Under obama we are now the most respected nation in the world

We lost our moral standing in the world invading Iraq, going to take a long time to rebuild that trust but at least someone is trying. Republicans do not seem to care if we are reviled by "friend" and foe alike.

Yes another far left religious dogma post!
So, did we win the Miss Congeniality contest, too?


I'm sure Putin whispered "I'll still respect you in the morning" when he had Obama on his knees.
Obama has the strongest economy in the free world Putin is going bankrupt
Be sure to mention that to the folks in the Ukraine.

Putin is paying an economic price for his role. He can thank Obama
Maybe someone would like to run this by Michelle...
The commencement addresses she gave recently didn't come off like that.

I'm sure Putin whispered "I'll still respect you in the morning" when he had Obama on his knees.
Obama has the strongest economy in the free world Putin is going bankrupt
Be sure to mention that to the folks in the Ukraine.
They know it. Moscow Times has reported the Novorossiya initiative is over and abandoned. That means the Kremlin is no longer willing to finance the creation of a confederacy of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two separatist regions that would have formed the "New Russia".

I'm sure Putin whispered "I'll still respect you in the morning" when he had Obama on his knees.
Obama has the strongest economy in the free world Putin is going bankrupt
Be sure to mention that to the folks in the Ukraine.
They know it. Moscow Times has reported the Novorossiya initiative is over and abandoned. That means the Kremlin is no longer willing to finance the creation of a confederacy of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two separatist regions that would have formed the "New Russia".

The Moscow Times?

Opinion of the United States

During Bush's War on Terra™, you can see world opinion of America plummet. The numbers are higher during Obama's regime.

Pay particular attention to the differences in the numbers between 2008's poll and 2009's poll. The world was HUGELY relieved to see Bush go.

The opinions of our closest allies are higher than at any time during Bush after 9/11. Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Israel. All higher opinions of America under Obama than under Bush post-9/11.
Good. T hose same assholes hated Reagan too. They hate strong American presidents and love weak vacillating ones. Like Obama.
I can see the Russian and Chinese ambassadors laughing and drinking with each other, while watching Obama's greatest hits.
We lost our moral standing in the world invading Iraq, going to take a long time to rebuild that trust but at least someone is trying. Republicans do not seem to care if we are reviled by "friend" and foe alike.
Oh fuck moral standing....
What's the first thing that happens when one of these countries gets into hot water? The scream to US for help....
And then they criticize us....So again....Fuck moral standing.
I can see the Russian and Chinese ambassadors laughing and drinking with each other, while watching Obama's greatest hits.
Every two bit thug and dictator is laughing his ass off at this clown. Our allies are dismayed.
Apparently Obama thinks that all he has to do seas will stop rising, the Earth will cool and people will like us. It would be laughable if it were not so dangerous to have such a narcissist in control. I have said from the beginning he is dangerous because he just might us the bomb to show how bad ass he is, so far he has only used cruise missiles and predator drones.

How the U.S. Lost the World’s Respect

Read more at: How the U.S. Lost the World s Respect National Review Online

All polls and even informal observations by well-connected people confirm that the world’s opinion of the United States as a serious world power has eroded markedly. As President Obama and his entourage and imperishable following persevere in their conviction that this president’s benign championship of non-intervention, arms control, and giving rogue states the benefit of the doubt is winning hearts and minds to a new conception of a kindly, detached America, it is clearer every week that this administration’s foreign policy is contemplated with astonishment and contempt by practically everyone else. The Europeans, putative allies — a fact that, since the U.S. abandoned isolation, has meant a ready preparedness to have the U.S. liberate them from the Nazis and then protect them from the Soviet Communists, but means almost nothing now — are almost uniformly incredulous at the syncopations of recent American foreign policy.

Read more at: How the U.S. Lost the World s Respect National Review Online

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