Under Legal Pressure, National Archives Locates 82,000 Pages of Joe Biden Pseudonym Emails, dwarfing Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

A White House official said that Biden used these alternate names for his email accounts for security reasons, so that hackers and people trying to clog the vice president’s inbox wouldn’t be able to easily guess his email address. “Newsflash: government leaders for decades have used aliases to avoid spam & hacking,” Ian Sams, a White House spokesman, wrote on Aug. 29 on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

Have other government officials used aliases?

Yes. It’s not unusual for high-profile government officials to use alternate names in email addresses for security reasons.

Oh darn! Another conspiracy theory blown sky high.

It won't stop the tards from repeating it, though.
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Following an Associated Press report that Obama administration appointees have "secret government email accounts," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney argued Tuesday that the accounts aren't secret and, in fact, prior administrations have followed the practice of appointees having second government accounts.

"This is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties," Carney said.

"Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense," Carney said. "If they are inundated in one account with either public emails, or spam or the like, then they can continue to use their other account for normal work."

Carney said he created an alternate government email account after former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced Carney's email address at a press briefing so that the plethora of emails sent to his public account don't interfere with work notices - a sentiment government officials echoed in the AP report.


Carney added that the secondary government accounts that the AP reported on are subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and because they're not "secret."

"There's nothing secret," he said. "It's about having a public e-mail address, as well as a one for internal, you know, workings. But they're all available for when FOIA requests are made and congressional inquiries are conducted."

At Least 6 White House Advisers Used Private Email Accounts​

At least six of President Trump’s closest advisers occasionally used private email addresses to discuss White House matters, current and former officials said on Monday.

The disclosures came a day after news surfaced that Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and adviser, used a private email account to send or receive about 100 work-related emails during the administration’s first seven months. But Mr. Kushner was not alone. Stephen K. Bannon, the former chief White House strategist, and Reince Priebus, the former chief of staff, also occasionally used private email addresses. Other advisers, including Gary D. Cohn and Stephen Miller, sent or received at least a few emails on personal accounts, officials said.

Ivanka Trump, the president’s elder daughter, who is married to Mr. Kushner, used a private account when she acted as an unpaid adviser in the first months of the administration, Newsweek reported Monday. Administration officials acknowledged that she also occasionally did so when she formally became a White House adviser.
You've got him now!

Do you understand what Congressional oversight means, Magnus? People in the Executive Branch have a duty to conduct their duties in such a way that Congress can keep tabs on them to ensure they're NOT doing illegal things...like influence peddling! What the Biden family has been doing is a crime. The use of pseudonyms to hide that criminal activity is just another part of that crime as is the use of shell companies to make it harder to trace where money is coming from when it flows into the Biden family's bank accounts.
So, prove it. Prove that he did something illegal. Gad, you retards are long on accusations but short on proof.

And you idiots wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:

Personal email is government property?
What part of government email didn't you understand? If the address your email comes from ends with @someagncy.gov, then it's illegal for you to use a pseudonym.
So, prove it. Prove that he did something illegal. Gad, you retards are long on accusations but short on proof.

And you idiots wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
They are in the process of doing just that, Magnus. The evidence of the Biden families influence peddling schemes get's more iron clad by the week. The bank records are being unraveled. They were set up deliberately to hide what was being done but slowly but surely the money trail is being traced.

And I'll be sure to remind you who the "idiot" was when it's all been revealed!
Do you understand what Congressional oversight means, Magnus? People in the Executive Branch have a duty to conduct their duties in such a way that Congress can keep tabs on them to ensure they're NOT doing illegal things...like influence peddling! What the Biden family has been doing is a crime. The use of pseudonyms to hide that criminal activity is just another part of that crime as is the use of shell companies to make it harder to trace where money is coming from when it flows into the Biden family's bank accounts.
Magnus doesn't care.
It's his team.
No Democrat dick will be left unsucked as long as Magnus is alive.

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