Under normal circumstances

and my concern with muslims is mostly for the next generations of Americans because I am an old guy . And I don't see any identifiable muslims in the huge areas that I travel . Might see a mosque in a big city if I go looking for one but I don't care about that . My concern is when muslims get involved in MY American politics and when they modify MY western law Candy !!

Got examples? Did you know we currently have two Muslims serving in OUR congress? Does that "scare" you? Why should that concern you more than the rest who are all Christian?

Oh, and for American Muslims, it's their politics and country too.
---------------------- not scared , I just know the muslim religion and its founder and its adherents like 'Islamic state' , isis , al quaeda plus I see what islam is doing in Europe including Germany . Its current news and I hope that other Americans are watching Europe , Germany and the rest of the world where muslims congregate Seawytch !!
You don't know a fucking thing about Islam or Muslims. You think you know about a tiny minority of extremists but since you likely "know" about them through Fox or another in the bubble filter, you don't know algaraf.
------------------------------ looks like Seawytch is using swear words and becoming more fun ehh . Yeah watch the burning of Fahrkunda , see the bombings being done in muslim lands by muslims that run their new 'caliphate' . See muslims in 'Islamic state' burn a Jordanian pilot alive !! None of it is fun but the current news on muslims doing their work is interesting Seawytch !!

Seawytch uses swear words because she is an old sailor and that's what old sailors do.

Why are you changing the subject to Muslims countries? The discussion was about American Muslims and Muslim immigrants to this country...the overwhelming majority of whom are moderate, law abiding citizens.
and just for YOU Seawytch --- Video: The Killing of Farkhunda --- the killing of Fahrkunda , just for you but I hope that others watch it . Keep in mind that Fahrkunda was killed by her normal muslim villager neighbors who she probably knew for years !! And YOU , you want to import more of these villagers into the USA and Western world Seawytch ??
and just for YOU Seawytch --- Video: The Killing of Farkhunda --- the killing of Fahrkunda , just for you but I hope that others watch it . Keep in mind that Fahrkunda was killed by her normal muslim villager neighbors who she probably knew for years !! And YOU , you want to import more of these villagers into the USA and Western world Seawytch ??

Yes, I do want to bring more refugees to our country. See, these refugees are fleeing the extremist fueled violence that has you so upset.
and my concern with muslims is mostly for the next generations of Americans because I am an old guy . And I don't see any identifiable muslims in the huge areas that I travel . Might see a mosque in a big city if I go looking for one but I don't care about that . My concern is when muslims get involved in MY American politics and when they modify MY western law Candy !!

Got examples? Did you know we currently have two Muslims serving in OUR congress? Does that "scare" you? Why should that concern you more than the rest who are all Christian?

Oh, and for American Muslims, it's their politics and country too.
---------------------- not scared , I just know the muslim religion and its founder and its adherents like 'Islamic state' , isis , al quaeda plus I see what islam is doing in Europe including Germany . Its current news and I hope that other Americans are watching Europe , Germany and the rest of the world where muslims congregate Seawytch !!
You don't know a fucking thing about Islam or Muslims. You think you know about a tiny minority of extremists but since you likely "know" about them through Fox or another in the bubble filter, you don't know algaraf.
------------------------------ looks like Seawytch is using swear words and becoming more fun ehh . Yeah watch the burning of Fahrkunda , see the bombings being done in muslim lands by muslims that run their new 'caliphate' . See muslims in 'Islamic state' burn a Jordanian pilot alive !! None of it is fun but the current news on muslims doing their work is interesting Seawytch !!

Seawytch uses swear words because she is an old sailor and that's what old sailors do.

Why are you changing the subject to Muslims countries? The discussion was about American Muslims and Muslim immigrants to this country...the overwhelming majority of whom are moderate, law abiding citizens.
---------------------------- well , that's your excuse but you sure do sound ignorant and desperate Seawytch !!
and just for YOU Seawytch --- Video: The Killing of Farkhunda --- the killing of Fahrkunda , just for you but I hope that others watch it . Keep in mind that Fahrkunda was killed by her normal muslim villager neighbors who she probably knew for years !! And YOU , you want to import more of these villagers into the USA and Western world Seawytch ??

Yes, I do want to bring more refugees to our country. See, these refugees are fleeing the extremist fueled violence that has you so upset.
-------------------------- not upset at all , I just want the muslim violence to stay in Islamic hellholes where it belongs Seawytch !!
Got examples? Did you know we currently have two Muslims serving in OUR congress? Does that "scare" you? Why should that concern you more than the rest who are all Christian?

Oh, and for American Muslims, it's their politics and country too.
---------------------- not scared , I just know the muslim religion and its founder and its adherents like 'Islamic state' , isis , al quaeda plus I see what islam is doing in Europe including Germany . Its current news and I hope that other Americans are watching Europe , Germany and the rest of the world where muslims congregate Seawytch !!
You don't know a fucking thing about Islam or Muslims. You think you know about a tiny minority of extremists but since you likely "know" about them through Fox or another in the bubble filter, you don't know algaraf.
------------------------------ looks like Seawytch is using swear words and becoming more fun ehh . Yeah watch the burning of Fahrkunda , see the bombings being done in muslim lands by muslims that run their new 'caliphate' . See muslims in 'Islamic state' burn a Jordanian pilot alive !! None of it is fun but the current news on muslims doing their work is interesting Seawytch !!

Seawytch uses swear words because she is an old sailor and that's what old sailors do.

Why are you changing the subject to Muslims countries? The discussion was about American Muslims and Muslim immigrants to this country...the overwhelming majority of whom are moderate, law abiding citizens.
---------------------------- well , that's your excuse but you sure do sound ignorant and desperate Seawytch !!

I see, swearing makes me sound ignorant. The irony of that statement is astronomical...I was sitting here wondering if you were perhaps an immigrant yourself and English not your first language, or you're a little "special". That happens a lot here. Not sure if it's a language thing or just a stupid thing. Do enlighten.
---------------------- not scared , I just know the muslim religion and its founder and its adherents like 'Islamic state' , isis , al quaeda plus I see what islam is doing in Europe including Germany . Its current news and I hope that other Americans are watching Europe , Germany and the rest of the world where muslims congregate Seawytch !!
You don't know a fucking thing about Islam or Muslims. You think you know about a tiny minority of extremists but since you likely "know" about them through Fox or another in the bubble filter, you don't know algaraf.
------------------------------ looks like Seawytch is using swear words and becoming more fun ehh . Yeah watch the burning of Fahrkunda , see the bombings being done in muslim lands by muslims that run their new 'caliphate' . See muslims in 'Islamic state' burn a Jordanian pilot alive !! None of it is fun but the current news on muslims doing their work is interesting Seawytch !!

Seawytch uses swear words because she is an old sailor and that's what old sailors do.

Why are you changing the subject to Muslims countries? The discussion was about American Muslims and Muslim immigrants to this country...the overwhelming majority of whom are moderate, law abiding citizens.
---------------------------- well , that's your excuse but you sure do sound ignorant and desperate Seawytch !!

I see, swearing makes me sound ignorant. The irony of that statement is astronomical...I was sitting here wondering if you were perhaps an immigrant yourself and English not your first language, or you're a little "special". That happens a lot here. Not sure if it's a language thing or just a stupid thing. Do enlighten.
------------------------------ yes , swearing is ignorant even for a lady sailor Seawytch !! This is a family board and swearing is allowed but it is ignorant and sounds pretty desperate to me even if 'lady sailor' does the swearing Seawytch !!:afro:
a little more news about Minnesota and muslims and sharia , just for YOU Seawytch !! Course I hope that other Americans watch and see what is being imported into the USA and western world . --- Minnesota Muslims brutally honest: ‘We want Shariah’ --- no violence , just some street interviews of some muslims in Minnesota Seawytch !!

:lol: You did not just link to World Nut Daily as proof of anything did you? :lol:

You Islamaphobes are not even a funny joke anymore.
You don't know a fucking thing about Islam or Muslims. You think you know about a tiny minority of extremists but since you likely "know" about them through Fox or another in the bubble filter, you don't know algaraf.
------------------------------ looks like Seawytch is using swear words and becoming more fun ehh . Yeah watch the burning of Fahrkunda , see the bombings being done in muslim lands by muslims that run their new 'caliphate' . See muslims in 'Islamic state' burn a Jordanian pilot alive !! None of it is fun but the current news on muslims doing their work is interesting Seawytch !!

Seawytch uses swear words because she is an old sailor and that's what old sailors do.

Why are you changing the subject to Muslims countries? The discussion was about American Muslims and Muslim immigrants to this country...the overwhelming majority of whom are moderate, law abiding citizens.
---------------------------- well , that's your excuse but you sure do sound ignorant and desperate Seawytch !!

I see, swearing makes me sound ignorant. The irony of that statement is astronomical...I was sitting here wondering if you were perhaps an immigrant yourself and English not your first language, or you're a little "special". That happens a lot here. Not sure if it's a language thing or just a stupid thing. Do enlighten.
------------------------------ yes , swearing is ignorant even for a lady sailor Seawytch !! This is a family board and swearing is allowed but it is ignorant and sounds pretty desperate to me even if 'lady sailor' does the swearing Seawytch !!:afro:

A familiy board? Oh, I don't think so.

And it's obvious you weren't in a seagoing service, if you served at all, if you think "lady sailors" don't swear. All sailors swear, especially crusty old Chiefs like me.
------------------------------ looks like Seawytch is using swear words and becoming more fun ehh . Yeah watch the burning of Fahrkunda , see the bombings being done in muslim lands by muslims that run their new 'caliphate' . See muslims in 'Islamic state' burn a Jordanian pilot alive !! None of it is fun but the current news on muslims doing their work is interesting Seawytch !!

Seawytch uses swear words because she is an old sailor and that's what old sailors do.

Why are you changing the subject to Muslims countries? The discussion was about American Muslims and Muslim immigrants to this country...the overwhelming majority of whom are moderate, law abiding citizens.
---------------------------- well , that's your excuse but you sure do sound ignorant and desperate Seawytch !!

I see, swearing makes me sound ignorant. The irony of that statement is astronomical...I was sitting here wondering if you were perhaps an immigrant yourself and English not your first language, or you're a little "special". That happens a lot here. Not sure if it's a language thing or just a stupid thing. Do enlighten.
------------------------------ yes , swearing is ignorant even for a lady sailor Seawytch !! This is a family board and swearing is allowed but it is ignorant and sounds pretty desperate to me even if 'lady sailor' does the swearing Seawytch !!:afro:

A familiy board? Oh, I don't think so.

And it's obvious you weren't in a seagoing service, if you served at all, if you think "lady sailors" don't swear. All sailors swear, especially crusty old Chiefs like me.
---------------------------- I'm not impressed by dirty talking 'lady sailors' Seawytch !!
I would relish the opportunity to say I told you so.

But in all seriousness if Trump becomes president and my fears about his fraudulent conservatism become reality the country will end up in such bad shape that it would be in bad taste to do so.

On the other hand if he truly has flipped the coin I will be the first to eat my words as I did when Obama defeated Romney.
I was spot on in my predictions about Obama. It was clear from the early days of his candidacy that he has terrible judgment (remember the Anthem fiasco and the presidential seal redesign disaster?) and that he was an incompetent partisan hack. Saying I told you so brings me no joy.
Trump will be a disaster. With no political experience he will quickly alienate people he needs to work with and will become simply another Obama, ruling by decree.
--------------------------------------- I don't want to see that happen but if it does , well they would probably at least be the right kinda decrees . ------- And I'm willing to take the chance but I figure that Trump would have Constitutional scholars , good advisers rather than a hip hopping crew of traitors advising him Rabbi !!

Trump will have yes men.
thing that I hear being said is that Trump is more nationalistic and more of a populist then he is conservative . That being said , if jebito , roobio , christie , Kasich are conservative then I am not a Conservative . And . Iam Conservative and find nothing wrong with what Trump has said about immigration , muslims , wars , military , carpet bombing , guns or anything else . And Nationalist , if it means viewing and building the USA as umber 1 then I am a Nationalist . ---------------------- And I can't stand any of the rinos or any of the 'gop' fighting against Trump telling me what American values .

Which time? First it was we shouldn't be in Syria...then it was that we should let Russia do it....now it's sending our own troops in there.

Banning people based on religion is 180 degrees opposite of what America is about. At no point in our history has that ever been something America has done.

Carpet Bombing....?

American values are a foreign concept to you.
You're not the ultimate arbiter of American values.
Seawytch uses swear words because she is an old sailor and that's what old sailors do.

Why are you changing the subject to Muslims countries? The discussion was about American Muslims and Muslim immigrants to this country...the overwhelming majority of whom are moderate, law abiding citizens.
---------------------------- well , that's your excuse but you sure do sound ignorant and desperate Seawytch !!

I see, swearing makes me sound ignorant. The irony of that statement is astronomical...I was sitting here wondering if you were perhaps an immigrant yourself and English not your first language, or you're a little "special". That happens a lot here. Not sure if it's a language thing or just a stupid thing. Do enlighten.
------------------------------ yes , swearing is ignorant even for a lady sailor Seawytch !! This is a family board and swearing is allowed but it is ignorant and sounds pretty desperate to me even if 'lady sailor' does the swearing Seawytch !!:afro:

A familiy board? Oh, I don't think so.

And it's obvious you weren't in a seagoing service, if you served at all, if you think "lady sailors" don't swear. All sailors swear, especially crusty old Chiefs like me.
---------------------------- I'm not impressed by dirty talking 'lady sailors' Seawytch !!
I mean , take care of Americas Naval assets a little better , remember to lube up the propulsion system and also learn proper , polite conversation and exchange of ideas and opinions Seawytch !! --- Littoral Combat Ship USS Fort Worth Sidelined in Singapore with Propulsion System Damage - USNI News --- off topic but a symptom of Americas modern and diverse military I guess . Sad to see Seawytch !!
thing that I hear being said is that Trump is more nationalistic and more of a populist then he is conservative . That being said , if jebito , roobio , christie , Kasich are conservative then I am not a Conservative . And . Iam Conservative and find nothing wrong with what Trump has said about immigration , muslims , wars , military , carpet bombing , guns or anything else . And Nationalist , if it means viewing and building the USA as umber 1 then I am a Nationalist . ---------------------- And I can't stand any of the rinos or any of the 'gop' fighting against Trump telling me what American values .

Which time? First it was we shouldn't be in Syria...then it was that we should let Russia do it....now it's sending our own troops in there.

Banning people based on religion is 180 degrees opposite of what America is about. At no point in our history has that ever been something America has done.

Carpet Bombing....?

American values are a foreign concept to you.
You're not the ultimate arbiter of American values.
------------------- well , jebito or roobio or YOU aren't the definers of American values Moe' !!
I would relish the opportunity to say I told you so.

But in all seriousness if Trump becomes president and my fears about his fraudulent conservatism become reality the country will end up in such bad shape that it would be in bad taste to do so.

On the other hand if he truly has flipped the coin I will be the first to eat my words as I did when Obama defeated Romney.
I was spot on in my predictions about Obama. It was clear from the early days of his candidacy that he has terrible judgment (remember the Anthem fiasco and the presidential seal redesign disaster?) and that he was an incompetent partisan hack. Saying I told you so brings me no joy.
Trump will be a disaster. With no political experience he will quickly alienate people he needs to work with and will become simply another Obama, ruling by decree.
--------------------------------------- I don't want to see that happen but if it does , well they would probably at least be the right kinda decrees . ------- And I'm willing to take the chance but I figure that Trump would have Constitutional scholars , good advisers rather than a hip hopping crew of traitors advising him Rabbi !!

Trump will have yes men.
---------------------------- sure , same as mrobama has a crew of hip hopping azz kissers . Course , the Trump would get rid of them . There is nothing worse than an azz kisser except for todays moderate rino , gop azz kissers Bulldog !!
I don't buy that, "Past performance is not indicative of future results" and tend to base judgment giving appropriate measure on the past. That's why with Trump and Hillary I wouldn't trust either as far as I could toss 'em.
I don't buy that, "Past performance is not indicative of future results" and tend to base judgment giving appropriate measure on the past. That's why with Trump and Hillary I wouldn't trust either as far as I could toss 'em.
------------------------- may end up being your only choices 2cents !!

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