Understanding Christianity

God did prevent death. But we chose that we wanted to die.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
No dummy, I said heaven for US. Of course heaven existed cuz that is where God said he lived.

Why did God create heaven?

the bible is not "proof" of its own dogma. it merely states its dogma.

you're welcome.
recorded history reveals the insincerity required for a 4th century christian to maintain their delusion of a religion they are unable to remedy themselves. their demise will be the resurrection prescribed by the 1st century events to again traverse the true path in hopes for attaining Remission to the Everlasting.
Yet you still refuse to backup your delusional fantasy.
Yet you still refuse to backup your delusional fantasy.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

it is you who voluntarily is delusional by worshiping a forgery ... one that is irreconcilable, that will remain for you a barrier from ever attaining the Everlasting.
Still no links. Yep, you're delusional.
Still no links. Yep, you're delusional.

your forgery is the link, are you denying it ...

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

it is you who voluntarily is delusional by worshiping a forgery ... one that is irreconcilable, that will remain for you a barrier from ever attaining the Everlasting.

good luck with your phony political document disguised as a religion, to bad for you it interferes with the true 1st century events otherwise you would be left to your own demise you soundly deserve.
Trolls like you never post facts, just hateful BS.
Trolls like you never post facts, just hateful BS.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

your forgery is the link, are you denying it ...

... just hateful BS.

I do not understand you were asked a simple question do you support the 4th century forgery above written in your book then you accuse me of being a troll. where is the hating.

are you saying the quote is not factual, give us an explanation your deflections have become boring.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
Who made god?
Where did your matter of the Big Bang come from?

Two can play your stupid game.
I'll tell you who made god: man did.
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
Who made god?
Where did your matter of the Big Bang come from?

Two can play your stupid game.
I'll tell you who made god: man did.

Something or someone one must be "eternal" - no beginning no end. What do you think that is?
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
Who made god?
Where did your matter of the Big Bang come from?

Two can play your stupid game.
I'll tell you who made god: man did.

Something or someone one must be "eternal" - no beginning no end. What do you think that is?
How do you know that?
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
Who made god?
Where did your matter of the Big Bang come from?

Two can play your stupid game.
I'll tell you who made god: man did.

Something or someone one must be "eternal" - no beginning no end. What do you think that is?
Something or someone one must be "eternal" - no beginning no end. What do you think that is?

...the Everlasting - is a state of being.
Who made god?

"Made" is a human concept doesn't apply to God. "Made" is for something not present at some point and becomes present after the point of being "made".

So the question boils down to if you can point out at which point of time God didn't exist, then we can tell you at which point He's made!
yup--------not all people adhere to the nutty idea that one has to be baptized to GAIN ENTRANCE TO
HEAVEN----------you are talking "primitive" I do not believe that this level of thinking is STILL
prevalent amongst Christian scholars

Like I said, for the sake of argument let's assume that the Christianity advocate is a truth. Then the point is how can this truth propagate among humans. As for how true Christianity itself is, it belongs to another topic.

ok----the answer-----it should have been propagated by utterly non-violent or coercive means

That doesn't work, when the whole is barbaric. Then only violence can help the Jews surviving the human barbaric history to bring forward the message.

Plus that it is warned in Genesis that the Tree of Life of good and evil are for humans to be tempted to eat from to judge. And the day you eat of it, the same day you shall surely die.

That said. Unlike humans, God's morality is soul-based. His job on earth is to maximize the souls to be saved. So removing the already dead Canaanites remains the only way for the Jews to survive history to bring forward God's message to save today's souls. Or else, the Jews would have been the first to be wiped out by the cruel Canaanites.

Back then,
The most 'civilized' Egyptians killed the children of the Jews at will simply for population control.
The Canaanites killed their own kids for the worshiping of their gods.
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Christianity is actually analogue to provide proof of what you yourself did just yesterday. You can't make your 24 hours evidenced. We on the other hand can get to know what you did if you or a third person as a witness wrote down what you did for us to believe with faith. If the witness is willing to martyr himself to back up what he wrote, we have no reason to reject the writing as it doesn't make any sense for him to kill himself in order to tell us a lie.

If 10 out of 12 such witnesses all martyred themselves in order to back up what they wrote about what you did yesterday, and provided that this is the only way to such a truth (of what you did), then there's no reason for a sane person to reject what has been written down.
Who made god?

"Made" is a human concept doesn't apply to God. "Made" is for something not present at some point and becomes present after the point of being "made".

So the question boils down to if you can point out at which point of time God didn't exist, then we can tell you at which point He's made!
To make your statement valid, you'd first have to prove that god really does exist.
yup--------not all people adhere to the nutty idea that one has to be baptized to GAIN ENTRANCE TO
HEAVEN----------you are talking "primitive" I do not believe that this level of thinking is STILL
prevalent amongst Christian scholars

Like I said, for the sake of argument let's assume that the Christianity advocate is a truth. Then the point is how can this truth propagate among humans. As for how true Christianity itself is, it belongs to another topic.

ok----the answer-----it should have been propagated by utterly non-violent or coercive means

That doesn't work, when the whole is barbaric. Then only violence can help the Jews surviving the human barbaric history to bring forward the message.

Plus that it is warned in Genesis that the Tree of Life of good and evil are for humans to be tempted to eat from to judge. And the day you eat of it, the same day you shall surely die.

That said. Unlike humans, God's morality is soul-based. His job on earth is to maximize the souls to be saved. So removing the already dead Canaanites remains the only way for the Jews to survive history to bring forward God's message to save today's souls. Or else, the Jews would have been the first to be wiped out by the cruel Canaanites.

Back then,
The most 'civilized' Egyptians killed the children of the Jews at will simply for population control.
The Canaanites killed their own kids for the worshiping of their gods.
Why does god have to save anyone? Did he fuck up when he made them?
yup--------not all people adhere to the nutty idea that one has to be baptized to GAIN ENTRANCE TO
HEAVEN----------you are talking "primitive" I do not believe that this level of thinking is STILL
prevalent amongst Christian scholars

Like I said, for the sake of argument let's assume that the Christianity advocate is a truth. Then the point is how can this truth propagate among humans. As for how true Christianity itself is, it belongs to another topic.

ok----the answer-----it should have been propagated by utterly non-violent or coercive means

That doesn't work, when the whole is barbaric. Then only violence can help the Jews surviving the human barbaric history to bring forward the message.

Plus that it is warned in Genesis that the Tree of Life of good and evil are for humans to be tempted to eat from to judge. And the day you eat of it, the same day you shall surely die.

That said. Unlike humans, God's morality is soul-based. His job on earth is to maximize the souls to be saved. So removing the already dead Canaanites remains the only way for the Jews to survive history to bring forward God's message to save today's souls. Or else, the Jews would have been the first to be wiped out by the cruel Canaanites.

Back then,
The most 'civilized' Egyptians killed the children of the Jews at will simply for population control.
The Canaanites killed their own kids for the worshiping of their gods.
Why does god have to save anyone? Did he fuck up when he made them?

as a child-----I though that the song "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN"------related to an event during which time
the queen was drowning----it describes a miracle------like the song ST GEORGE KILL THE DRAGON
Why does god have to save anyone?

Why do doctors have to heal us, why do teachers have to teach us, why do farmers need to raise crops for us? Why do we need others to assist us with our outward needs?

If we humans need assistance with our outward needs, then it does stand to reason we also need assistance with inward needs.

Whether the need is outward or inward, we--the individual--need to take part in what is being provided or offered to us.
Why does god have to save anyone?

Why do doctors have to heal us, why do teachers have to teach us, why do farmers need to raise crops for us? Why do we need others to assist us with our outward needs?

If we humans need assistance with our outward needs, then it does stand to reason we also need assistance with inward needs.

Whether the need is outward or inward, we--the individual--need to take part in what is being provided or offered to us.

we are SOCIAL animals-----even monkeys need other monkeys to pick the bugs off of them
we are SOCIAL animals-----even monkeys need other monkeys to pick the bugs off of them

Likewise we are also spiritual beings. You might say we also have a need to have spiritual "bugs" removed from our being.
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[QUOTE="irosie91, post: 18102721, member: 38243"

we are SOCIAL animals-----even monkeys need other monkeys to pick the bugs off of them

Likewise we are also spiritual beings. You might say we also have a need to have spiritual "bugs" removed from our being.[/QUOTE]

not me-----I need spiritural beings to scratch my itchy back (must have reasonable finger-nails)
Go therefore and make disciples...etc

This is the job of Christians as stated by Jesus, so, if you wonder why many Christians are "pushing" their agenda, this is one reason why

The other reason is the 2nd greatest commandment, to love others. Realize, to a Christian, the best way to show love to their fellow man is to tell them the "Good News", as they believe the life that really matters is the afterlife.. not this one on Earth

They are free to push their agenda. However, they cannot claim oppression or prejudice when, after bringing their dogma into the public discourse, their ideas are scrutinized and criticized. Once Christians stop demanding this special privilege, I think you'll see the entire religion contract at a frantic pace.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
Who made god?
Where did your matter of the Big Bang come from?

Two can play your stupid game.
I'll tell you who made god: man did.

Something or someone one must be "eternal" - no beginning no end. What do you think that is?

Have you taken a stab at Aquina's Summa Theoligica? It was written as teaching text, but is also an excellent text on the use of logic, and his Five Ways continues to stump rebuttals by atheists. Agnostics don't bother with the futile attempts at refuting it, as they have no axes to grind with Christianity one way or the other, and the logic is impeccable.

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