Understanding Christianity

Care to explain this?

Genesis 3:8New International Version (NIV)

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Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 3:8-9 - New International Version

Not spirit, physical. You cannot hide from spirit. God didn't know where they were and that is why he asked. A spirit God would have known where they were.

In Hebrew, "Where are you?" (Ayeka?) is the shortest question in the Bible. It also goes deeper than you, a modern twenty-first American, appears able to readily discern. What did it mean to ancient Hebrews? Rabbis explain that the question is not meant for God to identify where Adam was in the garden. The question was meant for Adam to identify where he (Adam) was in his life. Adam responds he is afraid...and naked...and in hiding from God. (Which God is well aware of. Rabbis teach the question was for Adam's edification, not for God's.)
Why would I care about Hebrew scholars? They murdered Jesus.
So give me an example of your god experience.

No reason to.
It'll give me an idea of what to look for, or at least what you guys consider a god experience. Don't have to be really specific, just like a car hit you and you saw god...
I will tell you my one funniest God experience. It was hilarious. If you have read the Bible you know God has a great sense of humor.

After the 07 wildfires I spent every weekend helping people sift thru the rubble of their leveled homes. Every day I would come home looking like a coal miner. The team I was with would start by asking the homeowner what they hoped to recover and approximately where was it. Then we would pray and then get started sifting. One lady just wanted her wedding ring from her late husband. It was the only thing found in the entire home that was not melted.

Another home the homeowner just said whatever you can find. I only found one usable thing in the entire house - a coffee cup that said "King of All That I Own"

But that was not it.

After weeks of doing this, while sifting rubble I heard a clear distinct voice saying "You are finished, go home." After a few seconds of wow I looked at my watch, it was 11. So I figured I would work an hour then tell the team I'm dropping out during lunch. Couple of minutes later I have something stuck to the bottom of my shoe from the rubble. I scrap my foot to try to remove it. It is stuck. So I look down at my shoe and there is a 4 inch nail coming up straight out of the top of my shoe. Right in the center just below the shoe laces. My first thought was this is going to really hurt. Then I started to wiggle my foot. Still no pain. I take off my shoe. The nail had gone up at an angle to miss my foot and still go thru my shoe.

Moral of the story learned - when God says do something, you do it immediately. It only cost me a pair of shoes to learn that one.
Geez, hate to say it, but as a god experience, that's really quite lame.
Christian friend of mine had a much more interesting message from God. Many records of God communicating with us thru dreams. My buddy dreamt he was going to die. With a lot of people. The dream was so real to him he increased his life insurance. A year later he was on flight 93 on 9-11-01. He was one of the four that led the first battle in this long war against Islamic terrorism.
I don't Believe in God, but I dream.

How is that possible?
No reason to.
It'll give me an idea of what to look for, or at least what you guys consider a god experience. Don't have to be really specific, just like a car hit you and you saw god...
I will tell you my one funniest God experience. It was hilarious. If you have read the Bible you know God has a great sense of humor.

After the 07 wildfires I spent every weekend helping people sift thru the rubble of their leveled homes. Every day I would come home looking like a coal miner. The team I was with would start by asking the homeowner what they hoped to recover and approximately where was it. Then we would pray and then get started sifting. One lady just wanted her wedding ring from her late husband. It was the only thing found in the entire home that was not melted.

Another home the homeowner just said whatever you can find. I only found one usable thing in the entire house - a coffee cup that said "King of All That I Own"

But that was not it.

After weeks of doing this, while sifting rubble I heard a clear distinct voice saying "You are finished, go home." After a few seconds of wow I looked at my watch, it was 11. So I figured I would work an hour then tell the team I'm dropping out during lunch. Couple of minutes later I have something stuck to the bottom of my shoe from the rubble. I scrap my foot to try to remove it. It is stuck. So I look down at my shoe and there is a 4 inch nail coming up straight out of the top of my shoe. Right in the center just below the shoe laces. My first thought was this is going to really hurt. Then I started to wiggle my foot. Still no pain. I take off my shoe. The nail had gone up at an angle to miss my foot and still go thru my shoe.

Moral of the story learned - when God says do something, you do it immediately. It only cost me a pair of shoes to learn that one.
Geez, hate to say it, but as a god experience, that's really quite lame.
Christian friend of mine had a much more interesting message from God. Many records of God communicating with us thru dreams. My buddy dreamt he was going to die. With a lot of people. The dream was so real to him he increased his life insurance. A year later he was on flight 93 on 9-11-01. He was one of the four that led the first battle in this long war against Islamic terrorism.
I don't Believe in God, but I dream.

How is that possible?
You just keep getting more stupid.
How is that god communicating with him so that he increases his life insurance? :cuckoo:

Christian friend of mine was a retired Lt. Colonel in the Marines. He did two tours in Vietnam. We had talks, and one thing that really bothered him even decades later was the men who said they were going to die and ended up dying on the next mission. My buddy took it personally that he had failed as their commander to keep their attitude from going in that direction thus causing their death. I could tell it had been eating him up for decades. I told him, Ray, maybe God told them what was ahead. That helped him a lot.

I believe is some cases God gives us insight into the future so we can prepare.
Why would god tell them that they're going to die? :cuckoo:
Wouldn't god simply prevent the death from happening by putting him in another situation?
God did prevent death. But we chose that we wanted to die.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
So you agree that god never said anything of what is attributed to him in the bible. Good for you.

Not at all what I said. I said humans recorded their experiences with God.
You agree that god never said anything and that it's just humans who wrote down what they wanted to.
Is that how people predicted events that occurred in the future?
Like I said, give me a real example of what you're talking about. So far, nothing.
I don't do Vulcan mindmelds. I gave you the links. I don't think you want to know.
So you can't explain it yourself. Got it.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
There are so many reports of dead people witnessing events after they die that many emergency rooms have put things in the room to see if people describe them. To date no one has, but only primarily because in every event the dead person is watching their body and what is going on around it, not looking around the room.
That's the brain dying. Get a grip.
A dead brain describes events and people accurately? That why medical professionals believe so much they have taken steps investigating these events?
Does self delusion provide you comfort?
I didn't say dead, I said dying. Or possibly near death type of thing...
And tell us how the dying see with closed eyes.
You should know since you said "There are so many reports of dead people witnessing events after they die".
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Total nonsense. You need to get a grip on reality, brah.
Adam was told he would surely die if he ate that fruit. So he ate it. You would to.
Total made up myth with no foundation whatsoever. Maybe you need some super strong coffee to wake you up.

Anyways, god told Adam not to bang the chick and when he did, Adam was banished from Eden. Sounds totally gay to me.
Thinking the works of Bach derived from an explosion is what is delusional.
I agree. Why do you think the delusional?
So you're saying that you have no proof but will believe anyways. Kudos to you for being able to suspend reality in a core part of your life, I am unable to do so, I need something real to go on.

I have several personal experiences that cannot be proven, but are true none-the-less. All I can do is testify to the reality of God. I cannot "prove" it. Anyway, my experiences, while of great value to me, are useless to you. Seek. Knock. The promises are true.
So give me an example of your god experience.
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Zero evolutionary explanation as to why you stop in your tracks at such a sight.

Zero evolutionary explanation why you would stop in your tracks at such a sound or bother creating it.

View attachment 147706
Zero evolutionary explanation why anyone smiles.

Nonsense. Evolution created the concept of beauty. Since I do not believe in God, you claim I should not be able to see and hear and feel beauty?

Babies do not know God yet. They smile anyway.

God did not create comedy either, but you make me laugh.

Evolution has no answer for why people think art is created, we see beauty, we create and love music.

Nor does evolution explain why we have 20 muscles in our faces to express emotion when every other species gets along fine without it.

All you got is mindless keybanging. Science has all the answers!

Understanding chimpanzee facial expression: insights into the evolution of communication

A Cross-species Comparison of Facial Morphology and Movement in Humans and Chimpanzees Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS)

Guess who else has those same muscles?
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Not at all what I said. I said humans recorded their experiences with God.
You agree that god never said anything and that it's just humans who wrote down what they wanted to.
Is that how people predicted events that occurred in the future?
Like I said, give me a real example of what you're talking about. So far, nothing.
I don't do Vulcan mindmelds. I gave you the links. I don't think you want to know.
So you can't explain it yourself. Got it.
2,000 years ago a gentile went up to a Rabbi and said convert me while you stand on one foot. Basically you've got 30 seconds.

The Rabbi gave a brilliant response. He said "Do unto others as you would have done to you. The rest is commentary, now go study."

The rest is commentary, now go study.
I have several personal experiences that cannot be proven, but are true none-the-less. All I can do is testify to the reality of God. I cannot "prove" it. Anyway, my experiences, while of great value to me, are useless to you. Seek. Knock. The promises are true.
So give me an example of your god experience.
View attachment 147704
Zero evolutionary explanation as to why you stop in your tracks at such a sight.

Zero evolutionary explanation why you would stop in your tracks at such a sound or bother creating it.

View attachment 147706
Zero evolutionary explanation why anyone smiles.

Nonsense. Evolution created the concept of beauty. Since I do not believe in God, you claim I should not be able to see and hear and feel beauty?

Babies do not know God yet. They smile anyway.

God did not create comedy either, but you make me laugh.

Evolution has no answer for why people think art is created, we see beauty, we create and love music.

Nor does evolution explain why we have 20 muscles in our faces to express emotion when every other species gets along fine without it.

All you got is mindless keybanging. Science has all the answers!

My God invented science.

And your failure to address the post validates man does not have all the answers.
Christian friend of mine was a retired Lt. Colonel in the Marines. He did two tours in Vietnam. We had talks, and one thing that really bothered him even decades later was the men who said they were going to die and ended up dying on the next mission. My buddy took it personally that he had failed as their commander to keep their attitude from going in that direction thus causing their death. I could tell it had been eating him up for decades. I told him, Ray, maybe God told them what was ahead. That helped him a lot.

I believe is some cases God gives us insight into the future so we can prepare.
Why would god tell them that they're going to die? :cuckoo:
Wouldn't god simply prevent the death from happening by putting him in another situation?
God did prevent death. But we chose that we wanted to die.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.

So the people who were murdered were murderers?

speaking of Noah, that is correct and you are one of them, christian, Idolatry as well is forbidden ... is the only sense I could make of your response. -

and no the depiction in your 4th century book of deceit of other creatures being killed is a lie.
Ah, and what else did the voices in your head tell you?
Ah, and what else did the voices in your head tell you?

recorded history reveals the insincerity required for a 4th century christian to maintain their delusion of a religion they are unable to remedy themselves. their demise will be the resurrection prescribed by the 1st century events to again traverse the true path in hopes for attaining Remission to the Everlasting.
Yet you still refuse to backup your delusional fantasy.
Yet you still refuse to backup your delusional fantasy.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

it is you who voluntarily is delusional by worshiping a forgery ... one that is irreconcilable, that will remain for you a barrier from ever attaining the Everlasting.
Still no links. Yep, you're delusional.
Still no links. Yep, you're delusional.

your forgery is the link, are you denying it ...

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

it is you who voluntarily is delusional by worshiping a forgery ... one that is irreconcilable, that will remain for you a barrier from ever attaining the Everlasting.

good luck with your phony political document disguised as a religion, to bad for you it interferes with the true 1st century events otherwise you would be left to your own demise you soundly deserve.
So give me an example of your god experience.
View attachment 147704
Zero evolutionary explanation as to why you stop in your tracks at such a sight.

Zero evolutionary explanation why you would stop in your tracks at such a sound or bother creating it.

View attachment 147706
Zero evolutionary explanation why anyone smiles.

Nonsense. Evolution created the concept of beauty. Since I do not believe in God, you claim I should not be able to see and hear and feel beauty?

Babies do not know God yet. They smile anyway.

God did not create comedy either, but you make me laugh.

Evolution has no answer for why people think art is created, we see beauty, we create and love music.

Nor does evolution explain why we have 20 muscles in our faces to express emotion when every other species gets along fine without it.

All you got is mindless keybanging. Science has all the answers!

My God invented science.

Then you lied when you said you did not believe in evolution. Explain the fossil record.

And your failure to address the post validates man does not have all the answers.

I addressed the post, you just did not like it.
Ah, and what else did the voices in your head tell you?
Ah, and what else did the voices in your head tell you?

recorded history reveals the insincerity required for a 4th century christian to maintain their delusion of a religion they are unable to remedy themselves. their demise will be the resurrection prescribed by the 1st century events to again traverse the true path in hopes for attaining Remission to the Everlasting.
Yet you still refuse to backup your delusional fantasy.
Yet you still refuse to backup your delusional fantasy.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

it is you who voluntarily is delusional by worshiping a forgery ... one that is irreconcilable, that will remain for you a barrier from ever attaining the Everlasting.
Still no links. Yep, you're delusional.
Still no links. Yep, you're delusional.

your forgery is the link, are you denying it ...

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

it is you who voluntarily is delusional by worshiping a forgery ... one that is irreconcilable, that will remain for you a barrier from ever attaining the Everlasting.

good luck with your phony political document disguised as a religion, to bad for you it interferes with the true 1st century events otherwise you would be left to your own demise you soundly deserve.
Trolls like you never post facts, just hateful BS.
Why would god tell them that they're going to die? :cuckoo:
Wouldn't god simply prevent the death from happening by putting him in another situation?
God did prevent death. But we chose that we wanted to die.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
No dummy, I said heaven for US. Of course heaven existed cuz that is where God said he lived.

Why did God create heaven?
Why would god tell them that they're going to die? :cuckoo:
Wouldn't god simply prevent the death from happening by putting him in another situation?
God did prevent death. But we chose that we wanted to die.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
Who made god?
God did prevent death. But we chose that we wanted to die.
Only terminally ill people choose to die. Wtf are you talking about?
Man was designed to live forever. But we rebelled and chose death.
Uh no. The Tree of Life in the Garden was forbidden fruit. God designed us to die. If we lived forever, heaven would be impossible.
Heaven existed long before the universe even existed.
Who made god?
Where did your matter of the Big Bang come from?

Two can play your stupid game.
If we are not allowed to test God, then he must be hiding something.

This is probably why he has abandoned us. We will have very tough questions for the media interview. Lucy gots a lot of splainin to do.

Well, when you believers define the Bible as the unfailable word of a perfect and eternal God, you kinda ask for it.

Added to God's todo list if he gets brave enough to return

1) Bible in clear modern English

While the Word of God is infallible, the same cannot be true of each individual's understanding of it. That takes time. And study, not only of the Bible, but of the history, culture, and language in which it was written.
Why would I care about Hebrew scholars? They murdered Jesus.

Romans crucified Jesus. The Jewish power that worked against Jesus (headed by Annas and Caiaphas) are not people many Jews remember fondly.

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