's "uncalled for" is Stevie McDumbass' continued posting privileges.

While I do not advocate censorship, the half wit has yet to contribute anything of value to this community...
Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Says you ...

ROFLMNAO! What a brilliant retort.



Ladies and Gentlemen: Let's give a big hand to the Intellectual depth and breadth of the

Ideological Left!
That's more of an demonstration of the desperate, willful ignorance of the fringe right. As you had to ignore all but 2 words of my post.

Alas, you pretending to be a 5 year old and gay doesn't actually tell us anything about gays or 5 year olds.
... Isn't it wonderful that every notable human in human history was queer as a wooden nail? ...
Who said that? Besides you?[/QUOTE]

Well lets' start here:

  • Joan Crawford and Marilyn Monroe had a one-night-stand?
  • Leonardo da Vinci was imprisoned twice for same-sex affairs?
  • Sir Francis Bacon's mother complained about him sleeping with the male servants?
  • Leonard Bernstein had an affair with an Israeli soldier?
  • A US President and his male roommate were so close they were called "Siamese Twins"?
  • Grandpa Walton had an affair with one of the founders of the gay rights movement?
  • A welterweight champion boxer killed his opponent in the ring after being taunted by him for being gay?
  • The lesbian wife of a gay actor accused Howard Hughes of having an affair with her husband shortly before his mysterious murder?
  • The founder of Shinto Buddhism also founded a tradition of male-male love in Japan?
  • Angelina Jolie wanted to marry her "Firefox" co-star Jenny Shimizu?
  • Two ancient Egyptian men shared a tomb as husband and wife?
  • A well-known actress went temporarily deaf after her famous husband informed her he was gay?
  • Abraham Lincoln slept with his bodyguard in the White House when Mrs. Lincoln was away?
  • Lawrence of Arabia dedicated his life's work to a young male lover?
  • A much-decorated admiral in the British navy during WW2 was nicknamed "Lord Mountbottom"?
  • Sir Isaac Newton suffered a nervous breakdown after breaking up with his male roommate?
  • An Egyptian pharaoh was reported to his council for a secret affair with a general?
  • Two famous actresses had an affair while on a USO tour to entertain troops during WW2?
  • The wife of one US president moved her girlfriend into the White House, and another US President shared his White House bed with the male chief of his security detail?
  • An heroic soldier in the US Revolution was actually a woman in disguise, who "married" another woman after her service in the Continental Army? More about Deborah Sampson.
  • A great composer may have been forced to commit suicide to avoid a homosexual scandal?
  • One of the greatest male American athletes of all time was arrested twice for same-sex indiscretions?
  • In 1886, when US officials asked an Indian tribe to send "their best woman" to visit Washington, DC, the tribe chose to send a man in a dress?
  • The toughest athlete playing the world's toughest sport, Gareth Thomas came out in 2009.
  • Samuel Butler was a shepherd before he wrote his groundbreaking novel, Erewhon.
Read the whole story in Queers In History

"Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, James Buchanan And Other Famous Figures Rumored To Be Gay" Huffpo

Of course, you could just google "Every notable person in history was a homosexual" and get the same 50,600,000 hits that I got in .47 seconds.

Does that help?
Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Says you ...

ROFLMNAO! What a brilliant retort.



Ladies and Gentlemen: Let's give a big hand to the Intellectual depth and breadth of the

Ideological Left!
That's more of an demonstration of the desperate, willful ignorance of the fringe right. As you had to ignore all but 2 words of my post.

Alas, you pretending to be a 5 year old and gay doesn't actually tell us anything about gays or 5 year olds.

Your most recent concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
where_r_my_keys said:
Well lets' start here:

  • Joan Crawford and Marilyn Monroe had a one-night-stand?
  • Leonardo da Vinci was imprisoned twice for same-sex affairs?
  • Sir Francis Bacon's mother complained about him sleeping with the male servants?
  • Leonard Bernstein had an affair with an Israeli soldier?
  • A US President and his male roommate were so close they were called "Siamese Twins"?
  • Grandpa Walton had an affair with one of the founders of the gay rights movement?
  • A welterweight champion boxer killed his opponent in the ring after being taunted by him for being gay?
  • The lesbian wife of a gay actor accused Howard Hughes of having an affair with her husband shortly before his mysterious murder?
  • The founder of Shinto Buddhism also founded a tradition of male-male love in Japan?
  • Angelina Jolie wanted to marry her "Firefox" co-star Jenny Shimizu?
  • Two ancient Egyptian men shared a tomb as husband and wife?
  • A well-known actress went temporarily deaf after her famous husband informed her he was gay?
  • Abraham Lincoln slept with his bodyguard in the White House when Mrs. Lincoln was away?
  • Lawrence of Arabia dedicated his life's work to a young male lover?
  • A much-decorated admiral in the British navy during WW2 was nicknamed "Lord Mountbottom"?
  • Sir Isaac Newton suffered a nervous breakdown after breaking up with his male roommate?
  • An Egyptian pharaoh was reported to his council for a secret affair with a general?
  • Two famous actresses had an affair while on a USO tour to entertain troops during WW2?
  • The wife of one US president moved her girlfriend into the White House, and another US President shared his White House bed with the male chief of his security detail?
  • An heroic soldier in the US Revolution was actually a woman in disguise, who "married" another woman after her service in the Continental Army? More about Deborah Sampson.
  • A great composer may have been forced to commit suicide to avoid a homosexual scandal?
  • One of the greatest male American athletes of all time was arrested twice for same-sex indiscretions?
  • In 1886, when US officials asked an Indian tribe to send "their best woman" to visit Washington, DC, the tribe chose to send a man in a dress?
  • The toughest athlete playing the world's toughest sport, Gareth Thomas came out in 2009.
  • Samuel Butler was a shepherd before he wrote his groundbreaking novel, Erewhon.
Read the whole story in Queers In History

"Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, James Buchanan And Other Famous Figures Rumored To Be Gay" Huffpo

Of course, you could just google "Every notable person in history was a homosexual" and get the same 50,600,000 hits that I got in .47 seconds.

Does that help?

That's every notable person in history?

That's a pretty short list. Even for a strawman. Keep knocking around that stuffing!
Last edited:
Any 5 year old instinctively knows the pitiful joke that is homosexuality.... and every homosexual knows the shame intrinsic to such.

Says you ...

ROFLMNAO! What a brilliant retort.



Ladies and Gentlemen: Let's give a big hand to the Intellectual depth and breadth of the

Ideological Left!
That's more of an demonstration of the desperate, willful ignorance of the fringe right. As you had to ignore all but 2 words of my post.

Alas, you pretending to be a 5 year old and gay doesn't actually tell us anything about gays or 5 year olds.

Your most recent concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Laughing.....and you've already started offering yourself concessions. Your tell. You always tell us when you know your argument has collapsed with this white flag of yours. Where you abandon your every argument and start scrambling for excuses to run.

You don't need excuses, Keyes. Just run. As you citing yourself as a gay 5 year old doesn't get any less useless over time.
This is what happens when you elect someone as President who has no connection what so ever to the military. Obama did not serve and that is a huge problem. He has no idea what the military is or what its purpose is. He has done more to harm the military then any other President or any war that our military has been involved in.....

In Obama s Military God is Not Allowed but Homosexuals are welcome - Coach is Right

^^^This^^^ is what happens when you inbreed.
Uncalled for. The current President may be a shmuck, but he's not inbred.
Of course he does... but in his defense, he worships a pedophile psychopath. And such is after all, the nature of evil.
I may regret asking...but exactly who is a psychopathic pedophile?

I regret for you, that you need to ask.

Now be a good little cultist and go find the big book of words with this picture on the front: "DICTIONARY" and learn something. (Note the shape of the first symbol and match that to the list using the same symbol... then the same for the second, and so on until the find the meaning of both words... at that point just combine the two concept and while it may not come to you right away, fear not, if you think about long enough, it will eventually come to you.

Good luck!

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