Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary…


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Anyone keep a copy of that recipe for chocolate chip cookies she published when
she first got to the white house----(if you do not recall----she was demonstrating the
theory that she is a GOOD MOTHER)
This cookie recipe?

Hillary Clinton's Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe


made one time?

well----I NEVER MADE IT-----but I would like to try and see if it is a REAL RECIPE. She had it published the first year she was 'first lady'-------she was demonstrating
"it takes a village to raise a child" -----I had no kids at that time---but later on
did learn------ IT TAKES MONEY----and KEEP THE BABY AWAY FROM THE VILLAGE. the first week my poor little thing hit "PRE K"-----not only did he
end up with one of his first "sniffles"------but I got so sick with 'god-knows what'----
that I was delerious with fever
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier
[Checking to make sure this isn't in Political Satire...]

The partisan idiocy and stupidity of this speaks for itself – more ridiculous lies typical of most ridiculous conservatives, particularly the moronic notion that any president has the power to 'abolish' a Constitutional Amendment.

This is the usual wrongheaded tripe from the idiotic right.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier
Still more reasons not to vote republican
Kinda funny, not too long ago Hillary was being praised by all of the above, but once she announced the wackiness began. It shows the right wing conservative republicans have the depth of a puddle in Arizona. Give it up boys and girls, Hillary Clinton will be our next president as the quality of the republicans would require Doctor Frankenstein to make any of them come alive. What a joke wingnuts are today. A party of do nothings except whine and whine and whine. Bah humbug righties and Merry Christmas, maybe Santa will bring one of your clowns a heart?
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier
Still more reasons not to vote republican

boo boo we have been friends a LONG TIME-------even back to the era B U
(before us-messageboard) Some friendly advice------I is a congenital democrat---
registered the same week I reached "majority"-------(long long ago) ----no question
in my extended ----"liberal bordering on socialist joooos" family to even mention
the word "republican" <YUCK> ----HOWEVER---there is an antipathy toward LIBTARDS on this board. I am not happy with the demo slate this time------I am
not all that thrilled with the repubs either------but if I survive-----I may cross parties
Kinda funny, not too long ago Hillary was being praised by all of the above, but once she announced the wackiness began. It shows the right wing conservative republicans have the depth of a puddle in Arizona. Give it up boys and girls, Hillary Clinton will be our next president as the quality of the republicans would require Doctor Frankenstein to make any of them come alive. What a joke wingnuts are today. A party of do nothings except whine and whine and whine. Bah humbug righties and Merry Christmas, maybe Santa will bring one of your clowns a heart?

Hillary is not even a default possibility------lousy as is the repub slate
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier


She is much worst as Obama,

Really? Did they not explain to you the difference between "Worst" and "Worse" in whatever Home School you were the valedictorian at?

you have not been paying attention-----there are at least half a dozen similar illiterates who post here------btw---try not to end with preposition. IN WHATEVER HOME SCHOOL***** AT WHICH **** YOU WERE THE VALEDICTORIAN
She is much worst as Obama,

Really? Did they not explain to you the difference between "Worst" and "Worse" in whatever Home School you were the valedictorian at?

you have not been paying attention-----there are at least half a dozen similar illiterates who post here------btw---try not to end with preposition. IN WHATEVER HOME SCHOOL***** AT WHICH **** YOU WERE THE VALEDICTORIAN
Congratulations! Only the really hard core grammar police go after the ending prepositions.

By the way, home schoolers tend to excel in spelling and grammar.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...
She is much worst as Obama,

Really? Did they not explain to you the difference between "Worst" and "Worse" in whatever Home School you were the valedictorian at?

you have not been paying attention-----there are at least half a dozen similar illiterates who post here------btw---try not to end with preposition. IN WHATEVER HOME SCHOOL***** AT WHICH **** YOU WERE THE VALEDICTORIAN

It's a myth that ending sentences with prepositions is a grammatical no-no. Pay attention.
She is much worst as Obama,

Really? Did they not explain to you the difference between "Worst" and "Worse" in whatever Home School you were the valedictorian at?

you have not been paying attention-----there are at least half a dozen similar illiterates who post here------btw---try not to end with preposition. IN WHATEVER HOME SCHOOL***** AT WHICH **** YOU WERE THE VALEDICTORIAN
Congratulations! Only the really hard core grammar police go after the ending prepositions.

By the way, home schoolers tend to excel in spelling and grammar.

I believe that you are right. MAMA knows best. -----but I am concerned
about the SOCIALIZATION issues -------and also about stress on mom. I do
not see how an unaided working mom can do it. However I got shot off to
kindergarten at age five------and have to admit-----I would have been better off
at home. Mom, at age 97, is STILL far more able than was that idiot kindergarten teacher.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD
Kinda funny, not too long ago Hillary was being praised by all of the above, but once she announced the wackiness began. It shows the right wing conservative republicans have the depth of a puddle in Arizona. Give it up boys and girls, Hillary Clinton will be our next president as the quality of the republicans would require Doctor Frankenstein to make any of them come alive. What a joke wingnuts are today. A party of do nothings except whine and whine and whine. Bah humbug righties and Merry Christmas, maybe Santa will bring one of your clowns a heart?

Republicans once praised Hillary? When was that? Could you provide some quotes?
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

Uh huh.

Trump is the one calling for the abolishment of the 1st Amendment.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

How is he in over his head? The economy is getting better, he's made some mess ups, nothing like the former President though, he hasn't got off with his aids, he's done the job that's necessary, not been spectacular and not been bad.

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