Understanding The Left

The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?

Your healthcare is still "controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place."
Isn’t it priceless. The partisans revel in lambasting the other side, but seem to miss their own intransigence in the process.

I asked you earlier to provide "their own intransigence."

It appears you couldn't.....a sure sign that you are a government school grad.

BTW.....good game last night....

Ok, here’s is an example of the rights intransigence. They have no qualms calling out the left for profligate government spending and then proceed to pass tax policies that run up our deficits. Fiscal conservatism is nothing but a canard to attack the Democratic Party. Here is another, the right is so concerned about taking pregnancies to birth that poor women could end up on public assistance because abortions would be illegal. Last time I checked welfare moms were frowned upon. Isn’t the goal to cut the benefits of people on the dole. Let’s go one more. The right with its incessant need to push morality and Christian values finds ways to justify men like President Trump who is the antithesis of such.

An excellent example of a flaw in the current presidency.....but, as the finest President in 100 years said, 'I''ll take 80% now, and come back for the rest later."

And that applies to the Trump presidency.

Here's a dozen reasons why Americans voted for Trump.

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...
...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Mostly worked out well.

Now look at what America will have if Democrats win, and see if you can argue for this:

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

Free health care for illegal aliens

Elizabeth Warren: “Warren's plan are: 100 percent zero-carbon pollution from new commercial and residential buildings by 2028; 100 percent zero emissions standards for all new cars, buses and light- and medium-duty trucks by 2030; and 100 percent zero-emission energy in electric generation by 2035.” How Elizabeth Warren would address climate change

Or...you can simply throw in the towel.....

Just to be clear, I do not support the progressive left anymore than the reactionary right. I do not march in lockstep with them on immigration. The majority of those items you mentioned will never come to fruition. They are campaign folderol to pander for votes.
Ok, here’s is an example of the rights intransigence. They have no qualms calling out the left for profligate government spending and then proceed to pass tax policies that run up our deficits. Fiscal conservatism is nothing but a canard to attack the Democratic Party. Here is another, the right is so concerned about taking pregnancies to birth that poor women could end up on public assistance because abortions would be illegal. Last time I checked welfare moms were frowned upon. Isn’t the goal to cut the benefits of people on the dole. Let’s go one more. The right with its incessant need to push morality and Christian values finds ways to justify men like President Trump who is the antithesis of such.

"The right with its incessant need to push morality and Christian values finds ways to justify men like President Trump who is the antithesis of such."

You are mistaking the Right for the Left.

The Left deifies their candidates....called Obama god, the messiah, Jesus.

The Right votes for policies not persons.

Disagreed. The GOP has the conservative Christian voting bloc. They do not vote for Democrats. By supporting President Trump they demonstrated that their “morality” is Party based.
this is just stupid beyond measure and totally stereotypical, completely void of actual facts.
Good, prove the part that’s wrong.

Oh wait. You can’t.

1. Everything I posted is factual.
See if you can find otherwise.

2. "... the reactionary right. "

There is no 'reactionary right,' 'Far Right' or extremist Right.'

Those are terms of art produced by the Far Left, the evil Left, etc. to try to pretend equivalence.

The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

Transforming from the positions that America was built on.

So far, I've given these examples of traditionally American positions...the 'center' against which to compare the positions.

Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,

LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.

A radical and Progressive position.

He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

8. Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,

"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

Oh...wait....he did build concentration camps for innocent civilians....his own citizens.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left: the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

A clear affront to the honor bestowed on the press by the first amendment.

And several times, I've presented this challenge: If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or reactionary Right, or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Still waiting.

Asked and answered in an earlier post. You glossed over them and dismissed them. That’s on you.
/---- Once in a while, try to post something more than strawman arguments from the libtard echo chamber. TIA.
View attachment 279680
Show the straw man or STFU
/---/ Your entire post os a strawman. Just sloganeering. "The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights
Conservatives care about the wealthy"
View attachment 279682
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education and civil rights.....they have the legislative record to support it

The right cares about supporting the wealthy......they have the legislative record to support it
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.
nope, no one could ever understand the left. they are evil pure and simple and have been since the earth began. Destruction is their only game.
Show the straw man or STFU
/---/ Your entire post os a strawman. Just sloganeering. "The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights
Conservatives care about the wealthy"
View attachment 279682
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education and civil rights.....they have the legislative record to support it

The right cares about supporting the wealthy......they have the legislative record to support it
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.
Sorry....but yet another FAIL on your part

All I asked for was one single piece of legislation from Republicans that helped the poor and working class and you couldn’t do it
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy

Thank God for that. I received a $3.75M tax cut!

What Federal rate does your Nevada Corporation pay?

This again? I don't pay rates, I pay the taxable liability which is 1.5% of revenue which is how ALL corporations figure costs.

I pay the taxable liability which is 1.5% of revenue

Your Nevada Corporation allows you to pay a Federal Corporate tax rate of 1.5% of revenue?

That's awesome!!!

You have any proof of your miraculous claim? Or are you lying again?
I asked you earlier to provide "their own intransigence."

It appears you couldn't.....a sure sign that you are a government school grad.

BTW.....good game last night....

Ok, here’s is an example of the rights intransigence. They have no qualms calling out the left for profligate government spending and then proceed to pass tax policies that run up our deficits. Fiscal conservatism is nothing but a canard to attack the Democratic Party. Here is another, the right is so concerned about taking pregnancies to birth that poor women could end up on public assistance because abortions would be illegal. Last time I checked welfare moms were frowned upon. Isn’t the goal to cut the benefits of people on the dole. Let’s go one more. The right with its incessant need to push morality and Christian values finds ways to justify men like President Trump who is the antithesis of such.

An excellent example of a flaw in the current presidency.....but, as the finest President in 100 years said, 'I''ll take 80% now, and come back for the rest later."

And that applies to the Trump presidency.

Here's a dozen reasons why Americans voted for Trump.

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...
...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Mostly worked out well.

Now look at what America will have if Democrats win, and see if you can argue for this:

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

Free health care for illegal aliens

Elizabeth Warren: “Warren's plan are: 100 percent zero-carbon pollution from new commercial and residential buildings by 2028; 100 percent zero emissions standards for all new cars, buses and light- and medium-duty trucks by 2030; and 100 percent zero-emission energy in electric generation by 2035.” How Elizabeth Warren would address climate change

Or...you can simply throw in the towel.....

Just to be clear, I do not support the progressive left anymore than the reactionary right. I do not march in lockstep with them on immigration. The majority of those items you mentioned will never come to fruition. They are campaign folderol to pander for votes.
"The right with its incessant need to push morality and Christian values finds ways to justify men like President Trump who is the antithesis of such."

You are mistaking the Right for the Left.

The Left deifies their candidates....called Obama god, the messiah, Jesus.

The Right votes for policies not persons.

Disagreed. The GOP has the conservative Christian voting bloc. They do not vote for Democrats. By supporting President Trump they demonstrated that their “morality” is Party based.
this is just stupid beyond measure and totally stereotypical, completely void of actual facts.
Good, prove the part that’s wrong.

Oh wait. You can’t.

1. Everything I posted is factual.
See if you can find otherwise.

2. "... the reactionary right. "

There is no 'reactionary right,' 'Far Right' or extremist Right.'

Those are terms of art produced by the Far Left, the evil Left, etc. to try to pretend equivalence.

The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

Transforming from the positions that America was built on.

So far, I've given these examples of traditionally American positions...the 'center' against which to compare the positions.

Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,

LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.

A radical and Progressive position.

He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

8. Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,

"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

Oh...wait....he did build concentration camps for innocent civilians....his own citizens.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left: the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

A clear affront to the honor bestowed on the press by the first amendment.

And several times, I've presented this challenge: If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or reactionary Right, or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Still waiting.

Asked and answered in an earlier post. You glossed over them and dismissed them. That’s on you.

Let's review.

1. You couldn't refute any of the reasons I listed for voting for Trump

2. You couldn't refute any of the promises for America that Democrats promised if elected.

3. You couldn't find a single 'reactionary'- your word- or Far or extreme position of the GOP.

4. You clearly don't understand the origins of Democrat/Progressive/Leftist doctrines....that would be Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx.

5. I claimed you must be a government school grad.....bet I'm correct on that as well.

What more is there to say?

Thank's for dropping by.
Show the straw man or STFU
/---/ Your entire post os a strawman. Just sloganeering. "The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights
Conservatives care about the wealthy"
View attachment 279682
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education and civil rights.....they have the legislative record to support it

The right cares about supporting the wealthy......they have the legislative record to support it
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.

You might also point out that there is no perennial class called the 'wealthy.'

"...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character." https://imprimisarchives.hillsdale.edu/file/archives/pdf/2013_05_Imprimis.pdf

Another lie from the lying Left.
/---/ Your entire post os a strawman. Just sloganeering. "The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights
Conservatives care about the wealthy"
View attachment 279682
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education and civil rights.....they have the legislative record to support it

The right cares about supporting the wealthy......they have the legislative record to support it
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.
Sorry....but yet another FAIL on your part

All I asked for was one single piece of legislation from Republicans that helped the poor and working class and you couldn’t do it
/----/ ... allow me to address that whole “conservatives don’t like poor people” idea directly. Exhibit A: Charitable giving. I love my liberal friends, and know many who are generous with their money and time – but as Reagan said, facts are stubborn things, and the numbers don’t lie. Conservatives give substantially more to charity than liberals every year. Republicans are often attacked as not being compassionate for opposing government welfare programs, but that is a function of our belief in the proper role of government, not hostility to people in lower income brackets. More than that, a quick look at income levels throughout the US shows that the twenty or so lowest income states are red states, while most of the states above the median income level are reliably blue. Combined, these facts tend to rebut the idea that conservatives as people are anti-poor. Republicans and the Poor - A Conservative's Perspective
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Science. It is science.
Stupidity has become the most common trait among those on the right.

You have allowed Trump, Limbaugh, Mindwars & Fox to make you a pack of blithering idiots.

No one took your healthcare asshole. If you lost your doctor, it was because you were too stupid to pick a plan that included him.

Education, obvious something ou lack.

Civil rights? You assfiucks are pissed because you can't discriminate.
Its pseudo bullshit. Not science.
Medicare for all would have to eliminate private insurance. Millions of people lost their healthcare under ACA and you call them stupid. You are a bigoted asshole.
Special rights are special rights. Period.
No reason to eliminate private insurance

But once Medicare is available to everyone, private coverage will fade away

And we will all be on government healthcare. What could possibly go wrong?

I swear you guys are getting dumber by the day.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education and civil rights.....they have the legislative record to support it

The right cares about supporting the wealthy......they have the legislative record to support it
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.
Sorry....but yet another FAIL on your part

All I asked for was one single piece of legislation from Republicans that helped the poor and working class and you couldn’t do it
/----/ ... allow me to address that whole “conservatives don’t like poor people” idea directly. Exhibit A: Charitable giving. I love my liberal friends, and know many who are generous with their money and time – but as Reagan said, facts are stubborn things, and the numbers don’t lie. Conservatives give substantially more to charity than liberals every year. Republicans are often attacked as not being compassionate for opposing government welfare programs, but that is a function of our belief in the proper role of government, not hostility to people in lower income brackets. More than that, a quick look at income levels throughout the US shows that the twenty or so lowest income states are red states, while most of the states above the median income level are reliably blue. Combined, these facts tend to rebut the idea that conservatives as people are anti-poor. Republicans and the Poor - A Conservative's Perspective

Maybe we should add this:

“Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

That happened on Tuesday when a quote by Neera Tanden, a former Obama aide and current president of the Center for American Progress, appearing in a story by John Heilemann in New York raised eyebrows:

"People say the reason Obama wouldn't call Clinton is because he doesn't like him. The truth is, Obama doesn't call anyone, and he's not close to almost anyone. It's stunning that he's in politics, because he really doesn't like people."
Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

“…Tanden, who "served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill," according to her bio at the Center for American Progress. She is currently president and CEO of the liberal organization.”

Democrat Obama the only President with a "kill list" in the Oval Office.....

The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians.
Disposition Matrix - Wikipedia
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Science. It is science.
Stupidity has become the most common trait among those on the right.

You have allowed Trump, Limbaugh, Mindwars & Fox to make you a pack of blithering idiots.

No one took your healthcare asshole. If you lost your doctor, it was because you were too stupid to pick a plan that included him.

Education, obvious something ou lack.

Civil rights? You assfiucks are pissed because you can't discriminate.

Science. It is science.

If we waste...err...invest $76 trillion in windmills, how much cooler does science say it will be in 2080?

Ignoring climate change is more costly than fighting it.

We are talking about AGW, not just climate change. We can't fix it because it is cyclical you numb skull.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Science. It is science.
Stupidity has become the most common trait among those on the right.

You have allowed Trump, Limbaugh, Mindwars & Fox to make you a pack of blithering idiots.

No one took your healthcare asshole. If you lost your doctor, it was because you were too stupid to pick a plan that included him.

Education, obvious something ou lack.

Civil rights? You assfiucks are pissed because you can't discriminate.
Its pseudo bullshit. Not science.
Medicare for all would have to eliminate private insurance. Millions of people lost their healthcare under ACA and you call them stupid. You are a bigoted asshole.
Special rights are special rights. Period.
No reason to eliminate private insurance

But once Medicare is available to everyone, private coverage will fade away

And we will all be on government healthcare. What could possibly go wrong?

I swear you guys are getting dumber by the day.

Some are dumb, and some know the truth.....and just lie.
Leftists consider lying their birthright.
/---/ Your entire post os a strawman. Just sloganeering. "The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights
Conservatives care about the wealthy"
View attachment 279682
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education and civil rights.....they have the legislative record to support it

The right cares about supporting the wealthy......they have the legislative record to support it
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.

You might also point out that there is no perennial class called the 'wealthy.'

"...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character." https://imprimisarchives.hillsdale.edu/file/archives/pdf/2013_05_Imprimis.pdf

Another lie from the lying Left.
if i cant get him to stop playing pinata with trumps penis, anything else really doesn't stand a chance.
/---/ Your entire post os a strawman. Just sloganeering. "The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights
Conservatives care about the wealthy"
View attachment 279682
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education and civil rights.....they have the legislative record to support it

The right cares about supporting the wealthy......they have the legislative record to support it
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.
Sorry....but yet another FAIL on your part

All I asked for was one single piece of legislation from Republicans that helped the poor and working class and you couldn’t do it
um... this would be after i asked you to prove your initial assertion.

you failed 100% in that and lobbed in a red herring of TRUMP and now that i won't play your TRUMP game, you get mad and do ... well this shit. you lob shit out, won't prove it and when pushed, dance around like someone shoved a roll of quarters up your ass and demand people give YOU what YOU won't give THEM.

god you're pathetic.
Ok, here’s is an example of the rights intransigence. They have no qualms calling out the left for profligate government spending and then proceed to pass tax policies that run up our deficits. Fiscal conservatism is nothing but a canard to attack the Democratic Party. Here is another, the right is so concerned about taking pregnancies to birth that poor women could end up on public assistance because abortions would be illegal. Last time I checked welfare moms were frowned upon. Isn’t the goal to cut the benefits of people on the dole. Let’s go one more. The right with its incessant need to push morality and Christian values finds ways to justify men like President Trump who is the antithesis of such.

An excellent example of a flaw in the current presidency.....but, as the finest President in 100 years said, 'I''ll take 80% now, and come back for the rest later."

And that applies to the Trump presidency.

Here's a dozen reasons why Americans voted for Trump.

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...
...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Mostly worked out well.

Now look at what America will have if Democrats win, and see if you can argue for this:

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

Free health care for illegal aliens

Elizabeth Warren: “Warren's plan are: 100 percent zero-carbon pollution from new commercial and residential buildings by 2028; 100 percent zero emissions standards for all new cars, buses and light- and medium-duty trucks by 2030; and 100 percent zero-emission energy in electric generation by 2035.” How Elizabeth Warren would address climate change

Or...you can simply throw in the towel.....

Just to be clear, I do not support the progressive left anymore than the reactionary right. I do not march in lockstep with them on immigration. The majority of those items you mentioned will never come to fruition. They are campaign folderol to pander for votes.
Disagreed. The GOP has the conservative Christian voting bloc. They do not vote for Democrats. By supporting President Trump they demonstrated that their “morality” is Party based.
this is just stupid beyond measure and totally stereotypical, completely void of actual facts.
Good, prove the part that’s wrong.

Oh wait. You can’t.

1. Everything I posted is factual.
See if you can find otherwise.

2. "... the reactionary right. "

There is no 'reactionary right,' 'Far Right' or extremist Right.'

Those are terms of art produced by the Far Left, the evil Left, etc. to try to pretend equivalence.

The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

Transforming from the positions that America was built on.

So far, I've given these examples of traditionally American positions...the 'center' against which to compare the positions.

Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,

LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.

A radical and Progressive position.

He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

8. Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,

"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

Oh...wait....he did build concentration camps for innocent civilians....his own citizens.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left: the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

A clear affront to the honor bestowed on the press by the first amendment.

And several times, I've presented this challenge: If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or reactionary Right, or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Still waiting.

Asked and answered in an earlier post. You glossed over them and dismissed them. That’s on you.

Let's review.

1. You couldn't refute any of the reasons I listed for voting for Trump

2. You couldn't refute any of the promises for America that Democrats promised if elected.

3. You couldn't find a single 'reactionary'- your word- or Far or extreme position of the GOP.

4. You clearly don't understand the origins of Democrat/Progressive/Leftist doctrines....that would be Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx.

5. I claimed you must be a government school grad.....bet I'm correct on that as well.

What more is there to say?

Thank's for dropping by

Ok, here’s is an example of the rights intransigence. They have no qualms calling out the left for profligate government spending and then proceed to pass tax policies that run up our deficits. Fiscal conservatism is nothing but a canard to attack the Democratic Party. Here is another, the right is so concerned about taking pregnancies to birth that poor women could end up on public assistance because abortions would be illegal. Last time I checked welfare moms were frowned upon. Isn’t the goal to cut the benefits of people on the dole. Let’s go one more. The right with its incessant need to push morality and Christian values finds ways to justify men like President Trump who is the antithesis of such.

An excellent example of a flaw in the current presidency.....but, as the finest President in 100 years said, 'I''ll take 80% now, and come back for the rest later."

And that applies to the Trump presidency.

Here's a dozen reasons why Americans voted for Trump.

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...
...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Mostly worked out well.

Now look at what America will have if Democrats win, and see if you can argue for this:

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

Free health care for illegal aliens

Elizabeth Warren: “Warren's plan are: 100 percent zero-carbon pollution from new commercial and residential buildings by 2028; 100 percent zero emissions standards for all new cars, buses and light- and medium-duty trucks by 2030; and 100 percent zero-emission energy in electric generation by 2035.” How Elizabeth Warren would address climate change

Or...you can simply throw in the towel.....

Just to be clear, I do not support the progressive left anymore than the reactionary right. I do not march in lockstep with them on immigration. The majority of those items you mentioned will never come to fruition. They are campaign folderol to pander for votes.
Disagreed. The GOP has the conservative Christian voting bloc. They do not vote for Democrats. By supporting President Trump they demonstrated that their “morality” is Party based.
this is just stupid beyond measure and totally stereotypical, completely void of actual facts.
Good, prove the part that’s wrong.

Oh wait. You can’t.

1. Everything I posted is factual.
See if you can find otherwise.

2. "... the reactionary right. "

There is no 'reactionary right,' 'Far Right' or extremist Right.'

Those are terms of art produced by the Far Left, the evil Left, etc. to try to pretend equivalence.

The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

Transforming from the positions that America was built on.

So far, I've given these examples of traditionally American positions...the 'center' against which to compare the positions.

Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,

LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.

A radical and Progressive position.

He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

8. Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,

"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

Oh...wait....he did build concentration camps for innocent civilians....his own citizens.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left: the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

A clear affront to the honor bestowed on the press by the first amendment.

And several times, I've presented this challenge: If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or reactionary Right, or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Still waiting.

Asked and answered in an earlier post. You glossed over them and dismissed them. That’s on you.

Let's review.

1. You couldn't refute any of the reasons I listed for voting for Trump

2. You couldn't refute any of the promises for America that Democrats promised if elected.

3. You couldn't find a single 'reactionary'- your word- or Far or extreme position of the GOP.

4. You clearly don't understand the origins of Democrat/Progressive/Leftist doctrines....that would be Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx.

5. I claimed you must be a government school grad.....bet I'm correct on that as well.

What more is there to say?

Thank's for dropping by.

1. Hyperbole dismissed

2. Those promises are campaign rhetoric designed to influence the vote. They will never become law.

3. Abortion without any exceptions has been proposed by the some members of the GOP. That’s extreme.

4. More hyperbole, again dismissed

5. Incorrect

Thanks for playing
An excellent example of a flaw in the current presidency.....but, as the finest President in 100 years said, 'I''ll take 80% now, and come back for the rest later."

And that applies to the Trump presidency.

Here's a dozen reasons why Americans voted for Trump.

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...
...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Mostly worked out well.

Now look at what America will have if Democrats win, and see if you can argue for this:

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

Free health care for illegal aliens

Elizabeth Warren: “Warren's plan are: 100 percent zero-carbon pollution from new commercial and residential buildings by 2028; 100 percent zero emissions standards for all new cars, buses and light- and medium-duty trucks by 2030; and 100 percent zero-emission energy in electric generation by 2035.” How Elizabeth Warren would address climate change

Or...you can simply throw in the towel.....

Just to be clear, I do not support the progressive left anymore than the reactionary right. I do not march in lockstep with them on immigration. The majority of those items you mentioned will never come to fruition. They are campaign folderol to pander for votes.
this is just stupid beyond measure and totally stereotypical, completely void of actual facts.
Good, prove the part that’s wrong.

Oh wait. You can’t.

1. Everything I posted is factual.
See if you can find otherwise.

2. "... the reactionary right. "

There is no 'reactionary right,' 'Far Right' or extremist Right.'

Those are terms of art produced by the Far Left, the evil Left, etc. to try to pretend equivalence.

The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

Transforming from the positions that America was built on.

So far, I've given these examples of traditionally American positions...the 'center' against which to compare the positions.

Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,

LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.

A radical and Progressive position.

He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

8. Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,

"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

Oh...wait....he did build concentration camps for innocent civilians....his own citizens.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left: the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

A clear affront to the honor bestowed on the press by the first amendment.

And several times, I've presented this challenge: If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or reactionary Right, or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Still waiting.

Asked and answered in an earlier post. You glossed over them and dismissed them. That’s on you.

Let's review.

1. You couldn't refute any of the reasons I listed for voting for Trump

2. You couldn't refute any of the promises for America that Democrats promised if elected.

3. You couldn't find a single 'reactionary'- your word- or Far or extreme position of the GOP.

4. You clearly don't understand the origins of Democrat/Progressive/Leftist doctrines....that would be Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx.

5. I claimed you must be a government school grad.....bet I'm correct on that as well.

What more is there to say?

Thank's for dropping by

An excellent example of a flaw in the current presidency.....but, as the finest President in 100 years said, 'I''ll take 80% now, and come back for the rest later."

And that applies to the Trump presidency.

Here's a dozen reasons why Americans voted for Trump.

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,

against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...
...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

Mostly worked out well.

Now look at what America will have if Democrats win, and see if you can argue for this:

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the border.....no sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

And…if you had the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

Free health care for illegal aliens

Elizabeth Warren: “Warren's plan are: 100 percent zero-carbon pollution from new commercial and residential buildings by 2028; 100 percent zero emissions standards for all new cars, buses and light- and medium-duty trucks by 2030; and 100 percent zero-emission energy in electric generation by 2035.” How Elizabeth Warren would address climate change

Or...you can simply throw in the towel.....

Just to be clear, I do not support the progressive left anymore than the reactionary right. I do not march in lockstep with them on immigration. The majority of those items you mentioned will never come to fruition. They are campaign folderol to pander for votes.
this is just stupid beyond measure and totally stereotypical, completely void of actual facts.
Good, prove the part that’s wrong.

Oh wait. You can’t.

1. Everything I posted is factual.
See if you can find otherwise.

2. "... the reactionary right. "

There is no 'reactionary right,' 'Far Right' or extremist Right.'

Those are terms of art produced by the Far Left, the evil Left, etc. to try to pretend equivalence.

The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

Transforming from the positions that America was built on.

So far, I've given these examples of traditionally American positions...the 'center' against which to compare the positions.

Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,

LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.

A radical and Progressive position.

He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

8. Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,

"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

Oh...wait....he did build concentration camps for innocent civilians....his own citizens.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left: the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

A clear affront to the honor bestowed on the press by the first amendment.

And several times, I've presented this challenge: If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or reactionary Right, or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Still waiting.

Asked and answered in an earlier post. You glossed over them and dismissed them. That’s on you.

Let's review.

1. You couldn't refute any of the reasons I listed for voting for Trump

2. You couldn't refute any of the promises for America that Democrats promised if elected.

3. You couldn't find a single 'reactionary'- your word- or Far or extreme position of the GOP.

4. You clearly don't understand the origins of Democrat/Progressive/Leftist doctrines....that would be Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx.

5. I claimed you must be a government school grad.....bet I'm correct on that as well.

What more is there to say?

Thank's for dropping by.

1. Hyperbole dismissed

2. Those promises are campaign rhetoric designed to influence the vote. They will never become law.

3. Abortion without any exceptions has been proposed by the some members of the GOP. That’s extreme.

4. More hyperbole, again dismissed

5. Incorrect

Thanks for playing

"Dismissed' is but another way to admit that I am correct, and you can't deny or refute.

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