Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary…

Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

How is he in over his head? The economy is getting better, he's made some mess ups, nothing like the former President though, he hasn't got off with his aids, he's done the job that's necessary, not been spectacular and not been bad.

I believe the part which is over his head is the INTERNATIONAL SCENE-----the mess which he did, indeed, inherit. The world is-----right now------at war.
He refuses to recognize that fact as do most USA people
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

How is he in over his head? The economy is getting better, he's made some mess ups, nothing like the former President though, he hasn't got off with his aids, he's done the job that's necessary, not been spectacular and not been bad.

I believe the part which is over his head is the INTERNATIONAL SCENE-----the mess which he did, indeed, inherit. The world is-----right now------at war.
He refuses to recognize that fact as do most USA people

There is a mess, and there was a mess in 2009 which he inherited.

His policy was to withdraw the US from being Muslim bashing and to withdraw troops from the Middle East. He's half done it, not a success by any means, however, again, compared to the guy who made the whole problem (and the right are reaping the rewards of what Bush did now) he's doing an okay job.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

How is he in over his head? The economy is getting better, he's made some mess ups, nothing like the former President though, he hasn't got off with his aids, he's done the job that's necessary, not been spectacular and not been bad.

I believe the part which is over his head is the INTERNATIONAL SCENE-----the mess which he did, indeed, inherit. The world is-----right now------at war.
He refuses to recognize that fact as do most USA people

There is a mess, and there was a mess in 2009 which he inherited.

His policy was to withdraw the US from being Muslim bashing and to withdraw troops from the Middle East. He's half done it, not a success by any means, however, again, compared to the guy who made the whole problem (and the right are reaping the rewards of what Bush did now) he's doing an okay job.

He did what he did because he is as clueless regarding the situation as are you and as was Bush and ----for that matter as was CLINTON------and even CARTER ---the one of the founders of the mess
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

Then you can tell us where when and how he should be doing better. Specifically.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

Then you can tell us where when and how he should be doing better. Specifically.

He should have recognized the fact that the PRIME MOVER-----in the current ongoing world war is-----actually not ISIS--------but IRAN. Isis is a close second
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

Then you can tell us where when and how he should be doing better. Specifically.

He should have recognized the fact that the PRIME MOVER-----in the current ongoing world war is-----actually not ISIS--------but IRAN. Isis is a close second

And done what?
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

Then you can tell us where when and how he should be doing better. Specifically.

He should have recognized the fact that the PRIME MOVER-----in the current ongoing world war is-----actually not ISIS--------but IRAN. Isis is a close second

And done what?

He should not have lifted sanctions against Iran. His nuclear "deal"
is not worth the paper it is not written upon. Iran has formed an AXIS power---
Syria, Russia, China-------all hostile to the USA
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier
Damn...those are some of the lamest excuses I have fever heard
Completely fabricated

Why don't you talk about actual policies and why you oppose them
Really? Did they not explain to you the difference between "Worst" and "Worse" in whatever Home School you were the valedictorian at?

bitch, bitch, complain about someones English yet you add "at", as your last word, it a common mistake by you leftylosers, not needed, adding at is just stupid, like this "where are you at" <-------<<<< :lmao:
Really? Did they not explain to you the difference between "Worst" and "Worse" in whatever Home School you were the valedictorian at?

bitch, bitch, complain about someones English yet you add "at", as your last word, it a common mistake by you leftylosers, not needed, adding at is just stupid, like this "where are you at" <-------<<<< :lmao:

Grammar Nazis are tedious
Being the First Lady s not a Qualification to be President
Of course it is

On her First Lady experience alone, Hillary is more qualified to be President than any of the Republicans
She lived in the White House for eight years, met with Congress, developed legislation, worked with the Cabinet, met foreign dignitaries.

None of the Republicans come close
"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

I voted for Obama----the first time. ----my opinion of is reign has been going
downhill ever since. Nice guy but IN OVER HIS HEAD

How is he in over his head? The economy is getting better, he's made some mess ups, nothing like the former President though, he hasn't got off with his aids, he's done the job that's necessary, not been spectacular and not been bad.

I believe the part which is over his head is the INTERNATIONAL SCENE-----the mess which he did, indeed, inherit. The world is-----right now------at war.
He refuses to recognize that fact as do most USA people

There is a mess, and there was a mess in 2009 which he inherited.

His policy was to withdraw the US from being Muslim bashing and to withdraw troops from the Middle East. He's half done it, not a success by any means, however, again, compared to the guy who made the whole problem (and the right are reaping the rewards of what Bush did now) he's doing an okay job.

He did what he did because he is as clueless regarding the situation as are you and as was Bush and ----for that matter as was CLINTON------and even CARTER ---the one of the founders of the mess

Seems you are the only one who knows the insider information on the Middle East.........

Bush knew the situation, and he used it to get what he wanted. A) To weaken OPEC and B) to cause problems to make a new common enemy to replace the USSR.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier
Still more reasons not to vote republican

Democrats kill this country.You must vote for GOP if you want to survive.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

Both Clinton 2.0 and Hussein O. are devils who desire annihilation of this still great country.
Clinton 2.0 is completely unqualified to run for potus.She is much worst as Obama, she will start WWIII with Russia, abolish 1st and 2nd Amendments, completely ruin US economy, help to establish Sharia law in the US, fight against christians, whites, sane straight conservative citizens, traditional values. Here are some additional facts about her:

7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...

The Five Things Hillary is Known for are Bad Things – White House Dossier

"much worst than Obama"

Did I nail it or what? ...when I predicted that the deranged would switch from Obama being the worst to Clinton being the worst...

Both Clinton 2.0 and Hussein O. are devils who desire annihilation of this still great country.
Hyperbole much?

Go Hillary! I want a president with experience!

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