Understanding Christianity

There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
It is not possible to believe in evolution if you have a basic understanding of microbiology and can think for yourself.
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?

Like I said, when you begin looking at the immense complexity of how life works at the smallest levels, you can have only one honest answer.
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?

Like I said, when you begin looking at the immense complexity of how life works at the smallest levels, you can have only one honest answer.

So you are saying that creationism and evolution are antithetical?
I am not saying that there was no intelligent design, what I am saying is why can they not both exist?
Evolution does not have to mean we started in a soupy pond a few million years ago and whalah...here we are. Evolution can mean that a bird, for instance, can change it's biology and physical characteristics over many generations to better suit themselves to a changing environment.
Why couldn'
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.
Please, elaborate. Provide some examples.
There are people who say altruism is caused by evolution.

They also say selfishness is caused by evolution.

What, did evolution get confused?
Why couldn't both be true in the same organism? And what else could possibly be the cause? I see no confusion there.
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?

Like I said, when you begin looking at the immense complexity of how life works at the smallest levels, you can have only one honest answer.

So you are saying that creationism and evolution are antithetical?
I am not saying that there was no intelligent design, what I am saying is why can they not both exist?
Evolution does not have to mean we started in a soupy pond a few million years ago and whalah...here we are. Evolution can mean that a bird, for instance, can change it's biology and physical characteristics over many generations to better suit themselves to a changing environment.

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.

That's why I know.
Why couldn'
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.
Please, elaborate. Provide some examples.
There are people who say altruism is caused by evolution.

They also say selfishness is caused by evolution.

What, did evolution get confused?
Why couldn't both be true in the same organism? And what else could possibly be the cause? I see no confusion there.
Have at it. Explain why evolution would put the exact opposite emotions in us.
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?

Like I said, when you begin looking at the immense complexity of how life works at the smallest levels, you can have only one honest answer.

So you are saying that creationism and evolution are antithetical?
I am not saying that there was no intelligent design, what I am saying is why can they not both exist?
Evolution does not have to mean we started in a soupy pond a few million years ago and whalah...here we are. Evolution can mean that a bird, for instance, can change it's biology and physical characteristics over many generations to better suit themselves to a changing environment.

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.

That's why I know.
And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.”
So you are saying that creationism and evolution are antithetical?
I am not saying that there was no intelligent design, what I am saying is why can they not both exist?
Evolution does not have to mean we started in a soupy pond a few million years ago and whalah...here we are. Evolution can mean that a bird, for instance, can change it's biology and physical characteristics over many generations to better suit themselves to a changing environment.

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.

That's why I know.

Why you know what?
This doesn't answer the question...why must evolution and creationism be antithetical?
Why can they not co-exist?
There are many animals of the same species, that have small physical differences that absolutely benefit them to their specific environment. An environment they were not ever a part of in the past. In other words, we can see these changes occur over time.
Creatures do evolve, they change. Homo sapiens have obviously changed.
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?

Like I said, when you begin looking at the immense complexity of how life works at the smallest levels, you can have only one honest answer.
"Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?"

Utterly false. He became religious before he mapped (not discovered) the human genome, as you can read here in his own words:
FINDING MY RELIGION / Leader of the Human Genome Project argues in a new book that science and religion can coexist happily
So you are saying that creationism and evolution are antithetical?
I am not saying that there was no intelligent design, what I am saying is why can they not both exist?
Evolution does not have to mean we started in a soupy pond a few million years ago and whalah...here we are. Evolution can mean that a bird, for instance, can change it's biology and physical characteristics over many generations to better suit themselves to a changing environment.

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.

That's why I know.

Why you know what?
This doesn't answer the question...why must evolution and creationism be antithetical?
Why can they not co-exist?
There are many animals of the same species, that have small physical differences that absolutely benefit them to their specific environment. An environment they were not ever a part of in the past. In other words, we can see these changes occur over time.
Creatures do evolve, they change. Homo sapiens have obviously changed.
Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Dachshunds. All shapes, colors, sizes. All dogs with one common ancestor.
The good news?
That your shepherd scattered the sheep and lead them to slaughter by herding them into Roman hands?
See Jim Jones, David Koresh and Applegate for resemblances.

The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

When do they wake up to realize they aren't helping the world, they are part of the problem in blindly following the pied piper off the cliff.

As opposed to the Torah, where they killed every one in the camp including the animals... and how about that flood??
Your hands are just as dirty as Christ's.

My hands? How old do you think I am? *L*
What does history and allegories of ancient tribes who turned out well have to do with declaring someone a good shepherd that failed so miserably that he would be fired by any shepherd employer in the world at any era?

You inadvertantly stumbled upon the problem, that being only Jesus was deemed "perfect" thus only Jesus could be Lucifer who'd be deemed perfect in
Ezekiel 28:15. In the real world we learn from mistakes and progress and grow=evolve. Which you can do by leaving your dirty laundry and ancient history as is, not whitewashing it to sell an image as "sinless" or harlot mother as a perpetual virgin.
You also can't judge acts from a linear standpoint of not knowing the results if the acts were not done.
Sort of like thr ole argument against the gulf war, always ignoring the facts they can't tell you how many deaths would have occured and events affecting more casualties if they didn't remove not just Saddam, but his crazy sadistic son Uday as well. We learn from past history and Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazadar recorded history left ENTACT with all it's horror tells us a lot about the possible results "if we allow repeated emulations occur" by not learning from our past to reshape our future to being more "stable complete & whole" (Shalem).
Why couldn'
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.
Please, elaborate. Provide some examples.
There are people who say altruism is caused by evolution.

They also say selfishness is caused by evolution.

What, did evolution get confused?
Why couldn't both be true in the same organism? And what else could possibly be the cause? I see no confusion there.
Have at it. Explain why evolution would put the exact opposite emotions in us.
Easy! Because in some situations, one emotion is advantageous, while in another situation, an "opposite" emotion may be advantageous. Sometimes fear and flight are the correct response, and sometimes aggression amd fighting are advatageous. That was kind of a softball question, brother.

And stop making dumb statements like, "if you know anything about microbiology, you cannot believe in evolution". How can you not see how absurd this is, when most scientists in that field believe in evolution? Just stop.
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?

Like I said, when you begin looking at the immense complexity of how life works at the smallest levels, you can have only one honest answer.
"Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?"

Utterly false. He became religious before he mapped (not discovered) the human genome, as you can read here in his own words:
FINDING MY RELIGION / Leader of the Human Genome Project argues in a new book that science and religion can coexist happily
Strawman. The only people who say religion and science cannot coexist are non religious people. Science keeps proving the Bible right because God invented science. I made my fortune on science. I love science.

So answer the question and stop tossing strawmen out to divert. What changed the minds of those men?
The good news?
That your shepherd scattered the sheep and lead them to slaughter by herding them into Roman hands?
See Jim Jones, David Koresh and Applegate for resemblances.

The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

When do they wake up to realize they aren't helping the world, they are part of the problem in blindly following the pied piper off the cliff.

As opposed to the Torah, where they killed every one in the camp including the animals... and how about that flood??
Your hands are just as dirty as Christ's.

My hands? How old do you think I am? *L*
What does history and allegories of ancient tribes who turned out well have to do with declaring someone a good shepherd that failed so miserably the he would be fired by any shepherd employer in the world at any era?
You inadvertantly stumbled upon the problem, that being only Jesus was deemed "perfect" thus only Jesus could be Lucifer who'd be deemed perfect in
Ezekiel 28:15. In the real world we learn from mistakes and progress and grow=evolve. Which you can do by leaving your dirty laundry and ancient history as is, not whitewashing it to sell an image as "sinless" or harlot mother as a perpetual virgin.
You also can't judge acts from a linear standpoint of not knowing the results if the acts were not done.
Sort of like thr ole argument against the gulf war, always ignoring the facts they can't tell you how many deaths would have occured and events affecting more casualties if they didn't remove not just Saddam, but his crazy sadistic son Uday as well. We learn from past history and Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazadar recorded history left ENTACT with all it's horror tells us a lot about the possible results "if we allow repeated emulations occur" by not learning from our past to reshape our future to being more "stable complete & whole" (Shalem).
And then we have Beelzebub chiming in.
The good news?
That your shepherd scattered the sheep and lead them to slaughter by herding them into Roman hands?
See Jim Jones, David Koresh and Applegate for resemblances.

The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

When do they wake up to realize they aren't helping the world, they are part of the problem in blindly following the pied piper off the cliff.

As opposed to the Torah, where they killed every one in the camp including the animals... and how about that flood??
Your hands are just as dirty as Christ's.

My hands? How old do you think I am? *L*
What does history and allegories of ancient tribes who turned out well have to do with declaring someone a good shepherd that failed so miserably the he would be fired by any shepherd employer in the world at any era?
You inadvertantly stumbled upon the problem, that being only Jesus was deemed "perfect" thus only Jesus could be Lucifer who'd be deemed perfect in
Ezekiel 28:15. In the real world we learn from mistakes and progress and grow=evolve. Which you can do by leaving your dirty laundry and ancient history as is, not whitewashing it to sell an image as "sinless" or harlot mother as a perpetual virgin.
You also can't judge acts from a linear standpoint of not knowing the results if the acts were not done.
Sort of like thr ole argument against the gulf war, always ignoring the facts they can't tell you how many deaths would have occured and events affecting more casualties if they didn't remove not just Saddam, but his crazy sadistic son Uday as well. We learn from past history and Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazadar recorded history left ENTACT with all it's horror tells us a lot about the possible results "if we allow repeated emulations occur" by not learning from our past to reshape our future to being more "stable complete & whole" (Shalem).
And then we have Beelzebub chiming in.
You keep forgetting the church claims Jesus is the 'lord out of the sky' (Beelzebub).
Another Ad Hominem response throwing your christ under the bus and showing your fallen star left you "wormwood" (bitter and poisonous)
Why couldn'
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.
Please, elaborate. Provide some examples.
There are people who say altruism is caused by evolution.

They also say selfishness is caused by evolution.

What, did evolution get confused?
Why couldn't both be true in the same organism? And what else could possibly be the cause? I see no confusion there.
Have at it. Explain why evolution would put the exact opposite emotions in us.
Easy! Because in some situations, one emotion is advantageous, while in another situation, an "opposite" emotion may be advantageous. Sometimes fear and flight are the correct response, and sometimes aggression amd fighting are advatageous. That was kind of a softball question, brother.

And stop making dumb statements like, "if you know anything about microbiology, you cannot believe in evolution". How can you not see how absurd this is, when most scientists in that field believe in evolution? Just stop.
No, most scientists do not.

Now, tell me how DNA replicates.
The good news?
That your shepherd scattered the sheep and lead them to slaughter by herding them into Roman hands?
See Jim Jones, David Koresh and Applegate for resemblances.

The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

When do they wake up to realize they aren't helping the world, they are part of the problem in blindly following the pied piper off the cliff.

As opposed to the Torah, where they killed every one in the camp including the animals... and how about that flood??
Your hands are just as dirty as Christ's.

My hands? How old do you think I am? *L*
What does history and allegories of ancient tribes who turned out well have to do with declaring someone a good shepherd that failed so miserably the he would be fired by any shepherd employer in the world at any era?
You inadvertantly stumbled upon the problem, that being only Jesus was deemed "perfect" thus only Jesus could be Lucifer who'd be deemed perfect in
Ezekiel 28:15. In the real world we learn from mistakes and progress and grow=evolve. Which you can do by leaving your dirty laundry and ancient history as is, not whitewashing it to sell an image as "sinless" or harlot mother as a perpetual virgin.
You also can't judge acts from a linear standpoint of not knowing the results if the acts were not done.
Sort of like thr ole argument against the gulf war, always ignoring the facts they can't tell you how many deaths would have occured and events affecting more casualties if they didn't remove not just Saddam, but his crazy sadistic son Uday as well. We learn from past history and Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazadar recorded history left ENTACT with all it's horror tells us a lot about the possible results "if we allow repeated emulations occur" by not learning from our past to reshape our future to being more "stable complete & whole" (Shalem).
And then we have Beelzebub chiming in.
You keep forgetting the church claims Jesus is the 'lord out of the sky' (Beelzebub).
Another Ad Hominem response throwing your christ under the bus and showing your fallen star left you "wormwood" (bitter and poisonous)
Sure it does, Beelzebub. What else do you have for us in your book of lies today?
There are three groups of people concerning evolution.
  1. Those that do not believe in evolution.
  2. Those that believe in evolution.
  3. Those that believe evolution answers the questions to everything.
Groups 1 and 2 I understand and respect. Group 3, some of what we have in this thread, are pure looney and delusional.

It would be impossible to not believe evolution exists if you are even marginally informed. Impossible.
My opinion has always been why does evolution and creationism have to be antithetical?
Why would evolution not be a part of creationism?
Usually the creationist only belief is based on the notion of an omnipotent, absolute supremacy deity. A God that has never, or will ever make mistakes. If they believe that, they must not have ever read the bible.
Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?

Like I said, when you begin looking at the immense complexity of how life works at the smallest levels, you can have only one honest answer.
"Care to take a guess as to why the two men who discovered the human genome started their work as atheists and completed their work saying intelligent design did it?"

Utterly false. He became religious before he mapped (not discovered) the human genome, as you can read here in his own words:
FINDING MY RELIGION / Leader of the Human Genome Project argues in a new book that science and religion can coexist happily
Strawman. The only people who say religion and science cannot coexist are non religious people. Science keeps proving the Bible right because God invented science. I made my fortune on science. I love science.

So answer the question and stop tossing strawmen out to divert. What changed the minds of those men?
You response is not appropriate, and you did not read the article. I did not present that article because of its title. I prsented it so that you could read , in his own words, the prpject manager describing that he was religious before mapping the genpme.

In short, I directly debunked your lie. I have watched you be directly debunked many times already on this message board, and not once have you admitted your errors or admited you just made something up.
Why couldn'
Please, elaborate. Provide some examples.
There are people who say altruism is caused by evolution.

They also say selfishness is caused by evolution.

What, did evolution get confused?
Why couldn't both be true in the same organism? And what else could possibly be the cause? I see no confusion there.
Have at it. Explain why evolution would put the exact opposite emotions in us.
Easy! Because in some situations, one emotion is advantageous, while in another situation, an "opposite" emotion may be advantageous. Sometimes fear and flight are the correct response, and sometimes aggression amd fighting are advatageous. That was kind of a softball question, brother.

And stop making dumb statements like, "if you know anything about microbiology, you cannot believe in evolution". How can you not see how absurd this is, when most scientists in that field believe in evolution? Just stop.
No, most scientists do not.

Now, tell me how DNA replicates.
"No, most scientists do not."

ANOTHER blatant lie by you.

Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society

Is 98% more than 50%? Help us out here, Mr. Scientist.

I am done with you. All I have seen from you is a constant stream of lies and tired, debunked creationist talking points. No, I don't for a second believe you know the first thing about evolution, nor do I think you want to know anything about it. Have a nice day.

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